Years ago
Ways to improve NBL refereeing standards
I'm interested in seeing people's suggestions for improving refereeing standards in the NBL and Australian basketball generally because this is a common gripe from many on this forum and when watching basketball in Australia generally (currently back home but live overseas). I do know that informed people gripe about this also, so I know that there are some issues with the way the game is called generally in Australia and in the NBL in particular. What do people think about the following:
1. Get a retired ex-NBA referee to spend perhaps one month (or better a full season) to work with the NBL, the referees supervisor and lower tier referees also, to overhaul how things are currently done here, perhaps starting with a week long clinic which could be streamed if people can't attend. That way, some of the existing bugbears like not protecting players enough in the air and hand checking (yes, really, I watch the Perth Wildcats handcheck and be handchecked without sufficient punishment) can be ironed out. I'm thinking of someone like Ronnie Nunn, who has done this for many years in Europe and helped overhaul the way the game is called there, so that there is consistency of refereeing and common sense to calling the game, even in smaller non-traditional countries.
2. Some sort of referee exchange program between different countries and leagues. I think initially this should be a pre-season event, because I can imagine the outcry if we brought over a foreign referee who made blunders in a playoff series, but this is becoming a regular event in football (soccer) and I'm sure we could learn from the outside as they can learn from us. Of course, there are issues in communication (if from a non-English speaking country), interpretations (that's why I suggest pre-season), who pays the wages and more, but I feel the more interchange in our sport at all levels, the better overall standards are.
As a point of comparison, here is the link to the Japan Football Association referee exchange home page (which conduct exchanges with the A-League amongst others):
and the A-League page:
In addition to matches, if football referees can train with full time professionals, review matches and attend conferences in other countries, why not basketball? And yes, I think the NBA or other foreign leagues WOULD be open to this as they receive as many complaints about performance as we do from stakeholders.