Very Old
Years ago
Referee selections, 4th ref and referee coaches ?
Three questions and one favour to ask ;)
Firstly the fav --- Pleease don't convert this into another ref bashing thread. No player deliberately throws a bad pass, no ref deliberately makes a wrong call, but both happens EVERY game.
I was watching a game that was possibly that teams last for the season, and i was wondering which of the three person officiating crew where hoping to get a finals game .... So
1)--- where/how do you/we/me find out what referees are allocated for which finals games.?
which lead me to wonder
2) does the NBL still roster a 4th official as back up on the night , and where is that listed ?
3) --- In each stae / venue --- who does the referee review/evaluation on the actual game night ( used to often be the state director of referees if they had the FIBA level 2 referee coaching accreditation), as the old fiba system had the refs coaching team ( sometimes two of us) filling in a running sheet of every calls made/missed and which official mad/missed it to use as reference after the game
any serious replies would be greatly appreciated.