Years ago

Is "Monkey" Racist?

Michael Brennan (Premiership FB for the WCE) was called "Monkey" Brennan, and his son was later dubbed "chip-monk." But he was White.

The same person was at it again last night, calling Childress a "Monkey." Not any other Kings' player, just Childress.

I have previously contacted the Wildcats about this.
I was thanked for my concern, assured there was no place for racism at their games, and asked to contact them if the person became "blatantly racist".
(Apparently singling out Black players for name calling, including "Monkey" is not blatant enough.)

Topic #38945 | Report this topic

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Everything can be construed as racist if it is delivered in a hurtful manner.

Reply #576476 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought this would be a DeMarcus Cousins post. Which wasn't racist, just an unfortunate coincidence.
In this case, yes, it is racist.

Reply #576477 | Report this post

Years ago

Answer to op question is yes.

Reply #576480 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah in that context, its racism. The Kings thing still has me scratching my head though, it can be deemed racist, or it can be deemed culturally insensitive towards the Chinese aswell. Like someone else said, you can probably turn anything into racism if you really twist it how you see it. But that fan needs to be ejected and not return.

Reply #576490 | Report this post

I hadn't heard about the Demarcus thing until just now. He overreacted and completely ignored the context of the word "monkey" in the way it was being used. Whether it is Black History Month or not, it wasn't being used to denigrate him or other black people..

Reply #576492 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the word you are looking for is de-African-American-rate

Reply #576494 | Report this post

Years ago

In anything basketball related it sure is.

Reply #576497 | Report this post

Years ago

No. but apparently yes in this PC crazy world of ours

Reply #576516 | Report this post

Years ago

It is often overlooked that there are monkeys who are white as well. But only white ppl are racist so we can't be having any of that now can we.

Reply #576522 | Report this post

Years ago

and by claiming being called a monkey is racist aren't black/dark ppl admitting they think they look like monkeys? (not my opinion just delving into why they think this way in the first place) #foodforthought

Reply #576523 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes, it's racist.

Reply #576529 | Report this post

Our game  
Years ago

Some Terrible sadning ignorance in this thread, not even worth trying to explain why dehumanizing remarks derived from beliefs that inspired genoside are inappropriate in any context.

Reply #576531 | Report this post

Years ago

If a white person is called a monkey is it racist? Or do they believe it's racist?

Reply #576532 | Report this post

Years ago

Hard to tell what's trolling and what's just ignorance in here :-/

Reply #576534 | Report this post

Years ago

My folks called me a white topped gibbon when I was a kid (blonde locks and liked climbing trees). Were they racist - obviously not. Context is everything.

Reply #576542 | Report this post

Years ago

no they were racist all whites are evil racists!

Reply #576552 | Report this post

Years ago

Check out all the incorrect workings and understanding of the mini league and three way tie on the web by fans and worst of all TV commentators. Now that was ignorance.

Reply #576555 | Report this post

Our game  
Years ago

"My folks called me a white topped gibbon when I was a kid (blonde locks and liked climbing trees). Were they racist - obviously not. Context is everything."

Say for example your grandparents were slaughtered with a licence legally obtained by people that considered them less than human, as did the government of the time (happened prolifically in this country 60years ago) I think your parents mite be less likely to think calling you a monkey is endeering.

Yes, in certain contexts 'monkey' extremely racist & reminiscent of hideous actions.

Reply #576556 | Report this post

Years ago

ROFL, did they LOL after they said it?

Reply #576559 | Report this post

Years ago

My brother played junior footy with Monkey at karoonda. (Amalgamation of addross and brentwood). He had an exceptionally long wing span hemce the nic name. He was white after all so hardly frickin racist.

Reply #576569 | Report this post

Years ago

Kobe24, I hope so. A good lol makes everything better.
I've been enjoying the lols at the insipid 6ers for years! Bless!

Reply #576570 | Report this post

Years ago

Wouldn't call them insipid, that's odd thing to say about a team that has competed ok and at worst made the numbers up in the playoffs not on the outside. Odd dig lol

Reply #576572 | Report this post

Years ago

Classic ROFLcopter I'd say Kobe ;)

Reply #576573 | Report this post

Years ago

I cant compete with someone who talks about themselves in the third person ;)

Reply #576574 | Report this post

Years ago

I used to play Under 12's cricket at Karoonda (actually more of an amalgamation of Booragoon and Brentwood).
I guess Monkey was more into winter sports. Don't remember seeing him.

Reply #576598 | Report this post

I used to live across the road from Karoonda but do not remember any obvious racism coming from the oval.

