Years ago

Conklin reported ( again)

Topic #38483 | Report this topic

The league/independent tribunal backed themselves in to a corner with their ridiculous findings last time. I wonder if he has been reported with the same charge of "striking."

Reply #564715 | Report this post

Years ago

Man this one is even less chance of being on purpose than the Martin one. Twice he has been done twice he has been fouled at the same time. Going to be hard to pin him for anything but may depend on what they told him during the first hearing.

Reply #564716 | Report this post

Thunder Jam  
Years ago

Wasn't even a foul.......What do you expect this time? Just a waste of effort.

Reply #564719 | Report this post

Years ago

In reality coupled with his last offence he should be looking at a good 10 games but it's the NBL so free to play next game will be the only outcome.

Reply #564721 | Report this post

Years ago

10 games? Take it easy!

Reply #564722 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't remember him being this unruly last season. Did I miss that sort of behaviour or is he flailing around out of frustration with his season?

Reply #564723 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Next time , someone will even up and give him one back

Reply #564724 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac might be hard to know about last season. Having every game televised certainly should be keeping guys honest. I just feel like he flails his arms trying to make the ref make a call... arm version of the flop.

Reply #564726 | Report this post

Years ago

"10 games? Take it easy!"

At least. He made all those people that said the Martin elbow to the face was unintentional look stupid on Saturday night.

He clearly tried to take out the guy behind him (Creek). It's not even a remotely natural movement just like bringing an elbow with force down on a guys face and just wandering off like a fkwit afterwards.

He deserved at least 6 games for that thug play on Martin and this Creek one deserves at least a few too. As he clearly has no intention on amending his ways a serious message needs to be sent by the NBL in what is meant to be a professional league.

All up I think a total of 10 games is pretty reasonable for actively trying to take opponents out.

Reply #564728 | Report this post

Years ago

"Next time , someone will even up and give him one back"

I actually thought it was a good chance someone on our team was going to do a Childress v Wagstaff on him but really too much of a nice group of blokes.

This thug is going to keep doing this until someone ends up needing reconstructive surgery.

Reply #564729 | Report this post

Years ago

Doctors did not run on to Creek. Players weren't calling for doctors. Ere & Co didn't race to Conklin to yell or pay him out. Ref's didn't call second foul on Conklin. Joey was asking for a foul not a USF or a DQ. Surprised he actually got reported. Creek and him seems pretty ok with each other at the end of proceedings.

Reply #564732 | Report this post

Years ago

What an overreaction, how can you prove intent? And is there a bylaw about reckless behavior at the tribunal or will this be the 1st trial case. Seen players intentionally foul and just because of no injury it's just called a flagrant. Compared to what Childress did in Perth last year which was a deliberate act to cause harm if he gets matches he should lawyer up.
NBL has caused this by their flimsy tribunal. Seriously, get over it.

Reply #564733 | Report this post

Years ago

He does get fouled a lot. His entire first season he was just getting smashed and getting no calls. He gets the calls now half the time so it's an improvement but when you play an attacking game you have to expect contact. He should be more concerned with his woeful defence and rebounding rate: stuff he can control. Then the team can make the case for him being hacked too often without whistles between rounds through the proper channels.

Reply #564736 | Report this post

Years ago

And will the nbl Institute a rule change that arms must be kept by there sides for whole game except for layups and rebounds and only then if there's no other player within 5 meters.

Reply #564737 | Report this post

Years ago

NBL needs flagrants introduced for this stuff. Way above an unsportsmanlike foul to elbow someone and smash their jaw into bits. Flagrant 2, auto suspension/ fine, the tribunal works out how many games

Reply #564741 | Report this post

Fool me twice  
Years ago

Someone should have a look at the elbow the same player threw to the back of DJ's head in the same game and DJ got called for the foul. Slow down the footage and ask yourself if that was in the spirit of the game ..... no intent

Reply #564743 | Report this post

Everyone looks like a criminal in slow motion footage.

Reply #564744 | Report this post

He should be reported for making comments about his opponent's crowds in the last two games when he only plays in front of a bus load of senior citizens each week.

Reply #564745 | Report this post

Years ago

Here's the incident, along with the uncensored halftime interview:

NBL needs flagrants introduced for this stuff. Way above an unsportsmanlike foul to elbow someone and smash their jaw into bits. Flagrant 2, auto suspension/ fine, the tribunal works out how many games
You realise the NBL is significantly stricter than the NBA in terms of flagrant/unsportsmanlike fouls, right?

