Years ago
Quarter Final: Opals vs Serbia
First game up in the next stage, Opals v Serbia.
Years ago
First game up in the next stage, Opals v Serbia.
Years ago
Serbia will be another potential banana skin game for us. With every game I'm trying hard to ignore the conclusion that our sluggish starts are directly related to our starting 5.
Years ago
^ Same
There will be no excuses for a loss tonight but can think of a few reasons it might happen.
If we've learnt to defend the pick and roll, we should get it easily.
If not, we might need luck on our side.
^if they havent learnt that by now they never will ....so think they will need quiet a bit of luck
Years ago
Serbia has a pretty talented starting 5 so they're not to be scoffed at - especially considering our own recent form lately.
They put up 84 points against the USA, which means if we trot out our usual defence they should be eying triple digits.
We can't afford any more sluggish starts. Time for the Opals to get serious now, including the coaches.
Years ago
Pick n Pop with Liz's opponent.
Ignore Burton while she is in the game and double Liz (while clogging the paint).
Slow the game down.
Hopefully the Opals are ready for this as they go through the Euro gauntlet the next 2 games (Serbia/Spain).
Thanks for all the advice form the coaches from the stands. Andre will be taking notes.
I think we can beat Serbia tonight.
Not so sure we can beat Spain in the semis. Tough ask.
Hopefully they start George over burton.
Are you Serbian? You want us to take our dodgy defence and change it so that it would be even worse?
Years ago
One thing that gives me hope is some of our players have been dialling it in on D like they're waiting for the real stuff to start.
When Taylor was switched on defensively against France we looked incredible, and her offence followed from that. Same with Cambage late in close games. If we get those two on the job from tip-off we will be a different team, and that pair will be much harder to guard if we're running off TOs and misses.
Years ago
Opals starting 5 unchanged.
Joyce backing his regulars to get off to a better start.
This is the best energy/effort level we've been at all tournament! Go Opals!
Years ago
First foul by Penny was dumb.
Now it bites her on the bum because she has to sit after picking up a questionable 2nd
Years ago
Another pretty unimpressive start defensively.
Serbs missing a few easy ones kept it to a 'respectable' 20 pts conceded.
If we win a medal, I'll be surprised...
not the team we saw in the warm up games.
Years ago
Jarry is so much better than Burton, she actually plays defence, blocks out, rebounds and can score at the other end.
Years ago
Couple of handy threes from Jarry. Doing a nice job as the Penny fill-in
Years ago
Jarry looks like a skillful basketball player.
I can only see 2-3 of these players making it to the next major tournament.
Joyce needs to go, hopefully.
We are getting lucky with Serbia missing their easy bunnies.
Years ago
Well, at least we have a lead at half time. Only the 2nd time that's happened, so I guess that's a plus.
That really was another 20 minute serve of mediocrity though.
Years ago
We started to build a nice little lead until Tolo was taken off.
Years ago
We're keeping them in the game - 13 turnovers in a half!
Aside from multiple self-inflicted wounds (like not hustling for boards and loose balls) we're playing a good brand of basketball, holding them to 33% and running off it.
So sad to see this team play without energy though after that was one of their absolute trademarks two years ago.
WTF !!
Years ago
Whats the chances that the serbian coach gets sacked if they lose this game.
So So glad that the serbian Women's team does not run the same passing and movement offences (and as well) as their men.
i watch a series of 4 passes in our "offence" where 4 of our five players just stayed in the same positions ( including one who passed twice) for the entire time, and then we had to settle for a 3 dribble drive and forced 9 and missed) shot.
This is so frustrating, its interesting to listen to LJ and how "politew" she is being with here comments. Praising Tolo and jarry, nothing said about other players.
Years ago
Mitchell needs to control our offence much better in the second half, we are rushing and turning the ball over way too much.
I'm not kidding about this... I regularly see better defensive intensity and cohesion in the WNBL.
