Years ago

Crocs 16/17

If there was a team award for most improved throughout the season, it would hands-down go to the crocs.

I can only see this young team getting better next season, and hope that the crocs can keep the core team together. There isn't anyone that I would cut - contributions from all the playing group just kept getting better.

The crocs showed they can beat anyone if they turned up to play.

Where were the crowds this season in Townsville? The rest of the league seemed to be doing pretty well, but NQ seems to have fallen out of love with the NBL. The juniors in NQ are extremely popular and strong competitions, I would go so far as to say bball is the number 1 or 2 junior sport in the region (the other being soccer). Seeing that empty venue makes me a little sad (little violins, I know), as I was there from the first game of the Suns, which went on to sell out that stadium for the next 5 or 6 seasons.

Anyhoo, I think we can build a long-term team around SD + Australians Norton/Kay/Steindl + 2 imports - SG/C (hoping Jett and Samhan can stay), then with Maynard/Henry/Young rotating in. With that in place, and a final big 1 or 2 years from a healthy Schenscher, I don't see why we can't continue getting better each and every game and make a run at the playoffs for 16/17.

My 2c.

Topic #38980 | Report this topic

Jack Toft  
Years ago

"Where were the crowds this season in Townsville?"
I think the Crocs were a victim of the schedule. Without confirming it, I think about 4 of their first home games were on a Wed or Thurs which makes it hard to get the crowds excited as mid-week crowds are always down.

Reply #577634 | Report this post

Caps Fan  
Years ago

"and a final big 1 or 2 years from a healthy Schenscher"

two thoughts -

when were the first years ?

this can and has been hoiped for every year in the last 6.

Reply #577635 | Report this post

Years ago

RE Jack: That certainly didn't help. I'd also add that the rapid decline in crowds at the crocs almost perfectly correlates to losing the bloody-great dirt carpark area over to the left of the stadium - https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/Townsville+Entertainment+%26+Convention+Centre/@-19.2507216,146.825497,1021m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x6bd5f8cbadd118f5:0x1d1ebb1537fa24b4!6m1!1e1

Ever since that got closed off it is now a huge pain in the ass to get to games - no parking and public transport in Townsville is awful. I don't think there's any fixing this without a change of venue.

RE: Caps Fan. Agree. I was being too nice and he's contracted for next season I believe? If not, a young centre would be great, but they're almost impossible to find as they all head off to the USA for college. If we could get an Australian like Samhan as a backup centre that would be ideal... one can hope.

Reply #577642 | Report this post

NBL Fan  
Years ago

The Crocs were great this season and were one of my favourite teams to watch. Hopefully they can stick around for the long-term.

Reply #577653 | Report this post

Years ago

Crocs looking good for next season in stark contrast to the soft as Sixers.

Reply #577675 | Report this post

Years ago

Is there any guarantee that the crocs will be in the NBL next season? LK probably doesn't want any "another NBL team goes bankrupt" stories so they should be ok?

Reply #577845 | Report this post

Years ago

Good question. If Crocs stay with Bullets rejoining that is nine teams. If you face every other team under the current format then a nine team league equates to 32 games rather than 28.

I guess it isn't too much of an increase but time will tell.

Reply #577943 | Report this post

Years ago

2 extra home games + 2 extra away games per team, that should justify about $280 increase in price for a wildcats membership next season

Reply #577944 | Report this post

Years ago


they somehow get 10-11K average though

at those prices it's not for me however. live HD all games on TV makes it a no brainer

Reply #577945 | Report this post

Years ago

What is the motivation for the Crocs to perform well financially if they think LK will prop them up? Does it lead to laziness?

Reply #577946 | Report this post

Years ago

Not sure. Didn't Marvin admit in an article that the old NBL collectively via the other clubs put money in last year? Not sure if the same was done this season or ppl are confused at the aid they got the previous year.

Reply #577947 | Report this post

Both the Crocs and the Hawks were given financial assistance last season.

Reply #577949 | Report this post

Years ago

I am ok with financial assistance being given btw. Both those clubs should be given a legit chance to succeed in the 'new' NBL and it is best for all clubs if everyone can stay afloat. I just wonder where the line is drawn. Being bailed out is great but could also send mixed messages to a front office if they start thinking they're a charity case with permanent access to daddy's credit card.

Reply #577951 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon #577946 think aid was only given out in the 2014-15 season pre LK to avoid the league shrinking to a six team one.

Now with a Brisbane team coming in to boost the no. of sides above eight LK has more leverage to boot Crocs or anyone else out if they become "lazy" as you described.

Reply #577952 | Report this post

If they needed the financial assistance, its better to give it than have teams go bust midway through the season. The issue I have is that the NBL was building something on the back of a profitable year two seasons ago, had to forgo those profits, but were then criticised for not continuing to grow.

Reply #577955 | Report this post

Years ago

But we can't be denied our right to knock the NBL. After all it is one of our favourite national pastimes!

