Years ago
Ménage à trois - the 3-way tie
So, if MU continue to rest players and drop their 2nd game to NZ,
and Hawks drop their game to Adelaide,
and then Perth also drop their last game,
we have 3 teams tied on 16 wins.
Unlikely, but intriguing...
The rules are clear on the first part, it goes on wins in the 12 games between those 3 teams.
By my count, Hawks & 6's would finish tied on 5 wins each, and NZ only 2. (Please correct me if I have miscounted.)
So, NZ is eliminated by finishing 5th.
Does anyone actually know what the definitive rule is after that, and what the result would be?
The rules state that if the tie persists, then it goes to points. But the 3-way tie won't persist, so does that mean it goes back to head to head between Hawks & 6's?
If so, then presumably the 6's would finish above Hawks.
As others have suggested, the Hawks might prefer to face MU, rather than the Cats against who they have lost all 4 games.