Years ago
NH: Trump wins US election
Amazing. Gracious victory speech
Years ago
Amazing. Gracious victory speech
Canada has just asked for a wall and that the Americans will have to pay for. It's Going to cost them a lot of dosh with that extra bit on the side and no Mexicans available to build it.
Years ago
Makes sense now why Cedric got released today, he's moving to Mars.
Canadas immigration applicant site has crashed lol.
Victory speech was nothing special. Like picking mercury over rat poison for dessert, either way the USA is in big trouble. Good luck to him hope he has some smart people around him, smarter than him.
Behind the bravado I think is a smart and sensible operator. Let's hope some of his more divisive policies was just "talk"
Years ago
Smart and sensible operator? He is dumb as a box of hammers and a failed businessman.
Gonna be some serious pussy grabbing tonight!!!
Years ago
"Behind the bravado I think is a smart and sensible operator"
Behind the bravado is someone smart enough to understand exactly what is bothering a lot of people at the moment, but far too stupid to do anything to change things for the better. Talk about a guy who's in over his head!
Will be an interesting and anxiety-filled next 4 years.
Whoever is cleaning the Chinese presidents office is going to have to work some serious overtime.
Years ago
The UK no longer have the title of 'screw up of the year'
Manu Feildel
Years ago
I think he knew he was out of his depth if he posed as a run-of-the-mill politician, and there was just enough agitation and disenchantment within the country's folk for his brazen Pauline Hanson-like ideals to work.
Imo we'll see a different Pres than candidate. They are two different games, campaigning and running the show. The buzzer has only just sounded on the first
Years ago
Obviously there's a large percentage of working class who feel screwed over by the system, so they've come out in force to screw up the system.
It wouldn't be the case if the US didn't have such high levels of disparity in wealth and education for such a large portion of the population
A proven disparity in iq also. The average is the same as most other nations at 105. But, the spectrum is much greater. A small but highly intelligent portion of the population prop up a bigger percentage of those in the 85-95 bracket.
A chimpanzee is about 55-60...
Years ago
Hang on!! How can a chimpanzee have a higher score than me??? FFS
Years ago
sucked in to butthurt liberals & cucks that hated on Trump. New world order coming up at you right now #makeamericagreatagain #Throwheringaol
Anonymous must be an American.
Or a dumb chimpanzee....
Years ago
Well we've have Brexit, how long before U-Sexit, with those liberal New England state voting to leave the Union and join Canada?
Years ago
He said what he needed to in order to win, but can he deliver? Or will he wander all over the place like our PM?
Look here. Google trending.
"Move to Australia"
Years ago
Well it's nice to see those brainwashed by the left wing media here are still very confident to speak their illogical views. :)
Years ago
ME just likes people that "tell it like it is", even if "it" is factually and demonstrably incorrect.
Years ago
I don't think anyone can call media in Australia left-wing with a straight face
Years ago
"ME just likes people that "tell it like it is", even if "it" is factually and demonstrably incorrect."
Seriously? You shouldn't talk about lies or factual inaccuracies if you're in any way pro-Hillary. It wont end well for you.
Years ago
Pretty much not what I said, ME. Good try though.
tankard of the finest ale
Years ago
so what does this do for basketball ? what team does he go for ?
Years ago
TRUMP: Let's get that Muslim Band going
"Band? We thought you said ban"
TRUMP: No way, that's harsh. Also, how's that Mexican mall coming?
Let's see how long it takes for him to be impeached?
Years ago
Well he faces court next month for fraud for his Trump University scam...oh, and he also faces court for allegedly raping a 13 year old girl...but there is no way he did either of those things because he is a top bloke and the left wing media has got to you too!!!
Years ago
The only positive from trump winning is that hopefully it's a wake up call to politicians the world over, this guy is a raving lunatic on most things, but he's also smart....politicians the world over don't bother listening to the general population, infact they dismiss most of them just like America did, they dismissed those without the college education they hold so highly, they dismissed those who choose not to vote usually because the politicians before never spoke to them , about them or for them....Trump saw that void, like a smart business man and vocally filled it, that silent majority.......came back and bit them fair and square on the backside.
What happens now who the hell knows, but one things for certain, their is a big big lesson here for any political party.....people should never be ignored.
Years ago
I agree with all of that, except calling him a smart business man. He isn't.
Years ago
^ his accountant would probably disagree with you lol....he's a savvy businessman....and by the looks of it a smarter man than most including myself ever gave him credit for lol
Years ago
Don't get me wrong, I know he played this perfectly and got himself elected by telling people what they want to hear. I have to admire his game plan and bravado. I just can't bring myself to use the word smart to describe him. He is definitely not smart and not a good businessman. Quite the opposite.
Years ago
^ his accountant would probably disagree with you lol....he's a savvy businessman....and by the looks of it a smarter man than most including myself ever gave him credit for lol
Years ago
I think it was less a smart game plan and more so a collision of three things (his style, resentful populace, sucked in media). Bit of a perfect storm.
And combined, it wouldn't have been enough without the opposite candidate having her detractors.
Years ago
What would his accountant say? That losing almost a billion dollars in just under three years after trying to create a casino empire (which actually self-imploded) is smart?
It certainly shows how much the media, the experts, and the know it alls got it so badly wrong.
Sounds exactly like here.
The fact he has a billion too loose says enough lol
And I think Isaac summed it up perfectly .... It was ' the perfect storm'
But you never know he might just make this work he doesn't need people's money in his pocket and as many in the USA agree Obama couldn't make a decisive action if his life depended on it ... Trump on the other hand makes decisions and sticks by them
Think his ego will see him do his best to make this work.... Though that wall to keep out Mexico is a worry because if it gets built it will literally imprison Mexico .... Remember they built a wall to keep Guatamala illegals out of Mexico .... Karma sometimes is a bitch lol
A wall would be absolutely useless...
Underground tunnels...
The Mexicans have used them for years!
LOL. Obama did nothing. Yet another deluded ill informed opinion.
Years ago
Trump makes decisions and sticks by them? He doesn't have any actual policies, and has flip-flopped on every big issue, then denied ever saying what he said in the first place. #157, you have got no idea what you're talking about.
Mrs Obama to run in 2020. You read it here 1st.
Years ago
Read it on a few places other than here first, but hey, at the same time I don't come to hoops.com.au to read about politics.
The only thing dumber than Donald Trump is a Trump supporter.
I think Trump deserves some credit. He's overcome massive odds to win that. Just by the fact he's won when the popular consensus was that good campaign was a joke shows he's a lot smarter than we thought
Years ago
If you don't care, wouldn't it have been easier to not post at all?
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