Years ago

The New NBL: What's Actually New?

Okay, there are sponsors signed up on a bunch of promises, and there are billboards around the place, but other than that...is it just me, or is the actual product exactly the same?

  • No shot clock in half the games

  • The on-screen clock being run manually, and thus not syncing with the stadium clock

  • Commentators mangling name pronunciations

  • No use of highlights from games other than the one being shown

  • Stats not updating until days after the game

  • No highlights or photos available on the website

  • Honestly, actually not much of anything available on the website in practice, even if it's there in theory, particularly on mobile

  • An app that doesn't work

  • A subscription service that occasionally shows a completely different event to the one that's supposed to be on

  • A TV commercial that's never actually on TV

  • Score graphics randomly disappearing due to technical issues

  • The league's Twitter account being entirely non-responsive

It's like everyone got to Day 100, then decided they'd earned a break. And the actual product is the exact same lazy mess it's always been.

And if that's going to remain the case, the fans won't come, the sponsors won't get the expected return, and the league will be in serious trouble.

Topic #38205 | Report this topic

Years ago

New app has been flawless for me and is perfectly priced. League's efforts on Twitter and Instagram have been excellent IMO. Commentators have been solid (have missed CJ, so I'm ignoring that) and enthusiastic. Most teams have been really active on social media and using decent graphics. The promo stuff put out by the league is very good. TV deal is with a provider who actually seems to want to be involved, unlike previously. Billboard ads appearing around the country.

Only things that are subpar IMO are the stats and the site, and a lot of that is due to the stupid structure they used. I imagine they were led astray by their provider and I doubt they can justify rebuilding so soon.

Oh, and they've formalised the addition of Brisbane.

Reply #555222 | Report this post

Years ago

New font bro

Reply #555223 | Report this post

captain obvious  
Years ago

i believe in this kestleman bloke. its a marathon not a sprint but things are undeniably on the right track. nobody has impressed me more in the nbl front office for 20 years than this bloke.

Reply #555224 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah I happen to think things are going heaps better. Haven't had many issues at all with any of the NBL stuff, besides CJ haha and the missing out on tonights 1str qtr... I've been patient for 20 years, a other 6months wont hurt. No need to focus not eh negatives too hard, thats been the downfall with ball fans for years!

Reply #555226 | Report this post

Years ago

*old man screams at cloud* the season is already 1.2 weeks old! Why isn't everything perfect!

We have people that care running the league. We have live TV, internet, and app games. Every game. Things are great now. They will get better.


Reply #555228 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the problem is that many people expected Miracles from LK's involvement, and perhaps to some extent he assumed he would just do a much better job,
but the reality is there are no magic fixes.

LK injected what was it $5M of his "own" money and that bought him control and gave the NBL some stability. But he's not the Messiah.

The NBL live app is typical. Everyone poured shit on the old NBL TV. so in his fervour to "re-brand and reinvigorate" that has been axed, and only half replaced.
Simple fact is that the old NBL TV was superior simply because it actually existed. Now we're stuck watching it on phones with a 7 inch screen restriction.
People talk about "quality," what a joke, obviously it takes a fraction of the data to stream a 7 inch video.

And why the rush to make people pay (even to watch ads) when they haven't even got the bugs worked out?

Everybody sat back waiting for the wonderful FTA deal LK was going to deliver, and of course what we have is a joke.
By his own admission, LK is a control freak, and I think there was a bit of arrogance in play, believing that just because he was at the table he could get a better result than Marvin. Simply fact is there is no money in NBL for FTA, doesn't matter who's sitting in the chair.

The Foxtel commitment, of every game live, IS a good one, but that's pay tv. Fantastic for somebody who already subscribes, useless if you don't want Foxtel.
(I already pay for season tickets, not forking out even more again to Fox JUST to watch the away games.)

As for the website, well yeah there's "re-branding" and then there's "wasting everyone's time."