Years ago
I agree with you, Andy. This is the most un-Opals-like defence I have ever seen.
Penny Taylor was pretty ineffective when she was in the game. She needs to get her head in for the Opals to put this away.
Years ago
Just 6 mins played, so I'm expecting her to step it up this half.
Years ago
Everyone sit back and enjoy the Penny show in the second half!
Years ago
Everyone sit back and enjoy the Penny show in the second half!
Years ago
That's weird It posted twice! Hope I didn't jinx her, lol.
Years ago
As good as she plays the Opals are almost better without Liz it seems.
Years ago
I don't get this defence.
We're just letting Serbia literally choose whichever mismatch they want.
Years ago
Why put Talbot in? Just changed the game.
Then slow on the time out.
A mix of our u17 and u19 team would smoke this side.
Years ago
What a steaming pile of slop that was.
21 turnovers in 3 quarters
Years ago
Guards are so struggling
Mitchell with 6 turnovers.
Guards are always left one out to bring the ball up.
Years ago
I think Penny retired after the last game, she doesn't even want to play defence.
I want to win but at the same time I want mass changes to happen.
Joyce and co should not be there.
coffee please
Years ago
our guards are picking up their dribble too soon and we are getting caught - need to keep the ball alive
Yikes. 25 turnovers is unthinkable. They're still in the game though, only down 1. Come on girls!
Years ago
Liz virtually daring the refs to foul her out of this.
Years ago
"Worst opals team of all time?"
Don't know about all time, but possibly since the 80's.
Will know in 61 seconds.
Years ago
I'm done, Opals are dead to me now. Someone needs to take responsibility for this, its disgusting.
Joyce should never coach again
Why heat persisting with tolo and hodges while Francis sat on the bench after dominating last game is beyond me
Why would you take jarry off when you need to score in the last ten seconds
coffee please
Years ago
ugggggh - we were doing well up by 7 or 8 and in control half way through
I'm glad we lost kinda.
Poorly picked, poorly coached, poorly played.
Well done to Serbia.
We will come back stronger in 2019 and 2020.
Years ago
Yes, well played by Serbia. If anything the 2 point margin probably flatters the Opals.
No matter your feelings about Joyce, you can't look at the players' faces and say you are glad they lost.
Thanks for the years, Penny Taylor.
Years ago
picked the wrong team.
played the wrong players
poorly game coached
out hustled
out played
what effect on basketball funding now?
The Talbot sub was the moment the game turned and then Serbia started to believe.
coffee please
Years ago
this is not look like the team that played first quarter at Madison Sq Garden in the warm up game vrs US
What utter garbage. To cough it up 25 times, yeah you kinda get what you deserve. So long Joyce.
Years ago
Wow, what a lack of heart. So disappointing. To be -19 in the possession game in a knockout game is just beyond comprehension. The final play summed it all up, just throw it up to Liz!
Serbia wanted it and they got it, we played like millionaires and got what we deserved.
Getonboard probably still drinking the kool aid somewhere
Young Gun
Years ago
"Poorly picked, poorly coached, poorly played.
Well done to Serbia."
Pretty much sums it up
Years ago
So much for sleep tonight, so freaking mad and upset there is no way I can sleep now.
If the Olympics haven't been crap enough for Australia this has topped it off nicely.
This was always going to happen with Joyce. BA are clowns.
Cambage stfu btw you concert going drama queen.
The only 2 I would keep for next time would be tolo and cambage.
Oh well I'll trade this any day for a Boomers medal FINALLY.
Players with heart and hustle are the ones we need.
Conti, Shelley, Simmons and Rowe from our u17 side are fantastic examples of this.
Years ago
The Opals got caught drinking their own Koolaid and paid the price. They expected to merrily waltz to the win with a 'she'll be right' attitude, smugly assured they'd take the game when it was too close for comfort with a minute left - no hustle, no desperation, no real effort.
