Years ago

Titanium Security Arena Scoreboard

From the 36ers email newsletter today:

"Score Board
The Titanium Security Arena's score board has been a hot topic of debate amongst our patrons and 36ers fans, thus management feels the need to address the matter with complete openness and honesty.
The score board is well past its best. That is obvious. For the last couple of seasons, the board has been less-than reliable and has had to be reset a couple of times during games resulting in a delay in play.
The NBL has very recently signed a deal with Fox Sports which runs on a very precise schedule. The schedule does not allow any room for unscheduled stoppages. Thus, we have had to stop using the cube and instead post the stats on the screens on either side of the court.
The arena has spent several thousand dollars trying to get the board repaired with little to no improvement. We see no sense in pouring more funds into the old board and have instead decided to budget to replace the cube with state of the art LED screens.
We ask for your patience and understanding as we work to get the new screens in. Please, purchase your ticket to come and watch your Adelaide 36ers. We appreciate your continued support."

No time frame, so I'm not even sure if they expect it to be done in-season or not, but at least it's a confirmation that they are moving in the right direction.

Topic #38263 | Report this topic

Years ago

This is the way an issue should be addressed - open about the situation, why it exists, frank about how it is to be addressed. We don't expect the 36ers to be flush with money and replace things at a whim.

Reply #556901 | Report this post

Years ago

Finally some news from the club about it via the newsletter, certainly appreciated.

Reply #556903 | Report this post

Years ago

Agreed, KET. Should have happened for game 1 of the season, but at least it's out there now.

Reply #556904 | Report this post

Years ago

Im actually surprised the NBL dont kick in some funds for this. They are trying to show the best product they can so it makes sense if Adelaide cant currently do it, they might.

Reply #556908 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm glad to hear from the Club on this, however, given there's been issues for so long (as they've admitted) I question why they couldn't have arranged to have it ready in time for the start of the season. It's unacceptable that we don't have a functioning scoreboard in a professional sport.

Reply #556909 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, it's an expensive item that isn't necessarily affordable

Reply #556910 | Report this post

Years ago

They've struggled with that thing for probably a decade. Has antiquated cabling, requires an ancient computer to interface with it, etc.

Reply #556914 | Report this post

Years ago

Also - the Club don't own the scoreboard and the ownership of the Club changed hands only 4 months ago.

Reply #556917 | Report this post

Years ago

This email takes away most of the frustration that fans have been feeling for months (years?).

Excellent that they have finally explained the situation. As said above, this is how issues should be handled - frank, open, honest.

Anyone have any idea of the approximate cost? Personally, I'd be happy if the club asked every member for a reasonable contribution. Surely, even $10 per member (3000+ members?) would be of some help.

Even better, how about having the "On the Run" scoreboard, Mr Shahin....??

Reply #556921 | Report this post

Years ago

Computer running it, died, blue screened at the end of last season.

Cost has been said in the 100s of thousands if not millions so $10 x 3000 members will not even come close.

You all seem to forget, team and venue are now owned by the same people. Don't say not sixers fault they don't own the venue, they do!

Reply #556923 | Report this post

Years ago

Well done by the club to get it out in the open. Should reach out to sponsors or other companies to cover the scoreboard in a logo to help cover cost . It's is the 2nd most viewed part of a basketball game.

Reply #556928 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #556930 | Report this post

Years ago

Isn't it a SA made scoreboard?

Reply #556932 | Report this post

Years ago

They need to go for the same size cube but with video screens instead. Would be interesting to know the estimated cost for a project like that

Reply #556934 | Report this post

Years ago

Would it be asking too much to get LK to pay for a new one?

Reply #556940 | Report this post

Years ago

A new score cube with video screens etc is $5 million +

Most other teams have them because they play out of their convention centers who pay for, or at least contribute to them as they use them for other events.

Reply #556943 | Report this post

Years ago

Four 80 Inch TV screens $20,000 mount them up on the ceiling and connect them to the video feed, another $10,000 - Job done!

Reply #556945 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't believe the 6ers owners OWN the building. I think they have full rights over the building and its use for the next 10 years?

Reply #556950 | Report this post

Years ago

Sponsorship would definitely help with the Scoreboard and a South Aussie company would be great.

Don't they have sponsors with the Hindmarsh Stadium soccer one? Footy Park was sponsored etc.

Reply #556969 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree with you Dave. The building is actually owned by the Scouts and Church Basketball. Not sure about the leasing arrangements. As per previous posts, the scoreboard came from Apollo Stadium along with the computer system/program to run it. There have been problems with the system since that time. Maybe if the problem had been addressed earlier the solution may have been cost effective. Whole thing let go for too long and the costs have spiralled. Not sure what the answer is but it will probably be a huge cost as per previous comments, and not sure that the owners have cash to splash, if indeed it is up to them to replace the board.

Reply #556972 | Report this post

Years ago

but the team is also owned by scouts and church

Reply #556974 | Report this post

Years ago

Building and sixers are owned by the same consortium, which extends much further then the public face of the scouts and SA Church.

It's all the same. Spend a $1m and get it right.

Reply #556995 | Report this post

Years ago

Did someone mention a church is involved? There's your cash cow right there, no need to look for sponsors.

Reply #556999 | Report this post

Years ago

You're forgetting that churches like money to flow to them, they don't like outflows however.

Reply #557001 | Report this post

Years ago

Wasn't it Payne Electronics back in the day?

Reply #557008 | Report this post

Ballin Fan  
Years ago

Press release says
"and instead post the stats on the screens on either side of the court."

if this is happening it is not happening enough.
why show the game live on the screens when you can see it on the floor?
PLEASE show some stats on these screens. Scorers, fouls anything would be better than what is not happening now.