Reply #577957 | Report this post

Years ago

Not sure why nobody is mentioning Mirko Djeric, that kid is a flat out shooter and he is what 21?

I just hope he stays in the NBL and we see his game flourish...

Love the Crocs and Steindl needs to work on his ball handling and then he will be the player he should.

Really love Mitch Young's work ethic and hopefully he can widen up and stay on court longer!

Maynard is great fun to watch, so much heart and doesn't take a backward step and I think he has more tricks than what we have seen.

As for them being bailed out, I'm glad they have been but I wonder how much the league is sharing amongst each of the teams in terms of game night e terrain meant and advertising and ways of cutting costs that could help Townsville stay aflpat

Reply #578021 | Report this post

Years ago

Mirko Djeric is a shooter alright, he just does not make many, shoots a lot though, poor defensively as well.

Nick Kay has been very good though..

Reply #578033 | Report this post

Years ago

Thought the Crocs developed into a great team to watch. A group of guys who always looked like they would have a go at anything their coach asked them to do. They looked like they were really playing for each other, the classic underdog. Even Jett became a power for them and a very unique look. Gotta hope their comunity can buy into what they are doing.

The league expanding looks much better than just a big city team replacing a regional team. The teams are all in this together and need to support each other to keep a viable comp that can capture the imagination of the public, the corporate sector and of cause the media.

Reply #578067 | Report this post

Years ago

Proud, 100% agree with everything you just said.

RE Steindl: needs to work on his handles - fire up a Steph Curry drills video series on youtube and work on it all damn off-season! Passing and decision making needs some coaching as well. He has all the tools, just needs to work on some fundamentals and basketball IQ and we could see a future marquee player.

Reply #578210 | Report this post

Years ago

Crocs should approach the Florida Gators college program for a joint partnership and development program by offering pre season games between both programs and look at Aussie kids going there for college, also seeking out players coming down here through North Queensland perhaps?

Like the Melbourne City - Manchester City arrangement, but obviously suited to hoops...

Reply #578215 | Report this post

Years ago

Bear they only get to tour every few year so not sure if commercial works for Florida!

Townsville will die off this off season anyway! Brisbane to be the second QLD team

Reply #578216 | Report this post

Years ago

Commerical agreement with an NCAA team. Yeah cause that would be allowed.

Reply #578219 | Report this post

Years ago

NBL has been good this year, with Sydney the only easy-beats. Crocs managed to stitch up the Cats 3 times.
Still I think the league needs sustainable expansion. 8 teams is ok, but not considering the regularity with which NBL franchises go bust. I am not opposed to minor financial assistance to regional teams. (After-all, the Cats aren't much without a league to compete in.) I just think such assistance should be consistent, and done in such a way as to encourage excellence.
One idea I have mooted before, is that the Marquee tax paid by teams that exceed the salary cap, be used to subsidise better quality imports for the teams that can't afford them.

As to your squad, it's hard to speculate when we expect that they're a bit short on cash, but here goes:
I actually like Jett and Samhan. As far as what they do on the court, I think they're good value.
That said, I feel you really need to boost your starting line-up.
You need a bit more from your imports, a few more minutes at the same productivity. And whilst Steindl, Kay, and Norton are good young players, they're not THAT good.
The other issue is, as always, structure:
1. Since you're apparently stuck Shens for another two years, you're probably better off leaving Samhan and chasing another PF. (Preferably somebody who can venture outside the arc on occasions.) And having Kay back them both up.
2. Where is Clint better suited? 2 or 3? I'm old skool, I prefer the old way of 3 in the front, 2 in the back. But I accept that the modern games is usually a smaller outside player, or even swingman as the SF.
3. Who can run your point? Historically NBL teams have chased PGs as one of their imports, and most still do. But I'm not sold on the idea of stuffing your roster with wannabe PGs, then bringing in an import. So can Norton run the point (backed up by say Maynard?? If so, leave Clint at the 3, and get yourself an import SG who can shoot the lights out and rack up big points.

Reply #580127 | Report this post

Years ago

One idea I have mooted before, is that the Marquee tax paid by teams that exceed the salary cap, be used to subsidise better quality imports for the teams that can't afford them."

That's pretty much what happens already, money from those over the cap goes to those who are under.

Reply #580142 | Report this post

Years ago

To be a legit league they need 12 teams but it's got to be sustainable!

It should be : Brisbane & NZ 2nd team

Then 2nd Melb team while looking at either Tassie or 2nd Sydney team with the 5 years after that.

I love the crocs and think they can be sustained in the Comp but it would require effort from the other clubs to help them survive! We can't keep loosing teams thou as it hurts the creditable of the league...hence A-league learnt there lesson!

Reply #580146 | Report this post

Years ago

There's a tax (25% IIRC) on marquee payments that exceed the salary cap. That goes to tne NBL. As far as I am aware there is no redistribution of that tax as such, although we do understand there is some assistance handed out to some teams.

Reply #580241 | Report this post

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