Years ago
How to get your game back after a long time away?
Hey everyone,
I used to play regularly for 15 years up until three years ago where I was dealing with anxiety issues. In those 15 years I had attained a certain level of skill. Whilst I never played in district, I was always very very good for a social league player and I would often compete against players who also played district and had the benefit of proper coaching.
I am two months back from my three year hiatus and it feels a little like learning to walk again. I see glimmers of my old game at times, but much of it is spent in a haze of struggling to read and react to situations quick enough, not having the energy necessary, the shooting stroke being haphazard and the killer-instinct and drive I used to have nowhere to really be seen.
While the defences I face at the moment would be nothing compared to what I used to, I am stuck feeling really restricted by them, when I used to think of them more as pawns who'd react however I willed them to.
I walk away from the court sometimes truly frustrated that I don't seem to have the same mentality I used to.
I am wondering if anyone has dealt with this before and has a solution?
I am 29 years old now, and I am hoping that my best balling years aren't behind me.