Years ago

sa time for new stadiums

Well media reporting inactivity in sa with employment / development - well I can think of 4-5 new stadiums that would employ some tradies and turn the economy a bit .... local clubs time to ring your local MP.....

Topic #38305 | Report this topic

Years ago

Manos - this subject has been done to death. BSA and the clubs don't have any money for new stadiums. Everyone agrees that new stadiums are required and have been for years. Marion Council were going to build a new stadium and not sure what has happened, but maybe the funds ran out. Nice subject but probably not viable under current economy.

Reply #558399 | Report this post

Years ago

Build a new riverbank Arena lol

Reply #558424 | Report this post

Years ago

HAHA BSA building new stadiums HAHA

Reply #558431 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon12 - BSA has PLENTY of money, they just won't spend it on infrastructure.

Reply #558432 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd settle for Air Conditioning and no holes in the roof for rain to drip on courts.

Reply #558435 | Report this post

Years ago

They don't have enough money to build a 3 or 4 court stadium.

Reply #558437 | Report this post

Years ago

anon above

I mean. It took them 3 weeks to find to that a SA team had won a National Championship and recognise it on their website.

Reply #558439 | Report this post

Years ago

BSA built a purpose built basketball stadium... with the scorers benchers opposite from the camera view. derp derp. Also behind the ring the seats are miles away due to empty space. Everything they do is a failure.

Reply #558444 | Report this post

Years ago

Didnt we have this forum topic no more than 4-5 months ago? I second the people posting above.

BSA have money, but its nowhere near the money they would need to build a Basketball Stadium with a 2015 era court on it.

They would only get something better if they torched accidentily their facility now and used the Insurance money to rebuild something better.

Reply #558457 | Report this post

Years ago

Which is no longer their facility

Reply #558516 | Report this post

Years ago

Scorers benches opposite from the cameras view? Whaaaaa...
What was there first?
Don't you think broadcasters could choose whatever view they want?

Reply #558518 | Report this post

Years ago

If it's no longer their facility then this is what would need to happen

A) The state government would need to get a major influx of Cash. Large GST grant, UFO material found and sold.. something like that


Basketball would need to prove they can draw more than 10,000 to a game somehow. They would actually need to become evident in society again.

Reply #558528 | Report this post

Years ago

when you win the lottery how about YOU build a new six courter...

there's a higher chance of that happening than any Council, Government or BSA dipping into their pockets

sad but true

Reply #558565 | Report this post

Kym C.  
Years ago

Just think of the kids. For once in your lives just think of these f*cking children BSA. they pay fees and match day ticket prices to use stadiums that aren't even up to the lowest of standards.

These are your brothers. Your sons and your daughters suffering. And it's sad.

Absolutely deplorable.

Reply #558580 | Report this post

Years ago

Centrals - Starplex - Fine
Eastern - Adelaide Hills - Fine
Forestville - Wayville - Fine (air con maybe)
North - Hillcrest - Need to move (Mars?)
Norwood - Mars - moving to Campbelltown
South - Marion - Were moving, no idea now, need to move, could use Westminster
Southern - Morphett Vale - Fine (air con maybe)
Sturt - Pasadena - Fine (air con maybe, still a high school)
West - Port Adelaide - Need to move (Titanium or new)
Woodville - St Clair - Move now (Titanium or new)

Now the problem is we need a new stadium out West for either West or Woodville to move to.

Reply #558596 | Report this post

Years ago

Kym C I don't think kids would care about the current stadiums. As long as they get to play they are happy. Having said that it would be great to have a few new stadiums.

Out of interest what is the best approach, contact local federal members of parliament or local state
Government or local council members?

Reply #558612 | Report this post

Years ago

southern's COURTS are fine but it is essentially a giant oven. The place should have been knocked down and started new made it a building not a shed.
The issue for southern now is that AC might not be super effective when the shed is cooking the interior
eastern only has 1 good court the other court is pretty trash.
Marion needs to be squashed and rebuilt and then get a new carpark with it.
hilcrest is waaay below par, and from what i have heard that mars have signed on with norwood for another 2 years for them to use the stadium as a training facility so north cant back door that one

Reply #558617 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not sure it makes any sense for North to have their base at Mars. This moves them further from where most of their players come from.