Reply #576606 | Report this post

Years ago

Worthington rd booragoon. Played both lol. Long time ago

Reply #576611 | Report this post

Years ago

OP: Yes it is

Reply #576622 | Report this post

Years ago

Damien Monkhorst is a monkey too

Reply #576627 | Report this post

Years ago

Well done Dazz for contacting the Wildcats about this.

Reply #576636 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth fans are extremely racist, they were even waving stuffed monkeys during Childress free throws. Disgusting!

Reply #576682 | Report this post

Years ago

Context is everything. But even something that is not intended to be racist can be racially offensive to the person receiving it.

In the context here, it is at best a culturally insensitive and unthinking slur from a person ignorant of the deep historical and offensive implications of the word.

Reply #576698 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon #576682 Wildcats fans aren't racist, they act like absolute pigs to anyone and everyone regardless of race.

and the issue of the feral Perth fans has been discussed on many other threads.

So really let's lock this thread up as we are rehashing the baboonish behaviour of the Wildcats fans for the 1,000th time.

Reply #576724 | Report this post

No let's keep it going. Provide some examples of Cats fans acting like absolute pigs to "anyone and everyone."

Reply #576740 | Report this post

Years ago

It's the intent that makes words racist

Reply #576744 | Report this post

Years ago

Finally someone with some sense

Reply #576753 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes, context is import, hence my opening comment about Monkey Brennan.
If a white player swung on the hoop and was called a monkey, that wouldn't be racist.
Calling Prather a Monkey when he did it was at the very least insensitive. Calling Childress a Monkey, when shooting F/T's (and not any other Kings player) I feel is racist.

There were some pissed-off fans at the last game, annoyed I feel at the crap served up. Connelly has no admirers in that crowd and many were making fun of Ben Knight, etc. But that's not racist.

Reply #576762 | Report this post

Years ago

If a white player swung on the hoop and was called a monkey, that wouldn't be racist.
Calling Prather a Monkey when he did it was at the very least insensitive.
My favourite moment from the 1995 grand final is Peter Ensel almost falling into that trap, but realising it at the last second and sounding like an idiot instead.

"And James Crawford, swinging from the rim like a...uh, one of those animals that swings from the branches."

Can't beat live TV.

Reply #576763 | Report this post

Years ago

Ah Tripitaka, Monkey says it is time to end this thread !

Reply #576768 | Report this post

Years ago

Good move contacting the Wildcats but did you text the number that they show on the screen and mention on game night regarding offensive behaviour. Security could of moved in then and removed the idiot.
The number is on the screen regularly, this was mentioned by people the last time you brought this subject up, text the number on the night.

Reply #576771 | Report this post

Years ago

When fans heckle they are _trying_ to be offensive.

When people insult other people they are _trying_ to be offensive.

I don't get the current obsession with "That is not a PC insult". I mean seriously, WTF is meant to be PC about an insult?

The intent is not "I want this person to know that they are part of a race I've decided I don't like", it is simply "You are an outsider, I/we don't like you, here's some differences between you and me/us that I've noticed".

Reply #576913 | Report this post

Are you serious?

Reply #576920 | Report this post

Years ago

So go the whole way then.

Tell people they aren't allowed to insult people at all in public entertainment venues. They can cheer and boo and hiss and clap and make other random noise. But if you deride any individual you can be asked to leave.

Seriously, why is it okay to call someone an SOB (ie a dog)? Why is it okay to call some people a monkey, but not other people?

"Everyone has to be inclusive and politically correct, even when they are insulting people" is logically inconsistent. An insult by definition is exclusive and politically incorrect.

Reply #576925 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't see why telling someone you think they're bad at their job is politically incorrect.

Reply #576926 | Report this post

""Everyone has to be inclusive and politically correct, even when they are insulting people" is logically inconsistent. An insult by definition is exclusive and politically incorrect"

Thats fine, so if you choose to refrain from throwing any insults, good for you.

But to try and justify racist slurs with "no, its not racism, I'm just trying to hurt your feelings because you're different" is very bizarre.

I get that we don't want a society saturated with political correctness but this isn't the example to be using to fight against it.

Reply #576927 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #576930 | Report this post

Years ago

If I call a whole team a bunch of monkeys and only half the team are white....am I only being racist to the other half?

This PC thing has got way out of control. When did calling someone a monkey or an ape even become a racist comment anyway. If i see a guy thats slow and kinda has a dopey face and I call him a sloth....is that racist if he happens to be black.

