Years ago

Sneak peek at the 36ers' new video cube

Sneak peak of the new "cube" if anyone is interested.


Topic #38847 | Report this topic

Years ago

How is this a spolier?

Reply #574093 | Report this post

Years ago

Thought some people might have wanted to see it in person reather than have it spoiled...

Reply #574095 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

Was there a little structural wobble and perhaps a bit of metallic creaking when EBE went up on the screen ?

Reply #574096 | Report this post

Years ago

Been waiting probably 10 years for this, so hopefully it was worth the wait.
Hoping the sound system is an improvement too.
Looking forward to seeing it in action tomorrow night.

Reply #574097 | Report this post

Years ago

looks great - better than what we had

Reply #574099 | Report this post

Years ago

Doesn't look great at all from that clip. Let's hope they maximise it with far better footage.

Reply #574106 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #574108 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm excited. Can't wait!

Reply #574114 | Report this post

Years ago

$450k for a PA system? Geez it oughta be a good one for that price.

Reply #574120 | Report this post

Years ago

Nice, exciting for 36ers fans and for the image of the league.

200k sounds a bit dear for something thats not a proper "cube", just looks like 4 large screens and some speakers, but hey I'm not an expert.. could probably cost that much?

Either way, good job on improving.

Perth's scoreboard cube is pretty good.

How are they at other arenas?

Reply #574127 | Report this post

Years ago

Ok Ricky please explain the difference between a scoreboard "cube" and 4 screens. If it bothers you maybe they could fill the gaps in with some black MDF so it is a cube.

You are the sort of person if given a million dollars cash would complain that you had to take it to the bank

Reply #574146 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd say the cost of the "cube" wouldn't just be the screens but would include the installation and computer and software that runs them etc.. All adds up.

Reply #574147 | Report this post

Years ago

Hopefully the sound upgrades are up to concert standard and they haven't just thrown money at nothing.

Reply #574151 | Report this post

Years ago

At $450k, surely that is the intention?

Reply #574156 | Report this post

Years ago

Here Anon, I'll show you what a real scoreboard "cube" looks like.


I was just curious on how 4 screens, speakers, installation and software set up could add up to 200k.

Wasn't totally bagging it off, it's better than what they had and are trying at least.

But yeah, feel free to anonymously judge someone's character and the kind of person they are.

Reply #574158 | Report this post

Years ago

Perth Arena's "Cube" started off much the same as Adelaide's IIRC. It was just 4 screens and they stretched a tarp across the bottom to cover the hole. Over time they added bits to it.

Reply #574160 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #574162 | Report this post

Years ago

Ricky, how much did Perth's cube cost? What makes you say that $200k is dear?

Reply #574164 | Report this post

Wilson Sting  
Years ago

Looks great, hope you actually get some replays on it. Will Fox allow that?

Reply #574167 | Report this post

Years ago

Plenty of live replays in Melbourne.

I'd say Adelaide will have the same.

Reply #574174 | Report this post

Years ago

You can get those kinds of screens imported for between 1500 - 2000 a sqm. If you work that out (48 sqm x 2000) it's about 100,000 max inc shipping.

Can't say where the 36ers ones are from but that's a lot of cash.

I'm sure there are a lot of other factors involved, like Aussie product, markup, labour, etc.

I guess I shouldn't be suprised, everything in Australia costs heap more.

Happy for the 36ers fans either way.

Reply #574177 | Report this post

Years ago

Looks like a totally new building, I like it.

Reply #574180 | Report this post

Years ago

Was slightly disappointed that they didnt really do anything differently, as in player entrances or turn the lights in the crowd off etc...

Reply #574221 | Report this post

Years ago

The video screens show the fox telecast as it is being played, you don't watch it while the game is on, please just show the player stats during play and show the replays when play stops. The sound system is very good and clear but does it have to be so loud. Could be turned down a couple of notches. Lighting is a big improvement.

Reply #574222 | Report this post

Years ago

I second that RT. I really want to see live running stats for all players without having to squint to read one of the end screens - the text is too small for the stadium size.

Great to show replays and the obligatory ads (to help pay for the thing) but during play - can we please see points and fouls per player at least?

hoepfulyl this will come. Its a great scoreboard and the sound is so much cleaer (maybe half a notch too loud now - but heaps cleaerer) I am sure they willa djust voer time and given feedback.