Serbia outplayed Australia in every possible aspect and deserved that win. I certainly hope the boys saw that and re-establish in their minds the need to hustle, but somehow I don't think they have the same level of foolhardy entitlement that the Opals were absolutely reeking of tonight. It was Team USA-esque.
No need to say that Brendan Joyce should be out the door. You can't play games with 3 point deficits like you have a 20 point fucking lead.
Very Old
Years ago
Its a sad sad day for the players, both the ones that were in the team, and the ones that were not selected.
I could not see any real effect of a coaching philosophy in this Olympics. No evidence of having a quick hit offensive option designed around possible eventual mismatches, no evidence of fluid defenses tailored to exploit specific opposition weaknesses.
the team that this opals playing style most reminded me of is the USA mens team. neither are showing evidence of a clear direction from their coaches that the team is actually finding useful to run.
So so sad for penny taylor, to come back from an ACL to this. I so hope she has a killer WNBA season left in her to go out on.
Years ago
I cant sleep until someone punches Joyce in the face.
Years ago
Point guards who can't distribute the ball well, no help defence, Liz had dumb fouls early and had to sit for long periods, Penny tried to force things too much, coach made strange subs at times, refs put the whistle away at the end (why can't they ref the same at the end as the rest of the game), turnover after turnover ...the list goes on.
Years ago
It was like he wanted to get everyone playing time??? Obviously his selections is what did him in.. Not enough experience on the bench ..not enough defensive flexibility . Not enough good player management.. SMH everyone of you saw this train wreck coming why couldn't anyone that could have stopped it see it. So disappointed..
Years ago
Can't blame the refs at all in this. Australia should have won by 20 regardless of what the refs did. The Serbians just wanted it more. That is the difference. Australia expected it, and Serbia was desperate for it.
coffee please
Years ago
this will surely affect our FIBA 2nd ranking
Very Old
Years ago
Will be interesting to read Boti's next article.
At least Joyce got Talbot onto the floor in a quarter final, surprised he never tried to sub his son in......
Defense was terrible and far too many turnovers, we are lucky that Serbia actually missed a bunch of lay ups themselves !!
Liz was dominant but has to have a real hard look at the way she gets silly fouls and ways to control her emotions better.
She was lucky not to be tech fouled after her last basket when screaming at the ref's.
Years ago
Yes I must get my popcorn ready for that one.
With the campaign over, it's time for some hard truths to be spoken again.
I feel for Penny. She's going to beat herself up over her final Opals performance.
im thinking this will be our new starting 5.
5'10 Wehrung
5'11 Wallace
6'2 Blicavs
6'5 Tolo
6'8 Cambage
Years ago
Perhaps a book Joyce could read while he is searching for his next employment opportunity.
Years ago
well apparently from the Oz Swim team the Olympics is all about competing (not winning). So thanks for spending our tax payer dollars on competing.
Worst result since 1990?
Worth Olympic result ever?
Years ago
"I could not see any real effect of a coaching philosophy in this Olympics."
This sums it up. In 2014 there was a clear plan, a clear style, this campaign was just a jumble. Much of tonight's loss is on the players, but that doesn't excuse a poor campaign from Joyce.
Yep we seem to peak prior to the medals being up for grabs.....
Pb's in the heats, semi's and qualifying rounds but cant get it done when it matters it seems in many areas at Rio.
Odd strategy !!
Years ago
Is th Cambage countdown now over? Is Twitter gonna explode tonight? Can't wait
Too much falls on Taylor's shoulders to create when primary offensive sets falter. Mitchell and Phillips are great, but you can't expect players of their height to consistently make shots at this level. Which of course puts a lot of pressure on Cambage and makes our offense very predictable.
But great play by Serbia. A lot of skilled guards and forwards with the ability to put the ball on the floor and force rotations.
