Very Old
Years ago

Referee selections, 4th ref and referee coaches ?

Three questions and one favour to ask ;)

Firstly the fav --- Pleease don't convert this into another ref bashing thread. No player deliberately throws a bad pass, no ref deliberately makes a wrong call, but both happens EVERY game.

I was watching a game that was possibly that teams last for the season, and i was wondering which of the three person officiating crew where hoping to get a finals game .... So

1)--- where/how do you/we/me find out what referees are allocated for which finals games.?

which lead me to wonder

2) does the NBL still roster a 4th official as back up on the night , and where is that listed ?

3) --- In each stae / venue --- who does the referee review/evaluation on the actual game night ( used to often be the state director of referees if they had the FIBA level 2 referee coaching accreditation), as the old fiba system had the refs coaching team ( sometimes two of us) filling in a running sheet of every calls made/missed and which official mad/missed it to use as reference after the game

any serious replies would be greatly appreciated.

Topic #40860 | Report this topic

Years ago

1. The NBL may list them, but I highly doubt it based on transparency from this year so far

2. I don't believe there has ever been a 4th backup official rostered during the regular season, however there usually is during the finals series - at least the grand final series. It is more often than not a local, they won't usually fly in an extra from interstate to sit and watch

3. Obviously each state is different, they are all rostered by Scott Butler and Sean Sean Gottliebsen. Generally there is a referee coach and an assistant, which is usually one of the state development panel referees. The development panel ref will normally do the bunn sheet or the running sheet as you call it. There is usually 2 or 3 in each state, sadly they are getting rid of the better ones and mostly have yes men who are too scared to point out errors in the officiating apart from glaringly obvious ones.

Reply #624814 | Report this post

Years ago

1. Does it matter? What does the NBL have to gain by announcing the referees? Seems all that will happen is people will complain.

2. NBL will no doubt try and have a local at the venue in case of injury or other issues. May be a Finals Panel referee, may not depending on the location of the game. Cairns will be their biggest issue IMO.

3. As above Butler appoints Referee Evaluators/Coaches but would also review every Finals game himself. Those making the decisions for future finals will all see the video. The Referee Coach at this level is far less important now thanks to the ease of access to video by those at the top.

Reply #624820 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

Thank you anon(s).

clears a few things up for me.

happy to read more from others. particularly re the rostering, I used to know by sight and name almost every panel and fringe panel ref in most states, and just realised i hardly knew even the regular ones now, so wanted to see if I could start matching names to faces, as , believe it or not, it was a part of the game that I mow miss, seeing the clear development ( or sadly not see) of the new refs over the season(s)

Reply #624827 | Report this post

Years ago

There is usually a 4th ref at most games.

Reply #624830 | Report this post

Years ago

Correct. I remember at the Kingdome during a Kings regular season game (before they went bust) one of the refs got injured halfway through and the backup was in the crowd ready to replace him.

Reply #624870 | Report this post

Years ago

That is incorrect. There is generally no emergency ref during the regular season. On the times that a 4th ref has jumped on, it has been due to luck or a quick call out and someone getting there very fast with their gear.

Reply #624879 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

from other threads

36ers-Hawks Semi-Finals

Game 1
Michael Aylen
Matt Townsend
Matt Beattie
(Durant reserve)

Game 2
Vaughan Mayberry
Michael Aylen
Matt Townsend
Matt Beattie

(1 of Townsend and Beattie to be reserve)

Taipans-Wildcats Semi Finals

Game 1
Vaughan Mayberry
Chris Reid
Brett Hogan
Emergency Toni Caldwell

Game 2
Michael Aylen
Vaughan Mayberry
Chris Reid
Brett Hogan
(1 of the 4 will be the reserve)

Reply #624914 | Report this post

Years ago

Mayberry has done 500 games. I guess he has improved but in the early days he was terrible.

Reply #624938 | Report this post

Years ago

Ahhh memories time :)

'member when he let a game which hand't expire end? Taipans vs. 36ers in Cairns.

Phil Smyth and team ran off court and he let them get away with it.

Reply #624940 | Report this post

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