Reply #564746 | Report this post

There's no effing way he didn't know Creek was there. He knew Creek was a step in front of him when he caught the ball in the post and turned. Did he thing Creek would start running in the other direction?

Reply #564747 | Report this post

Years ago

some people need to go back to Netball.

Again accidental contact.

Jawaii's hit was more reckless than either of the two incidents.

Plus Conklin has fired up the crowds and given some interest to watching the Crocs play.

Reply #564749 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah, the more I look at that the more it looks intentional. As did the first one. There's no other reason for his arms to move the way they did in either case.

Is he aiming for the head? Probably not, in both cases. But he's aiming to make contact.

Reply #564750 | Report this post

Years ago

I believe this report would be based on reckless behaviour and not an intended striking charge.

Even reckless behaviour would be hard to police. Would that mean that DJ also should be facing the tribunal for elbowing Mirko Djeric in the face?

Reply #564751 | Report this post

Years ago

They've already found that the first one wasn't reckless, though.

Reply #564752 | Report this post

Years ago

He's been reported for 'striking with elbow' according to Liam Santamaria on Twitter.

$50 say they find that the contact was made with a part of the arm other than the elbow and use that as an excuse to let him off.

Jawai's been charged with just plain striking, both have been charged with unsportsmanlike behaviour.

Reply #564754 | Report this post

"Plus Conklin has fired up the crowds and given some interest to watching the Crocs play."

So he should escape punishment??

Reply #564756 | Report this post

Years ago

Im a 6er fan and Id be surprised if he got any genuine punishment. You go in to the redwood area and sometimes a branch will fall on you. Best response wouldve been to attack him at the other end and force him into foul trouble.

Reply #564759 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah they're so strict with them that you have to smash a guy in the face twice in a week to be charged with it lol

Reply #564760 | Report this post

Years ago

he has hit a guy in the head recklessly intentional or not twice in quick succession, he needs to be suspended for a game or 2, he gotta be more careful at the very least.

in the AFL if you hit a head like that you would be suspended, especially if someone gets hurt like MArtin did.

Reply #564762 | Report this post

Years ago

Complete accidents with both players watching the ball get weeks in the afl. Either footy is too soft or the NBL is fine with thugs

Reply #564763 | Report this post

Years ago


I feel embarrassed for the administrators that Conklin is even playing after the Martin incident let alone this thug act on Creek. This kind of bush league crap could seriously damage the NBL's reputation.

Even Boti Nagy who somehow defended Conklin in the Martin incident is starting to come around.

Mark Dalton knows a thug act when he sees one and unless we want to return to the days of Grant Kruger style snipers being sent out to take our opponents the NBL seriously need to step up.

Reply #564765 | Report this post

Wow, who would have thought that Boti would change his view on something when it involved someone from the Sixers!

Reply #564766 | Report this post

Years ago



Reply #564767 | Report this post

Years ago

Very similar to how kobe bryant swings his arm after taking a shot. Very hard to prove intent but any close checking defender was getting hit even when defending from behind.

Unlike the nbl the nba didnt have a bar of it. They recognized it as a dangerous and reckless move that kobe often used to gain an advantage or send a msg to the defender. The NBA sent their own msg and suspended him.

Unfortunately the precedent has been set with the Marto hit which was worse. There's no way he can get suspended for it.

Reply #564768 | Report this post


Reply #564769 | Report this post

Years ago

He has different charges this time.

Reply #564773 | Report this post

Years ago

Very similar to how kobe bryant swings his arm after taking a shot.

Kobe swings his arms to exaggerate contact, he doesn't swing his elbows directly into opponents faces.

There is a big difference between what Kobe does (trying to draw fouls) and what Conklin does (trying to disguise taking out opponents).

NBL hard man and 1984 Olympian Mark Dalton, who logged 421 games in our league, isn't in much doubt.

He was angered by Conklin's first hit on Martin, saying: "As players we know where people's heads are regardless if they are behind you or not. I'm hearing people saying there was no malice."

Clearly, in Dalton's experience, that could not have been correct.

"There have been a few players in the past, like a certain Melbourne import who used to do the same thing and get away with it," Dalton said.

"He cut me three times, once in the mouth and two to the face, all requiring multiple stitches.

"I've seen it before and I'm seeing it again.

"We all know as players where people's heads and bodies are, regardless if they are behind you.

"Apparently players today don't have that skill and the majority of fans dont think they do either."

Reply #564776 | Report this post

Years ago

Who is the Melbourne import Dalton is talking about?