Reply #558638 | Report this post

Years ago

Re King James: all of the above. You need to get everyone contributing to a bucket of money, state and fed MPs, council, sports groups.
You need to make the case to these people, using every fact and argument you can think of.
And you need either an old stadium to renovate or a bit of land. A community that doesn't mind the traffic etc. Plus demonstrable users of said stadium.
Plus a group of enthusiastic people to propel the campaign.
It's hard work. Up for it?

Reply #558793 | Report this post

Years ago

#596 can only be a BSA employee trying to justify the neglect of their membership base.
Port Adelaide, Marion, Hillcrest and St Clair are in a disgraceful condition. That is 40% of your stadiums right there.
Adelaide Hills ct 2 is IMO the single worst court in use for district competition. It is flat-out dangerous. So that stadium is far from "fine".
Of course, how often would any of them actually see these facilities in use?

Reply #558795 | Report this post

Years ago

You need a Bendat

Reply #558802 | Report this post

Years ago

#596 can only be Kym C-quit the hysteria

your conspiracy theories are getting tiresome

anyone with an alternate view is NOT automatically aligned with BSA

as explained ad-nauseum in numerous previous threads, the facility conditions are not solely a BSA issue.

BASA bleeding the Government in the 80's and going belly-up, dwindling participant numbers, diminishing profile of the sport, cash strapped /poorly run Councils and State Government all contribute.

and to answer your question "how often would any of them actually see these facilities in use?"- ever notice the staff at each and every venue???

Reply #558834 | Report this post

Years ago

i dont think the numbers are dwindling...
U16s has the most amount of teams in the comp in a very long time 7 divs!?
Im from norwood and i know that we had so many players for U16s we couldnt put all of them into a team we had to move 18 players away from district competition
if we had more or better facilities we might be able to accommodate these kids that are getting turned back

the girls program is getting better in numbers 4 divs this year in U14s and 16s... its been about 5 years since we saw enough teams for 4 divs

sure youth league has dropped but every other age group is either on the rise or same as before

but as Boti wrote a year or 2 back, kids will watch the game of basketball on the big stage and want to join, they will walk into st clair, west adelaide, hilcrest and even marion to see a ran down, uninspiring, passionless pit of disappointment and neglect.

Reply #558837 | Report this post

Years ago


I would think that BSA treat their stadium staff with the same discord that they do the clubs.

Treat them like a $ and don't listen to what they say.

Reply #558847 | Report this post

Years ago

exactly - those staff in the stadiums aren't the ones who make the decisions. How often is the CEO there cat????

Reply #558977 | Report this post

Years ago

And how many venues outside of SA would the CEO or the board have seen.

SA parents get to visit the 8 court Perry Lakes Venue in Perth. 16 court Venue in Dandenong. or see the new 8 court venue proposed for Ballarat.

I would suggest that the head of basketball in this state has never seen these stadiums unlike a large number of families in the sport he governs.

Reply #558994 | Report this post

Years ago

Starplex, Mars and Adelaide Hills aren't even BSA stadiums?
As far as I am aware BSA have long leases with Starplex and Mars as competition venues. Campbelltown is another that is not a BSA owned or run venue! So basketball may not be the main sport priority for this centre? Time will tell.

Reply #559358 | Report this post

Years ago

those courts are the better courts for SA, despite Adelaide hills 2nd court
but if BSA even tried to re invested in the courts I doubt the people who own the stadium would turn it down

For Mars, basketball is their main priority as it is played every night of the week there cannot speak for Starplex but that is a good stadium compared to the sheds we have down south, west and north

Reply #559377 | Report this post

Years ago

St Clair isn't a BSA stadium either, owned by the council. Get blood out a stone before you get money out of them to fix the place up.

Reply #559395 | Report this post

Years ago

Did 596 really say that Hills is fine?


It is the single worst of all the ten stadiums. Absolutely terrible.

Reply #559405 | Report this post

Years ago

In the world of BSA everything is fine and dandy.

Reply #559407 | Report this post

Julie L  
Years ago

Cry me a river. BSA wont build new stadiums. Feds wont spend money. State has no money.

Reply #559422 | Report this post

Years ago

#395 BSA don't own any stadiums.

Reply #559547 | Report this post

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