But hey, the NBL logo is different, that's gotta count for something.

Reply #555229 | Report this post

Years ago

I think most things have been a positive except the TV situation. Putting aside the Fox production being worse than Ten's and the NBL are paying for it unlike Ten was paying the NBL but I think the TV situ has been a reasonable step back.

Went from two games a week on FTA TV and a streaming service for PC's for what about $80.

Now just one game a week on FTA TV, every game on Pay TV yes and a streaming service for mobile phones only.

I personally can't really afford to get Foxtel plus I plan on moving early next year anyway and for whatever reason the NBL app won't download to my android phone says it's not compatible so it's one game on FTA and illegal streams the rest of the way.

Not the end of the world by any stretch and this does look like a 'good' season to miss but still sucks.

Reply #555230 | Report this post

Years ago

Did people expect free to air TV to pick up the NBL and play every game? I'm sorry, but that's not realistic.

Again. We get. Every. Single. Game. Live.

Be it app, or foxtel.

You think Channel 10 was interested in providing that same deal? 9? 7? ABC? SBS?

Is it perfect? No. Is it the best we could hope for right now? Actually, yes.

Reply #555233 | Report this post

Years ago

Just to re-emphasise, my point is that there are no magic fixes.
If the NBL was uber-profitable and able to introduce all these wonderful things, they would have done so long ago.

Even with LK, last thing we want is him splurging his $5M in the first year. Hopefully his investment can give the NBL stability for several years.

Reply #555234 | Report this post

Years ago

If you want to complain about the TV deal despite it being far better than could realistically be hoped for, go elsewhere.


New app has been flawless for me and is perfectly priced.
I haven't bothered to sign up, since I have Foxtel, but apparently tonight it showed Fox Footy instead of the game. Some users have been unable to log in. I can't get the box scores to show up for more than one second at a time.

League's efforts on Twitter and Instagram have been excellent IMO.
As far as promotion goes, sure. Customer service is nonexistent.

TV deal is with a provider who actually seems to want to be involved, unlike previously.
Has there been any difference at all in the broadcasting? Channel Ten at least got us a shot clock. They mic'd the rims for the Melbourne game, but that promptly disappeared again.

No need to focus not eh negatives too hard, thats been the downfall with ball fans for years!
The downfall of the league, on the other hand, was everyone thinking things were brilliant and they didn't have to bother with any improvements. And while they're obviously aware that's not the case this time around, it's concerning to see all the little things slipping under the radar like this.

The two big moves in the off-season have been the website, which has gone backwards, and the TV deal, which has gone nowhere in terms of production.

Reply #555240 | Report this post

Years ago

Things are better than they have been for years and years, its going to continue to evolve because the people in power now, want it too. Enjoy every single game on tv or livestream. Not much else you could ask for not even 2 rounds in! Koberulz and a few others maybe volunteer your time if you have to much of it too find every little hole in near perfect turnaround! I was annoyed the footy was on etc but its all new, even for the league, so you laugh it off and sure enough it ends dup being fine... teething people.

Reply #555241 | Report this post

Years ago

Seems to be a lot of people drinking out of a half empty glass here.
Rome wasn't built in a day.

Reply #555243 | Report this post

Years ago

For us Aussies living abroad its absolute crap.

I payed my 60 Dollars which is lil less than 30 Pounds so I don't care about the price.

Te constant buffering and Drop outs are really starting to get to me.

Reply #555244 | Report this post

Years ago

Keep hating mate. You should put your energy into something like the A League where they love a good sook.

Beggars can't be choosers - be thankful for what you have.

Reply #555245 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think it's hating to point out things that are flawed.
Things aren't perfect yet. There's no need to pretend they are.
There's also no need to throw up our arms and give up.
It's very early days in the LK reign. The direction and the intent seem positive to me. As long as it keeps trending in that direction then I'll be pretty happy.
If they stopped right now, and what we have today remained the status quo for the rest of the season, then yes that would certainly be worth feeling disappointed about.