Reply #574256 | Report this post

Years ago

(and next time I'll not accidentally press post before I correct my fat-finger spelling - lol - that's absolutely atrocious) :-)

Reply #574257 | Report this post

Years ago

Yep. I see nothing of what is needed. Yes we have scores, foul total and time outs. The old score board yep. We want stats big enough and spaced enough to see the 5 on court.. Nope not anymore.. Couldn't see the temp screen with all the player stats a and still can't see it on the cube now. If we get them that is. Why do we beed to have the game on the cube when it is right in front of us larger in real life ????? And for the new sound system, thats no good if the announcer still talks too fast and the tone is not set properly. We need a sound engineer and if we have one get a new one, it was no better last night. Switched off to announcers yet again... The lighting was great though so that was worth it.. Now we just need to have management fork out for some proper signage at the gates especially the rear one so the poor volunteers stop being abused by those who want to get in for free, bypass the front gate queues and park in prepaid parking. Was terrible last night. Apparently members even those who have a platinum or tickets at the door to collect in corporate and disabled think they get free carparking as well. Everyone parking at the rear no matter what needs a prepaid car park pass If you have been let in before it is because the volunteer didn't know the rules or couldn't deal with these people. Rant over.

Reply #574265 | Report this post

Years ago

Seriously, some people are never happy to have someone else spend their own money on improving the presentation of the game we all love.
Its there money so whether or not they got a brilliant deal on the set up is irrelevant.
I say "well done" to the new owners of the team I chose to support. And "thank you" to the owners of the team and the venue for enhancing my game night experience.

Reply #574275 | Report this post

Years ago

OMG it's almost as if everything was not 100% refined and perfect on the first night the new system was used.
What a complete waste of money!

Reply #574280 | Report this post

Years ago

Was very frustrated last night by the negative bickering of the people behind me about the lack of stats on the main screen, the level of noise and anything else they could nit pick. It was like they would have preferred the old rather than the new. Then I remembered that that complained bitterly about that too.

That said, as a first trial of the new systems, a few things can be learnt.

1. The lighting is fantastic.
2. The sound is much clearer and better. I am not as old as those carping on behind me, but the volume could be turned down a little and there could have been less music in the first half which seemed to drown out the involvement of the crowd. I thought they generally addressed this in the second half and it was a lot better.
3. The stats layout can be improved. Show the stats for the current 5 on the court somewhere (cube or end of court, I don't care) but where you don't have to sort those stats from amongst the other 7 players not on court. The end displays as they were had too much information to sort through which distracted from a quick glance at the screen whilst the game was going on.

Luckily, with the new systems we have, these things can easily be tweaked and improved over time.

Love the new upgrades, my thanks to the powers that be.

Reply #574290 | Report this post

Years ago

Some people expect a professional organisation to get it right especially as many are still there from previous years of continually getting it wrong. If no one brings up the issues then things do not improve.. You wouldn't want your doctor to get your operation wrong would you or the cook to burn your steak. It's about using common sense. So tired of the sugar coated people wanting everything to be sweet and nice. Did you see Joey and the team, they were frustrated by the refs and the new NBL owners take and lack of leadership on that. Would you like to abuse Joey and fhe team now for complaining about that. Are they terible people as well picking on the poor refs who are hust doing their job. Sit behind the bench and you'll hear complaining and I am okay with that. Don't think the new owners are just in it to be nice. They are wanting to make a quid out of all this and likely have visions of big profits for sure otherwise they would have come forward in years past instead of a small geoup SOS who really were under the pump.

The people near you have prob been around a long time and seen the same lack of forsight and just frustrated. Bet they too have spent years and money still coming back supporting the team in the low years as did I when all the new crowd were no where to be seen, and despite the crappy board breaking down and toilets not working so please do not judge them. There would not be a team for you to enjoy if it were not for those that have stuck it out supportin the team as bottom dwellers. They probably go to every Lightning game too and volunteer at a local stadium and put years in to the sport and had many years of frustration. If you keep telling an organisation how great they are they will believe it and never seek to improve, there needs to be a balance of both good and bad. If Adelaide stops winning and lose Randle lets see how many stick around and I bet its the complainers as they complain because they really do give damn about the team. They want their team to be professiinal a ross the board literally and what is wrong with wanting to see the stats for god sake.

