Years ago

Mornington possible No Big V teams

Heard this rumour 2mths ago, again 3 weeks ago and it has reared its head again in the past few days; Mornington Breakers are considering scrapping their senior teams? After all the other crazy things going on down there I wouldn't surprised but in the same breath I would be very disappointed if it is true. They have already removed those on the senior committee, so perhaps that was the writing on the wall. This would be up there with other crazy choices, the possibility of 8 players per VJBL team and no one outside the club who hasn't played a season of domestic can tryout for Breakers VJBL teams; my opinion is crazy stuff. Perhaps someone could shread light as to whether or not it is fact or fiction.

Topic #37846 | Report this topic

Years ago

Mornington lol

Reply #546933 | Report this post

Years ago

morno's got problems alright but I didnt realise how bad until I attended a junior rep coaches meeting the other night the guy in charge of all the coaches is a first year junior rep parent coach with no other experience what so ever there were many questions asked of them that they simply could not answer they just didnt have the knowledge nor could they provide any guidance my child wont be there next year thats for sure

Reply #546939 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

I heard that they are looking at changing there domestic competition to a schools competition rather than local clubs.I nearly drove off the road....One club has 40 teams playing domestic but isnt aligned to a school.Where does it leave them???

Reply #546942 | Report this post

Years ago

I have heard of a club looking to relocate to Southern Peninsula as a result of the rule changes, time will tell if it is true.

Reply #546946 | Report this post

Years ago

First Frankston and now Mornington. What's going on down the peninsula. Westernport be licking their lips at this stuff.

Reply #546972 | Report this post

Years ago

If Western Port had the facilities to sustain the influx of players that may come over in the next 2-4weeks they might actually have a good junior program but this won't happen; lack of coaching depth and high rankings will either force families to travel or kids will change sports. I know Cranbourne has had a lot of enqueries Re: Frankston juniors, even Chelsea is getting more interest.......Mornington won't change their tact as the committee was struggling before with basic basketball knowledge and decision making; the committee hasn't changed so the statusquo will stay.
Shame as the time was right to strike and really place pressure on Sth Pen and Blues but this won't happen with the current crazy rules in place and by the sounds of it more on the way. Too many good families, players and coaches leaving but no one is willing stand up cause your not to think for yourself, you must follow the clubs direction without questioning it.

Reply #546978 | Report this post

Years ago

"Rapid expansion" at the cost of foundation stability...

Reply #546982 | Report this post

Years ago

Mornington are similar to Frankston. People making the decisions have no basketball knowledge, and egos that don't have the best interests of the players and families.

Reply #546984 | Report this post

984 I would say your 95% on the money the other 5% says its arrogance of thinking that they believe if they treat it like a business they will succeed; I see failure and I see it at the expense of the families, kids and basketball on the Peninsula. Disappointing to see so many selfish people trying to operate outside of their knowledge, if you wish to run the business side then do it but stay out of the basketball decisions, your only making yourself and the club's look foolish.

Reply #546986 | Report this post

Years ago

"Shame as the time was right to strike and really place pressure on Sth Pen and Blues"

yep no doubt both clubs were scared big time of the rise of Mornington.

Reply #546988 | Report this post

Years ago

^^ Ha Ha Breakers the Empire was about to rise

Reply #546989 | Report this post

Years ago

Umm are we talking junior amateur basketball? How about we keep this all on prospective. It comes down to where they can play with friends and what kind of coach they will have. Don't act like you really care about senior teams. Because most of you put absolutely zero into them. So how about us adults have some prospective and remember this is supposed to be fun for our kids. And keep it real .. Any club that has an influx of players has to have the coaches to coach them.