Reply #555247 | Report this post

Years ago

What Luuuc said. Sums it up.

Reply #555248 | Report this post

Years ago

The biggest issues for me:
The huge website rebuild that made the website worse.
Refusing to use any highlights anywhere anyone might see them.
Zero games with a properly functioning scoreboard.

And also hugely annoying, but probably more for me than for most, is the incorrect name pronunciations.

Reply #555250 | Report this post

Years ago

If they stopped right now, and what we have today remained the status quo for the rest of the season, then I would be bloody appreciative. It's an outstanding improvement on what we've been dished up over the past few years. People need to stop whinging about perceived flaws that aren't of any concern. Our league was on life support six months ago, yet now that it's received some much wanted love from Larry K, it's time to play the same record again. Boo-hoo.

It's not the NBA, it's not the AFL, it's not even at the level of the A-League and in all probability it never will be. As a result, thinking our game will be presented in remotely the same manner in the current time frame is unrealistic. The corporate support just isn't there to vindicate further investment of that magnitude.

Enjoy the league for what it is and the shot in the arm it's been given.

Reply #555252 | Report this post

Years ago

The name stuff doesn't bother me.
In most cases it is commentators who are doing a pretty good job of calling games, but these players are new to them. So I think that will naturally sort itself out over time.
Andrew Gaze spent his life in this league and was still hopeless in that department. That bothered me.

The website, I agree with you on. I'm not a fan. I don't find its layout intuitive to use, and for such an elaborate design there's not much in the way of content. It's not a big deal to me since I only really use it for the game score ribbon at the top anyway.

Highlights are something I hope they will improve on. Now that every game is covered in HD, there is no excuse for not being able to get good highlights packages out. They're already doing well with tweeting individual highlight plays in a timely manner. Compilations should be the next step. And yes they should be free to view on the app. Again, the app has only just happened, so hopefully that tweak is coming.

I don't quite understand why there's such an issue with getting the scores & clock on the broadcast. I really thought that would be Sports Broadcasting 101 and therefore a given for Foxtel.

Reply #555254 | Report this post

Years ago

It's not just about getting highlights out in terms of social media and things...none of the commercials contain highlights. The opening for TV doesn't contain highlights. The pre-game segment doesn't contain highlights. The halftime segment doesn't contain highlights from any games other than the one being broadcast at the time.

And as far as names...is it that hard? The NBL put 'Introducing...' videos for each team on the app at the start of the year, featuring each player saying their own name. All any of the commentators have to do is watch the two videos for the teams in the game they're about to call, and take note of any odd pronunciations. Matt Russell was getting Te Rangi right two nights ago, indicating he'd done his research, which was fantastic and I made note of it at the time. But tonight, Voss mispronounced both Djeric and Markovic repeatedly. Rucker got off to a horrible start for Adelaide-Perth, mangling Jervis, Jawai, Prather and Kenyon, but he got them all right in the second half so he'd obviously done some research during the break.

But that should be mandatory pre-game stuff. Not halftime, not never.

It was particularly odd to hear Tommy Greer botching Majok, Goulding and Hadziomerovic. Especially Goulding.

While we're on the subject: turns out everyone's been pronouncing 'Tragardh' wrong for years.

Reply #555258 | Report this post

Years ago

koberulz is a virgin.

Reply #555261 | Report this post

Years ago

Thus far the changes have been cosmetic - a coat of paint on a daveron park house.

We have more partners than ever, but they have no obvious role with the league.

We have all games live on several platforms, but we have no tangible upgrade to the production.

We have quality Nbl commercials which I am yet to see on tv. The commercial, btw, is better than the coverage intro with the ball handling tricks.

We have a wealth of highlights from this, last, and prior seasons and blitzes yet none of it is used.

The Nbl has done well to drum up interest, but they are resting on their laurels with the actual product - which is the tv coverage.

