Interested Spectator
Years ago
Ebi says hello
To all the haters.
Yes, it took some some time to get into gear, but he's here.
They have been quiet of late.
Interested Spectator
Years ago
To all the haters.
Yes, it took some some time to get into gear, but he's here.
They have been quiet of late.
Years ago
No they haven't. They've been complimentary. Nice try though.
Years ago
I was originally in Ebi's corner, but his fitness and play up until three weeks ago was appalling. He was giving the team nothing and in fact had become a liability. At that stage I said I believed the team needed to make a change.
He's now playing well. Credit to him and from a Sixers perspective great to see. But the criticism of him was well and truly warranted, that can't be disputed.
Years ago
I guess that's what losing 10 kilos does for a professional basketballer. He should have been in this condition from day 1!
Supernintendo Chalmers
Years ago
How is criticising someone who was out of shape, under an injury cloud and in poor form being a "hater"?
And now that he is fitter and in good form, that doesn't mean the previous criticism was unwarranted.
Even his biggest critics have all posted that they are happy he has proved them wrong.
Years ago
Ere was absolute crap, out of shape and making terrible misses (even couldn't get basic layups in), and for the last 4 or so games, he has been good to even brilliant on occasion.
Years ago
It's more those who have been constantly bagging Joey Wright, thread after thread, about hurting the club to help a mate, who better get ready for some pie on their face.
Ebi admitted tonight in interview he was out of shape with injuries taking him out of training options. he's fit now and he knew he needed to put in the work so he would agree with everyone. It was a risk that could have gone either way. Thankfully it went well, especially with Randles knee now..you can bet Joey was at Ebi to lose the weight too.. Move on everyone, everyone's back on the same page. The team needs support now as that does not look good for Randle
Years ago
I haven't been one of the Ebi or Joey baggers at all, but paul I can see legitimate argument as to why Ebi shouldn't have been signed or should have been let go since it took him about 20 games to be useful.
Perhaps there were circumstances in which Ebi got injured after being signed and further complications which decided it's worth the faith to keep him (which if the case may be a pay off now).
Overall it's tough to bag Joey i think he's a brilliant coach. Great to see Ebi doing well we might well need him to step up big time in Randle's absence
Years ago
I agree KET, I would have got rid of home myself, but anyone who has questioned Joey's integrity constantly on the basis of this is now starting to look a bit stupid.
Keyboard warriors like Kobe24 don't have to make big picture decisions in the best interests of the club, coaches do, and the decisions Wright has made over three seasons seem to keep turning out well for the 36ers, so I have no time for the personal attacks.
Years ago
That should read "got rid of him", my home's just fine!
Years ago
I've been very loud about him, in a very negative way and for good reason. But he has been sensational this past few games and the credit has to be paid to him for his past few games. Won that game for the 36ers tonight. Good try but no one has said he is still shite.
Years ago
I have no problem with you bagging Ere's form when warranted, but why don't you revisit the personal attacks on Wright for not sacking him. Turns out there was a good reason to keep him.
I must say it's enjoyable seeing the keyboard warrior who has been bagging the 36ers for so long now just get proven wrong time and time again. I'm looking forward to next off-season and more of your predictions of doom and gloom.
Years ago
Paul your a true idiot. This turn around would have joey surprised. Smartass keyboard warrior
Years ago
Haha. Of course it would, because it surprised you and you know everything. I must say I'm truly surprised you're not enjoying the negativity!
I like your new signature too - Smartarse keyboard warrior.
Supernintendo, the haters didn't stop at saying he was out of form they all said he should be out of here, replaced asap. There were a small group of supporters who backed house character to shine through and his hard work is now paying off. Eat that, haters!
Years ago
Good try but no one has said he is still shite.
they all said he should be out of here, replaced asap.
Look, the Ebi doomsayers were wrong and now they gotta face facts. It isn't about trying to justify a view. We all know why you guys were hatin' on Ebi, it's just you didn't have the faith he would turn it around. No need to justify your view now, you just gotta take it like a man. Whereas if he continued being crap then you could serve it up to the Ebi supporters and Sixers organisation for wasting a season.
Look, the Ebi doomsayers were wrong and now they gotta face facts. It isn't about trying to justify a view. We all know why you guys were hatin' on Ebi, it's just you didn't have the faith he would turn it around. No need to justify your view now, you just gotta take it like a man. Whereas if he continued being crap then you could serve it up to the Ebi supporters and Sixers organisation for wasting a season.
