Years ago

Adelaide 36ers win 2016-17 Minor Premiership

The commentators after the Cairns win said Adelaide have now wrapped it up. Amazing on so many fronts:

- They didn't appear to have the talent levels of other teams, instead investing on younger, developing stars;
- They got off to a poor start and were looking like missing the play-offs and being disjointed after a home thrashing by Brisbane;
- Not only have they won the minor premiership, they've done it with so many games to spare in what is one of the highest standard and closest NBL seasons in recent memory!

Well done to the Sixers organisation and coach Wright. He must be the Coach of the Year.

Should they now start resting players?

Topic #40713 | Report this topic

Years ago

Tremendous effort. I didn't think they had it in them. They looked a bottom 4 team to me.

If I were them I wouldn't change a thing over the remaining games unless someone is particularly sore. Don't do anything to interrupt the momentum.

Reply #620320 | Report this post

Years ago

Have to agree with Luuuc. Even as a 36ers fan I didn't think we'd be top 4, let alone finish on top the way they have.

And I also agree that I wouldn't do a thing to change the team right now. Resting players is fine in principle, but so close to the finals it can be a disruption that could kill off the momentum the team has.

Unless players are sore, don't meddle with what ain't broke.

Reply #620392 | Report this post

Years ago

won 14 of the last 15 games. Don't think even the loaded teams in the Smyth era did that.

Reply #620498 | Report this post

Years ago

Joey won 21 in a row with a loaded Bullets team in 2007. Was Coach of the Year then and most likely this year.

Resting a bit maybe ok, give the bench a little more play time to develop. They can be the difference come the Finals.

Reply #620502 | Report this post

Years ago

I've been very up front about it - I didn't think they'd win five games. And that was even with the assumption that Ferguson might average 12-15/game. Not only have they finished top, they've done it with great team balance and attitude, and with a crowd-friendly, entertaining style. Brilliant season. I could hardly be more impressed by their team play and discipline.

They deserve COTY, MVP and MIP plus Creek has a case for 6MOTY.

Reply #620503 | Report this post

Years ago

So very proud the way we have gone about our business this season. The start of the season wasn't the best but since then it's been amazing the run we have gone on. The self belief with every player in the team has been evident and they have played as a TEAM, not individuals.

The job is only half done though, and this club has been waiting far too long for another championship. If it were to happen this season with such a young group, it would be an amazing achievement.

Reply #620518 | Report this post

Years ago

Despite the absolute beltings they took early in the season, their average margin is +4. Next-highest is Melbourne at +0.8. They've won 70% of their games, next-highest is 50%.

The title is theirs to lose.

Reply #620522 | Report this post

Years ago

"Despite the absolute beltings they took early in the season, their average margin is +4. Next-highest is Melbourne at +0.8."

So we're going to qualify their beltings but not mention the likes of Melbourne and Perth have had to deal with injuries to arguably their most important player and import changes?

Reply #620532 | Report this post

Years ago

How did you manage to find that quote controversial?

Reply #620534 | Report this post

Years ago

What I find interesting, and different to past years, is how the 6's have become so proficient in dictating the tempo of a game.
Opposition teams just don't get their defence going.
We know Randle will always come up with a decent score, nothing new there, but its the depth of their scoring.
And touch wood, they have managed to keep everyone healthy.

I still think they'll come down a peg or 2 in the finals, the games will be tougher, and they'll falter. But would that be enough to deprive them? They have been playing exceptionally good ball, so "a peg or 2" probably still leaves them well above any other contenders.

Who can challenge them for the ring at this point?
Still a lot of games to be played, but I think at this point we can safely conclude (as per the OP) they'll finish on top with HCA, and they can manage the players' minutes heading into the finals.

I don't think the 4 is set yet. Hawks look a good bet, with MU, NZ, and Perth fighting for two spots.

IF MU could somehow get their stars healthy and back on the court, they could give it a shake, but at the moment they look spent.
Hawks are good, just not good enough.
Never right off the Breakers, not till the Fat Kiwi has sung.
Perth I think we have to watch how they close out the season. Still 6 games left. Could be epic, could be meh.

Reply #620536 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree with Isaac's post. Congrats 36ers, bloody fantastic stuff.

Playoffs are a different kettle of fish - it's where stars shine. In that respect, if Randle continues his form, it might help Adelaide avoid faultering too much.

Don't want to do a Melbourne and get knocked out in straight sets.

Sydney find themselves in a bit of trouble - it really could be upto Perth and Melbourne to fight for fourth spot if NZ keep their run going.

Reply #620538 | Report this post

NBL Fan  
Years ago

Picked Adelaide finishing last. Tremendous effort. Joey Wright deserves all the praise he will likely get at seasons end. COY lock it in Eddie.