In a conversation with Jeremy loeliger, he said to me we will see incremental improvements to production in each round. I see only one change - locker room insight. That is it. And to be honest, it is not that big a deal.

The action on court is as good as ever. The social media work is borderline obsessive on Twitter, but the tv production is stagnant. The web site has actually fallen off, and the new Nbl is looking much like the old one.

The tv product IS the product

Reply #555273 | Report this post

Years ago


And I just remembered another thing: all the league's marketing is promoting the #Hardball hashtag. The TV graphics occasionally plug Twitter, but with the #NBL16 hashtag.

Reply #555275 | Report this post

Years ago

Rucker, a basketball guy, was mispronouncing names? Gaze has done it for years. Put that on them.

App/streaming provider and TV provider have changed, so I forgive teething issues there. The website less so - not like Fox Sporting Pulse haven't worked with the NBL before.

Reply #555276 | Report this post

Years ago

It's not like Fox Sports haven't worked with the NBL before, either. And the NBL isn't that different to the other sports they have on anyway.

Reply #555277 | Report this post

Years ago

Simple fact is people hear of a change and then expect everything perfect on day 1. Fair bet you and your workplace is not perfect, how long you been working there ??

Fox deal is great and was always the only option, you need to earn free to air.

Biggest concern is clubs sitting back relying on LK instead of cashing in and being productive themselves about building their brand and game experience and engagement. Adelaide and Townsville right now in trouble here for mine. These 2 going backwards or at the least staying the same.

Business wise if out of a 100 people 80 will and 20 won't then do it. Nothing will please all 100 but if it's better for most and for the long term then it's better !!

Reply #555279 | Report this post

Years ago

They are moving in the right direction. That's the big difference. They are on Fox who cover all major sports....Big plus!!! NBL is mentioned in the Fox news all day.
The music background is driving me crackers.
Stick with the old stuff...and play it loud. I want to walk into a stadium and get the goosebumps from the better days. That's something cheap, it won't break the budget.

Reply #555284 | Report this post

Years ago

Forget the old days. The game day experience needs to evolve and appeal to a new market and a younger market.

Our games (Adelaide) has to many people in the higher age bracket and for growth needs to appeal to a younger market. And clubs needs to be a part of that

Reply #555285 | Report this post

Years ago

Jeremy Loeliger on ABC Grandstand spruiking the new NBL:

Kind of unfortunate to use that Crocs home game for the first bit of footage

Reply #555313 | Report this post

Years ago

(NBL segment starts at about the 6:20 mark btw)

Reply #555317 | Report this post

Years ago

Not a single dunk in the highlights, yet there have been dozens in the season. The highlight package basically reasserts some of the misconceptions the average person has about the league.

As for the interview, he says the same as usual without going into any real depth. I am looking forward to seeing some changes that aren't surface deep.

As I have said, the coverage is in need of an update. It is LITERALLY the same coverage as on channel ten but on HD.

Reply #555616 | Report this post

Years ago

It's actually not. Ten had a shot clock for the last ten seconds.

Still haven't had a proper clock in any game yet this season. It's beyond a joke.

Tommy Greer mispronouncing "Majok" and "Hadziomerovic" is disappointing. Him mispronouncing "Goulding" is just bizarre.

Reply #555647 | Report this post

Years ago

Actually koberulz the only thing I'm finding is beyond a joke is yiu and other constantly shooting things down for trivial reasons. No shot clock? Big deal! I've now watched more games live in 2 rounds than I did the entire previous season (on the app, using fix app on a smart tv Foxtel and also channel 9) The clock hasn't overly affected my viewing experience once but ice really enjoyed being able to see the games. I've also been able to work out where the games were played, this despite the NBL logo being on the teams court and not the relevant home teams logo!! Commentating, I've quite enjoyed the enthusiasm the new guys have brought to the calls, yeah they aren't in depth basketball gurus but their excitement at the athletic plays they are seeing is obvious and quite infectios to the viewer. The uniforms have had a couple of colour clashes that have t been perfect - again so what, we survived and moved on, overall the uniforms looks miles better than previous season and I'm sure clash strips will be improved as season progresses