Reply #574295 | Report this post

Years ago

You got to see the woods for the trees mate. We take 10 steps forward and it was like we had instead gone backwards.

I was a member through all those evil years too.

Reply #574318 | Report this post

Years ago

Thats why last night was disappointing.. long wait to have a working screen and couldn't see the stats anyway when they were posted. How did they not think that was not okay along with seeing the game on the screen instead of stats when you look down and see it in real life and it's bigger ! Not rocket science to figure it out. Waste of money of not used properly. Would rather that spent on keeping Randle.

Reply #574319 | Report this post

Years ago

Bloody hell, they only just installed the thing.
Give them some time to sort out the aesthetics!

Reply #574320 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, the new screens are run by COMPUTERS. It has this stuff called SOFTWARE which allows them to change everything about how the stats are displayed, when and how.

Last night was the first time the brand new system was used. This allows them to TEST how the system works, get feedback and try different things.

Forget it, you are right. The whole thing has been a complete waste of money, just scrap the whole thing.

Do you sit behind me by any chance?

Reply #574334 | Report this post

Years ago

no i don't sit behind you. wait for it. it won't change because all the Facebook posts say it was awesome. that's my point. no one will think it's a problem if no one complains and everyone says it's great . That's how marketing works. I am business savvy. we'll chat again after tomorrow nights game shall we.

Reply #574349 | Report this post

Years ago

typical that so many are saying it looks great. couldn't care less what it looks like, just want readable stats. but in this easily brought world based on looks and gadgets and everyone getting pissed it's hardly surprising most couldn't care less about the actual information as long as they are entertained. But many are bagging out the rest of the team be cause it is now only about randle. very sad.

Reply #574350 | Report this post

Years ago

Get the app on your phone if its that big of a deal...

Reply #574366 | Report this post

Years ago

The thing is - it is not a big deal. We have had no stats all year, now we have too much info in not the most user friendly form. But now any 12 year old will be able to do the tweaks necessary to refine the product over time. That will happen.

I'm not saying don't give the club feedback, of course you should. Send them an email. No doubt someone from the club keeps half an eye on this forum. But if I had to listen to another sky is falling down prediction last night in respect of what is overwhelmingly a positive step forward I don't know what I would do.

Reply #574399 | Report this post

Years ago

The guy (Quiffjab) who manages what is displayed on the screen read this thread and has spent time this morning programming some stats display to be used now and then.

Reply #574444 | Report this post

Years ago

Well done, look forward to it

Reply #574446 | Report this post

Years ago

The lighting looked very good from what I saw of the Sixers-Kings highlights. Well done Adelaide.

Reply #574447 | Report this post

Years ago

Quiffjab could accommodate requests for functionality within reason. e.g., a screen showing who's on court, leading scorers and rebounders, etc.

Reply #574462 | Report this post

Years ago

Stats for the players currently on court would be enough I think, the rest are on the other screens and if he tries to cram too much in people will start complaining about the size of the letters. :)

Maybe team stats every now and then to see shooting %, rebs, assists etc

If he wants to really get into it some historical stats before the games would be cool.
Wins-Loses between the teams, highest scores, scores from last 5 games stuff like they use to put in the newspaper articles.

Reply #574469 | Report this post

Years ago

Is the board big enough to be set up like Perth's is? I think that's a pretty good balance between having stats and having video.

Perth also use the video area at half time for team stats, as well as a head-to-head player comparison for one or two matchups, so you could throw things like that in during breaks in play.

Reply #574484 | Report this post

Years ago

Great work Quiffjab, loved the additional touches tonight.

People behind me still not happy though. Quote of the night was 'don't they realize people just want what we had before?' No, we don't.

Reply #574547 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks. We're using the feed from the NBL web site, which at times can be a minute or two delayed (it's not plugged directly into the scoring desk, unlike the team scores, fouls and time).

I built a screen for "on court now", but it's often instantly out of date due to aforementioned lag in updating the data, so wasn't overly useful.

Reply #574743 | Report this post

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