Reply #547022 | Report this post

022 How about you don't assume that none of us care Re: Senior teams. Some of us might have kids in U18/20's who are looking to go on and play senior basketball at a club they have been at for their whole junior playing time. Fair point you state that some might not put in but others like myself may have put a lot of time in as my child might have been asked to play YL with the possibility of seniors in a few years. The adults can have their say but so can us parents of kids who will be directly affected by this decision if it goes ahead. You fail to also point out that us parents of the junior program start to look towards senior teams once in U18/20 so please don't assume you know how we feel or think. We know the senior program relies on us as parents of kids in the junior end to prop up the senior program that's why we went week in week out to support it, the players, coaches and OUR club......removing an entire senior program is insane and I hope the rumours are wrong.

Reply #547027 | Report this post

Years ago

Your "KID" is 18 time to let them figure it out for themselves. They should go where the best opportunity for them is. How much loyalty would you have if another club offers him more money and opportunity to play seniors? He/she would have every right to follow that path even though it doesn't benefit the club they played for all their life. Put the shoe on the other foot it becomes a travesty of justice. Confucius say Giving loyalty while expecting it back is a fools proposition.

Reply #547054 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm surprised that this is happening, seeing as their Youth Men team were runners up this season. Chelsea, Casey Western Port and others are going to be happy considering there are a number of great young players in the program down at Mornington

Reply #547056 | Report this post

Years ago

Just bad for basketball all round imho, too much of this type of thing happening this season...

Reply #547070 | Report this post

Years ago

Great news. Less teams means more refs available.

Reply #547072 | Report this post

056 It hasn't happened but agree they would be happy and again I stipulate it would be a shame if it did. No point playing juniors if they have nothing to aim for even if it's NOT at their own club. 054 you make a lot of assumptions, either your not listening or think you know it all U18 is 15 turning 16 or 16 turning 17 NOT 18yrs old, I said and I quote "Some of us might have kids in U18/20's who are looking to go on and play senior basketball at a club they have been at for their whole junior playing time," you assumed my child was U20's. FYI my child was offered a gig at another club and made the decision to be loyal as that is how he was raised; just because the rest of society sees no value in it there is no need my son should be this way; HIS choice.
Confucius also says ""I look for these qualities and characteristics in people. Honesty is number one, respect, and absolutely the third would have to be loyalty." This is how I raised my son no matter what others are doing around, to his credit he sticks by these values. May not mean much to others but he doesn't care cause he has values he sticks to an believes in.

Reply #547077 | Report this post

Years ago

Well said 'Mornington Peninsula'

Reply #547098 | Report this post

Years ago

Sport and loyalty don`t mix and never have. It is romantic and a great story. If you are not watching your back and looking out for yourself you will get burnt.

Reply #547102 | Report this post

Years ago

Mornington Pen' you have to reap what you sow, please don't say others are making assumptions about what you say, the make a comment like 'just because the rest of society sees no value' in loyalty. Then expect everyone to take your side of an argument. Your qualities are noted and if genuine I expect wherever you and your son go would benefit from you being there, but blind loyalty could lead to one being naive so just remember that and good luck, hope the Board makes the right decision for everyone concerned.

Reply #547104 | Report this post

Hugh J.  
Years ago

077 _ Congratulations you have brought your son up well. We are really into the silly season now with coaches not getting what they expected and they just turn and walk out the door. in 6-8 weeks it will be the players - I hope my club is VERY careful with the 2 players they can take and hopefully they don't upset too many families. Some of the players out there are at their 4th or 5th club by the time they are playing 18's.

Reply #547105 | Report this post

Years ago

Sport and loyalty don`t mix and never have. It is romantic and a great story. If you are not watching your back and looking out for yourself you will get burnt.