Serbia's intensity, hustle and heart also seemed noticeably higher than Australia's, which seemed to be a trend throughout the tournament. The Opals are professionals and went about it in a professional manner, but it appears Joyce was unable to get the absolute best out of this group. They never fully committed or 'bought in' to Joyce's game plan.
Just Very Old
Years ago
Its mostly on the coach I think. The chances of this group ever having a reunion party is as likely as the one the 2000 Boomers Olympic team (never) had.
Both groups will (do) know that they failed to meet the entirely reasonable expectations that were set for (and by) them, and that too much of that failure rested upon decisions that the head coaches made.
its not the worst Opals team per se, but its definitely the biggest gap between what should have happened and what did happen since the 1992 squad under Cadee failed to make it through the qualifying tournament ( which would have given Sandy brondello 5 olympics !!) - BUT which finally opened the coaching door for Tom Maher
hopefully we will get a similar upgrade in the coaching position next time.
Very Old
Years ago
just realised that this means that both Graf and Joyce will have been our only "0ne and Done" olympic 9 and Worlds) women's coaches EVER.
Have to wonder what could have happened if Stirling had remained for 2012, or if she or Maher had returned for 2016.
Not really any similarly successful ( as Stirling and Maher were) Oz based coaches seem to be available in the WNBL, I wonder if Brondello will apply ?
Years ago
Sad for the players , Taylor more so than any, have to say all the "told you so" people re Joyce and his inability to coach at this level were absolutely right........... BA should never have appointed this clown to begin with , he is interested in himself and himself alone, you only have to listen to him waffle at camps about himself to under stand he hasn't actually got a clue, especially about defence , which is what this team lacked the most, so now the positive should be this is the end of Joyce , and the future Australian representatives will be chosen on ability not favouritism.
All the money the women's program ( well Joyce actually) got , all the success from before gone because one person wanted his own way and refused to see how wrong he was.
Thanks penny Taylor for all the years of great game, shame it had to end this way
After watching the Mercury this season, Brondello is not my choice. It seems she struggles with anything less than 4-5 WNBA All-Star caliber players playing at All-Star caliber levels.
Seebohm is my vote, if Seebohm wants it.
Very Old
Years ago
and here it is
"The Serbs, ranked No.14 in the world and who only managed to qualify as their pool's fourth seed after getting past China by eight and Senegal by seven, made a mockery of the rankings, smacking a confused and one-dimensional Australia to its worst Olympic result since the Opals failed to qualify for Barcelona in 1992."
"But all that - along with the Opals' world No.2 ranking - came crashing down to a sadly predictable end today, Australia's whopping 26 turnovers a sure sign of the rampant anxiety and on-court tension within a team reduced to just one offensive strategy - " get the ball to Liz".
"Coach Brendan Joyce was out of ideas and imagination, his substitution pattern as erratic as his relentless sideline aggression, the stress showing, as it has all tournament. "
"Joyce's subbing pattern left a nation of bewildered basketball fans scratching their heads, no change more blatantly knee-jerk than throwing rookie Steph Talbot to the wolves with 80 seconds left in the third quarter."
"Not sure if Joyce thought that had broken the Serbs or whether he genuinely overlooked Phillips on his bench but Talbot had a turnover and a foul before he took her back out. Token runs in a quarter-final?"
"Phillips started strongly today, finding her stroke and sticking three early jumpshots, only to be subbed out. It made no sense when a shooter had found her shot."
no mention of Burton, I think that he's basically just embarrassed for her. She actually one of the victims of Joyce's coaching IMHO
Clearly Choco will be sending Boti some Christmas cards this year.
Check this out.
6 games - 95 mins played
Cumulative Total.
6 points
10 rebounds
5 assists
2 steals
0 blocks
5 turnovers
13 fouls
+- of -8
For an average of...
15.8 mins
1 point
1.7 rebounds
0.8 assists
0.3 steals
0 blocks
2.2 fouls
That was fairly restrained from Boti. I'm expecting another write up, entirely Joyce-centric, to be honest.
