Years ago

Why do people Hate Perth?

Seems to me there are some very strange people about.

Like anyone, I like to see my team win, I get upset when they lose and may even be a little biased about.
However, except for the team we're playing, I don't rejoice in any other team losing. If Sydney and Melbourne are playing, I want to see a good game of basketball, I'm not cheering for Melbourne to lose.

Also, unlike some of the very sick comments in this forum, I don't rejoice when opposition players get injured.

The common justification is to claim that Perth are arrogant, yet no examples are ever given?
Even when Perth was winning chips I didn't seeing any threads proclaiming Perth as the team to beat, or "Perth then Daylight."

I tend to think this issue says more about the haters than it does about Perth. Perhaps it is simply a case of jealousy and envy?

Or is it more sinister? Some deep-seated inferiority complex? It often appears that much of this hatred comes from South Australians? Do they see themselves as somehow in a perpetually losing competition with Western Australia?

Topic #40540 | Report this topic

Years ago

Perth have been very successful for a long long time. If your a supporter of any other club it's only natural that they have a general disliking to that team.

I don't think Perth fans are any more arrogant than any other fan base, its just easier to be arrogant when your team is winning lol

Reply #614662 | Report this post

Years ago

Same reason everyone hates Hawthorn

Reply #614671 | Report this post

Years ago

Too much arrogance. Bottom of the ladder will sort that out quicky. "Oh we've been in the finals for 30 yrs. Yes we know. All the years of Bendant funding the cheating pricks is another reason.
Perth have no one to blame but themselves for their immediate demise.

Reply #614681 | Report this post

Young Gun  
Years ago

tbh... with the state of Bball in Australia... i don't know that we can afford to HATE other teams.

Having said that... I like to dislike Perth & Sydney... and they're petty reasons. Perth is because they beat my Bullets in the 1990 Grand Final.. the first year I started following bball & Sydney because of the whole QLD v NSW thing.

Honestly... props to the Wildcats... I think they've built a successful organisation off the floor... which normally translates into winning seasons

Reply #614684 | Report this post

Years ago

People of jealous of how easy it is being a Perth fan. We are spoilt. We are rich. And we win. A lot. Consistently championship hopefuls. We'll run organisation. We are the first world on Nbl basketball teams.

We get our way on and off the court. We dominate.

We complain like all the other fans. But we really shouldn't because we are spoilt. But we do t anyway.

We have fans like Dazz who are a bit out of the loop due to our wealth of riches and wins.

Why would you hate us?

It's great being the villain.

Reply #614686 | Report this post

Years ago

Because they are winners but also because whilst they play hard nosed physical ball, they are a borderline dirty team most of the time.

Reply #614687 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

I actually have mostly liked the Perth franchise , thought it was great when they entered the league, and was stoked to see the Ellis brothers get their run in the NBL. i loved what Cal did for the franchise and I thought that Williams and Stokes were very worthwhile and likable owners.

looking back on it all it seems that the on-court personality of Redhage seemed to change the aura around the team,certainly Vlahof, Fisher and Ronaldson had always been tough defenders, but it seems that the lack of quality local referees allowed Redhage, Wagstaff and occasionally others to really move into the hold'em, bump'em elbow'em EVERY time you get a chance style of play, that is effective at home but really disliked by both players and spectators at other venues.

Occasionally i'd watch Redhage and he would almost never simply slid past an opponent, there was always some niggling covert contact trying to provide some hurt , however slight, to the other player.

that and the continual complaints about conflict of interest between NBL and wildcat interests through the apparently heavy involvement of wildcats owners in NBL rules, really seemed to get people's back up.

They also seemed to foster the "us against the world" mentality that seem to attract the more loony and tribalistic social media fans.

they certainly never seemed to have a view that they wanted to be every NBL fan's either most followed team, or at least their second favourite team. Ie when not playing the 36ers, 36ers fans would barrack for Perth. Which certainly seemed to be part of the aura of cal's teams.

bit sad really

Reply #614695 | Report this post

Years ago

Dazz and koberulz that sums it up.

Reply #614711 | Report this post

Years ago

They also seemed to foster the "us against the world" mentality that seem to attract the more loony and tribalistic social media fans.
I think that's largely a WA thing in general.

Reply #614716 | Report this post

Years ago

'Very Old' as a cats fan I'll accept that, good points.

Reply #614717 | Report this post

Years ago

Well I know why JJ hates Perth :-(

Reply #614727 | Report this post

Brutal Game  
Years ago

Anonymous 614681:

Bendat has owned the Wildcats for less than 10 years, equivalent to only 30% of the 30 consecutive seasons making the playoffs.

Which inferior club do you support?

Reply #614733 | Report this post

Years ago

Why didn't they deactive him?

Reply #614734 | Report this post

Years ago

Years of rorting the 'salary cap' will do that

Reply #614781 | Report this post

Yo Yo  
Years ago

There has never been an NBL team win a title legally since the cap was introduced.

