here's one for Bo Hamburger
Conspiracy - Bizzy, given his rapid rise up the leaderboard has been confronted by Steve Williams and 'influenced' to change his name, as to not knock certain celebrities off the leaderboard.
I think between Yogee, Libertine, Moses, Kriss and thedoctor, they've scrapped together enough cash to pay off the enforcer.
I think Bizzy now goes by the alia Dr Bullshit.
Dr Bullshit -
August 63 replies
July 24 replies
User profile Dr Bullshit
Topics started 1
Total comments 88
Also note-worthy is the manner in which Dr Bullshit/Bizzy now posts, opting for the Guerilla attack, posting a dozen times within minutes, and scurrying away into the wilderness ready to pounce again.
I could be wrong, but its fun to guess.