Obviously sprouted by someone who's never given loyalty respect and honesty to any club.
My kid stuck by the club they chose right through juniors going from 1st sides to 4th sides to 2nd sides and bumped back to thirds when their were clearly players that should never have even hit the first sides but did so purely because of the parents. We're are all those that took my kids spot now...... With the exception of two who never even played the same position not one single one went past un18s, my kid has gone on to play state, national and now international, all thanks to hard work , honesty , respect and loyalty, don't ever discount those attributes, especially in sport as it takes a long time to reach the top, and to stay there is very hard, it will take all of those life skills to keep you there not just talent

Reply #547108 | Report this post

Years ago

Well said Mornington Peninsula, some see things like 102 and unfortunately they believe this is OK cause everyone else might be this way. It's a shame that 102 never learnt these values at a sports club, at a much higher level his views may be justified but at local clubs it can't be justified no matter how you paint it, say it, word it; it will never be OK to have these views or values. In the end it says more about you as a person and your values than about you as the sportsperson; I know I would prefer my son to quit than have the view that loyalty and sports don't mix or that he should be looking over his shoulder cause he will be burnt having morales he stands by. Life is more than sport and if you enter sports with your child view it as a way to help teach values that they can use later in life to make them better people not cynical ones like some on here.
Getting back to the point, haven't heard anything else re: senior teams at Mornington.....hope they don't remove them.

Reply #547111 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

Cant understand the logic of getting rid of there D2 team. All about offering player pathways. I don't think Mornington has ever got there senior program right yet.

Reply #547115 | Report this post

Years ago

I am not sure that some posters here understand the difference between loyalty and blind faith or naivety. You can be loyal to your club, but it is more important to be loyal to yourself. Not everyone leaves a club because they want to, some do it because they have to. Mornington can't make this decision, surely this news is just a rumour?

Reply #547119 | Report this post

Years ago

119 it was no secret at Breakers that someone of power on the committee doesn't see the point of seniors running as It makes a loss at the club to run it. This comment was made in front of myself and several others, so rumour or not, people should feel a little nervous that 1 or more on their committee that represents them isn't a big fan of the senior program. With some of the decisions that have been made in the past 6-8 mths you couldn't help but feel anxious that the senior program may be gone.

Reply #547133 | Report this post

Years ago

How many senior teams in the Big V or SEABL, or other State Leagues actually make money?

Unless your Association owns their venue or has autonomy to run it's canteens and schedule the courts, most other senior teams run at a loss.

If it wasn't for sponsorship and door fees and being supported by the junior program, selling raffle tickets etc... most senior teams would not even exist.

I am not sure of the circumstances at Mornington, if they own the venue or rent it, or what their financial situation is, but without a senior program and a junior program I know one thing, they will have quite some time in front of them to think about how they stuffed things up here and now!

Reply #547144 | Report this post

Years ago

144 they are in some sort of contract with a school paying X amount per year for the 3 courts plus there would be some added expenses for external courts used for training and domestic games.
I did try to explain to them that not many senior programs run at a profit if any at all but they couldn't understand why clubs would then run a senior program, I also explained this to them about pathways etc. They struggled to understand it and saw only $$$$$ even though financially they are in the best shape they have been ever. I understand this is due to the brilliance of those who are making shocking basketball decisions. In simple if they employed a DOC or BOM to run the basketball side and stayed out of it things would probably run a hell of a lot smoother but they can't. They are very good businessman but suck at running or making basketball decisions and are dragging it down to basketball depths that will be difficult to dig it's way out of for years to come.

Reply #547150 | Report this post

Years ago

Sounds like someone else has to run for a position on the board, time for a coup!

Reply #547158 | Report this post

Years ago

Apparently more permission to train forms then ever have been signed, usually a sign something's not right in Texas.

Reply #547165 | Report this post

Years ago

Exactly if the kids and parents can't see something tangible to aim for such as a senior program them the juniors who are usually one of the biggest contributors to any senior program regarding finances will move ships, and in the end the very finances you may be thinking having a senior program is costing the club , will literally dissipate as you juniors decline

Reply #547183 | Report this post

Years ago

What happened to just playing a game you love. Why does it have to be about playing to make it to the big time. That's the skewed ideal here. Out of the 40 or 50 u12's at a club they all can't play seniors at the club. But in your world if they all stuck with it and were loyal to the club they should all get a turn? How about going to the committee with your check book and finance the next few seasons.. Now that would be a loyal thing to do because it's all about the kids right? How could they axe the program then.. Come on let's get together and raise the money for them whose in?

