Years ago

stay away from Norwood juniors

anyone looking to move or join a junior club in SA, my advice is stay the heck away from Norwood Flames.
the flash stadium and the coaching director will do their best to lure you in but do not be fooled. it is a SHAMBLES!
call them, forget having a returned phone call or email.... for weeks, months even.
they have the most expensive fees in the comp by 100 a season. Uniform is a profit making machine - you pay them and then about maybe 3 months to 6 months later it MAY arrive - $280 later for shorts and 2 tops.

They are pushing through team after team - 3 boys team in division 5 or 6! - if your child is not a DIV 1 player, you may be shoved in a team with no coach and a random parent will 'coach' your child, whilst you pay the club the full fee expecting development.

This club was once is now a fully fledged money making machine, shiny on the outside and broken on the inside.

the development is terrible. any kid being developed well is doing it off their own back, they do not follow the recommendations of the high performance committee and miss communicating state trials or NITP opportunities.

There is no standard in shooting, there is no consistency - just the opportunity to grab some grass roots eastern suburb kids through the domestic programs and school comps and have fallen lucky with talent falling in their lap.

if your child is at Norwood and you have been thinking things dont seem right, they AREN'T go and speak to another club ANY other club.

Topic #40966 | Report this topic

Years ago

Sounds like a disgruntled parent speaking. I'm not involved in any club, but I'd recommend no voicing grievances such as this online as it can promote defamation.

Reply #628963 | Report this post

Years ago

Sounds like most clubs in vjbl!

Reply #628964 | Report this post

Years ago

"Random parents" coaching kids? Welcome to junior sport. Who are you expecting?

Uniforms, you get what you pay for. If you want to outfit your kid at K-Mart and iron their number on, no doubt there are cheaper clubs.

"They are pushing through team after team - 3 boys team in division 5 or 6! "
So, you'd rather your child didn't make it onto a team?

The problem in this country is that people become far too accustomed to the government looking after their kids for free. From the moment the missus is pregnant, to the time he graduates university, we think the guvment should pay for everything.

Maybe get of your arse, learn a few things, do a couple of coaching courses, and you can coach your kid's team.

Reply #628967 | Report this post

Years ago

This grievance is to warn other parents, in SA and has come after a long time trying to work through various issues to no avail.

when i say random parents, i mean exactly that - whoever feels obligated as the week of the childs first match, there is no coach allocated.

Drop kids off to training and no coach exists and in some cases, no one was even there.

This is fine for a social team this is not ok for a district side.

i mention the uniform as it is marked up riculously... this is not done at other clubs. These are facts.

Reply #628968 | Report this post

The Last Tango  
Years ago

From outside looking in I think Norwood are doing an amazing job.

Being involved in another district club I know even finding Division 1 coaches is incredibly hard.

Division 5? your getting a parent. Good luck trying to find a volunteer coach who has to put up with 'my boy is LBJ' parents and kids who have just started and come into the game late, don't turn up to practice or even games.

Unfortunately you do need to create coaches by attracting parents into the role. Its a thankless task, you get paid absolutely nothing and have to put up with parents like anon who expect the world. The problem seems to be your son is a district player in division 5, your thinking is 'elite' but no one else is. Perhaps he should be playing domestic basketball.

Reply #628970 | Report this post

Years ago

A quality set of mens uniforms is about $80. Top and shorts.

Reply #628973 | Report this post

Years ago

i do not expect the world. i do not think my child is lebron.
my child plays in division 1 not that this post has anything to do with player placement.

the post is up for the parents who need to see it. the ones with kids at norwood will know exactly what is being referred to here and i am simply letting people know that this is the case for many, if not most families now...

anyone looking to join.... ask as many questions as possible.

Reply #628975 | Report this post

Years ago

yes, thank you... other clubs charge maximum of $150 for a players uniform... there's still profit in that and nothing wrong with that... but compare the fees, compare the merch, compare the quality of coaching and the promises vs delivery..

Reply #628976 | Report this post

Duke Fan  
Years ago

"Sounds like a disgruntled parent speaking"

Ya think? haha

Reply #628978 | Report this post

Years ago

I am understanding of what OP is saying. However, simple supply and demand laws are in place. Norwood have big numbers and their members are obviously happy to pay the extra amounts to play for the club and for their uniforms. Norwoods demographics also probably suggest they have the more affluent members of any club.