Reply #564780 | Report this post

Years ago

No idea but I'm thinking Dave Simmons?

Reply #564781 | Report this post

Years ago

Well kobes got you fooled if you think he was doing it to create contact and get the foul. In most cases the flailing of his arms was well after the shot.It was a clear- out move that had been trending wit kobe for awhile. Defenders were getting hit. In some cases elbow were doing the damage. Im pretty sure there's video out there still of all is hits.

Btw You missed the point. Offcourse theres a difference in both their actions but both are aiming for the same result. To send a msg physically but to also keep it within the rules and in the flow of the game . Very well discuised.

Reply #564783 | Report this post

Years ago

Not entirelt true. In the NBA they changed the rules (or more accurately the points of emphasis) about 5 years ago because of Kobe and others doing that. It doesn't happen any more.

Reply #564791 | Report this post

Years ago

watch the replay, Conklin was feisty, he tried smashing randle on a couple of screens, also was close to tripping a 36ers player but somehow missed, grappled etc all game. The creek incident - I have never seen anyone throw their off hand elbow out so hard during a put back.

players didn't react as they didn't see it, they just saw creek drop, we also don't have anyone other than randle or petri who would fire up.

Reply #564805 | Report this post

Years ago

Well Ebi is a great locker room guy he probably shouldve led by example ;) I just dont think there was that much in it at full speed. It wasnt great but Conklin WAS actually fouled and if you look at Creeks pics after the game, wasnt exactly broken jaw massive cut type stuff. Your in the keyway against a slightly undersized guy who is known for playing above aggressive, wasnt like this was some cheap shot off the ball after the 2 had had some sort of altercation.

Reply #564808 | Report this post

Years ago

For all the sooky pussies out there... Here are some real flagrant fouls.

Reply #564832 | Report this post

Conked Out  
Years ago

When he felt contact he exaggerated the effort and extended through, like the difference between a jab and hook, exerting extra force. Was intentional, the initial act was possibly his "natural action" his follow through is clearly defined as a second action once he realised he had a target.

Guilty - watch it again there are two actions you can almost see the lighbulb pop!

Reply #564846 | Report this post

Years ago

If the ball was 50-50 and both players going for it and one raises his elbow and makes high contact then fair enough. If the player is setting a screen and moves and makes contact to the head, fair enough. Now he's in the spotlight and any contact he makes its treated as 1st degree murder. Even players on the court didn't remonstrate with either incident, that's the true barometer if it's a dirty play. Most of the hang men or women on this forum are totally overreacting, the same that probably play social and whinge if they're bumped in the key.
Boti and the rest of media should be careful they're not sued for defamation of character, if the coverage impacts his further employment Conklin should sue their arse.
Watch a game of netball, nearly every game has a hard collision yet nothing is said because it's a bye product of sport.
This is getting embarrassing with all the coverage it's getting, concentrate on the positives this season, not this witch hunt.

Reply #564869 | Report this post

Years ago

"Even players on the court didn't remonstrate with either incident, that's the true barometer if it's a dirty play."

I don't agree with that at all.

I still don't believe that Damo was hit intentionally. However, IMO the main reason there wasn't remonstrating by his teammates after that hit is because that's not even where they were looking. When I watched it live, that's not where my eyes were either. It was in my peripheral vision, because I was focussed on Conklin & Hire. I had to rewind to get a proper look at it.

There would have been very little difference in action or timing had Conklin done it intentionally, but the eyes still likely would not have been on Damo as he flew past in the other direction.

The major point of one of Boti's post-incident blogs was a similar claim. That the Wildcats all thought it was an accident because of how they reacted.
That's terrible "logic".

Very similar scenario for the Creek hit. Most eyes would not have been in the direction of Creek. The crowd missed it. The commentators missed it. Is it so weird that the players missed it too? They didn't get a slo-mo replay.

Reply #564871 | Report this post

Years ago

I believe both incidents weren't intentional but something needs to be done whether it's a reckless play warning and/or fine or mobjustice in Perth.

Every other player in the NBL can go several rounds/seasons without breaking a jaw or causing a concussion let alone being involved in two similar incidents within a couple of weeks.

Reply #564878 | Report this post

Years ago

its an interesting discussion - clearly, IMO, both had no intent involved so proving guilt will be very difficult - BUT - the NBL needs to protect their players welfare or be seen to care about their safety.

Is just sending players to tribunals enough or do they need to either fine or suspend?