Reply #547192 | Report this post

Years ago

In my world it's not all about being given a shot to play seniors but the thought that they might be able to if that is their ambition. But the senior team should be more than just a senior team that represents the association, to the kids they can be role models, they can be an extension of their coaches, smaller clubs who have senior team would normally be lacking knowledgeable coaches (not saying they don't have them but saying there is usually a lot more parents and less basketball tragics) to help out, clinics etc. so there's a lot more to a senior team.

Reply #547211 | Report this post

Years ago

Is this their D2M and D2W only or also YL teams?

Reply #547240 | Report this post

Years ago

Is this their D2M and D2W only or also YL teams?

Reply #547241 | Report this post

Years ago

Good question anon^ does anyone actually have accurate information on the proposal?

Reply #547242 | Report this post

Years ago

Is this their D2M and D2W only or also YL teams?

Reply #547243 | Report this post

Years ago

Still a good question, now wait for an answer, no need to keep asking it.

Reply #547244 | Report this post

Years ago

Mornington need to make a statement to put an end to all the here say discussion. nothing is helped by all this uncertainty.

Just explain where they are at and people can then move forward.

Reply #547254 | Report this post

Years ago

Doubt there board are sitting there monitoring this forum lol, i am sure they would send something out to the club or have a meeting. Perhaps if there is someone from Breakers on here they can hed some more light on things.

Reply #547256 | Report this post

Well if you remove your senior team you are not allowed YL Big V rules. It may be the whole lot they considering but who knows as their communication has been extremely poor to match their decisions. They smoke screen so may things and the information they put out there is in an effort for us not to see what other things they are actually doing; here look at the right hand while the left slaps you. With this said I have made a choice after 8yrs to move onto another stage in my life; grass may not be greener but I am sure I will be less in the dark on their direction than I am now.

Reply #547283 | Report this post

Years ago

agree with tt, silence can be damaging

Reply #547285 | Report this post

Years ago

MP you can actually have youth without the senior team now. Corio Bay women for example.

Reply #547289 | Report this post

Years ago

They would be smart to just consolidate and have YL for a couple for a couple of years.

Reply #547291 | Report this post

Years ago

If they remove the seniors and have youth that is actually not a bad i dea. The youth still gives juniors a pathway and they both did ok this season. Men in the final and wome in there first year.

build the teams over a few years then enter into seniors again.

Seniors been ordinary for a number of years now. The men lost there best players to Keysborough and the women rely on what they can get from Frankston fallout.

Reply #547293 | Report this post

Years ago

Apparently the fees to play are the highest around for domestic by far yet the maintenance doesnt justify the cost. Dropping the people who run bigV because it runs at a loss. Money talks and families walk.

Reply #547296 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree #296 - Mornington domestic fees definitely the highest around. Money being spent in the junior rep level-hearing around that the presentation event for the juniors is going to cost in the thousand double digit price range and a lot more spending has been done in this area. Surely some of this money should be used for pathway programs that all the junior could have access to in the future as well as the domestic. #289 Maybe Corio could have YL women as they still had Senior Men. Only Big v would know what the criteria would be. Sad to see people who have worked for this program treated this way.

Reply #547311 | Report this post

Years ago

I feel like a lot of clubs convert their YL teams anyway and DGAF about the seniors. Case in point maybe?

Reply #547394 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #547395 | Report this post

Years ago

You can apply for a youth only entry but it is only allowed for a limited amount of time before the team then has to move/return to seniors.

Reply #547396 | Report this post

Years ago

Any update on what's happening at Morno?

