Years ago

NBL should return to 48 minutes

with the new NBL making willing to make changes to better our game, and with a possible of 2 new teams next season. Is it time for them to look at reverting back to 12min quarters?

Surely they realize that fans dont like to go see a game that finishes 61-56. For a pro game this is just awful.

Or do they go the other way and keep it at 40min game but just go with 2 20min halves as they do in college ball?

Personally id much prefer 4x12min quarters i grew up with that, it makes scorlines more entertaining, and keeps us the same as our american counterparts.

Finally id like to see rosters expanded to 12. This would help when teams are carrying injuries, instead of always needing to sign players to short term deals, players like Weeks would be able to get a fulltime gig. It will help keep some of the younger players from looking at other sports as a career option and we can do away with Devel Players. Its a system that does not work

Topic #38465 | Report this topic

Perth Wilburs  
Years ago

Wildcats needs to allow Prather to slash to the hoop more. He is ultra effective when he can drive to the hoop. Just needs to improve the passing so he can dish it off to Knight and Jawai if the opponents block his pass.

Reply #564226 | Report this post

Years ago

If Prather could see anything other than the basket when he was driving he would be very dangerous. Instead he is just athletic but not all that great a finisher and extremely predictable about what option he is going to choose. Even when the one defender in the paint leaves his man to help on Prather, Prather never looks to set up the open man for an easy dunk or layup.

Reply #564233 | Report this post

Years ago

61-56? Hawks scored 59 in a half this round. Sydney had 100+ against Adelaide.

40 minutes makes a more salable package for TV.

Reply #564239 | Report this post

Years ago

I've got no problem with 40 minute games . I'm not sure in the stats but I would say that the averages score this season is higher than previous years. There have been a lot of games close to punching the 100 mark per team. Quality over quantity any day!

Reply #564244 | Report this post

Years ago

nope, keep it as it is

48 minute games are too long (2 and a half hours)

Competing for attention where theres so much on in is hard enough, simple as that

Plus, parents would love to take their kids and go home early

Reply #564269 | Report this post

Years ago

Also, the foxsports deal will put any stop to this Cornucopian fantasy

Reply #564274 | Report this post

Years ago

Only the NBA have 48min games. We're getting teams drop 100 in 8min less. So i'd say no.

The only downside is the old records will unlikely ever be broken

Reply #564288 | Report this post

I dont know, these bring back 48 minutes/jumpball threads are a bit of a broken record.

Reply #564293 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with you completely. Isaac I think he was referencing games in Perth were the final score is like 69-63 (last year it was some thing like that)
Personally I would like
- 48 Minute Games with 4x12 Minute Quaters
- 12 man Roster, give more people a chance and help with injuries
- 3 imports, I mean c'mon this one's obvious. The 3rd import doesn't have to be amazing but I just think it would help make the league even more competitive.

Reply #564294 | Report this post

Years ago

Fans go to watch football more than any other sport in the world. A sport where nil all is a regular occurrence.

Keep the game as per basketball rules. Ignore the NBA / PlayStation wannabes

Reply #564295 | Report this post

Years ago

It'd make the league less competitive, not more, because the big-money teams could bring in far better guys.

Reply #564298 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think it would, I think it would make teams recruitment more competitive too. Also I'm not saying have 3 J-Chills but was thinking the 3rd import would be more of a budget import.

Reply #564301 | Report this post

Years ago

The third import would be a budget import for the budget teams, and a high-level import for the big-budget teams.

Reply #564302 | Report this post

Years ago

40minutes is what TV deal wants, 40 minutes is what it gets, cant see this ever changing even though for years i wish it had. I see the benefit now for back to back tv games very nice tidy product.

Reply #564305 | Report this post

Years ago

People still coming up with ideas to fix the league...

LK is on it guys. He has been here a few months and its going ok so far.

Reply #564306 | Report this post

Years ago

I used to want 48 min nbl games, but getting families to games on weeknights and tv coverage is so important and the shorter length helps with both, so on balance I don't mind it staying at 40

Reply #564314 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd rather have 40 minute games, and more of them. So there are more events, but they don't drag on.

Reply #564316 | Report this post

Years ago

I've always wanted 12 minute quarters as it gives the ability to break league records and let's be honest teams are so deep these days that a coach could easily make the wrong choice on whom to bring on because he has too many options (I'm thinking of 36ers here that have Ere, Teys and Sobey on the bench that can play in the back court) and with an added 8 minutes of extra time to work out with your team and I think that adds competition amongst team mates.

Disagree completely with three imports idea; so much talent out there not getting a chance and taking away from them is just silly.

Whilst I can appreciate back to back games on tv, I'm looking at this totally from a members perspective and at the Wildcats we paid an extra 11% more than we did last season and if we got 8 minutes extra game time then that would make it easier to accept

Reply #564335 | Report this post

Violet Crumble  
Years ago

Personally I've no problem with the 40 minute games. There has been plenty of scoring (and it's nice to be in the pace-and-space era). From a practical point-of-view, obviously for television 40 minutes is far more ideal. Plus a shorter game means the best players are on for a greater proportion of time.

I'm not against more players on rosters, though I guess it goes back to the game length - you don't really need them. Obviously more teams would help some of those guys on the cusp like Weeks.