Reply #576931 | Report this post

Years ago


Just.... yeah.

I'm no fan of political correctness either, but that has nothing to do with calling a black person a monkey in a derogatory way.

Reply #576937 | Report this post

Years ago

That's my reaction when I hear that calling people a monkey is now racist. I don't see it as racist what so ever...well i never use to anyway. Mind you I would think twice about using that word in public now that it has been tagged.

Reply #576942 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm glad we've got so many white people in this thread to tell black people what is and isn't offensive to them.

Reply #576944 | Report this post

Years ago

Why would you presume to know my, or anyone elses, skin colour?

Reply #576946 | Report this post

I type white.

Reply #576947 | Report this post

Years ago

A completely asinine comment from Koberulz there.

Reply #576948 | Report this post

Years ago

But why is the term monkey considered racist now? It never used to be.
When did it change? Is it because monkey's have dark skin underneath their hair?
I'm not trying to be sarcastic...its a serious question. Why the hell is it deemed racist?

Reply #576950 | Report this post

Years ago


Here's a suggestion.

Reply #576953 | Report this post

Its not racist *now*, you just may not have been aware of it before. Google it.

Reply #576954 | Report this post

Years ago

Interesting read.....I don't exactly live under a rock but the first I had ever heard of it was when the whole Adam Goodes sage unravelled. But then again theres probably those out there that didn't know that the word gay was originally another word for happy and fags were a type of candy shaped like cigarettes lol

Reply #576957 | Report this post

Years ago

To put it simply, the notion is that black people are less evolved, ie closer to monkeys than white people.

But to me, the issue is singling out.
Somebody mentioned the waiving of the stuffed animal, but from what I could tell that was for any Kings' player attempting F/T's. Whereas the Monkey comment was reserved solely for Childress. That's what turns an almost innocent word into a racial slur.

Reply #576973 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm white. Not going to pretend I'm not.

Was on the receiving end for several years when going to school in a predominantly aboriginal mining town though. Race is merely one of the many ways that people marginalize and/or insult other people. If I'd been an aboriginal from somewhere else instead of white kid I'd simply have been a black C instead of a white C to most of the local kids from the most populous extended families in town.

I just don't get the weird standards around insults. Why is it seemingly okay to call someone an F'ing soft C, or I say that you're a SOB (implying you and your mother are dogs). But you call someone a monkey, or imply their sexual tendencies don't match your own, or that their gender contributes to their recent show of incompetence etc that's suddenly crossing some line.

Its just like the school yard. If you bite on people's insults and show that they are getting to you, they'll keep doing it. If you get on with it and don't place any value in the opinions/words of strangers/enemies, then they stop, or enough other people around them get sick of hearing it and collectively tell them to shut their mouth.

I always took being insulted in the sporting arena to be a compliment. "That guys playing well, lets hope he's mentally weak enough that we can put him off his game with words."

Reply #577050 | Report this post

Years ago

Your theory only works if the person being insulted is strong healthy and happy in everyway. The thing is you do not know other peoples stories. The kid you say something you thought was funny to may go home to have the crap beaten out of them night after night or go hungry or have no parents abd they are living with grandma who chain smokes, you see mum at the psych ward or worse night after night bringing home a different bloke. The list goes on. When you make fun of someone or a joke at their expense their reaction is relevant to where they are at in life and you will never understand. You don't have to, you just have to show people respect. Simple

Reply #577051 | Report this post

Years ago

That's related but not the issue at hand.

You're essentially saying "You shouldn't insult anyone at all". Which I agree with. People shouldn't, but they do.

The issue through most of the thread is "Should racist insults be treated differently to other insults?"

I'll be teaching my kids that they shouldn't insult anyone. But, hand in hand with that I'll teach them why insults are stupid, usually spoken out of ignorance, and not things to take to heart.

Reply #577068 | Report this post

Years ago

Any comment that is offensive is about the receivers perception. I see no difference as some couldn't care less if someone is racist against them, ask the irish !!! Thay's a joke.. But a non racist offensive comment like yelling out 'you f...in slut' to a young girl who you didn't know was raped by an uncle could be far worse in comparison on an individual basis.. We are talking about racism but should be talking about insults instead , as everyone should be equal in their need for support against offensive statments.. Hope you get it..

Reply #577074 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry but as a white person calling someone a monkey isn't racist to me. The assumptions in this thread are everyone should know it is due to history but the slave trade didn't involve every white nation, you know.

I don't have a anglo background and my ancestors are from an EU country with 0% involvement in the slave trade in the past.

