No I am not saying that National League games should be scheduled around junior game. Rather that a change in the peoples goodwill is what the 36ers now need in order to win back the largest demographic that they have lost due to their "dare I say" arrogant belief of their position in the South Australian basketball community.
What I am saying is that this is a continued practice to disenfranchise the very people who are the most likely to attend games. While at the same time, a poorly conceived idea built around a slight probability that the 36ers game MIGHT clash with 1 home game.
And that this decision was made without the knowledge of Flower Shows and Church finals. And given that BASA were using crystalballs to predict football finals positions, somebody might very well have,
a) changed the 36ers first home game to the same night as the crows game. (therefore decreaseing the profit to basketball)
b) changed junior games to fathers day without any need. (therefore losing players to the sport forever)
c) decreased future possible season tickets holdings, walk up sales and good will towards the team because of the decision. (making the marketing budget lower in the future)
So I ask, who was consulted?
I'm sure that CT was not as he probably has had to spend 3 late nights re-doing programs. Which I doubt anybody has bothered to help him with.
The members were not consulted as the decision was based around the fear of small numbers attending the first home game.
The club were not consulted, so again the basketball public is messed around.
Finally, I repeat for all those who have not worked it out yet.
In the late 1990's, during the Premiership years. The stadium was filled with people who played, coached and supported local club basketball. Now, without these people supporting the team crowds will have dropped to below 1/2 capacity.