I can sort of see where the OP is coming from as initially in the pre-season I had the same sort of feeling, that he was a bit arrogant on court and expected things to come to him, but as the season started, could see that at least on court, it was just a super level of competitiveness...
Off court, I thought he seemed a bit more standoffish than other players, but I think that's because on the Kings there are a couple of guys that are really super personable and more outgoing, so if Brad keeps to himself a bit or is more reserved, that contrasted a lot more than it normally would...
After meeting him at that after game Members function post-United loss, I was surprised that he was really nice to have a quick chat too and a lot more personable than I (incorrectly) assumed.. Really nice guy...
Although I was really surprised that Bubbles and a few other guys were really nice off court as well, after being caught up with very much disliking them as opposition team players :)