Very Old
Years ago
Don't the Opals still have a few (1 or 2) games left to fix positions 4-8 ?
If so he will probably wait until post Olympics to have more of a say.
Years ago
Spain just about to lose to Turkey - just goes to show the evenness of the competition and the high level of talent out there.
Years ago
Penny Taylor played 22mins with 9 assists , ok only two points but 22 mins even with three fouls that's ridiculous, a player of her experience needed to be out on the floor, and George who whilst may not be the best around can certainly hit the clutch 3 when needed ...and we needed them, played less than a minute.
Joyce must go, so to Hcizik and Cotter, they were poor choices as assistant coaches but good for Joyce as they would be yes men.... Zero I put just how he would want it
Years ago
well, be judged on results, Joyce you are done!.
On the game TURNOVERS, TURNOVERS , TURNOVERS, has any team won at this level with 26 turnovers, ~ 20 more than the opposition? How many pts did Serbia score from dumb turnovers? Apart from the poor passing, foot on line for base line throw in is u12s shit.
Re Penny, she had a poor game and didnt play enough mins. Was it poor game = poor game time, or poor game time = poor game? What came 1st?
Dumb fouls also contributed to court time for penny and Liz. The games have been reffed the same all tournament, so why get dumb assed fouls.
That game was poor all round from both players and i admit the coach.
Needs to be said: Allen, Batgirl & O'Hea would of made a difference.
Years ago
Suzy and Jenna certainly would have been the difference, probably needed better backup PG too, all those issues come down to just one thing ........ The coaches choices......... Which in turn comes down to BA choice of coach.
How the hell he ever got the job will remain a mystery
You Take out
And you end up with something like
Years ago
It hurts so bad I cant even watch the USA v Japan game this morning. Don't think I can watch any more women's basketball for a while.
Must be such a sad feeling amongst the girls this morning....this WAS the Opals time to shine, the last time playing with the superstar Taylor. Cant believe how upset I am, my week is totally ruined.
Only a Gold or Silver by the Boomers will ease the pain a bit.
Wont happen but BA needs to give us Aussie basketball fans an apology, first they kept coach Graf for 2 - 4 years too long and then replace her with someone with less clue (didn't think that would have been possible)
Someone needs to stop Penny from taking the personal blame for this result.
Years ago
I'm with you Andy. Absolutely shattered, barely slept.
You could see the writing on the wall the whole tournament. I was hoping we could eke out results until the Gold medal game though. Full credit to Serbia.
Very Old
Years ago
"Coach Brendan Joyce said he feels particularly sorry for Taylor, 35, playing in her final Games.
"It's disappointing. I feel for Penny Taylor, it’s her last Olympics," he said.
“We were confident we would get through this and get to the medal rounds, so being knocked out is really difficult to swallow.” "
for those Anons wondering how Joyce got there
Stacker recently crediting Joyce with more basketball nous than what was eventually shown in this Olympics
Years ago
On the brightest side I can think of, the Opals' pool results should still mean that they will finish 5th for the tournament.
That is also the worst case scenario for the men. That means Australia's overall ranking shouldn't go down.
Ok, I'm stretching.
Years ago
So many dissapointments at these Olympics, some awesome efforts but our heads didn't seem to be right and this is a huge opportunity missed...
Never mind, it is over for the Opals now, so it is time to rebuild, congratulations to our veterans who will not go on, you have been wonderful for our game and all the best for the future.
Now let's turn to the future and build our next team, that's what is on the table now!
Years ago
still #$%^ stunned. I am now overboard. a piss poor performance all round.
Although it was not him that made the 26 turnovers, it was a below par performance from Joyce.
Years ago
Anyone got a video of the non-call when Cambage landed on her back late in Q4?
My gut feel was that the non-call was correct as Cambage seemed to jump into it and exaggerate the contact, but I'm not 100% sure.
