Kent Brockman
Years ago

Gibbo to Brisbane?

Listening to Andrew Jarman tonight on the rushour, doing his Camel Spit had some mail that Gibbo is off to Brisbane as the first signing and Captain of the bullets.

If true, I say good luck to him. I think both parties need a change.

He doesn't look interested when I've watched him live.
Maybe the Sixers can use his salary and get 2 stud imports next season.

Topic #38551 | Report this topic

Years ago

He ain't going nowhere

Reply #566756 | Report this post

Years ago

2 stud imports, ahhh I remember those days ;) This has been the worst kept secret for a while, and like you said best for both parties. It reminds me of the Seinfeld episode with the perfect break up. All the very best to him, will be interesting what sort of reception he gets from here on in. I cant remember a time when a guy has been linked so early on in a season with another team. Very NRL style!

Reply #566757 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

I disagree, He looks extremely interested in arguing with the refs for not bailing him out of his own bad decisions, and on court stares, scowls and verbals - all blaming his teammates for making mistakes.

I have to say I think his best days are behind him, and unfortunately he was never quite as good as he probably really wanted to be, as opposed to those who aren't as good as they think they are.

Reply #566758 | Report this post

Years ago

Ahh well Tom said so, thats it. Kent what were you thinking! haha

Reply #566759 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #566768 | Report this post

Years ago

All the best to Gibbo if true, which i reckon it probably is,

Sixers should use his spot and $$$ to either bring home Newley (dont pay Newley huge bucks though, just offer him what Gibbo is on) or add the bulk of his money to the import budget and grab 2 stud imports and a young guard like Maynard or Hooley.

Could try for Madgen too, but he would likely be somewhere between a young guard and a Gibbo, probably at the top end of that price wise, so would effect the import budget,

Any of these scenarios is a potential upgrade for the 6ers if they get the right imports and/or Newley/Madgen

Reply #566772 | Report this post

Years ago

Wont be sad to see him go, would be on good $$$ so hopefully that can be utilized when we replace him.
But, arn't there rules in the nbl in regards to clubs communicating with contracted players? Or does this not apply to new clubs? If true, will be interesting to see how Joey treats him...

Reply #566780 | Report this post

Years ago

Well Ebe will be back so one stud import hahaha ahh jokes

Reply #566781 | Report this post

Years ago

they do put old race horses out to stud when they're old and over weight, and good for nothing

Reply #566783 | Report this post

Years ago

Its just too easy! Not bad...

Reply #566787 | Report this post

Years ago

Gibbo to Brizzy has been a given for a long time, the hard part was establishing a brizzy team. His galpal is from Qld as well I gather

Reply #566790 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes she is.

Reply #566795 | Report this post

Years ago

There will be 1 or 2 36ers off to brizzy next season and a possible change in the head coaching position as well.

Reply #566800 | Report this post

Callisto 75  
Years ago

If Gibbo goes to Brisbane they have 3 options imo. Stud import young Australian with potential to replace him. Ok Import Good Australian. And Budget import Gun Australian to replace.

Reply #566801 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon #780

Brisbane aren't in the NBL. Do the rules about not approaching contracted players in season apply to them?

Gibson might do well if Brisbane have a line-up that isn't expected to do great things. He seems to have performed best when expectations of him or of the team have been low.

Reply #566802 | Report this post

Years ago

Who are the 1 - 2 other than Gibbo off to Bris?

For the money Gibbo is on he is easily replaced with an import who can offer more.

For the money Ebi is on he is easily replaced for and Aussie who can offer more.

Reply #566806 | Report this post

Years ago

What about Teys & Petrie

Reply #566808 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, where would Joey go and who would the 36ers get to replace him that's better?

Joey is often referencing next year so I would assume he is keen to hand around?

Reply #566809 | Report this post

Years ago

"For the money Ebi is on he is easily replaced for and Aussie who can offer more." What is he on then, because the reports are that he is on a decent amount that could or shouldve been reinvested towards a decent import.
And the word is Gibbo didn't get as much this season as seasons previous, this whole season was about a pay day, with the thinking he would be gone as soon as the Bullets came back in. Id say IF Joey is gone, then Teys will definitely go to the Bullets, has a coaching clause in his contract.

