Years ago

Eddie's 1billion dollar stadium for Victoria

Breaking news out of Melbourne has started tongues wagging, but is Collingwwod President Eddie McGuire really trying to sell a 60k stadium for all of us at the cost of scrapping a perfectly good stadium already in existence?

Or, can we read between the lines as I suspect this (Aussie Trump wanna be) guys is trying to pull wool over everyone's eyes to get his beloved Magpies a home field at the cost of goodness knows who, the Government??

How about a new basketball venue for a sport that needs one?

Does the AFL have a billion to throw away, really?

What do others read into this concept, is it a phurphy or does it have substances?

Topic #39133 | Report this topic

Years ago

What club is having that many sell outs that they need a bigger stadium lol
Make LK pay for a new stadium if this dying league needs one that badly

Reply #582502 | Report this post

Years ago

Won't happen.

Reply #582504 | Report this post

Years ago

The whole think sounds weird, like he wants to demolish docklands, then rebuild it next to the 'G.

The sliding roof at Docklands has become a sad joke. Teams complain whenever it is opened, whilst the playing surface is dangerous because the turf dies and has to be continuously replaced. If you were building a new stadium, you'd either go conventional outdoors, or design a permanently enclosed venue with a synthetic surface.

Not sure why you would demolish a 20 year old venue, only to replace it with something similar?
Also, whist the AFL have often clashed with Docklands owners, under the original agreement they will assume ownership in another 8~9 years.

Reply #582505 | Report this post

Years ago

Quite inconsiderate of Uncle Eddie to raise this for discussion on the very day Docklands celebrates her sweet 16th birthday.

Reply #582520 | Report this post

Years ago

Just little Eddie trying to play with the big boys. Perhaps he sees himself as another Bond or Tinkler. Or maybe one of his developer mates is offering him big bucks for that prime location?

It would be stupid to build a large stadium close to another one where parking, access and traffic are already bad enough? The MCG is ideally placed for Melbourne's best stadium. Docklands is the perfect location for Its second stadium because of the public transport. Where else could you get such a great transport hub for a new stadium?

Reply #582552 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree, maybe build another stadium in the suburbs, oh I don't know why not choose somewhere the population is booming and where footy is a heartland?

Somewhere like say Waverley, oh and why not build a railway line to it so people can get there easier?

Sometimes I wonder at how these Cookoos can get an audience with their hair brain ideas of how to spend billions of our dollars, don't think it won't be the people who end up paying for this sort of stuff...

Last thing, maybe Eddie can build a wall between Victoria and.........and get them to pay for.....wait!!

Reply #582554 | Report this post

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