Years ago

Still No Published NBL Salaries

We were told this would happen after teams had played 21 games. Cairns played their 22nd on the weekend, and still nothing.

Topic #40732 | Report this topic

Years ago

So what!!! Who really cares?!!! What's your salary

Reply #620918 | Report this post

Years ago

Not certain they can name names legally re salaries, but the total club expenditure would be good for the tax re over the salary cap. I'm still interested in how much furgerson alleged $500g goes towards the cap. Also the five players from your club that make up under $400g would be interesting, it's this rule that's made the competition so close imo.

Reply #620919 | Report this post

Years ago

Personally I don't think the salaries should be released to anyone except NBL and club management. Don't really care what other sports and codes do - it's really no one business.

The only people that really needs to be disclosed to are each NBL club and NBL officials give transparency over who has exceeded the cap, who the Marquee players are and how much luxury tax is accrued.

Reply #620921 | Report this post

Years ago

Obviously no one actually cares. This thread is about making the point the nbl has said they would do something and failed. But really considering the overall up and up of the league, just let this one go koberulz. Perhaps you can get the ball rolling, what do you make?

Reply #620922 | Report this post

Years ago

So any time after game 21. That doesn't mean immediately after game 21 idiot. Tell the NBL or someone who cares.

Reply #620927 | Report this post

Years ago

Koberulz has every right to question the salary cap as it's part of the rules and it's also about the over cap taxes that need to be paid and the five players under $500g. These are part of the integrity of the competition. If the law does not allow names to wages then just dollar amounts will do the trick.

Reply #620931 | Report this post

Years ago

What's with the anons having a crack at Koberulz for asking a legitimate question? Have read this forum daily for years but hardly ever post due to that sort of bullshit.

Reply #620944 | Report this post

Years ago

Bullshit, what bullshit. It appears the OP is expecting that because the 21 game mark has past he demands that they meet the requirements immediately. That's bullshit.

Reply #620945 | Report this post

Years ago

Why is it? If the NBL state they're going to release it at a certain time they should..

If your employer tells you they will give you a pay rise at a certain date and they dont do you forget it or question it?

Reply #620946 | Report this post

Years ago

The NBL isnt his employer....brilliant example dude

Reply #620949 | Report this post

Years ago

For once, I'm in agreement with Kober.

(And oh yeah, anonytrolls crawling out from under their rocks, what a shocker.)

The implementation of the soft-cap and related rules is the biggest impact on the league this season. The league refused to release any details till the 3/4 mark (which I thought was crap anyway.) We;;, now we're there.

If it's just a matter of a couple of days, sure fine. But this has been mishandled from the start, so I'm not holding my breath.

As things currently stand, it appears that they have destroyed any remaining integrity in the league. A couple of teams have obviously massively exceeded the soft-cap, and they are supposed to be reigned in by massive penalties that are then distributed to the poorer teams.
The fear is that the numbers will be fudged to lessen the tax, and that the money will not be distributed but just go into a slush fund. Hence why anybody who cares about the league is waiting anxiously for the announcement.

Reply #620952 | Report this post

Years ago

Transparency in salaries and expenditure and independent valuing to deal with potential BSing is what the NBL emphasized, so they'd better do it at some point. I'm not too concerned if they do it after the season/finals so long as it's quite soon after.

I do wonder how a) they decide on the values when it seems a team is BSing and b) how the distribution works. I hope they aren't improvising and there's a legitimate system

Reply #620955 | Report this post

Years ago

Again no one really cares. The league is as even as it has ever been so the salary cap hasn't favoured one individual team over another. Maybe cats fans looking for some sort of excuses for the terrible play this season? Dazz just because you put a name to what you write doesn't make you superior, your a pest.

Reply #620957 | Report this post

Years ago

"If your employer tells you they will give you a pay rise at a certain date and they dont do you forget it or question it?"

After the 21st game doesn't mean anything definitive. Its vague. If they haven't done it before tip off next season then by all means start a topic.

Reply #620958 | Report this post

Years ago

"Again no one really cares"

Given the posts in threads about this earlier this season as well as this one, this is manifestly wrong. I also suspect an owner missing finals would also be interested in the team's salaries relative to teams who make finals. It might provoke an interesting discussion with coaching and management staff.

As to Koberulz's question, the late changes to rosters by a couple of teams may have slowed down the publication of team salaries?

As to identifying players, I thought Loeliger said something about not providing names but just the salaries within each team? This was mid season when questions were asked about this. Also not sure whether they were going to be the actual salaries or the deemed salaries?

Reply #620959 | Report this post

Captain Jack  
Years ago

They never said straight after or set a date for the release, after the 21st game could mean at the end of the season, could mean next week, could mean anything in between

I assume they will announce along with how much tax clubs have to pay or something.