There's a lot of good going on so far, is everything perfect, hell no but it's heading in the right direction. We now need for the public to get behind the NBL and support it both at games and on tv. Having arm chair experts on Bball websites like Hoops (who are supposedly basketball tragics and die hard fans) taking pot shots at every turn does more damage to the viability of our leage than a missing shot clock on a game coverage will ever do!

Reply #555649 | Report this post

Years ago

The website has been updated!

Reply #555714 | Report this post

Years ago

During last night's game from Perth, when displaying the upcoming games for each team, the home and away games were the wrong way around.

Shots of cheerleaders are increasing dramatically, too.

Anyone remember the first year of the One HD deal? Video packages, a weekly wrap up show, courtside reporters...

Reply #555731 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah but all those things were done poorly on ONE!

One promising sign was the highlight clip of Khazzouh's previous game at a time out, that's exactly the sort of thing that needs to be shown in the pre-game and throughout the broadcast, whether it be individual player focus, highlights from previous games, best plays from around the league etc.

Reply #555734 | Report this post

Years ago

Actually just read this thread - hilarious! Nothing's perfect, but the base that's being built is outstanding. The TV product as it is isn't what the league needs, but the deal was only signed, what, 5 weeks ago? As Isaac said the broadcaster obviously cares, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it evolves.

Reply #555735 | Report this post

Years ago

What gives the impression the broadcaster cares? Why does the newness of the TV deal affect the complete lack of highlights anywhere?

Reply #555738 | Report this post

Years ago

Plenty of highlights on their news bulletins, which there hasn't been for eons, and there weren't on Ten, and the promotion of upcoming games in the broadcasts is clearly a focus. The commentators even seem to watch the other games and take an interest in the league. It's such a refreshing change from Ten where every game was like an isolated event, and previous games had slipped into an abyss.

Reply #555742 | Report this post

Years ago

Much better start to the broadcast tonight.

Reply #555743 | Report this post

Years ago

First week the games weren't that great.

This week I've enjoyed them all. It seems the refs are not allowing rough gridning as per previous seasosn? More offensive basketball. Even the Perth home game wasn't rough.

No issue with closeups of cheerleaders. Fox used to show detailed closeups back in the day when in general the girls were hotter, specifically their Kings Game of the Week, then One/Ten had absolutely zero. What they show now is nothing compared to last time around.

Reply #555768 | Report this post

Years ago

Plenty of highlights on their news bulletins, which there hasn't been for eons, and there weren't on Ten, and the promotion of upcoming games in the broadcasts is clearly a focus.
On the other hand, there aren't any in the ads, or during the game broadcasts other than from the same game (with the exception of two games broadcast from Sydney).

Really been impressed with Matt Rusell thus far. Had a shaky start, but I'm pretty sure he's the first person in NBL history to correctly pronounce 'Tragardh' and he's been spot on with every other player in the league as well.

One/Ten had absolutely zero [shots of cheerleaders]
Except for after every single basket, and during every single timeout, and in the pre-game, halftime and post-game highlight reels, you're right.

They're cheerleaders. They're irrelevant.

Reply #555842 | Report this post

Years ago

to you maybe

Reply #555848 | Report this post

Years ago

No, not just to me. Objectively, factually. They are completely and utterly 100% irrelevant.

Reply #555853 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes irrevelant are those who aren't hot. GImme a hot cheerleader with my basketball anyday.

If they are 100% irrelevant let's put fat men or dwarves out there and get them to cheer. No? Thought so.

Reply #555854 | Report this post

Years ago

That's just sad.

