Michelle Leslie is hardly in the Schapelle Corby category , however the Indonesians make no secret of their harsh penalties for possession of illegal drugs. It makes you wonder with the publicity the Schapelle Corby case received and another 9 Australians awaiting trial for trafficking why you would even go to Bali if Michelle is really as dependant on Ectasy as has been alleged.
It seems obvious that if you attend a rave party anywhere that the Police may raid the place and search people, especially in Bali. It is no defence to say Oh well some people get away with it, why shouldn't I?
If there is one thing that may encourage the Balinese to be lenient, it is that her Lawyers are not trying to make a public spectacle of the case and attack the Indonesian legal system.It seems the case is being handled with diplomacy and after all if the quiet defence doesn't work, you can always appeal. It seems that all the noise in the world did not do Schapelle Corby any good.