Years ago

Rate the coverage of last nights NBL.

Just thought it would be interesting to see what people overall would have rated last nights coverage on a few different aspects:

Commentary: 6 (Could be better, but easily could be worse)

Highlights: 7 (Definite improvement on last year)

Live camera: 8 (Good as it will get without more cameras)

Interviewing: 5 (Noticed at the end of the game Heal was running back and forth for the interview, Hudson was then just making sure of no dead air in the mean time, just a tad unprofessional)

Overall: 7 (It will do the job, and should get better as the season goes on)

Topic #38130 | Report this topic

Years ago

Needed pre game highlights from the blitz. Should have shown some player highlights while talking about them. Less talking, more highlights from the players involved from blitz and previous seasons. Wouldn't hurt for them to figure out some more cool graphic pieces to add to it all. I thought it was only a small improvement on last year's presentation 6/10

Reply #552968 | Report this post

Years ago

This was posted last night:

Reply #552970 | Report this post

Years ago

I posted this in another thread, but relevant here:

Last night was OK, but over the course of the season OK won't be near good enough to achieve the ratings the NBL needs ahead of the review of the deal.

We've got to give it time though, hopefully it will improve a lot as the year wears on, with game footage woven into the coverage along with interviews and features etc.

But a big thing for me that can be done right away is turn down the effects mikes. Why is watching an NBL game on TV an assault on your ears when this isn't the case watching any other basketball comp?

The other thing is time-outs. Don't cross to the huddles for the full time-out every time, its not that interesting for most. Show an interview, or highlights from the game, and then show interesting snippets from the time-out, or occasionally go to the full time-out.

I did like the fact they replayed highlights instead of fouls as per previous years.

Reply #552974 | Report this post

Years ago

I think Hammer is a really good commentator. Gives some good insight, is knowledgeable of the players and i think he explains things with relative straightforwardness for non-basketball fans to understand what's going on.

Not having the score available on the screen was frustrating - and not a good look having something like happen from the first tip off in the very first game of the year.

Glad to see they appear to have done away with the in-game bench interviews which were absolute cringworthy.

In game music MUST be reduced. Sounds silly but I find it hard to concentrate on the basketball with the music it's hard to focus on the game?

Would still like "cuts" and "edits" for introductions, 'going to ads' etc. to show actual highlights..

It's a massive league wide problem..all you see sometimes is cuts of fouling, guys complaining, some guy taking a charge, guys arguing (those ones aimed to show 'intensity' and heart), passes etc.. Can never understand it. They should show 3 pointers, dunks, nice layups.

Reply #552984 | Report this post

Years ago

Agreed MACDUB the music is the same as it's been for years and is over the top. Can the NBL at least trial a game with little or no music and see how it goes? The irony is it is an Americanisation of the NBL that the Americans do even less than us.

Reply #552987 | Report this post

Years ago

Being a regular at games I hate our PA system (I still have not found a spot where it is good) and I am completely switched off to anything that is said or played through it. I can't complain about the music and I haven't watched the game on TV so not sure how it comes across

I am just glad we dont have the Townsville Fire guy - "Fire Up Townsville, Fire Up" the whole f'ing game

Reply #552996 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with the music. What other sport in Australia has music during play, none that I can think of. Its unnecessary and pointless. During time outs, pre game, post game, and quarter and half breaks go for it. I am also not a fan of too much announcing during play either, keep it simple and let the players be the spectacle.

Reply #553045 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought it was fine. Biggest worry was the fact that it wasn't a competitive start to the season, but not much the broadcast team can do about that. As mentioned in the game thread, I'm also not a fan of NZ's away uniforms... they are coloured like a home jersey, and it looked more like the clash of uniforms you see at a casual comp than in a professional league with home/away jerseys.

One thing that really bugs me in all sporting broadcasts is when replays are shown over game action, and there was a bit of that going on last night. There's an art to timing these replays and snipping out as much of the pre-highlight video as possible.

Reply #553048 | Report this post

Years ago

One thing I enjoyed was listening to some of the coaches talks to the players at half time.

Reply #553050 | Report this post

Thunder Jam  
Years ago

Agreed with replays..Damn annoying missing live basketball.

Reply #553069 | Report this post

Years ago

No pre-game buildup. Game telecast starts at 7:30 then it is rushed to show starting lineup some other basic info before tipoff at 7:35.

