Years ago
News on a Dennis Rodman NBA comeback
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Rodman on NBA rebound? Not likely
An urgent message is being sent to the Bulls:
Before signing free-agent power forwards Malik Allen and Darius Songaila, consider adding a seven-time NBA rebounding leader instead.
Of course, there's a catch. The available player is 44-year-old Dennis Rodman, whose last appearance in an NBA uniform came in 2000 when he spent 12 games with the Dallas Mavericks.
Then again, Rodman was wildly popular here when he played for the Bulls' three championship teams from 1995-98, as much for his off-court antics as his ferocious defense.
"He would love to come back," said Rodman's agent, Darren Prince. "He loves the people of Chicago, loves the city. I'm sure the fans would embrace him. All we've asked is to come in for a tryout."
Bulls general manager John Paxson acknowledged that he has taken a few phone calls from Prince, but he chose not to comment on Rodman. It's safe to say the 6-foot-8 showman does not rank high on the Bulls' wish list.
"I'm in constant contact with several GMs, but no one has pulled the trigger yet," Prince said. "His top choices are L.A. and Chicago. He would love to reunite with Phil Jackson (on the Lakers), and he would love to go back to Chicago. Both cities love him."
A Rodman comeback has been threatened for the past few years. He played in the minor-league American Basketball Association and flirted with the Denver Nuggets.
His latest strategy is playing in exhibition games with club teams around the world. China, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Finland and Sweden are among the visits he has made or has planned.
"I know he wasn't playing against NBA all-stars, but in China he had 19 points, 18 rebounds and 8 assists," Prince said. "He ran up the court in that grasshopper trot he's got. He was moving fine.
"Like I've been telling all the general managers, we'll bring him in for a tryout and you can judge for yourself. I know he could still do it."
Whether he returns to the NBA or not, Rodman figures to stay in the headlines. He will launch a publicity tour next month to promote his third autobiography, titled "I Should Be Dead By Now." This book is supposed to cover Rodman's life from 1996 to the present.
According to Prince, Rodman has been sober for nearly two years. The decision to cease heavy drinking came right around the time Rodman crashed his motorcycle in the parking lot of a Las Vegas strip club.
This summer, Rodman participated in the Wife Carrying World Championships in Finland, though he didn't carry his own wife or complete the full course. He also was accused of stealing a hat from a Colorado gas station during a celebrity road rally.
No charges were filed after an anonymous fan paid for the disputed item.
Chicago could use a colorful sports personality, but it appears the Bulls will carry on without Rodman. Paxson said the signing of Allen will become official once the 6-10 forward arrives in town for a physical.
The Bulls likely will sign Songaila to an offer sheet soon, with efforts to construct a three-way trade that would allow Songaila to receive a higher salary considered a longshot. Sacramento does not plan to match an offer for the 6-9 native of Lithuania.
Paxson also said he has had frequent discussions with the agents for Tyson Chandler and Eddy Curry, though the two restricted free agents remain unsigned.
Paxson did not rule out bringing back guard Jannero Pargo, another restricted free agent who has received interest from several teams.