Years ago
Fans don't hate for the sake of hating, I'm a season ticket holder and all ive wanted is a team that produces on the court. We have a had a very sub par import combo for most of the season, but for some reason it's now clicking very late but it's happening and I'm so happy about it. Has anyone actually still tried to dog his performing?
Hold up everyone,
He has had 4 good games and one or 2 other ok games out of 24 games the 36ers have played this season, does that justify a import spot for the whole season???
I am glad he has turned it around, but no one was wrong when they were saying he was playing badly for the majority of the first 20 games, and it wouldnt have been wrong to replace him, Kenyon McNeil and Brian Conklin could have struggled through 20 games too.
Does 4 good games make it a successful season for Ebi??
Even if he continues it and has a total of 8 good games, does that make it a good season for him??
To me its AWESOME and AMAZING that he has made such a turn around, i dont think Joey had a crystal ball, i think he just had faith in a guy he knew could play and hoped like hell he could turn it around, which thankfully he did, and i hope it continues.
To be honest i expected something like this all season, ala what Penney has done at the Hawks, and due to this i was one of the few people who was excited by his signing, but after 8 games of rubbish i even joined the Ebi needs to be replaced club, after defending him at first, i was willing to give him 5 or 6 games to find his feet but not 20, but am as glad as hell he finally has
So those who criticised him were NOT WRONG, he played badly for majority of the season, i was wathcing him at points thinking we would be better off with replacing him with Sam Johns, and at times we possibly would have been.
Ebi has turned the corner the last 4 games and i hope like hell it continues, and well done to him for that, credit due to him, but to be honest its about time, he shoulda been playing at this level all season, imports putting up numbers he was in the first 20 games often get replaced injury or no injury, so it wasnt wrong to suggest that.
WOuld we have been worse off if we had replaced him after say 8 games and got our selves a Torrey Craig or Casey Prather type, even if they averaged say Torrey Craigs overall numbers??? I dont think so, so people wanting to go down this path were not wrong.
Playing good in 1 quarter of the games for the season, doesnt make a great season, or the player a great signing.
Well done to Ebi for the turn around, we need it to continue, especially if Randle misses games
If Ebi had played high quality all season Sixers could be battling for first not fourth, nice to see him turn it around though. Will it continue though?
Years ago
Hopefully so, will have to if there is any issue that will slow Randle.
Years ago
"To be honest i expected something like this all season, ala what Penney has done at the Hawks."
Tracking him over recent years, he hasn't been producing at near the level of Penney so that was always a long shot.
It will be interesting to see how long this run of form lasts, he has been a burst player in recent years, a few good, a few bad. If Randle's ok the 36ers can afford for him to be a sparkplug, but if Randle's out for the season they'll need regular output from Ere.
Marcus Camby
Years ago
"Keyboard warriors like Kobe24 don't have to make big picture decisions in the best interests of the club, coaches do, and the decisions Wright has made over three seasons seem to keep turning out well for the 36ers, so I have no time for the personal attacks."
Well done Paul for calling out the main offender.
Commenting on poor play by a player is one thing, but attacking the coach's and the player's professional integrity takes it to a whole another level that crosses the line.
Marcus Camby
Years ago
it's completely reasonable to see his form and think "this doesn't cut it and won't improve, he's out of date - too old - time to replace him". That's not hating IMO, and it's not "haters gonna hate". "
Ahh...but it didn't end there did it?
Calling Ebi fat / over-weight. That's personal.
Stating Ebi is not cut only because he and Joey are mates, thats personal.
Marcus Camby
Years ago
"Fans don't hate for the sake of hating"
That coming from you...and in this forum. That's Gold Bro.
Years ago
Calling Ebi fat / over-weight. That's personal.
To a degree but it's also a direct factor as to why he wasn't playing to his potential. He's a professional athlete and came to the team completely out of shape. That's a fact - he's basically admitted as much himself.
Do you honestly think it was professional of him to come into the season in the shape he was? Where's his integrity? Credit to him for working his arse off to GET into shape, but fact is he should have BEEN in shape in the first place.
Marcus Camby
Years ago
"he's basically admitted as much himself."
Does that make it OK to call people fat online?
Would you call him fat to his face even after his admission?
"Do you honestly think it was professional of him to come into the season in the shape he was?"
He was contracted to attend work at a specific date which he did.
" Where's his integrity?"
Wow....so Ebi has no integrity now?
