Years ago
FIBA Website- Global Pro BBall Stats and Schedules
Apologies if this is old news to some of you, but I've recently discovered that the FIBA Website collates stats from professional leagues all around the world. It's absolutely fantastic!
I've never followed Euro bball, but now that I've found this website I think I will be keeping tabs on things.
As an example check out the pages for Lisch and Goulding- who I just discovered were teammates in Spain last season.
You can also check out competition pages- it has schedules, stats, rosters etc for, it seems, every pro comp in the world.
I have noticed a few weaknesses, for example it is missing a couple of seasons of NBL around 2008 and 2009. And some players I've searched it seems to not have a lot of data for whatever reason.
But overall this is brilliant. Wish I'd found it sooner.