Reply #566810 | Report this post

Years ago

Teys was signed this passed season for the next 3 years. He is a key player for the team and brings great stability to the team. Best defender in the team and possibly the best shooter.

From what I hear Wright will be signed here for the next few seasons.

Gibson would earn the most money in the league for the least output. He had ability to be a great player for this club but decided to be passive. The money will be better spent on another player.

Reply #566816 | Report this post

Years ago

You;d almost have to resign Wright purely to lock in the services of Teys at this point. And just hope someone anyone else does the negotiations next season and makes the import calls from the get go.

Reply #566820 | Report this post

Years ago

Worse case scenario say Gibbo, Teys, Petrie all leave to Brisbane

Could grab Madgen, Maynard, BJ Anthony and if we save any money spend more on the imports and have hopefully a better import SF.

So not all doom and gloom imo.

Gibbo has had some great games, and been a key player, but also one of the most frustrating with all the below par games he also has.

Part of it is on him, part of its Joey trying to make him a scorer when he isnt one, something ive never got with Joey.

Just let Gibbo be a solid defensive minded pg who can make some shots at a decent rate, a 3&D PG, and he will do ok, just dont expect him to be a stud on a title team.

If Joey leaves I'd look at either Gleeson or Nielsen (whoever isnt coaching Perth) as top of my list.

Many bag Gleeson on here, but to me he is solid, always gets his teams to the playoffs and in Townsville they werent exactly huge budget teams all the time either.

Nielsen would be a interesting prospect to me, would love to see him given a go after his international experience of playing and a year or 2 working with the SPurs.

Reply #566822 | Report this post

Years ago

Will be surprised if joey not back. Proven coach and where else would he go now Brisbane have lemanis?

Reply #566825 | Report this post

Years ago

I read somewhere that Brisbane were given permiaaion to approach players that would be free agents at the end of the season. I believe it was the same article in which Lemanis specifically said they would target Gibbo.

Reply #566828 | Report this post

Years ago

Just found a Queensland Times article saying that they have their first singings lined up then mentions targeting Gibson and Goulding in the same sentence.

So sounds like a strong hint to me that both will be up in Brisbane next year.

Reply #566829 | Report this post

Years ago

Why you would want to play for a team that has very little fan support is beyond me...

Reply #566830 | Report this post

Years ago

They obviously enjoyed the city, like Lemanis and $$$ always talks.

Both are good, but both are overrated in their own way, will have some very very good games and quite a few off games too.

Reply #566832 | Report this post

Years ago

Teys & Petrie both signed 3 year deals before the start of this season. I know that doesn't mean the club would hold both to the last 2 years of their deals if they wanted out but I remember reading that Petrie and his family are very settled here now.

Reply #566833 | Report this post

Sixers Fan  
Years ago


Solid 5

Reply #566835 | Report this post

Years ago

Definitely the three biggest worries of losing Teys, Gibbo and Peach to BrisVegas, and you never know with multi-year deals, often are still conditional/options but just stated as multi-year deals on signing (eg. Madgen re-signed for 2yrs but it was actually a 1+1 so it was 1 to get healthy and then off to Belgium).

Peach seems settled but don't forget, he signed with the Bullets right before they went under and he's from up that way so no doubt closer to family would be a factor as well...

I've never really liked the NRL way of signing players while still playing the season beforehand, I think it can be detrimental to team chemistry, but a special case had to be made for the Bullets as they really need to get out there and get some support and interest in the team and for that you need at least some key player signed... Gibbo is the most recognisable face and you never know, could find a bit more interest in the game up there and will stop whinging on every. single. bloody. call!

If they have the $$$ there are lots of options for hometown players that could be a drawcard, depending on how passionate/realistic they are about making their mark in the NBA... Motum's chances are surely done and dusted? Bairstow is that far behind the rest of the Bulls bigs he's back to d-league, surely they'd prefer him to get better minutes and pull an Ennis perhaps in a league that is becoming seen as an alternative to d-league, especially if the player isn't really a chance to make the team in the near future?