So this is where I am coming from.

If someone looks like a monkey then calling them that isn't racist whether they are white, yellow, black.

The slave trade was predominantly run by England/USA other coastal European nations. Bit presumptious everyone is aware of it.

Reply #577081 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm white. Not going to pretend I'm not.

Why is it seemingly okay to call someone an F'ing soft C, or I say that you're a SOB (implying you and your mother are dogs). But you call someone a monkey, or imply their sexual tendencies don't match your own, or that their gender contributes to their recent show of incompetence etc that's suddenly crossing some line.
Because there isn't a history of systemic abuse of soft people or people descended from dogs.

It's not hard.

Sorry but as a white person calling someone a monkey isn't racist to me.
As a white person you get absolutely no say whatsoever in what is racist to others.

The assumptions in this thread are everyone should know it is due to history but the slave trade didn't involve every white nation, you know.
But you do know, now, and you're still insisting there's no problem with it.

Ignorance is fine. Deciding that because you weren't aware of something it doesn't matter isn't.

Reply #577121 | Report this post

Years ago

Apologies for misreading your post earlier KR

Reply #577123 | Report this post

Years ago

Why is it seemingly okay to call someone an F'ing soft C, or I say that you're a SOB (implying you and your mother are dogs)

Why is any form of abuse OK? That's what I don't get. I thought Nathan Buckley summed it up best for me during the whole Adam Goodes saga last year - cheer for your team as loud and as passionately as you want but never, EVER, abuse the opposition.

Is it really that hard to leave the abuse out of it regardless of what type of abuse it is???

Reply #577125 | Report this post

Years ago

Why is it okay for aborigines to call me a white c*nt and there is never any uproar?

Reply #577128 | Report this post

Years ago

Because there isn't a history of systemic abuse of soft people or people descended from dogs.

Either we're all descended from monkeys. Or, we all aren't. Are you really asserting that only some people are descended from monkeys?

As for their not being a history of systemic abuse of soft people. What school(s) did you go to? Bullying is a form of abuse is it not? Plenty of history would also suggest that "soft" cultures were often defeated and enslaved by others. Or does that not count for some reason? Furthermore, why do people with poor mental fortitude have to suffer in silence whilst those complaining of racism get to be championed?

As a white person you get absolutely no say whatsoever in what is racist to others.

I'm sure what you meant here is "As a person of one race you get absolutely no say whatsoever in what is racist to others." You're not intentionally marginalizing or maligning white people? Right?

My main point is still the same. "Your insults are not okay because they target " is not the real issue. The issue is that people shouldn't be abusive to people period.

* Aside: I suspect I will have screwed up the formatting here. Anyone able to link to a formatting guide?

Reply #577143 | Report this post

Years ago

Last paragraph should read:

My main point is still the same. "Your insults are not okay because they target PC-flavour-of-the-moment" is not the real issue. The issue is that people shouldn't be abusive to people period.

Whilst people focus on one particular form of insult/slur/whatever people continue to be asshats using a different insult/slur.

Reply #577145 | Report this post

"Either we're all descended from monkeys. Or, we all aren't. Are you really asserting that only some people are descended from monkeys?"

He is saying that while we have all descended from monkeys, the inference is that black people are less removed from them, hence the slur.

Reply #577149 | Report this post

Years ago

But hang on if black ppl are offended by it because of that "belief" does that mean they themselves believe it? otherwise why would it be offensive if they themselves believe they are as evolved as whites are from monkeys.

Insults have no power if you don't believe it.

Reply #577152 | Report this post

Oh dear.

Reply #577155 | Report this post

Years ago

If they didn't believe it at all wouldn't they laugh it off like "hahahahaha look another white dumbo calling us a monkey oh dear"

Reply #577157 | Report this post

Years ago

As for their not being a history of systemic abuse of soft people. What school(s) did you go to? Bullying is a form of abuse is it not?
"Soft people" isn't even a class that exists, FFS, how can they be victims of systemic abuse?

Also: schoolyard bullying is not systemic abuse. Slavery is systemic abuse. Genocide is systemic abuse.

Grow up.

Reply #577161 | Report this post

Congratulations Isaac, you have a forum contributor who has just solved racism!! You've practically got one hand on the Nobel Peace Prize.

Reply #577162 | Report this post

Years ago

I think it's racist that soft people don't have a class of their own.

Reply #577164 | Report this post

Years ago

The stupid is hurting my brain

Reply #577170 | Report this post

Years ago

Systemic abuse: Failure to recognise, provide or attempt to provide adequate or appropriate services, including services that are appropriate to that person's age, gender, culture, needs or preferences.