I agree with they said they would do it, so they should, but they never promised a date so be patient, im sure they will.

Reply #620961 | Report this post

Years ago

Again no one really cares.
And yet another nominee for "stupidest post of the season"
Anybody who cares about the league should care, and only a moron could ignore the numerous discussion on this topic and conclude "no one really cares".
The league is as even as it has ever been so the salary cap hasn't favoured one individual team over another.
So cheating is fine provided it makes the league even?
Then there's the fact that the majority of teams clearly came into this season assuming the rules would be followed. It's bad enough that it now appears that flagrant over-spending won't be exposed till the season is nearly over. If it is never exposed, the approach to next season will be radically different. It will just turn into a pissing contest between Anschutz, Lazza, and Dr Jack.
Maybe cats fans looking for some sort of excuses for the terrible play this season?
So the league's even but the Cats are terrible?
And yeah, obviously we are blaming the leagues failure to police the soft cap for Adelaide's success!?!
Dazz just because you put a name to what you write doesn't make you superior,
perhaps not, but at least if I post 5 times in 5 minutes, to agree with myself, you know its me, and not some anonytroll pretending to be 5 different people.

Reply #620963 | Report this post

Years ago

NO one wants to have your nick Dazz.

Dazz said "So cheating is fine provided it makes the league even?"
That is the stupidest quote of the year.
At no stage has anyone other then you mentioned the word cheating.
Even if these relative meaningless figures are provided, so what? The figures will be want they want to show publicly, not the truth so all in all no one still cares Dazz.

Reply #620993 | Report this post

Years ago

"The NBL isnt his employer....brilliant example dude"

True, but all the other teams are employers and i bet want to know who is getting paid what??? ;)

Reply #621067 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #629830 | Report this post

Years ago

I've consigned myself to the fact that 3 or 4 teams are going to be able to spend what they want, when they want with no oversight whatsoever for the next few weeks. Whether this actually translates into success for those teams remains to be seen.

Kudos to the wildcats for the masterclass they've put on in the past few weeks but you can't tell me that they didn't buy their way into the grand final series.

Reply #629838 | Report this post

Years ago

Great bump kr.

Reply #629842 | Report this post

Years ago

Nbl has gone ahead in great fashion, but they should publish the team salaries as promised. The not so rich sides deserve the equalisation tax.

Perth, Melbourne, Sydney have to be over plus Adelaide, Brisbane and NZ you would believe also went over.

Reply #629844 | Report this post

Pizza Hut  
Years ago

Do you think perhaps this was a "great idea" but proved more difficult to put into action?

I'm not a lawyer, but I have always wondered if publicising an individual's salary would breech privacy rules?

The alternative I guess was the proposal to have a committee assign values, but I never really understood how that was going to work.

I suppose that as long as the clubs are made to pay the tax and the money is redistributed as promised then we can live without knowing all the details.

Reply #629937 | Report this post

Years ago

Seasons over. It needs to be published immediately ;)

Reply #629938 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd like to think that the "assigned" values could be made public, since they're not necessarily what the players are actually making.
Either way I don't really care whether I see the figures or not, just as long as the cap exceeders pay their dues and the clubs that need it get their share.

Reply #629939 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't need to know individual salaries, just total team salaries. Clubs need to plan for next year and clubs on the cap need to find out if they are getting more to spend next season by the tax paid from clubs over the cap. It could lead to an even better season if that's possible.

Reply #629941 | Report this post

Pizza Hut  
Years ago

Luuuc, I agree with both comments, I've just never been clear on how they were going to assign values to such different players, and do it without all the teams complaining.

Reply #629946 | Report this post

Years ago

Do you think perhaps this was a "great idea" but proved more difficult to put into action?
This seems like the sort of thing they should have thought about before they announced that they'd be doing it.

I'm not a lawyer, but I have always wondered if publicising an individual's salary would breech privacy rules?
They were never going to name names, it was just going to be 11 dollar figures. The only exception being players who were earning significantly below their determined market value.

Reply #630992 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #630993 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #630995 | Report this post

Years ago






This issue should already be put to bed by now. Teams need to know what the deal is because they ought to be in 2017/18 preparation mode already.

Reply #631001 | Report this post

Years ago

In theory it sounded like a great idea, but it just turned out to be one of those things that the NBL didn't think through properly and acted before they should have and they're just trying to ignore it now and hope they can get away without publicly dealing with it...

As said above, as long as the teams who spent over the cap pay their dues and the teams that should be getting the money get it, then that's ok, it was just mismanaged from the start...

Reply #631003 | Report this post

Years ago










Reply #631023 | Report this post

Years ago

That's fine Wookiee but unless the NBL says everyone has paid up no one knows. How can you recruit if you don't have the extra cash you were meant to have?

Reply #631026 | Report this post

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