As for having too many teams so players are not getting a chance or/and just mum/dad coaches, then it is up to that parent to decided whether or not it is better to go to another club. I know of one boy that went from being in div 5 of one club to div 2 of another club. I thought he would struggle but he has adapted and is all the better for it. How teams can play with 9 players in a non timed game I don't know.

As for what the club offers in those lower levels it is pretty much the same at all clubs.

OP is just making the point that it is a more expensive club and has less opportunities compared with other clubs which is fair enough to mention. I don't think there is any malice in what they are saying.

Reply #628981 | Report this post

Years ago

no malice in what i was saying, just passion... albeit tinged with a fair bit of hair being pulled out.

the club is TOO big to handle the emails, calls all things that need to be attended to over time.

Talking with parents,... i seriously dont think they even realise paying $400 for winter season is not standard nor is the uniform cost...

issue with too many teams shoved in divisions 5 and 6 is more that there is room there as other clubs dont have teams there and Norwood end up playing each other week in and week out. If that is what you want, sign up for it and enjoy watching your kid have fun.. for some that is enough... but MANY were promised other things by well meaning people and after forking out all the cash to get started this is often a disappointment and a frustration.

i have been around long enough to know that politics and rubbish exists at every club and much about junior club sport is learning to adjust and adapt to different situations, coaches and structures and making the most of it... i am not an idiot entitled, disillusioned parent..

Reply #628984 | Report this post

Years ago

Once again, you are voicing it in a public forum. Handle it directly with the people or person involved. If you don't like it, try another team, but never bash a person or club online. Not the way to handle it. Don't be surprised if they ask for your details.

Reply #628994 | Report this post

Years ago

Every coach I had until Rep level was some "random parent", sometimes they were the older brother's of another kid on the team or an older teen from one of the more senior teams.

I played for shambles teams in good leagues, and good teams in shambles leagues, big clubs with a lot of teams, and teams that didn't belong to any club, and any other combination you can think of.

In hindsight I have both good and bad memories of some teams and some coaches, but at the end of the day if it wasn't for the thankless volunteering of the parents there wouldn't have been a team at all for most of those teams.

I played in and won grand finals under parent coaches, and placed bottom of the ladder under specific team coaches.

I've seen kids getting one on one coaching from former NBL greats (think D-Mac) at what looked to be at 10 years old with their parents sitting on the sidelines like hawks. Interested to see if any of those kids stick with it and turn it in to something, or if the parents were living through their kids.

Let your kids enjoy the game for the sake of it being a game, rather than putting them in to a club with the hope of "developing" a future pro.

Reply #628995 | Report this post

Years ago

Ah, so the truth finally comes out. You're one of "those" parents.

Your kid plays in division one, and you think that's all that's important, everyone else's kid should just bugger off so the club can look after you

I don't know what league your child plays in, but I'm sure if you hunt around you'll find a club to fit your needs. There usually are a few clubs that only focus on the top players.
Or is Norwood the only club where your child can make division one?

Reply #628996 | Report this post

Years ago

So why rip off the kid if 2 shorts and one top costs $120 at the clubs costs and charge the juniors $280. Rip off. Let alone all the other crap.