If anything, NBA games (and the season really) should be shorter to get rid of some of the fat. But they are too committed to their records and statistics to do that.

Reply #564338 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd rather see the return of the 5 game grand final series.
Instead of the current, top of the ladder wins with 2 home games.

Reply #564362 | Report this post

Years ago

Yea, A 5 game GF series is much more interesting then the finals being finished in just two or three games.

Obviously from a practical standpoint 40 minute games are better, but I just liked the idea of players scoring more points ;)

Reply #564365 | Report this post

Years ago

Why hasn't anyone suggested this before?

Reply #564373 | Report this post

Years ago

"Surely they realize that fans dont like to go see a game that finishes 61-56."

There hasn't been a game with scoring that low since 2012. I think you need a new argument. Do it for the kids, maybe?

Reply #564377 | Report this post

Years ago

What's with this 'have to have giant scores' line?

Scoring wins games, but there is more to the sport than just scoring.

Surely a good game - a genuine, fair contest between two well-matched teams with good skills - is more interesting and exciting than a 100+ points blow out.

And for me at least, 'good skills' includes good defensive skills - there are usually two teams in most matches! - and not just a series of 3 pt bombs [would be interesting to go back to all field baskets being worth two points; used to get a lot more penetration and mid-range shots back then] or flashy dunks [still worth only two points], which are so often scored with a run-up rather than legal footwork.

Reply #564392 | Report this post

Years ago

NBL making rule changes soley to please tv excecs has achieved nothing but negatives in the past. Go by its history and learn from it.

Get back to improving the product. 48 mins is part of the solution.

Reply #564396 | Report this post

Years ago

Yep, who needs TV. It's the NBA fanboys you need to look after first, then TV will follow.

Reply #564398 | Report this post

Years ago

Ya going to 40 mins really helped the nbl on tv as a product. Oh wait, fta ditched it and its back to paytv.

Reply #564403 | Report this post

Years ago

I used to be massively in favour of going back to 488 minutes but now I've come around. The whole world plays 40 except the Nba. I think it helps with the intensity. You always see in the NBA several minutes a game where no starters are on the court and it's really just a holding pattern.

I'd like to see some sort of system for larger rosters. Perhaps two players on the season roster but you can only suit up 10. There can be restrictions with certain players having to be under certain points etc. I understand dev players are kind of this at the moment, but they're generally unplayable aside from junk time

Reply #564405 | Report this post

Years ago

"Ya going to 40 mins really helped the nbl on tv as a product. Oh wait, fta ditched it and its back to paytv."

Going to 40 minutes got it on FTA for the first time since 2001. Now it is still on FTA along with every game live on Pay TV, easily the best TV deal the league has had.

Reply #564411 | Report this post

Years ago

"I used to be massively in favour of going back to 488 minutes"

Bit too long imo

Reply #564417 | Report this post

Years ago

I loved the 48 minute days - imagine how many 120/130 scorelines we'd get this season - but yeah, never going to happen. 2 hours works perfect for TV, and I've grown used to it now anyway. Plus 10 minutes works out perfectly re: one beer per quarter. ;)

Reply #564421 | Report this post

Years ago

other then the entertainment/fairness side of a 5 game gf series, what about the much needed revenue?

not too concerned about 48min games.

Reply #564424 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree with skull, grand final should be 5 games. If a contest is really good, you don't want it to be over in just 3 matches

Reply #564446 | Report this post

Years ago

I think 40 min games are great, I think the issue is the quality of games. If a team plays a grind out style of basketball with average players, adding 8 min to the game wont make the game any more interesting, it'll probably make it more boring.

More 40 min games i think is a better option than fewer longer games. Saying that I hope the NBL can start to extend the season as the league improves and more money flows into the league.

"Listen,There just shouldn't be three-hour NBA games." A three-hour NBA game goes against everything basketball is supposed to be — a fast-paced ballet of whirring athleticism, back-and-forth action, and fantastic players looping around the floor in coordinated geometric patterns. - Jeff Van Gundy

Adam Silver in the past has commented on the idea of shifting the NBA to 40 min games as well (3:12) but the stats sheet will basically need to be rewritten, so it's a no deal. Same idea if the NBL moves to 48 min games.

Reply #564471 | Report this post

Years ago

Uhhh..... 11 min quarters? 44 mins.

Reply #564683 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #564685 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon 411, get your head out of the clouds. Best tv deal ever is because a business man put in his own money. They're calling it a partnership deal that put it back on paytv. If it wasnt for his money there wouldn't have been broadcast deal at all.

NBL has been on a dowward trend with FTA since the turn of the century. 40mins,moving to summer allowing a centralized channel 10 to make decisions are examples on why.

Reply #564688 | Report this post

Years ago

The NBL paid to be on FTA in the late 90s and early 2000s, then had no FTA interest for nine years when it was 48 minutes. Then with the switch to 40 minutes they have been on FTA for six straight years without paying for it.

Reply #564699 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow the last post is all revisionist history. The nbl in the late 90s paid for Fta coverage. Havnt heard that one till now.

Reply #564704 | Report this post

Years ago

They were only on the ABC because they paid for it.

Reply #564708 | Report this post

Years ago

Come to the middleground, blaze the trail.

44 mins.

Reply #564924 | Report this post

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