Mitch McCarron could be an exciting prospect as well, and Coenraad and Martin from the Hawks are Brissy boys too, aren't they? And hell, if the Taipans don't make a GF push, maybe Trigger will get sick of getting more limited minutes?

Lots of options...

Reply #566846 | Report this post

Years ago

Yea imagine if they got a chunk of those guys

Could have something like

Gibson/R Martin

That is without imports so if you miss out on a could of those guys grab a import to replace

If they get even half of those guys plus 2 decent imports will be a good core to start with, especially if they get one of the marquee bigs in Motum or Bairstow

Reply #566848 | Report this post

Years ago

"Just let Gibbo be a solid defensive minded pg who can make some shots at a decent rate, a 3&D PG, and he will do ok, just dont expect him to be a stud on a title team."

That is fine but when he is asking for top dollars he can't JUST be a 3&D guy! I wouldn't even say he is a sold defender these days. Too slow to stay on his man, so usually has to switch then the team has huge mismatch problems.

As others have said Petrie has settled here. Also both (Petrie and Teys) would rather play in a team that has a chance to make the finals rather then one that will struggle. Brisbane's only chance is to get Motum and two decent imports otherwise it is going to be struggle.

Reply #566850 | Report this post

Years ago

I made this comment

"Just let Gibbo be a solid defensive minded pg who can make some shots at a decent rate, a 3&D PG, and he will do ok, just dont expect him to be a stud on a title team."

And totally agree with you, one of our biggest problems with our roster make up is that we are paying too much on guys who are more role players than stars ie Gibson

If Gibson was paid more as a role player we could spend more on the 2 import spots

Imagine if we could have 2 legit imports who were both 'All Star' level again

For this reason i wish Gibbo well and am not too devistated to lose him, even though depsite his flaws he is still one of the better Aussie guards around

Reply #566851 | Report this post

Years ago

Teys to Brisbane for sure.

Reply #566852 | Report this post

Years ago

It's good that all the people here know what Gibson is earning.

Reply #566853 | Report this post

Marcus Camby  
Years ago

Gibbo isn't the sort of player you just let go without trying to keep.

He is the Sixer's best defender and one of the league's best when he is switched on.

I would hope the Sixers make at least some effort to try and keep him. Gibbo has loyalty discounts for the points ratings too, so well worth keeping.

Reply #566858 | Report this post

Years ago

Peter hooley finishes college this season right ? What do we expect of him? Good Nbl prospect?

Newley back and hooley in?

Reply #566860 | Report this post

Years ago

Gibbo to Brisbane and Joey to kings (wanted there previously and tried to back out of just signed 6ers contract but couldn't)
Randle to follow Joey
Peach will stay put and Teys may move if contract allows
Hodgson also to Brisbane

Reply #566868 | Report this post

Years ago

and Joey to kings (wanted there previously and tried to back out of just signed 6ers contract but couldn't)

This sounds like it could be an interesting story (and now I think about it, vaguely familiar from a while ago?) and it's a bit sad that the season isn't even half over and I already need the hope of something like this to look forward to...

Would be welcomed with open arms from the fans for sure, but I'm curious if the ownership group would hire a coach that wouldn't put up with being bullied around (and drunkenly abused mid-game if the owner doesn't like what they're doing)? Are they willing to pay the cash for a coach that they wouldn't feel like they have to do their job for them and just let them get on with their business, or would their passion for interfering be too strong?

I wouldn't actually mind the game if Dunn decides to get drunk and abuse Joey and to see the players and assistant coaches try to hold Joey back from jumping int he corporate box after him...

Anyways, back to daydreaming... If he comes on board and brings Jerome, that would be two giant ticks on the wish list... proper coach and proper floor leader that can put points on the board as well... If I can extend the daydream to Chill staying healthy for the rest of the season and not breaking a tow on a coffee table in the off season (and if the rumour of him actually signing for two seasons prove true) I have to wonder if Joey would gel with someone like Jules, who, despite being one of my favourite players and a great guy, does tend towards the lazy side of things... Would he stick around? Is Joey just the type of coach that he needs to light a fire under him? Something to ponder... And hell, last section of daydream can be devoted to actually finally getting Peach in Kings colours, as screw BrisVegas, bring him back to Old Sydney Town :D

Right, back to real life, where the Kings aren't living up to their potential and our owners suck the big one...