Years ago
Non-call was correct (from memory): the defender was stationary and within their cylinder. It just happened to be an awkward fall for Liz as she jumped to the side.
Years ago
The no call was correct. In addition Liz should have received a tech for language when she carried on like a pork chop after she got up off the floor.
They were horrible they didn't look after the ball at all. All hype no substance this Olympics, Joyce was way to safe either cambage and Taylor's fouls, let the girls play. After that 9 point lead got dwindled to 3 immediate timeout needed to be called. Ciao Brendan.
Years ago
That Serbian female coach certainly got more out of her team than Joyce did.
Hire her QUICK!
Years ago
I like Boti's quote: a team playing to win against a team playing to not lose. Liz deserves to be in the all-tournament team, with Leilani an honourable mention.
I was impressed by the Serbian girls' foot speed in defence and rebounding, and how closely they could guard us. It really upset us and forced us into so many turnovers.
Bye, Penny. You've been great!
I reckon it will be years before we're ranked top 3 again.
Bend over Brendan Joyce as a big bite in the ass is coming your way!
Batkovich, Bishop, O'hea.......
Seriously Basketball Australia need to know take a stand and put a coach in the position who picks the best 12 players that Australia has to offer!
Sad to think Penny's last Olympic tournament was not played with the strongest team or the best rotations!
Years ago
"where do you find the game stats"
Stats for the whole tournament are here
For this game:
Duke Fan
Years ago
"where do you find the game stats"
So did Burton do anything all tournament besides standing there on court looking lost? Embarrassing stats for a starter.
Still reeling at what a disaster Joyce did with team selection and tactics.
Penny :(
We needed to lose so that changes can occur.
I expect Joyce, assistants and most players to move on.
Probably going to drop out of top 3 in the rankings.
Years ago
Yep, pretty sure Spain & France both leap-frog us, so we're down to 4th now :/
spain, Russia, Italy, Canada and France along with the USA look to have far more promising senior teams in the next few years.
Could be another 8 years before we see ourselves near the top again.
Good article on Jackson's perspective on what went wrong:
Years ago
Leilani Mitchell was very ordinary down the stretch.
Last quarter - failed to block out 3 point shooter who airballed and rebounded her own shot.
Last minute failed to rotate across on defence.
Last play couldn't even get a shot off.
These don't even show up on the stats sheet along with 5 turnovers. They are just glaring mistakes from memory, hate to think what else would show up on a review.
Lavey became a non-option after she was doubled teamed and then gave up a layup.
The tournament stats on Talbot showing that she hadn't even scored, show what a such a dumb coaching move it was to sub her into the game.
Burton/Hodges both run around and don't do too much, cant shoot, iffy on layups. Almost playing a whole game with one player who is a defensive liability, and can be cheated off on by the opposition.
There is also a vacuum of leadership types within the playing group.
Years ago
Knew from the moment Burton was named in the squad that they'd never make it. The whole momentum of the game shifted with Talbot's errors, though I see her being on the court at all as a fault of Joyce's and not hers. Worst coach ever.
Taylor didn't have enough left in her by crunch time. She's 35 with a recent history of knee, ankle and hip injuries. Joyce needed to actually manage her minutes rather than just talk about doing so. Suiting her up against Japan was a massive mistake. Averaging her over 30 minutes a game in group play after the team secured their spot was foolish.
How a PF rotation of Burton and Hodges ever came to be, I don't even want to know.
To be a fly on the wall watching Bat Girl, Allen, O'hea and Bishop watch that pitiful display of Opals basketball.
Credit Serbia. They did their homework and saw what we all saw. Doubled Taylor on the perimeter, doubled Cambage in the post. Forced someone other than Taylor to try to beat them from the perimeter, and made it as hard as they could on Cambage.
Anyone heard from Brendan yet? He has always been very quick with a response to any questioning but he suddenly seems to have become shy.
Years ago
So Serbia won the bronze? The Opals lost to a good team which was under-estimated and which over-achieved.
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