Do you think the same of Jawai, and Jett? What about Markovic with his personal issues, is he unprofessional for accepting a Kings contract?
Years ago
"How is criticising someone who was out of shape, under an injury cloud and in poor form being a "hater"?
And now that he is fitter and in good form, that doesn't mean the previous criticism was unwarranted."
^ Exactly. The fact that he is playing well now is obviously great, but it doesn't magically invalidate all criticism of his shape and his play over the first three quarters of the season. The criticism was warranted IMO. And surely having a guy who can play well in 24 games would have been preferable to a guy who can play well in 4 games.
Marcus Camby
Years ago
"Marcus Camby your a nutter don't ever change."
So you have nothing but personal attacks.
How mature.
Years ago
Do you think the same of Jawai, and Jett?
Actually, I do. But at least Jett and Ebi have worked hard to get themselves in shape. Their situation is so far removed from that of Markovic (and I tend to think you know that) that I'm not even going to dignify it with a response.
So where is Ebi's professional integrity, as a professional sportsman, turning up unable to perform his job to the best of his ability? Answer the question.
To say "He was contracted to attend work at a specific date which he did." is arguably the biggest copout response I've ever heard in my life, and tends to make me think you either don't know how to argue, or are simply a troll.
Years ago
Years ago
If you're a pro athlete your condition is fair game and so is your performance. That's just the way it is and the criticism of Ebi's performance was valid, I thought he should have been gone mid-December.
But anyone who was questioning Joey Wright's integrity by saying he was hurting the team just to keep a mate in a job is now starting to look very silly.
There was obviously a reason Wright kept Ere on board and we're now seeing it. There aren't many players around with Ebi's big-game credentials, especially on the modest money that would have been available.
Bretts The Man
Years ago
Look Yes I am one of those very negative about Ere and pleased for him and team turned it around.
I also said it was a disgrace how turned up to play in such a unfit state and still do and put blame on injury does not cut it as he is a professional sportsman and even if can't train you don't get that out of shape.
You may pat Ere on back now but if Randell did not come we would not even be close to playing finals and all would mean nothing as his defence and play was one of if not worst we had from import.
Kobe24 said EBI wont last the season end,and someone predicted that EBI will turn the corner and he has done so in the last 4 games.I hope EBI continues his awesome form for next couple of games and finals too.Go EBI
Years ago
I said I hope he doesn't last the season bars on the shit he served up for 3 quarters of the season. I'm more than happy to have him around if he is delivering, so no issue for at moment. Not rocket science fans want results when players turn the corner so to speak it's all gravy. And yeah Marcus personal your a wack job so not much else would sink in.
Marcus Camby
Years ago
"Their situation is so far removed from that of Markovic "
Using YOUR logic...
BOTH knew that had issues at the beginning of the Season.
BOTH accepted the contracts knowing the above.
BOTH's performances were impacted by their respective conditions.
Why is Markovic spared from your zero integrity mudslinging?
I don't think Ebi nor Markovic should be judged in that way, but I'm using YOUR logic.
"So where is Ebi's professional integrity, as a professional sportsman, turning up unable to perform his job to the best of his ability?"
In my answer of "He turned up as contracted" I regretfully missed out the below.
Both parties would have known Ebi's condition before the contract was offered and accepted. There was likely even a Medical. Since both parties knew and were willing to engage in the contract, I see no reason to question anyone's integrity.
That is of course you can prove Ebi stated to the Sixers he was in peak Sydney King's health and form?
Marcus Camby
Years ago
"I said I hope he doesn't last the season bars on the shit he served up for 3 quarters of the season."
You missed the point...again.
The issue is not your comments on Ebi's game, rather, the personal attacks on Joey and Ebi.
You still probably won't get it after this, but its OK, some people are slower to absorb sentences.
Years ago
No your not using my logic at all. You're using none. It's ok, I won't be feeding the troll any more.
Years ago
Thought Ere had a great game against the Hawks. Very confident and to a really receptive crowd. An entertaining game. Hopefully the form sticks for a while yet.
I will stand up for Kobe24 because unlike OP claims, he absolutely didn't disappear when Ere started playing well - he was one of the first to acknowledge it, and repeatedly.
And yes, remarking on a player's fitness seems fair to me. If he's seemed like a broken record, it's because he responds when people engage him on it. So be it.
FWIW, I've heard things supposedly from both sides about which of coach or club wanted to keep Ere and which wanted to replace him during the season.
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