Reply #555855 | Report this post

Mel O'McKarona  
Years ago

Nah if you use females you can pay them 18% less than if you use men ;)

Reply #555859 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't have Foxtel, so can't comment on that.
It did seem very late to be announced so maybe they are still catching up. It would seem they are the premier broadcast partner so yes I thin for your money you can demand a decent product, but maybe wait a while before passing judgement.

As of some of the other stuff, I'm not sure what people are expecting LK and the NBL to do?
Apparently the Adelaide venue is a shit-hole filled with old people? Not sure WHAT Larry is supposed to do about that? Did you expect him to spend the $5M on a new venue for your team?

The Wildcats had some kind of promotion on with Adventure World. It appeared to be either free or discounted Cats tickets with an Adventure World ticket. Presumably this is targeted towards the younger crowd. I don't know what Adelaide does but surely getting young people to the games is their issue not the leagues?

Reply #555863 | Report this post

Years ago

I Noticed improvements in the production today. They are starting to put in more highlights from previous games into breaks, and had nice clip peddled members up close filing into the stadium at the start of cairns game. There have been small, incremental improvement to coverage. Good signs in tthe past two days

Reply #555870 | Report this post

Years ago

As for cheerleaders, I love to look at them but I find it tacky and cliche. Do other Australian sports have cheerleaders? I can't say I have seen it. I am not against it but it is hardly something that weighs on the quality.of the product. Better looking girls in the crowd met of the time. A few spray tan tragedies were on screen today at the Sydney game.

Reply #555871 | Report this post

Years ago

Nah if you use females you can pay them 18% less than if you use men
I notice you referred to the women as 'females' but the men as...well, 'men'. Funny that.

Dazz, nobody in this thread mentioned Adelaide's stadium or crowd.

The other thing is the abbreviations. New Zealand are NZB on TV and NZL on the website, Cairns are CAI on TV and CNS on the website. Consistency would be nice.

Reply #555872 | Report this post

Years ago

My God - could you find anything more petty to whinge about???

Reply #555885 | Report this post

Years ago

koberulz you are absolutely right about the cheerleaders, they are irrelevant. Rather they should be in the kitchen. That's where they would be relevant.

Reply #556032 | Report this post

Years ago

Just tried to find the Andrej Lemanis anouncement on the NBL website, and it's not on the front page.

Stats are a week out of date, too.

Reply #556480 | Report this post

Years ago

New website stinks.

Reply #556484 | Report this post

Years ago

The worst thing is when you dont have the window on full screen, everything shrinks / goes wierd.

Reply #556485 | Report this post

Years ago

Cheerleaders are bloody AWESOME!

Reply #556486 | Report this post

Years ago

NBL web page sux ballz.
No round 3 updates and it's way too long scrolling down and down and down to try and find stuff.

Reply #556736 | Report this post

Years ago

Last night there was an NBL double header in NZ and Melbourne. So I thought I would read about it in today's Melbourne Herald Sun newspaper.


All the sport was about football, racing, netball, soccer and anything else you could place a bet on but no basketball whatsoever. Some things don't change I guess!

Reply #556890 | Report this post

Years ago

I wanted to double-check the circumstances of the game-winner for Townsville against Sydney.

So I went to the NBL app, and looked for highlights, but there's only one page of videos available for display, so it's impossible to get highlights for that game.

I tried the NBL's YouTube channel, but the only thing they've uploaded this year is the TV commercial.

So I figured I'd have to make do without video, and check the match report. But you can no longer just look at match reports, you have to dig through every news article.

And the Kings-Crocs match report doesn't exist.

There's a videos section on the website, though, which contains...nothing of interest. And the photos section hasn't been updated since the season launch.

Absolutely unacceptable.

Reply #559208 | Report this post

Years ago

This ^

Reply #559255 | Report this post


But its all good, the Ops Manager has tweeted how proud he is of himself for the website relaunch...

Reply #559258 | Report this post

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