Reply #547441 | Report this post

I've decided to not wait and move on from there; have heard massive amounts of Permissions to Train forms being signed (excess of 15) and when you consider there is still this weekend and next left of finals one can only assume some attended WP as they have started their tryouts and have another coming up for players from other clubs. After having 60+ coaches apply last year they do not have enough to cover the same amount of teams if they entered the same amount as this year. Certain age groups have a lack of coaches which usually means parents will be coaches; why would a Rep coach apply there? Their players will be of substandard and you are effectively entering a domestic team with no vision to improve that by only selecting your current players (if they stay) and from within your own domestic comp and while this will be fine for U12's once you hit U16's your program will be shot and good players will seek elsewhere to play for better coaches and better players. This will affect any senior team whether it be youth or seniors especially as they have made it clear that their intentions are to use only Breakers juniors in these teams. This makes me think what age groups are the committee members kids playing in......U16-U18. Food for thought there.
Get out why you can is my opinion, anywhere else will be better.

Reply #547470 | Report this post

Years ago

We moved the year before and after hearing what's happening and the thought of no senior teams or limited is insane. This is being lead by someone who said to me and others "how can the best in the world shoot 40-50%, must be the only sport where you get 2nd and 3rd chances to score. I will change that here, we will implement programs that we will be leaders on" and the piece de resistance with his comments about junior coaches and how he wants them selected "as long as they are good communicators, not necessary that they know the game as we will offer them extensive training to learn the game"..........hmmm power hungry, no direction, no idea, sinking ship, etc. if he just ran the business side with no impact on basketball all would be fine but he can't help himself but feel he has to impact on the sport even though he has openly admitted he knows nothing about the sport. He was advised this year by their "DOC" that isn't really their doc that 8 players per VJBL team isn't enough (this is what he wants), it was voted against by his committee yet it still hasn't been resolved because he wants it and the coaches have voiced their opinions that also do not want 8 players a team, yet he has not put it to bed because it is what HE wants.

Reply #547605 | Report this post

Years ago

Calm down people. All senior teams will be there next year.

Reply #547876 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh good, all the players that can't get a game anywhere else on the peninsula will have somewhere to go.

Reply #547877 | Report this post

Years ago

Relax, the teams may be there but the players may not. After the debacle of last year removing the coach, revolving door of players and the interim coach the YL coach when there were other applicants, fantastic moves by the powers that be. No direction, no basketball knowledge and no idea how to run a program it's a recipe for disaster from juniors to seniors; the only players who will bother are those internally who wouldn't get a game anywhere else and those no one else really wants. Start of last season they had an energetic group wanting to play and winning preseason, sitting 4th or 5th and they remove the move especially when they had no replacement in the wings. SEABL players are being linked to Steelers over Breakers, what's that tell you about who wants to play for Breakers? The spiral has started at Breakers and whatever chance they had of gaining ground on anyone is lost due to the committees incompetence to run basketball, if they just ran the business side and employed a DOC or BOM and left them alone things might get better but they won't because a certain someone there is power hungry. He should leave the club and swim laps in retirement and stop trying to run a basketball club into the ground.

Reply #547878 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't be so negative Anon. Senior teams are now heading in the right direction.

Reply #547880 | Report this post

Years ago

Relax if they are anything like the direction of the juniors than I am not the one who should be worrying. I left last season and there are many wishing they had done the same now, I'm in a great place where basketball minded people are making basketball decisions not business people thinking they can make basketball decisions. 60+ coaching applicants for VJBL at Breakers last season, no where near that this season and they are actually struggling for coaches, I'm still not worried but anyone with a child in the program should be a little concerned what quality coaching they will receive. Like I said 3 SEABL and 2 Championship players talking to Steelers....that's a FACT. Not one has any intentions of talking to Breakers, coaches from other clubs being directed to Steelers and to not bother at Breakers, again a fact. So I'm not the one who should be concerned; cause I'm not there. I do still love the club that was apart of me for such a long time and hate seeing it being destroyed.

Reply #547889 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah well the grass sure as hell won't be much greener at WP, talking up all this SEABL and SCM recruiting simply points out their lack of development and promotion of juniors. So how does that make them any better off than Mornington?

