Years ago

Joe Connelly confirmed as new Kings head coach

Topic #38564 | Report this topic

Years ago

So this is the new guy they brought in a couple of weeks ago to be a special assistant? Guess the writing was on the wall for a little while then.

Reply #567274 | Report this post

Years ago

According yo locals he hasnt got what it takes.

Reply #567275 | Report this post

Years ago

Who are the "locals"?

Reply #567276 | Report this post

Years ago

Couldn't be any worse than cotter

Reply #567284 | Report this post

Years ago

Who ?

Reply #567286 | Report this post

Years ago

I realise coaches live and die by results and you can't sack a team, so the poor old coach cops it, but please tell me what coach on earth would have done better knowing the injuries and disruptions this Kings team has had so far this season?

Reply #567289 | Report this post

Years ago

Joe Connelly has basketball through his veins and from a big basketball family, brother Gm of Denver Nuggets, let's hope this works could be good for basketball all round.

The players did not play for cotter so it's a shame but let's hope Connelly gets them going, there a lot better players in this squad than the results suggest.

Reply #567292 | Report this post

Years ago

Bullshit. Most of the guys on that squad don't play a lick of D nor is there a floor leader among the guards. Khazzouh is the softest player in the league and the depth is highly questionable. Sick of hearing about how talented this roster is because it just isn't the case.

Reply #567293 | Report this post

Years ago

What utter rubbish. The players loved cotter and yet again management has interfered.
The owners have interfered since day 1 and now cotter has been released. Not sacked. Believe it or not. Now an outsider who has no connection the club nor empathy with the players is immediately appointed. Total outsider.
No one thinks hes any good. If you think the players werent playing for Cotter, then they will never play for this chump.

Reply #567294 | Report this post

Callisto 75  
Years ago

Unfortunately Cotter didn't get to pick the team but from I can see the players appeared to like him based on their tweets and comments to the media. You don't sack a coach in my opinion if the players like - if you don't like the coach or he isn't good just don't re sign him. Sacking him effectively means you have given up on the season.

With this American guy he definitely has a good background however bringing him in meant Cotter was always on the chopping block. I think the main things working against him is he doesn't know the league and whether the players respond to him after liking Cotter.

I think Cotter did ok but not great with the Kings considering injuries and the support of the front office.

Reply #567296 | Report this post

Years ago

If the players loved cotter they certainly did not show it in efforts, this is business not the mates act, I prefer my coaches to get results not be friends.

Reply #567298 | Report this post

Years ago

There's plenty of hate here for Cotter - probably from Knox days - but anyone who is familiar with him and his coaching understands he is a man of high integrity and he's a good basketball brain. Hopefully he gets another shot. Sydney was the wrong place at the wrong time. Anyone who knows basketball knows he can coach.

Reply #567300 | Report this post

Violet Crumble  
Years ago

I'm not sure another coach could have improved on the W column, though in saying that there were at 3 winnable games that the Kings dropped (the loss at home to T'ville in particular as they were looking at >90% chance of winning that one, @Adelaide was another that was their game to lose, last game against Illawarra maybe the tougher one to pull out but definitely possible), those games are perhaps more on the players not executing, though there were certainly times where Cotter didn't seem proactive (or even reactive in some cases) just from my observations. He seems like a good guy though, but I want a coach that will maximise my players talents and he didn't really ever seem to be able to get that.

As I mentioned before, would have liked for management to ride out the season and maybe go after Geordie McLeod (there is a Razorbacks' connection there right?), someone who will at least maximise the talent, and has a proven track record on the league (one thing Connelly does not have, but his coaching ability remains a big question mark).

Reply #567301 | Report this post

Years ago

Sick of hearing this pick the team rubbish. Make good with what you've got.. Sydneys roster is not terrible, definitely all on the coach!

Reply #567303 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry but what the hell does someone liking the coach have to do with how well they play? THe coach is there is draw up the plays and its the job of the players to enact them ?

Nothing more.

People are making it sounds like it means 2 shits if the players like their coach or get on well with them. Its not a holiday camp where you made a new friend with Mr Cotter. No.. its a professional team where you enact the plays that the coach gives you.

Reply #567304 | Report this post

Years ago

"THe coach is there is draw up the plays and its the job of the players to enact them ?

Nothing more."

Drawing up plays is actually a fairly insignificant part of coaching...

Reply #567308 | Report this post

Years ago

Draw up plays that get the best players involved giving the team the best chance to score! Julian barely gets a touch. Shit plays and shit offence wont win you games!

Reply #567310 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't have the figures regarding pace -- and therefore the efficiency of team's off/def -- but Sydney are 3rd in the league in PPG, behind Illawara and Adelaide: both of which are very pace-driven, offensive-minded teams.

Of course their offense could be better, but Sydney's inability to win games appears to stem (more so) from the defensive side (7th in the league).

Again: plays have little to do with winning games. Great coaches can make "shit plays" work for their team.

Reply #567315 | Report this post

Years ago

Have the Kings confirmed the new coach or is it still media talk.

Reply #567318 | Report this post

Years ago

Offense is about talent, defense is more about coaching. With offense, you could be a crap coach but if you know Childress and Khazzouh are good you get them the ball. During the most important plays of a game down the stretch of a close game, there are very few complicated plays run, it is just about getting your best player the ball in a position where he likes to operate. Even the common fan knows this.

The Kings are absolutely rubbish on defense. That's how you know Cotter is clueless. Either the players don't listen or give the effort on D or he has no idea. Either way, it's unacceptable and the right move has been made.

Reply #567321 | Report this post

Years ago

Cotter was extremely well liked and respected at Knox. He would be welcomed back at Knox with open arms.

