No there's not. Maybe it's just me, but I just think it looks worse this way, and would prefer a proactive approach rather than hoping that somehow no one will find out about it.
I'm not saying sweep the whole thing under the rug, but there's no sense going public at the 'allegations have been made' stage.
Do the investigation, if everyone comes out clean make an announcement. If it starts to look serious, make an announcement.
In saying that, I have no idea who knows what or what's alleged to have happened or how many have alleged it or when, so it's possible things were past that point.
... gives the impression that they only found out due to the media. Is that actually the case though? Surely not.
That just says they're aware that media reports exist. ie "We're now aware this is public, and therefore feel the need to say something." It's quite possible things were going on privately long before the statement was made.