Reply #547894 | Report this post

Years ago

Firstly lets get one thing straight, WP is neither poaching nor approaching these players, the players have approached them. Secondly, the grass isn't always greener but the fact that WP Is more appealing than Breakers to basketball people due to the current changes speaks volumes of how the Breakers program is going. If people who play basketball for the love of the game are approaching WP over Breakers than there is something drastically wrong here. WP may or may not consider these players but the simple fact that players are approaching them, as well as coaches being directed towards them says a lot of how the Breakers are viewed by not only other associations but people who are basketball minded.
So to clarify for you how it makes them better; players of caliber are considering WP to play next season, coaches are being DIRECTED by people within other associations if they are leaving to apply at WP and not Breakers, a possible coach posted on here that he attended a Breakers coaches meeting and was throughly disappointed in the lack of knowledge of basketball and his son won't be playing there and he won't be coaching there. If you cannot attract people from outside your club to want to come in and be there, then you sure as hell won't keep your talented kids. Give them something to play with, other talented players whether they be from within or outside your program, if they run an only Breakers team they will be slaughtered and disheartened and those better local players will question why they even bothered to stay.

Reply #547900 | Report this post

Years ago

lol what a funny thread Westernport verus Mornington.

Both have basket cases for junior programs with nothing in sight ti turn it around. When did either of thee clubs even get remotely close to VC?

Both have been around for years and done nothing but spend a bit of cash.

BTW Westernport are always talking to somebody, maybe they should invest a little money into junior development.

Frankston, Wp and Mornington always in the news lately. Only steady club on the Pennisula is SP.

BTW my club is nowhere near he pennisula - THANK GOODNESS111

Reply #547905 | Report this post

Years ago

905 on the money, agree 100% they are feeder clubs but i suppose what 900 is pointing out (my interpretation)......why would you bypass 1 and not the other; perhaps one has bigger issues. It's obvious if your not going to take from outside your club for juniors and you even consider 8 players a team then your heading for a disaster that not many who know basketball wish to be part of.
But i do need to correct you that SP is having it's own issues but not of Frankston magnitude but big enough to create some small waves a month or so ago that are slowly rising to a small tidal this space.
I also are not part of these peninsula clubs but always thought WP & Breakers should merge.

Reply #547907 | Report this post

905 Yeah I wish I wasn't near the peninsula at the moment lol All I hear Is Blues, Breakers and Sharks; issues, issues, issues and all of the issues are starting at the top. If one of them ever get a decent man at the helm then look out; last one was probably Bill at Frankston, some may argue against this but look at their domestic comp, court usage etc. before he got there; he may have needed to be moved on but you can't deny what he helped to create there. Chelsea and Cavs have remained quiet at the moment and would be wise to stay that way to reap the rewards of any quality disgruntled players.
Also see where 900 is coming from, if you going to discuss with any of those 2 clubs Steelers or Breakers then why wouldn't you talk to both? I am guessing cause at the moment Breakers are all over the place; absolutely no basketball direction from within, parents and 1st year coaches with no history of running a program running it.....IT'S MAD. Let's hope someone steps in and gives some positive direction to these clubs.

Reply #547914 | Report this post

Years ago

If 3 SEABL and 2 State champ players are talking with Wp to play D2 ball I wouldn`t say they are of the highest quality and are most likely looking for a good pay day.

Don`t start with the "Well they want to get some great coaching, they want to be in a great atmosphere, they want to play with friends" crap.

Sure these players may want to leave Frankston but if there first choice is WP and D2 then i`d say there is an issue.

SP - Well it is all abiout the women there now. Guy who rns the club got rid of Youth men to fund that and has tied to get the senior men put into D2 to free up some more coin.

Good coach and knows his stuff and was able to have a team in final in state champ made up of kids who could play youth for about the next 5 years. so they are doing something right - The added benifit of pulling kids from his State coaching obviously helps as well.

Interesting what the end game will be though, have heard that ambitions of the head coach is headed to college next year to coach, what happens to the club then?

Mornington bite the bullet, clear out the seniors, put your youth team up and let them build over the next few years, if you want a clean start with new direction that is your only way.

