Years ago
Question on the 3 second key rule
I just wanted to know if anyone could help or point me in the right direction. I was watching a game the other night and a player on offense was in the key. They were not in for more than 3 seconds. What the player did was step out of the key and over the base line to be out of the key and the court. They then stepped back into the key and the ref blew the whistle and said you can't do that. In my thinking, the player has left the restricted area (outside of the key) and then back into the key to reset their three seconds. The ref blew the whistle and awarded the other team the ball.
Is this correct? Does anyone know for sure the correct call on this?
I looked up the FIBA rules on this and all it says is the player must place both feet out of the restricted area to be outside the 3 second rule.