Reply #629016 | Report this post

Years ago

Firstly, there does seem a lot of bitterness from the OP, if you are that unhappy with Norwood, leave and go to another club.
In respect to the points made, parents are going to have to coach teams, especially the lower divs, there's not an endless supply of coaches out there, often they are a better option than a young immature kid that aren't up to it. Years ago when I first started I was a premier league player but was expected to start with a lower div, in my case div 5, serve my apprenticeship and work my way up which I did to div 1. It seems these days anything div 3 and below are beneath new coaches and they expect immediately to coach at a higher level without first paying their dues. With that however I and other coaches were given a lot of support from the coaching director or JDO in developing, recent experience from what I've seen is that there may be one coach the coaches session per year and then it's work it out yourself. Div 1 coaches have their own teams to sort out, it should be the coaching director that should organise more clinics and attend trainings to help out less experienced coaches as well as attending games. From what I've seen they only seem to go to div 1 games and their primary aim is to try and poach players from other teams, but then again that's only my observation. Most of the bigger clubs have full time directors so they should be helping out teams with the greater need, div 1 teams basically run themselves so shouldn't need most of the attention unless there is a problem.
Probably one of the most discussed issues on this forum is whether it's better to have a kid play at a stronger club in a lower division or leave to go to another club and play higher. It seems most are more focused on winning division 2 or 3 when they have a realistic chance of playing div 1 at a smaller club. Each to their own, but often the families are brainwashed that they won't win a game if they move, but if they don't try they'll finish their playing career in social when they could have had a chance to improve playing against a higher level opponent and maybe receive better development. But clubs seem to selfishly gauge success by how many premierships they win instead of kids personal development. I've had strong squads before and I've told especially second years that it may be in their best interests to look elsewhere to play div 1, didn't want to lose most because they were great kids but in order for them to get better I'd rather lose them and have them succeed, the ones that did leave and play higher always appreciated the honesty and later on some returned to the club with greater experience and actually went past players they were previously behind.
As for uniform prices, that's an entirely different subject, not sure how that can be resolved, maybe speak to consumer affairs, that's a club decision and again, if not happy go elsewhere. Rumour I've heard about fees at Norwood was the increase was due to the Arc costing a lot more than originally expected. Bit of a joke when it was supposed to deliver a 5 court stadium but only have 2 due to getting courts the wrong size. So the publicised fact about Norwood finally finding a home is false, division 1 and 2 have, the rest of still homeless, in fact I don't even think most can even train there.
In closing, if people aren't happy with their current club, either in regards to fees, uniforms or opportunities, especially at the big 3,they should look elsewhere. I know my club are looking for greater depth at the higher end, some kids that are playing div 3 or even lower elsewhere would have a legitimate chance to make div 1 if not at least 2s. So instead of the rich getting richer, hopefully the talent is distributed evenly which will only mean a stronger local competition. Vote with your feet instead if venting here and still staying at the same club because nothing will change then, if the committees see a large amount of kids transferring they may take notice, until then it will remain the status quo and no amount of complaining will help. Won't tell you what club and age group I do but would love some new blood in to challenge the big clubs, and fees are a hell of a lot cheaper than Norwood's.

Reply #629035 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey #964, why you comparing this to vjbl?

Vic clubs are far better than SA clubs, ha

Reply #629063 | Report this post

Years ago

the OP just needs to shut his/her mouth and vote with their feet


put your hand up, grow some balls and volunteer for Club Executive to make changes for the better.


if your moving Clubs please don't move to mine ffs

Reply #629106 | Report this post

Years ago

how on earth did the comments made sound like all i care about it my child or the division 1 team? i mentioned it only as there was an immediate assumption my child plays lower and i am griping about that.

i am warning people whose kids do not play district to be realistic about the experience, to weigh up costs vs other clubs costings and to do their research, i am also putting it out there for flames families to realise the crap they are experiencing is not isolated and nobody has to stay.

i hope people think with their feet and i know many have - but advising me not speak up or out is ridiculous. I have not named coaches, players or committee members and like i have said, i did love the club and had many family members play and come up through the Norwood ranks for over ten years - it is not the same, it is not good and people deserve to know before commitments are made and money is handed over.

lastly - all of these points have been raised with the club and if you read my initial post you would see that i have had all communications in every form ignored as have at least 6 other families, this is not ok and absolutely not normal.

I can also assure you that i am a positive, collaborative and enthusiastic parent and player - i've just had enough.

Reply #629114 | Report this post

Years ago

True, most things get ignored if it involves certain people, have seen it happen myself. Coach deserved serious reprimand,family was told it didn't happen but no-one was interviewed that witnessed it and even other club complained to bsa but was told without complaint by the actual club involved they couldn't do anything, pretty poor behaviour and showed a lot of families the unprofessionalism. There are a lot of things rotten at the flames but seems to occur in cycles, as one regime leaves another takes their place with their own flaws. Unfortunately it happens at a lot of clubs, but because Norwood is bigger it tends to happen more often.