Notice how all the topics etc started on these forums are all small BIG V clubs, that the reasonthey stay where they are. Everyone worried about trivial BS and not being focussed on where they need to get to.

Reply #547920 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

Clubs need to focus on there core business:Domestic and VJBL. Big V is a flow on from that and will always lose money. All the commentary above is right on the mark. Mornington need to have an internal review conducted by experienced basketball people external to the club.Good luck getting the President to agree to that.

Reply #547921 | Report this post

Smack on Happy Days he is the issue; new to the running of a club he has demonstrated an ability financially to get it back on track but this doesn't mean you know how to run the basketball side which has edged into, not only that he has sort the opinions and placed people with as much experience as him in the running's of the basketball (VJBL) side and its about to hit an iceberg and come to a complete stop and chances are it will be sunk before anyone can stop it.

Reply #547925 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

That's it MP.Having worked for the person in question he is very set in his ways and its his way or the highway.Strong business acumen but basketball and athletics are two different beasts. The question is how long will he take to realise it.

Reply #547933 | Report this post

Happy Days it will be sunk before anyone realises it, a club who (in my eyes) has so much potential has gone from average to dismal. People are afraid to speak their mind even if it is constructive and helpful; if it doesn't follow his beliefs or visions you are forced out. Way too many good people will depart, he wants a communist country where everyone's beliefs and visions are his or get out. I hope that one day someone will realise he represents the people and they are the power not him, a majority from the domestic program, junior rep program and senior program do not support him.

Reply #547936 | Report this post

Years ago

MP have any actually left though. Basketball and other sports famous for the " Im leaving and im gonna do this and that" But at the end of the day they stay put.

Case last year with Casey coach being ousted in womens. all players going to leave, they end up staying.

Demarcus gone last year and everyoe was going to go, if i recall only one player actually made the call to go.

Reply #547939 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

Things will only come to head when the club is on its knees which won't happen in the short term.While the financials are strong the committee will continue in its role.The association has a huge upside but won't reach its potential in its current structure.

Reply #547945 | Report this post

Years ago

Re Mornington Peninsula's last comment, replace Breakers with Blues, and the same thing is happening.

Reply #547946 | Report this post

939 there are 5 coaches who have departed that I know of (not rumours and there could be more) and 6 players; there are currently about 10-15 permission to train forms signed and we are still a week away from finals. Threatening people and saying if you go your not welcome back is not a great way to keep people, Frankston tried that tact about 8 or so year ago and it didn't go well for them. Unfortunately for the club those departing know what the fallout will be from not taking any players outside the club and even contemplating 8 players per team is insane; simple fact is no basketball decisions are being made and it's unsettling those who know the sport.

Reply #547953 | Report this post

Years ago

Well i guess for juniors we wont see until tryouts start if it actually hurt them for both clubs. And for seniors at Mornington we wont know till March and we see what they can put on the floor.

Reply #547954 | Report this post

Years ago

The talk of the players from Frankston al heading to WP, what for ? D1 they are not up to that level and will get crunched.

Reply #547955 | Report this post

954 they are all ready scrambling for VJBL coaches, struggling to get enough. I know because the people they are asking are for certain age groups where the coaches left; which usually means parent coaches or inexperienced coaches are placed in there. But your right, lets wait and see; HD is on the ball it will be all to late to recover or save the program if it stays in its current format, very sad for the players currently there as they may be completely unaware of the damage being performed by the top.

Reply #547958 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

Some parents are switched on and know whats going on but for them its convenience. Impact Camps are totally overated.Pricey two days camps aren't going to turn you into an NBA player but they will line somebodies pockets. Its all about hard work and long hours and even then there are no guarantees.Its all about fundamentals!!!

Reply #547963 | Report this post

MP & Happy Days sounds like time to draw a line in the sand . Time to make difference stop the talk and do something create at coup' action speak louder than words.

Reply #547973 | Report this post

Years ago

^^ This guy/Girl.. YEP money or actions where mouths are. Don`t talk about being unhappy and do nothing.