That's not my definition of the term "systemic abuse", and maybe that's not what you meant when you used it. But that's what I meant when I replied.

For the majority of my life, victims of bullying were largely powerless to do anything about it. Complaints would be met by "kids can be cruel", "boys will be boys" and the like. There was little recourse for the affected kids and families. There were no systems in place to effectively deal with the problem. You couldn't go to the police, schools would shrug their shoulders. "The system" let them down, and their suffering was brushed under the rug. I'm not denying that genocide and slavery aren't worse forms.

Regardless you're cherry-picking your quotes and what you're responding to. So a simple question. What is it about race based slurs that makes them so much more offensive than other insults so that they should be treated specially?

Reply #577181 | Report this post

Years ago

That's not my definition of the term "systemic abuse", and maybe that's not what you meant when you used it. But that's what I meant when I replied.
And you accuse me of cherry-picking?

Reply #577191 | Report this post

Years ago

Is "Monkey Magic" Racist?

Reply #577201 | Report this post

Years ago

coz it has asians in it and they arent white. and then the BBC had the audacity to translate it into english for us anglo ex slave trader folk to watch and laugh at it. omg shame on you white race shame

Reply #577202 | Report this post

Years ago

Tathagata Buddha, the Father Buddha,
Said, 'With our thoughts we make the world.'
Elemental forces caused the egg to hatch,
from it then came a stone Monkey.
The nature of Monkey was irrepressible!

Reply #577203 | Report this post

Years ago

no Asians are actually pigs as portrayed by Pigsy! duh!

Reply #577205 | Report this post

Sometimes the word "racist" gets used incorrectly, when "ignorant" would be better. Let me use it in a sentence.

There are a stunning amount of ignorant people posting in this thread.

Reply #577207 | Report this post

Years ago

sorry for not knowing the in depth history of the west african slave trade transported by western europeans to the usa when despite being in an anglo country I am neither of the two. they never taught it in school either hmm wonder why, guilt over your ancestors atrocities perhaps

Reply #577208 | Report this post

Years ago

did learn about the local darkies getting treated bad though. i guess you all have to compensate for great great grandaddys horrific acts with the PCness

Reply #577209 | Report this post

Years ago

"The slave trade was predominantly run by England/USA other coastal European nations."

The slave trade was predominantly run by Africans, the other nations became customers to an existing trade, which still exists today in Africa.

The whole argument of "systemic" discrimination tends to come from a narrow view of world history that ignores anything that doesn't fit the black/white narrative.

And on the actual topic, yes, it's racist if you are aware of the history of the insult.

Sure, you can argue people should stop taking offence to it because it's a nonsensical insult, but that's the decision for the people involved, not anyone else.

Reply #577212 | Report this post

Years ago

And on the actual topic, yes, it's racist if you are aware of the history of the insult.
It's racist whether the speaker is aware of it or not.

If they're not, then they as a person aren't necessarily racist, but that doesn't make the statement itself any different. Intent is not magic.

The whole argument of "systemic" discrimination tends to come from a narrow view of world history that ignores anything that doesn't fit the black/white narrative.
If we were talking about people in Africa, that might be relevant, but we aren't.

Reply #577214 | Report this post

Years ago

Great point paul Africans sold their own kind as slaves to the Europeans in the first place.

Reply #577217 | Report this post

Years ago

It's more that the slave trade operated in Africa long before Europeans etc got involved (and Europe had its own slave trade long before that too) and continued to operate once they were no longer customers.

That doesn't make any of it better or worse, it just shows slavery as a whole doesn't fit the black-white narrative.

"It's racist whether the speaker is aware of it or not."

I would say it would be offensive in that case, but if the speaker isn't discriminating on the basis of race then their comments can't be racist by its very definition.

"If we were talking about people in Africa, that might be relevant, but we aren't."

This is a good example of the narrow view I was talking about, trying to isolate examples that suit a certain argument while ignoring what has happened all around the world.

It's this narrow view that allows some people to justify highly-bigoted comments like "As a white person you get absolutely no say whatsoever in what is racist to others".

Reply #577221 | Report this post

Great point paul *paraphrases paul's point to try and show I understand what he wrote*

Reply #577230 | Report this post

Years ago

I though Jack Toft had this topic covered in his first post, wow the history lessons are amazing...

Reply #577237 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow Africans have been so racist to each other for many centuries. Now we know who the white man learned it from.

Reply #577283 | Report this post

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