Coach LIam Flynn
Years ago
New Dates - Player Development Sessions
Hi Folks,
I am happy to announce two more dates for my Player Development Sessions in June 2017.
These sessions are open to boys and girls who are looking to improve their skill set and also experience what its like to be trained "like a pro".
Each session has a maximum of four (4) players so you get targeted instruction specific to your game.
Dates: Saturday June 17th & Saturday June 24th 2017
Location: St Michaels Primary School, Beverley (Adelaide)
Cost: $75 per session
Times: 4pm - 5pm (U12s & U14s), 5pm - 6pm (U16s & U18s).
Email [email protected] to register. Registrations close Friday 9th June 2017.
For more information, as well as, references from past professional basketball players I have worked with, log on to http://www.coachliamflynn.com/player-development/
Coach Liam Flynn