Years ago
New Australian Rep jerseys by PEAK
Years ago
Years ago
Better, but still has nothing on our Olympic ones. Going back to 2008 I think:
Yeah I prefer the darker green and the gold. Not Fluor yellow.
As far as uniform design, colour and presentation are concerned, they look like absolute shit.
It would be great if they took some care and consideration with what they are presenting. I understand the brand is PEAK not NIKE or ADIDAS, but if you look at other uniform designs...they talk about the materials, the history - "with this jersey we are paying homage to the 92 Boomers team that played the original Dream Team, etc..." by way of example.
The jersey is not informed by anything to do with the Boomers or Basketball in Australia and the colour schemes are rubbish.
Years ago
Hopefully with Ben Simmons participation in the future Nike will want to get on board soon!
Years ago
PEAK are doing the uniforms until 2020. Just announced by BA.
Nike had the Olympic rights for Beijing from memory. Uniforms for Olympics are determined by the contract the AOC signs for each olympiad. Peak will never get a look in at that contract
Is that why PEAK can't use a similar colour scheme? Interesting. They still could use something better than what they came up with, though. Did the AOC sign with Nike for 2020?
OK I found it the following information.
Nike were up to 2008.
adidas were from 2009-2016.
Can't find who they signed up as the apparel provider (summer)for 2017-2020?
On the AOC official sponsors and partners page there is no summer apparel provider listed. o_O
Take note this is for Summer. Winter gear is separate (coming up in 2018) and is supplied by Karbon.
Years ago
I think we can all rest easy knowing that these jerseys wont be the ones used in any tournament worth noting and certainly not at the Olympics. I think they look better than the last jersey but still, it's as if they're not even trying.
Years ago
Adidas jerseys were had at Rio were perfect. These look cheap.
I'd like to see an Aussie brand get the nod.
Wouldn't it be cool to have a
Mambo or billabong jersey.
Would certainly help the brand.
Peak - Chinese
Under armour - USA
Adidas - German
Reebok - UK
Nike - USA
Etc etc
Mambo or Billabong don't do sports outside of surfing etc. They would turn out horrible as it isn't their expertise. LOL. But good point how there are no Australian sports apparel companies which is pathetic really.
They look cheap and putrid! Lettering too low! Doesn't look like a national team uniform! I've seen many social teams with better uniforms! OzLooms, can you help them please.
Billabong do make basketball jerseys btw.
It's billabong athletic apparel.
Dane Suttle
Years ago
There's plenty of Australian companies that specialise in Athletic team wear and fitness gear and employ designers, Joust, Summit to name a couple. Quicksilver have a fitness range that is in Rebel Sport and could easily do great designs using the very best and up to date fabrics. It's not the ability to design, the fabrics available etc that stop any of these from getting involved. It's purely the cash! Players like Nike and Adidas aren't interested in these type of deals, the Olympics is a different story.
Yes, but none of them are interested in supporting their national team so we have to go to a Chinese brand. Pathetic support.
Is it that hard to just do a simple green and gold uniform with Australia or AUS on it. Use the KISS principle, keep it simple stupid!
Don't get fancy with shades of green or yellow, go to bunnings paint section, grab a few colour samples and go from there. Probably paying some design guru six figures to knock up something a primary school kid could do.
LOL @ using paint samples from Bunnings for graphic design.
Years ago
Argentina just went from Li Ning to Jordan Brand!!!
Oh wow, why can't we get that. Oh wait BA are hopeless!
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