Reply #566886 | Report this post

Years ago

Id be ok with Joey to Kings, would suck if Randle followed. Hopefully money would talk and he could be persuaded to stay.

Reply #566888 | Report this post

Years ago

Goulding a massive chance as well.
Gibbo has been around Joey for too long and I think needs a fresh start.
That's no disrespect to Joey, but Gibbo looks stale.

Reply #566891 | Report this post

Years ago

Gibbo will join Lemanis to repay him for all those dodgey Boomer gigs.

Reply #566892 | Report this post

Years ago

Why you would want to play for a team that has very little fan support is beyond me...
Players look at the contract offered more than the average attendance of the offering team...

Reply #566905 | Report this post

Years ago

I would say they listen to the sell of what's going to happen as much as what has already happened, rightly or wrongly.

Reply #566910 | Report this post

Years ago

Gibbo leaving would be a blessing in disguise, overrated, overpaid, undisciplined at times and how he has ever played for the Boomers is a mystery. Good player but not the elite/franchise player the Sixers seem to have rated him. Not great at either the 1 or the 2.

Reply #566934 | Report this post

Years ago

Gibbo moving on wouldn't be the worst thing to happen. He is definitely overrated. As for how he made the Boomers, he plays his role well for the Boomers as little is expected and he can just play some D, throw in some assists, and hit a few cheap ones.

Reply #566950 | Report this post

Years ago

I realise that Isaac. My comment was a bit tongue in cheek with a little bit of realism thrown in.

I would be weary of signing a contract, no matter the size & length in a market that has failed before because they don't get the fans to support it.

Reply #566954 | Report this post

Years ago

If they fail, he moves again. Can probably get a 2-3 year deal to accommodate that hassle. If he doesn't have strong ties/family somewhere, he might not have bought a house here or mind moving.

Reply #566956 | Report this post

Years ago

I've heard from reliable sources at the club they are speaking to Kobe Bryant with him becoming majority owner of the team and playing. If Joey goes it's rumored he may be a player coach.

Reply #566977 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

If you don't wanna make the change on Ere, perhaps you could have two of the Randle brothers, if Gibbo goes to Brisbane.

Reply #566987 | Report this post

Years ago

I am very Suspicious of any rumor mentioned by Andrew Jarman on triple M after he said Alistair Clarkson to coach crows in 2015 was a good chance to happen.

Reply #567033 | Report this post

Years ago

Petrie has a contract until the end of the 2017/18 season so he won't be leaving to Brisbane.

Teys also has a contract until the end of the 2017/18 season so he won't be leaving to Brisbane.

Reply #567034 | Report this post

too True  
Years ago

I've heard from reliable sources at the club they are speaking to Kobe Bryant with him becoming majority owner of the team and playing. If Joey goes it's rumored he may be a player coach.

I heard that about Kobe also - but it was in respect of the lighning after the gender re-assignment surgery

Reply #567060 | Report this post

Years ago

Wouldn't sixer fans be crowing if Hugh were to fill the Gibbo void.

Its not impossible, however improbable.

Reply #567135 | Report this post

Years ago

From what I've heard Hugh has really surprised/impressed the Crows so far - not that it means too much this early into pre-season.

Reply #567138 | Report this post

Years ago

Petrie has a contract until the end of the 2017/18 season so he won't be leaving to Brisbane.


Teys also has a contract until the end of the 2017/18 season so he won't be leaving to Brisbane.

As mentioned above, contracts are structured differently to what is actually announced, they could have options, the teams could have options, no-one really knows...

Reply #567186 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Gibbo and Jarman's first talk about it tonite in the studio with Randle

Reply #567670 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

" It's a lie! " Gibson said. " What is this? Alistair Clarkson stuff agen? "
Randle, who had a chance at NBA but was mismanaged " Leave our captain alone."

Reply #567871 | Report this post

Years ago

Just listened to that... Still don't think I believe it.

Reply #567878 | Report this post

Years ago

Well he's hardly going to say he's leaving is he?

Reply #567922 | Report this post

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