Reply #620540 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide barring injury are the champions to be. Too good too fast too youthful too aggressive. They don't allow teams too many windows of opportunity. Home court now? Forget about.

Reply #620566 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Great effort by all the Sixers to secure that and they should be proud.

Reply #620567 | Report this post

Years ago

Well done Sixers, smashed everyone's expectations this year.

Can't see the title going anywhere else. Too many players firing night in night out.

Reply #620583 | Report this post

Years ago

Dazs, not sure that the Hawks look a good bet. Last two games they've had long patches of looking awful.

Reply #620595 | Report this post

Years ago

Incredible effort by 36ers. Wright has COTY wrapped up already.

But, it's 0-0 at the start of the semi finals.

Reply #620600 | Report this post

Years ago

When it comes to the NBL awards for this season.....

* Joey Wright should win Adelaide's first CotY award since Ken Cole in 1986. I still can't figure out how he didn't get it taking us from bottom to the GF in 2013-14 (Gordie McLeod won despite the Hawks producing the same 13-15 record he took them to in 2012-13).

* Nathan Sobey should become the 5th 36ers player to win the Most Improved Player award. Mark Bradtke, Scott Ninnis, Chris Blakemore and DJ have all won it before in Adelaide colours.

* Jerome Randle should be a shoe-in for MVP, our first since Mark Davis in 1987.

* Isaac is right, although he missed a few weeks, Mitch Creek would be a strong candidate for Best 6th Man. This is an award no Adelaide player has won before.

Whatever happens from now on, congrats to the Adelaide 36ers for doing what very few thought was even remotely possible when the season tipped off.

Reply #620616 | Report this post

Years ago

And from myself its a big well done to Joey Wright. He copped a lot of criticism from a lot of people who claimed that he couldn't coach a team that wasn't stacked with superstars and right now he's proving them all wrong.

Reply #620617 | Report this post

Years ago

I guess that contract extension is looking like a pretty decent decision right now!

Reply #620619 | Report this post

Years ago

It's been a fairytale season. I too predicted we would finish bottom and was asking questions of Joey & DJ so to go on and win the minor round championship is just incredible.

Reply #620621 | Report this post

Years ago

"* Jerome Randle should be a shoe-in for MVP, our first since Mark Davis in 1987."

He certainly deserves it in terms of him being the standout player of the competition. I just hope the voting system supports that for once.

Reply #620622 | Report this post

Years ago

Personally I can't see how anyone else could actually win MVP.

Reply #620624 | Report this post

Outstanding season. With our recruiting compared to the wealthier clubs looking pretty average my modest hopes for the season were to see a few home wins and maybe not finish with the wooden spoon. The speed in which these "kids" bought in and started playing and growing together is quite a remarkable story regardless of how the finals pan out. Now I'm a bit worried that a bunch of our players will go on to bigger and better things rather than being back in Blue next season!

Reply #620635 | Report this post

Years ago

Personally I can't see how anyone else could actually win MVP
I too think Randle not only deserves to win, but probably will.
However the nature of the voting is that it tends to favour a standout in a slightly better than average team.

Reply #620687 | Report this post

Years ago

Whilst I find many of the 6's fans on here to be a few snags short of a barby, and Joey to be more annoying than Trev, I'm glad the 6's have done so well, and I hope they win the lot.
Personally I am hoping for an Adelaide, Hawks, Breakers, and Cats top 4. It would be awesome to see all the money spent by Sydney and MU amount to nought.
That's why I take my hat off to the 6's. At a guess, I would put them in the bottom half of budgets and yet they have managed to assemble an exceptionally well-balanced team.

I'm a bit torn as to who I would like to see in the GF series. Sure I'd like to see Perth make another one, but I'd also like to see the Hawks make it, for similar reasons to the 6's.
For that to happen I'd prefer to see the Cats finish 4th and lose to Adelaide in the semis.

Reply #620688 | Report this post

Years ago

I have probably been one of Joey's biggest critics.

Thought he had not really overachieved with the rosters at his disposal and did little to instil good defensive principles into his team.

His systems have mostly relied upon a superstar to create and he sure has that in spades with Randle.

I am happy to admit he has proven me wrong and has blended this squad into not only one of the better scoring teams but also one of the most watchable teams in recent memory.

But what really has opened my eyes is how he has got the 6ers on the same page defensively with a system that gets the best out of each individual.

Paul pointed out a few weeks ago about DJ's efforts in defending on balls. I made a joke and sort of laughed it off but since then I have taken a LOT more notice and have to say the change in his execution and effort in those areas is remarkable.

Well done 6ers and I am enjoying the show. Just hope that we don't end up with another Breakers Cats GF as my eyes are still sore from watching yesterdays game.

Reply #620690 | Report this post

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