Only Cotter haters are dickheads whom have no clues about the game and what makes a good coach.

Trust me Cotter will prove you DH's all wrong.

Next Kings coach will cop the same shit and the DH's will jump on him in no time.

Reply #567341 | Report this post

Years ago

PlaymakerMo - Kings are worst in the league for points allowed per game (89.3). Illawarra are next at 87.5.

FWIW, Sydney are 0W-4L against top 3 teams with a -17 points per game differential.

Against teams placed 4th to 7th, they're 3W-5L with a +2.5 PPG differential.

They've yet to play Perth. It's hard to see the team beating NZ, Perth or Melbourne in any ot he 8 games remaining against those teams, new coach or not. So yes, the season has been consigned to teh dustbin.

BTW, Boti hinted at this replacement about 4 weeks ago, a week or so before Connelly's original appointment. Presumably Kings ownership wanted him to get used to the players before dropping the axe on Cotter. Or maybe they wanted to be sure Childress was able to get through a whole game and stay healthy. No point replacing the coach if Childress can't play.

Reply #567345 | Report this post

Years ago

PeterJohn, I've got no idea how you came up with your figures:

Played = 12
For = 1023 (av = 85.3, good for 3rd/8)
Against = 1052 (av = 87.7, good for 7th/8)

Played = 12
For = 1081 (av = 90.1), good for 1st/8)
Against = 1054 (av = 87.8, good for 8th/8)

Reply #567358 | Report this post

Reply #567372 | Report this post

Years ago

Connelly was chosen by Tim Hudson in his attempt to try and bring a NBA presence to the Kings organisation hoping it will lift his personal profile in the US!

Word is Joe Connelly is the worst coach out of all the Connelly brothers and couldn't a coaching job in the US!!

Jackomas, Knight & Hurley are all their as goffers!

Reply #567395 | Report this post

Years ago

Kings confirm it:

The MightyMite Sydney Kings today announced that Joe Connelly has been appointed as interim Head Coach effective immediately.

The last 48 hours has enabled Sydney Kings management to discuss the position with the appropriate stakeholders and to formulate an all-encompassing plan going forward.

Tim Hudson, Sydney Kings Head of Basketball Operations, said: "This decision was not taken lightly as the appointment followed extensive deliberation with the Club's Directors over the last two days."

“It was essentially Joe’s genuine qualities, interpersonal skills and coaching experience that led the club to offer Joe the Interim Head Coach position.”

Connelly, who joined the Kings as a Specialist Assistant in early November, previously spent three seasons as an assistant coach with the Washington Wizards while also working closely with NBA stars Carmelo Anthony and John Wall.

“More than anything I’m excited to come into the current situation because of the calibre of players we have on this team,” said Connelly.

“Already it’s clear that they are on board and ready to work. Life is all about embracing challenges and we believe the playoffs are still within reach so this is the perfect situation for us to do something special.”

“It’s going to take a collective effort to get over the hump but the guys are open minded about moving in a new direction and committed to turning this season around.”

The Sydney Kings organisation is appreciative of Joe’s preparedness to accept the interim role and lead our team through the immediate challenges.

While Connelly has been elevated to interim Head Coach, assistant coaches Jacob Jackomas and Ben Knight will remain on the coaching staff in their current positions.

The Kings face the Taipans in Cairns this Friday then travel to New Zealand to take on the Breakers the following week before returning to the Qantas Credit Union Arena on December 13 for their next home game against the Perth Wildcats.

Reply #567480 | Report this post

Blowout Troll  
Years ago

The players liked him? Why didnt they play defense for him?

Still wont forget the game against the Hawks where Khazzouh only had 2 rebounds the whole game...Thats just no desire...

Reply #567493 | Report this post

Years ago

The Kings make the same mistake as when they hired Cotter - hiring a coach who has not coached meaningful games ever (Connerley) or in a long while (Cotter).

Cotter coached Knox last in 06, then coached at Jnr Aus team from 2010 til 2013 - so on average 12-15 games at major tournaments every other year. For sure he did a good job with these teams but, out of those games, the meaningful ones are few and far between and NONE are with Pro Athletes. It showed in his poor game coaching the past two years in the NBL. Same thing came to the surface with Marty Clarke when he was given an NBL job - both astute basketball minds, but no feel for game coaching.

Connelly is a coach specialising in Player Development - a completely different skill set to actually coaching games. It doesn't matter if he was a Player Development coach in the NBA - he hasn't had to call a timeout, sub, insert the best lineup, draw up a play to win a game, organise a defence to stop a momentum run etc - in a GAME with his job on the line.

Silly decision by Hudson and the Kings.

Reply #567501 | Report this post

Years ago

Spot on. Once the kings get out to homebush even less will be following them.

Reply #567508 | Report this post

Years ago

Well said Pizzeria

Reply #567509 | Report this post

Years ago

Thatsaniceaposta, Pizzeria... Absolutely spot on... Pretty much everyone has been questioning Joe's actual head coaching experience, and just because he's been around the NBA that doesn't mean that he'll be a success as an NBL head coach, and any management thinking that he WILL, are kidding themselves... Just a shame they're running (more like ruining!) my club :(

Reply #567511 | Report this post

Years ago

It's only an interim appointment.

He obviously has the board's full confidence.

Reply #567513 | Report this post

Years ago

Shows you why the board dont understand the game.

Reply #567540 | Report this post

Years ago

Players are paid to do a job for coach, not be your best friend.

Reply #567617 | Report this post

Years ago

SOJ devastated.

Reply #567627 | Report this post

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