" there are other ways without promoting stereotypes and failing to understanding what feminism is."
Oh I understand perfectly what feminism is. I've been watching the third wave for a few years now make nothings into somethings and blow myths out of proportion with the sole purpose of justifying their own existence. Sorry, but in 2017, feminism has absolutely no cause to fight, so they're inventing causes such as 'manspreading', 'mansplaining', and 'the gender pay gap', which is merely the differences in averages of pay across both genders and does not take into account occupation, credentials, hours worked, sick & maternity leave, etc. In 1950, I would have been a feminist. But now? Far from. Feminists act like gender roles only negatively effect women. They act like men are not equally disadvantaged in many ways. The way they carry on, you'd think prostate cancer got more than 15% of the funding breast cancer gets, that women were drafted into the army by virtue of their gender in times of war, and that they made up 99% of the workplace fatalities and died 5 years earlier on average!
I understand feminism completely, Anonymous.
"Personally if they are going to use dancers i would prefer people who are actully entertaining to watch dance (like a hip hop dance group) not people with limited talents that are supposed to be "sexy" at a family game."
I know feminists like to use the define and describe argument model, Anonymous, so let's play this game where you feel most at home. Define sexy for me, if you please? I mean, feminists spend their whole time talking about how the female body isn't sexual, so then why should shows of the female body be "sexy"?
I will wait for you to malfunction like a robot trying to comprehend a paradox.
"No its not funny. Its sexist and fails to actually make a point beyond being insulting. "
It might have been sexist if I said all women. I did not say 'women'. I said, very specifically, feminists. And for that point to hold true I should not have to say "not all feminists", but the ones who cultivate arm pit hair to disgust men, yet for whatever reason still want to be called beautiful and court male acknowledgement.
So put that in your bra and burn it, Germaine Clementine Ford Greer.