Years ago
Gouldings flopping history
Remember this one
Years ago
Remember this one
Years ago
It is the one blemish on his game. Love everything else about him offensively.
Years ago
As I said in the other thread, Goulding is a flopper, was teched a number of times in Spain, but I know for a fact that he was flicked in the nuts in the play in Adelaide, that was certainly not a flop!
Today, on the other hand...
Paul, it was a flick in the nuts but it was also still a flop...contact wasn't that bad and didn't warrant the reaction.
Roy Hobbs
Years ago
Ho took a shot to the nuts and went down, thats not a flop. Perhaps focus on the dirty play by Petrie on that one. Why was he even going for his junk?
On this one, he exxagerated the contact, ref is right there to make a call either way. He got the benefit. Melbourne got the win.
Was it ideal today? Not even close. The refs have a lot to answer for there, damn shame, it ruined a great game.
Years ago
I dunno, I reckon after Ervin's knee and Peach's flick he would have had a flop of a different kinda for a while.
Years ago
Let's make OUR All-Star weekend really stand out from the NBA one.
Let's include a flopping event, just like the slam-dunk contest. I reckon the final will be a cracker between Bubbles and Old Shaunie.
Years ago
I am sorry but what video did you watch that shows petrie flicking Goulding in the nuts. All I see is Goulding bumps Petrie and then drop to the ground. You can't see any movement in the arm at all.
Peach is undoubtedly a great player but so so dirty.
Years ago
John, where did I say I watched a video? I was told by a couple of people who would know exactly what happened.
Out of interest, Petrie and Goulding are great mates who often seem to end up in altercations on the court, I think Peach enjoys stirring his buddy knowing he's got a fair weight advantage!
Roy Hobbs
Years ago
As Jakoby would say, Petrie is a habitual linestepper
Then theres this
These Refs in Melbourne are great aren't they
Years ago
Goulding is a flopper but so is Redhage, Wortho etc.
Think today the refs should have at least exercised discretion with the dead ball thing.
Disappointed that a great contest will be remembered for debate on refereeing. We saw a likely GF preview today.
Jack Toft
Years ago
The Peach nut flick reminds me of a line from Casino Royale when le Chiffe is interrogating Bond.
"everyone will know you've been playing with my nuts"
Years ago
It makes me wonder what sort of bubble the refs live in?
Everyone knows the guy flops. The refs see the same video replays we do.
So why do they keep on encouraging him by paying the fouls?
Wilson Sting
Years ago
Nice pun Dazz talking about the refs 'Bubble' :)
Years ago
It's ironic to see on youtube the video of Bruce flopping and Goulding getting whistled for the foul.
Not so good when it's on the other foot eh ;)
FWIW, I'm a NZ fan, but I absolutely love watching Goulding. I actually like his cheeky attitude.
Years ago
As do I.
To me this is a refereeing issue, not a Goulding issue.
Once the reffing is fair and consistent the rest takes care of itself.
As frustrating as it is to see players flop their way to favourable calls, it's silly to blame them as long as the refs are rewarding it. Frankly they'd be silly not to.
Years ago
Agree^, officiating has to become more consistent, players and coaches are not the issue!
Years ago
Two years ago there was a consistent approach to how the game was called, it wasn't necessarily a perfect approach but players knew what to expect and they adjusted, the result being the most aesthetically pleasing season in a long time, with far less scrappy play than we usually see.
In this article new refs boss Alby Joseph talked about how he doesn't want a particular approach to how situations are called, he just wants them called right. That sounds good in theory, but with so many grey areas, and refs of differing abilities, it just leads to inconsistency.
Years ago
Gotta say rtedaage's apprentice , Jessica Wagstaff also was rewearded for a decent flop against the Croc's on Friday night.
Guarding he low post he takes one bump and maintains position, then the second bump sends him flying to the floor.
The ref should either call the first bump a charge or the second a flop.
This is an umpiring issue.
Just like when players on both teams position in their direction for a side ball call I think flopping is just trying to con the umpires. There are 3 umpires there surrounding the play, players will get away with whatever they can.
Jack Toft
Years ago
The foul was very interesting. If you look at the two prior to inbound both Webster and Goulding were tied up holding each other. Goulding hugging Webster (and vice versa you could claim) like a drunk bridesmaid on a hen's night hugging the bride.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but know Goulding's history, Webster make have been smarter to throw his hands up to let the know of the hold rather than push off.
Years ago
I think the league needs a defined video review process like the NBA and a clarification on flopping and a basic fundamental principle of basketball, the player cylinder. In these flopping and debatable fouls if you look at the feet of players like wagstaff, knight, redhage, goulding and other that are high rate floppers and foul drawers they are very good at getting their feet close and under the knees of the opposition with their feet clearly in the players cylinder. For me, that there is the obvious violation and reason the flop and fouls look spectacular as gravity sets in and a slight knock or movement sends players flying and the refs blowing. Take a look at the flops and fouls that goulding solicits and where his feet are as he is so good at this dramatisation and his feet are set close and in the cylinder so should be called as a violation on him every single time until he gets the hell out of the space. No wonder he didn't last in Europe and NBA as this would be called and not tolerated which is th feeling I get from Demop and I bet Goulding gets a pull you head in warning from him as this is not the style that he would be accustomed to and he has much more respect for the game and competition that goulding obviously has. Can't wait to hear the boos all around australia when they hit the road. It will be on and so well deserved...
Years ago
before you bring up the goulding kneeing by ervin take a look at the head butt from goulding just prior to that. he earns every bit of grief he gets don't worry about that
Supernintendo Chalmers
Years ago
Goulding's head butt is a play he has used for years. He isn't trying to smash someone in the head - he just leans his head in to his defender so that when there is return fire, he can fling his head back and dupe the ref in to thinking he has copped some head high contact.
Who is Ashleigh Baker and why are they so obsessed with Goulding? ClintDogg levels of obsession.
Supernintendo Chalmers
Years ago
To highlight Goulding's flopping. He is without a doubt the worst offender in the league right now.
Years ago
The guy is supposed to be the best Australian in the League yet he does underhanded things like flop at the slightest contact.
Someone needs to pull him aside and explain that cheating to win is weak sauce.
Years ago
Some embarrassing NBL flopping set Patty Mills on his way to NBA stardom. It's a proven path that CG43 is trying to follow ;)
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