Reply #629162 | Report this post

Years ago

Moved my kid from Strong club where always on the verge of next player up only to be disappointed a superstar from a weaker club moved in on vacancies. Fair play to those players. However, I took a different attitude as being in 3.1 at strongest club does not give your kid opportunities to attend trials, development camps, access to better coaches and playing with better players and most importantly against better players in a more complex game. Best move ever. After a year my kid has imporved betond expectation, made better friends, attended many events, trials etc with top players and made a huge network of friends in the wider community and clubs. Coaches are noticing his game. My kid doesn't care about the wins, the team is close to the mark though. The most important thing is happiness, in the game being played, the training, the networking and friendships. Top of the list is maintaining a love of the game and that was lost at the former club despite wins in lower division. The love is back and we are so grateful for taking risks and being givwn opportunities. We wish more woild tey the same and it would also strengthen some clubs as well.

Reply #629193 | Report this post

Years ago

i'll simplify it and taking away the agitation from original post.

1. if you have a kid LOOKING TO JOIN DISTRICT, do your research with all clubs within your driving distance. Take into account where their friends are playing if any play and then ask yourself this aswell (first)
a. where and when do they ACTUALLY train (sometimes it is nowhere near the stadium or even catchment area).
b. fees for summer and winter.
c. uniform cost
d. expectation of the players to go to Eltham/Dandenong/Classics/Easter tournament etc.
e. compulsory training camps in holidays
f. if the above camps and tournaments are not attended does this affect placement opportunities.
g. who is the JDO and what is his vision for the kids in general.

If your kid already plays for a club and you just dont feel right about it (and they are also truly unhappy), compare them and don't be afraid. There is this culture in bball in SA that if you even dare look at another club, people will talk and your kid will get a bad wrap. sick of that rubbish..

if you're a club hopper for hopes of high divisions, well - that's unfortunate for your kid but if you are looking to move on based on for the well being of your fam and the kids because way too many things dont add up and don't feel right, do it.

Reply #629244 | Report this post

Years ago

I dont want to sledge but what has been said is mostly true.
Very much focused on recruiting kids from other clubs then developing their own.
If you miss div1 or 2 dont even bother trying to ask the 1 or 2s coach for feedback... you will be ignored, viewed as complaining or trying to "worm" your way up to a higher grade....

The club has many issues but hopefully it can sort itself out and fulfil its potential

Reply #629517 | Report this post

Years ago

Coaches that have been brought in have serious character flaws, not all about learning basketball, some of past behaviour inexcusable. Would never let my kids be coached by some of them but with a lot of div 1 and 2 coaches leaving they had to find replacements but really scraped bottom of barrel. Hence the results, apart from 14 boys where they have wealth of talent, boys sides are underperforming.

Reply #629623 | Report this post

Years ago

When the JDO and the coaching director BOTH coach a div 1 side, how on earth are they meant to witness any other talent for movement?

it's broken, no fault of just one person but it is broken and i am not keen to dish out cash to their 2016 experiment.

although, if i had an under 18 div 1 girl i'd be pretty happy!

Reply #629667 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #629668 | Report this post

Years ago

Jdo last year never went to a single training apart from his own, never even spoke to majority of coaches, most didn't even know he was Jdo.
And apologise for ignorance about this season, but coaching director didn't coach any div 1 teams last year but only watched div 1s mainly, never saw him out at many other games or trainings unless a coach was unavailable, surely he would be supposed to develop coaches as part of job description.
How are inexperienced coaches supposed to learn unless there are avenues to get better, especially the parents that are forced into the role.

Reply #629758 | Report this post

Years ago

Just move on and stop whinging on social media , hang around junior basketball long enough and you will hear the same comments about most clubs. The Norwood jdo is always at sunday trainings at the ARC watching a variety of trainings or at Mars last year.

Reply #629851 | Report this post

Years ago

Funny, spoke to 12s, 14s, div 3 16s and below and 18s and he wasn't sighted, again most were shocked when they found out he was jdo, thought the club didn't have one, don't know about this year.

Reply #629959 | Report this post

Years ago

i think people mix up the coaching director and the JDO, two different people with two different jobs.

no finger pointing here, just saying teh club is too big and not enough coaches due to rubbish management of late of the junior program has lead to coaches leaving in droves which in turn means the above people are forced to coach squads and thus cant adequately look after the 3's,4's,5's,6's and so on.

sure it happens at plenty of clubs in waves, currently it is Norwood - so - be aware of this.

Reply #630384 | Report this post

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