How can you be trying to deter players from doing it if it was unintentional? You cant stop something if you don't know you're doing it in the first place? Conklin plays aggressively, plays very hard and curbing that behaviour might mean it changes his game (not that hes been playing well anyway).

Great discussion point - one I dont think people will all agree on so it will be interesting to see what the panel can agree on.

Reply #564891 | Report this post

Years ago

I didn't see the game was a foul called at all?

Reply #564892 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes foul called on Petrie, Conklin shooting, Petrie fouls him, Creek on other side of Conklin runs into his elbow.

Reply #564900 | Report this post

Years ago

"had no intent involved so proving guilt will be very difficult"

Anon, I felt that way originally but now I'm not so sure. He looked at Creek and swung the ball away from Creek before he went up for the shot. So he knew where Creek was and the arm swept that area. The head hit probably was because Creek had stepped in closer than Conklin expected. So they may rule general intent to clear out but no intent to injure with the elbow. Otherwise they'll be suggesting Conklin has a 1 second memory.

He's also been charged with "unsportsmanlike behaviour". If the tribunal considers his half time comments (which probably will be part of the behavioural assessment), they'll count against him. He basically said people should expect to get hit when they play basketball with him.

I think he'll be found guilty of the unsportsmanlike behaviour. Given the previous ruling on intentional striking and recklessness, maybe not guilty of striking. No idea what penalty will be meted out.

Reply #564914 | Report this post

Years ago

Both of his recent acts have been reckless to say the least, I have nothing against him personally, however it is extremely concerning that these acts are perceived not being dealt with appropriately in an effort to reduce their frequency...

Reply #564919 | Report this post

Years ago

If you watch the game prior to the Creek incident, Conklin also has 2 other incidents of hard contact on the chest of Ebiwhich sent him flying too but he got up from Conklins so called unintentional 'flailing arm'. I am betting they have reviewed the game along with prior games and decided that there is a pattern forming that has now resulted in 2 serious injuries and it is now a deliberate part of Conklins game to clear space, so intentional move with no intent to injure but does. I agree Conklin is a strong hardball player who we all respect and any team would love to have him, and even if it's not intentional with the high risk potential in every case it goes out then the league owes it to the other players to deal with it and he needs to change it. I don't recall him throwing it out like that last season so something has changed. THey need to act and give him fair warning due to the force he swings it out with.

Reply #564935 | Report this post

Years ago

And Jawai should be fined for his swipe on Abercrombie. Again doesn't matter about the intent but for all the swipes taken in a season, how many end up with such a hard contact ?? not too many, so Jawai has to adjust his game to prevent this happening again or just don't swipe block and tap instead. If they let these go then it will get rougher and tougher to police. If the league wants to elevate itself than it must be like a business and provide a safe workplace within reason. Just like the NBA has. Employment in industries that are tough like sport such as construction, emergency services etc, there are accepted risks and basketball is no different but if injury occurs with high potential for permanent damage then it needs to be addressed. Jawai is getting on and unfit and maybe he is not up to safe swiping as much anymore due to fatigue so needs to pull back or get fitter..

Reply #564938 | Report this post

Years ago

agree Conklin is a strong hardball player who we all respect
Speak for yourself.

Reply #564960 | Report this post

Years ago

^koberulz +1

Reply #564973 | Report this post

Wait til you see his other post to you PJ ;-)

Reply #564974 | Report this post

Years ago

How many weeks or what fine should this guy get for his reckless head high actions.

Reply #564978 | Report this post

Years ago

Conklin got a three game suspension but two of the games have been suspended.

Reply #564995 | Report this post

Years ago

Let off the severe one, gets a week for the lesser one. Rationale is????

Reply #564996 | Report this post

Love the comment about reckless behaviour being unacceptable. The tribunal chairman is/was James Hird legal advisor. Make of that what you will.

Also, Conklin free to play against Perth following the first incident while suspended for a match against Melbourne. I'm sure there is nothing in that.

Reply #564997 | Report this post

Years ago

Has someone got footage of Wagstaffs unsportsmanlike vs Illawarra?

I seem to remember he pretty much hip and shouldered someone.

And U'U vs Craig.

Why are fouls like those not deemed worse than Conklins reckless elbows? I'm A bit confused here

Reply #565007 | Report this post

Because Wagstaff didn't break a guy's jaw or concuss someone.

Reply #565012 | Report this post

Years ago

Not to mention Brendan Teys on Dion Prewster last week, LV. Intentional and dangerous. Do they need someone's face splatted across the backboard support before they act?

Reply #565013 | Report this post

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