Not only have Perth gone about that in very creative ways they have also been the torch bearers of the McPeake philosophy towards the NBL and the rules.

Add in players like Fisher and Vlahov who are easy for opposition fans to hate and continue that on with the floppers of Redhage and Wagstaff.

The perception of the best home cooking in the league doesn't help Perth's cause.

Plus they have been very successful which breeds resentment in opposition fans

Reply #614782 | Report this post

Years ago

The common justification is to claim that Perth are arrogant, yet no examples are ever given?

You've just made a post full of arrogant backhanded slaps towards South Australians - you've literally based it on the proposition of 'inferiority and jealousy'.

I don't rejoice when opposition players get injured.

I've only seen one post on here advocating for an injury and that was by a Perth supporter about a Perth player.

Do they see themselves as somehow in a perpetually losing competition with Western Australia?

This Perth v World thing is stirred up by a particular segment of Perth fans and it's silly. The world doesn't revolve around Perth.

Plus, you've got it completely wrong. South Australians are competitive about Victoria. We like the 'interstate teams' over the 'Victorian teams'.

Adelaideans have a positive bias towards Perth.

It's a little how Sturt and Norwood are rivals in SANFL but they're also usually each others' second favourite side. But they both hate Port Adelaide. In this case, Adelaide and Perth are Sturt and Norwood, Port Adelaide are the Victorians.

Why does Perth receive some slack at the moment? Because lately we see less consummate professional Spurs type reputation of perpetual success in Perth and more whining/throw the baby out with the bath water behaviour.

Here's the easy fix:
» Gleeson stop cracking it
» Redhage and Wagstaff learn basic civility on the court
» Stop playing a style of basketball based on man handling/handchecking people all the time...
» ...or don't complain when the refs finally have the guts to call it out
» Create an ignore feature on Hoops for those who feel the need to inundate us with redundant Perth threads for every microcosm
» Create an ignore feature on Hoops (reason #2) for desperate and abusive rants post-loss by Perth fans

Reply #614786 | Report this post

Years ago

A few reasons....

1. Aussie tall poppy thing. Everyone was happy when Hawthorn got beaten this year.

2. Redhage's attitude, Gleeson's attitude. Whether or not they're good blokes off the court, they're both unlikeable chaps as far as their basketball personalities go.

3. Home cooking in Perth seems to be worse than home cooking in other places. Perth has a physical defensive style and, there's always been the impression, rightly or wrongly, that they get to push the boundaries too far in their home stadium. I will admit that It is possible that this perception is pushed along because so many high profile games are played in Perth, they're always in playoffs, they're always the "team to beat" so people pay more attention, want their own team to beat Perth more, so this added attention might make the home calling seem worse than elsewhere.

Reply #614791 | Report this post

Years ago

It's not really the success they've had for me. Redhage is the largest part of it for me personally. Gleeson is a more recent thing, but he is basically the coaching equivalent of Redhage. This is going back more than a decade but there also used to be a large contingent of travelling Wildcats fans that would go to see Perth in Sydney and carry on like drunken yobs as well (more so than any other travelling fans) and that also helped.

I actually really like a number of Perth players (Martin & Knight in particular), but the team is far and away my favourite team to root against and has been for 15 or so years now I'd say.

Reply #614816 | Report this post

Years ago

What I don't get is why there's any mystery about why so many people hate Perth. I'm guessing that the OP is new to following the NBL :p

Reply #614817 | Report this post

Years ago

Most successful club on and off court

Reply #614825 | Report this post

Years ago

» Stop playing a style of basketball based on man handling/handchecking people all the time...
» ...or don't complain when the refs finally have the guts to call it out
This thread is about Perth, not NZ.

Reply #614829 | Report this post

Years ago

There is nothing to say that the large number of Perth threads here are started by Perth fans.

Reply #614832 | Report this post

Years ago

Most of the supporters are arrogant, bullish about their obsessiveness and some are outright bullies/ 30 years straight congrats. Welcome back to the pack and the cellar.

Reply #614867 | Report this post

Years ago

My hate stems from the dirty/sneaky play of hire, Wagstaff and redhage.

Reply #614875 | Report this post

Years ago

'Years of rorting the 'salary cap' will do that'


Plenty of other sides over the years have 'allegedly' rorted the salary cap

Reply #614878 | Report this post

Years ago

Flophage, Wagstaff, Hire and Gleeson are flogs.

Reply #614879 | Report this post

Adelaide fans  
Years ago

My hate from them stems from my team being shit and I'm still not over them whipping us in the 2014 finals.

Reply #614882 | Report this post

Brutal Game  
Years ago

ROFLcopter is a flog.

Reply #614884 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #614922 | Report this post

Years ago

A few sides have been caught rorting. Perth hasn't been caught that's all.

Reply #614932 | Report this post

Years ago

A strong majority of teams that have overspent haven't been caught. No need to single Perth out.

Reply #614990 | Report this post

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