Years ago
Why do people Hate Perth?
Seems to me there are some very strange people about.
Like anyone, I like to see my team win, I get upset when they lose and may even be a little biased about.
However, except for the team we're playing, I don't rejoice in any other team losing. If Sydney and Melbourne are playing, I want to see a good game of basketball, I'm not cheering for Melbourne to lose.
Also, unlike some of the very sick comments in this forum, I don't rejoice when opposition players get injured.
The common justification is to claim that Perth are arrogant, yet no examples are ever given?
Even when Perth was winning chips I didn't seeing any threads proclaiming Perth as the team to beat, or "Perth then Daylight."
I tend to think this issue says more about the haters than it does about Perth. Perhaps it is simply a case of jealousy and envy?
Or is it more sinister? Some deep-seated inferiority complex? It often appears that much of this hatred comes from South Australians? Do they see themselves as somehow in a perpetually losing competition with Western Australia?