Where are the magazine, highlight, and discussion panel type shows for NBL as well? Can't just telecast the games give us some shows around it.

Reply #553083 | Report this post

Years ago

Was watching FSN for highlights of tonight's game. Haven't seen them yet but there was a short stats based story about Wildcats' Australian professional record of finals appearances which was good to see. Interesting even though as a diehard I know this but casuals would be now clued in.

Reply #553232 | Report this post

Years ago

Tonight's production was crap, too. I fear it is going to be more of the same from the NBL. A whole lot of sizzle, but not seeing any steak. The TV product IS the product, not the Twitter updates.

Reply #553233 | Report this post

Years ago

See I think the problem is LK has done all he can, including getting this broadcast deal.

But ultimately with the league holding no leverage it is up to the broadcaster on how much effort and resources they put into the production. Unfortunately Fox have decided to run it as a lean operation.

Reply #553235 | Report this post

Years ago

Finally NBL highlights on FSN. Not surprisingly the game report was really brief, nothing different from when they showed footage from Ten/One last season. Disappointing. Don't just file a report for the sake of it ffs!

Of course the A-League game report was comprehensive.

Reply #553240 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought NBL was meant to pay some of the production costs?

Reply #553241 | Report this post

Years ago

Half baked coverage wont help grow this thing. They might as well just throw in the towel and fold the league if they think that this will get them anywhere.

Reply #553242 | Report this post

Years ago

I think so which makes it all the more disappointing.

How much LK can dictate to Fox to pay on top for a baseline agreed quality of coverage would be difficult as NBL has no leverage. There is no competition to Fox Sports in terms of local an AU sports channel after Optus C7 went under back in the day.

Reply #553243 | Report this post

Years ago

Why are people surprised by Fox's coverage this is Rupert 101, Fox should've never been considered after what they did last time and five years later here we are again.

Reply #553244 | Report this post

Years ago

If no Fox who would show games every day Wednesday to Sunday? Good one #244. Ignore online and streaming etc. as the viewership is limited as per NBL.TV numbers last year.

So the problem is Fox is a monopoly as there are no other local sports channels in Australia. What sucks is how tight they are with production so they don't value NBL. But what else can be done there are no alternatives. People go on about free to air but last year it was poor production as well so it's like the league is trapped in a cesspool of all these broadcasters who won't produce the league in a professional manner.

Reply #553245 | Report this post

Years ago

and Fox looked good when this deal was announced as from 1995-2005 they produced it professionally (John Casey Steve Carfino era) until the horror last season with AFL commentators saying woweeee.

Reply #553247 | Report this post

Years ago

Boti losing his mind lately.

WHAT a start! That was just what the doctor ordered - spectacular game, great crowd, quality TV coverage and unprecedented social media fan interaction.

Dr Kestelman, his chief surgeon Dr Loeliger and their team of nurses and interns have not only revived their NBL patient but steadily taken him off life support, affected a complete rehabilitation and last night watched with a proud tear in the eye as it blazed new heights on so many levels.

I know he works for them etc but he's starting to make himself look bad.

Reply #553251 | Report this post

Years ago

Calm down people, it's just the first round with no game footage available to weave into the coverage. If it's still this bland in a month that will be disappointing, but having said that, we can still watch every game live this season, which is twice as good as we've ever had before. Let's be a little patient.

Reply #553275 | Report this post

Years ago

There was plenty of Blitz footage; there is footage from these guys college careers. There is past NBL footage. There really is no excuse. Jeez, they could even take footage of tragardh and torrey craig playing 1 on 1 in a local park!

The league must only have 2 cameras at its disposal: baseline and sideline. There is no imagination in the TV product. In fact, the pre game promo with the black guy doing ball tricks (who isnt even in the league) is puzzling, and the NBL's official commercial is 1000% more appropriate for the show.

Kestleman said that everything was being done with 100 percent professionalism, but right now we have a good promotional team and a second rate product. Anyone who thought production has been good is kidding themselves. It is as rushed and basic as it has ever been. But hey, they did take us into the half time locker rooms.... once.

Lets get real: If the NBL's TV product doesn't raise, the NBL's standings won't either. People might be inticed to check it out, but few will stay with boring coverage.

Reply #553323 | Report this post

Years ago

Nicely put Mark-e-Mark.

The Cairns floor did look sexy in HD however.

Reply #553332 | Report this post

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