Reply #557009 | Report this post

Years ago

The arena is owned by SA Church Basketball Association and Scouts.

I believe that the 36ers are in part owned by some of the players in the Stadium Management.

All different bodies.

Church Basketball does not get money from churches - just its member clubs and players.

Reply #557017 | Report this post

Years ago

Some wild speculations on prices going around. No you can't just hang 4 x 80" LCD for $20,000. Job not done. For 1 you have to remove the old scoreboard. Do you know how you need to do that? No off-course you don't. That alone will blow your $20,000 budget way out of the water. Think along the lines of between $7,500 to $15,000 per square meter of display depending on how low a pixel pitch you want to go for. I would estimate you would want at least 20 square meter per side, 80 square meters total. So between $600,000 and $1,200,000 is the figures you are looking at. In very rough numbers. Now if they get an install partner/sponsor or similar you might be able to drop that figure quite a lot but still it's a very expensive exercise.

Reply #557025 | Report this post

Years ago

My mate Jimmy is a sparky and he can do it for $40,000 bucks

Reply #557028 | Report this post

Years ago

I just sick of the whole damn thing over the years. Lack of communication to members, schedule changes pushing members and families out, food costs now through the roof, scoreboard issues for ever, announcer you can't understand, adhoc music tha sometimes is so annoying and now nbl live app issues and lots of unlnowns. enough excuses, despite fancy looking websites they are not user friendly so it is all looking like mickey mouse stuff. I'm out and just getting league pass now.. any other sportig code would not accept this froms its management to its supporters.

Reply #557030 | Report this post

Years ago

But it's the best season eva. Little has changed it seems. AS the season progresses we are seeing that already.

Reply #557032 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe the Dallas Cowboys Owner can buy us one.
Damn! that 50m long screen @ there stadium.

Reply #557034 | Report this post

Years ago

At least your announcer isn't yelling out three times, like you can't her the idiot once!



Reply #557035 | Report this post

Years ago

Sounds like new ownership is being tight. What sort of stadium does not have a scoreboard? I know it is bad timing for them, they take over and it breaks down, but it is an essential capital outlay for an indoor arena.

Reply #557068 | Report this post

Years ago

The Church own the 36ers?

So when you are going to a game, what you are doing is effectively ... praying?

Reply #557072 | Report this post

Years ago

Latest Member Info night was transcribed, here's the update (albeit a bit long-winded) about the status of the Cube. Sounds promising without being a sure thing.

"Could we take the risk of the cube freezing and then having to restart it during the games? The simple answer is with the new broadcast deal with FOX SPORTS, we cannot do that."
"There is a five year television deal, which is very important to the NBL and very important to basketball and had we got ourselves in the situation if the cube froze, it takes approximately 60 seconds to restart, we would have stopped the television broadcast and that would have been the end of the five-year FOX Sports broadcast deal which they can step out of after the first year."
"Now basketball in Australia has gone through challenging times throughout the last decade, what is really important to us and the NBL is to grow the basketball brand again. The NBL is a great brand, we have around 400 Australians playing basketball in the US College system and 10 players in the NBA which per capita head is the largest number from one country and is a tremendous achievement."
"I believe that the NBL competition is really good and strong, so what the Arena then had to look at was we've now got to replace the cube and what I didn’t want to do was to replace one score cube with another score cube that did exactly the same thing. What I want to do is replace it with replay screens, like we have at the ends of the court and have a similar type score board which you would see in the NBA or other major venues around the world.”
“Now I am sure that every one of you here tonight knows that the LED screens do not come from Australia, are not manufactured in Australia, they are manufactured in China, there is a lead time to do that to get them here and to install and configure them.”
“As I am sure you have seen, we have a very weird draw over December, where we have quite a big break between the December 23 game and then January 20 game. In that period, we’re getting LED screens and currently trying ensure that we get it financed.”
“We have ordered four screens and the score cube will be coming down and be replaced with the four LED screens of a similar size, that way you can still see all your statistics and scores in one place rather than the two end screens which you are currently getting.”
“Now as basketball fanatics, those statistics are important to you, I understand that ( member says it is not the same without it), and I understand the frustration to look at the score on the score cube and then the end screens to get the statistics, all I can say to you, is that you will have to bear with us until the new screens get installed during the Christmas break, as there is nothing we can do prior to that. (member says that you cannot read the names down the bottom of the screen down the eastern end as the steel bar is in the way ) Same principle, I understand that and we will look at how we can adjust the feed. ( Operations Manager says that we get the feed from Live Stats and initially we though that we could just put the five players who are on the court, but we have not been able to adapt it that way, and we want to make the names as large as possible, now we have added minutes played, assists, rebounds which were not on the old score board, so you are getting more information but unfortunately, however yes, the names at the bottom and Mitch Creek happens to be one that everyone likes, down the eastern end you cannot see it, there is a little bit of pain to go through unfortunately ) You could be in a worse situation like me who is both vain and blind and cannot see it all (laughter).”
“(Member says that half the season is going to be over before we get the stats ) Correct, no matter what we do, it is going to take that time to get here. (Member says you can’t tell me that there is nothing off the shelf that we can get from China ) Well if you find one, that will work, please let me know. I’m afraid that it is not hard to believe, it is a fact, a reality, I am not putting a cube up, I am putting LED screens up so we can have a decent stadium and venue. I wish we could find something locally that could replace it with, but we can’t.”

Reply #563759 | Report this post

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