Reply #547975 | Report this post

I did do something; I walked ;-) There are other reasons I cannot go into on here cause it would be extremely uncomfortable for some of those staying and I do not wish to cause them issues anymore than they will be having to deal with.
I saw that they weren't going to listen and the direction was destructive. The nail in the coffin was when a committee member was speaking with their so called DOC (Not really a DOC but lets call him that) and the DOC told them they shouldn't be going with 8 players and the response from committee member was "Show me the facts where having more than 8 players is beneficial". Why employ a person of this magnitude and then not listen to them, ok he may not be in the position to offer advice but someone of this calibre is not to be ignored when they speak but rather than be ignored they asked for facts on 8 players V's having 9 or 10. Done and dusted but still feel attached to the place after being apart of it for so long.

Reply #547987 | Report this post

Years ago

MP well I hoe you are hppy at your new home then and not facing the same issues.

Reply #547992 | Report this post

Years ago

Southern Pennisula, Frankston and Mornington are loaded with dollars, they need to go and head hunt the right basketball person to head up their programs to turn it all around appoint them and give them their head.

Head Hunt them and poach them is necessary pay them what they need to and then get out of the way and let a basketball person administer their basketball program.

It can be turned around quickly with the right person in charge.

Anyone who agrees nominate a person maybe somebody from these clubs is reading this thread.

Reply #547995 | Report this post

Years ago

Southern Pen for there size seem to be doing quite well as it is. Fair few VC sides. State Champ women and youth in finals an still young. Men one season removed from a Grand final position.

Reply #547997 | Report this post

Years ago

Hello all, someone told me about this forum, so I thought I would check it out. Amazing some of the comments that people are making.
I understand where you are coming from, but I can assure you of this.
There are big changes happening to the senior and junior programs and they will be for the better.
The senior program will see better results sooner rather than later, but the junior program may take a bit longer as we are talking about young kids which will take time to develop there skills etc
David Hankin

Reply #548002 | Report this post

995 Breakers won't do this as they did not see the point in employing someone to run their basketball internally when they have parents who are great communicators. Let me explain; someone high up thinks by having parents attend coaches meeting and training sessions with experts that you can teach them all that's needed to know on coaching. It was said to us it is a waste of time having a full time person in that position a waste of money. But you are 100% correct that getting the right people to run your basketball and office, not having either one spill into the other is certainly a road to success; firstly you need a committee that understands this for it to happen.

Reply #548003 | Report this post

Dave no one is disputing these things will take time; most people are disputing the decisions for VJBL teams e.g. Will not be considered for selection unless you have played 6mths (12mths at next years tryouts) of Mornington domestic basketball and played in more that 50% of the games, considering 8 players per team (even after 4 committee members voted against it and coaches have voiced they don't want this), compulsory 3rd training session for teams playing in finals next year etc. etc. for insane rules. It should be about the kids and no one should be excluded, 99% of other associations have that they must be playing by their summer seasons but the Breakers will not allow this; so as players leave no one will replace them, specially in the older age groups. I cannot see how isolating kids from the program because they come from somewhere else or haven't played a season of domestic will make the program better? Happy to be proven wrong.

Reply #548008 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

Hanky, you coaching the Big V mens?

Reply #548012 | Report this post

Years ago

I understand MP. I'm talking more about the quality of coaching aspect.
If we can improve that, it's a start.
I haven't been at the club a long time, but there are some areas I would like to be involved with and help improve.
Who is calling me Hanky!! Haha
I would love to put some names to these comments. Might be some familiar ones...........

Reply #548023 | Report this post

The big problem there Dave is 4 coaches with massive amounts of experience didn't like the direction of not allowing all kids to tryout so walked; obviously most did not tell the club this was the excuse. None wanted to be involved where kids from other associations were signalled out and I know other coaches refused to apply there as they one couldn't bring their kids or kids that would naturally follow couldn't play there and this obviously sent a negative vibe to others; the other reason as stated was they didn't wish to coach a domestic team in the VJBL which they feel it will end up being. There was also a lack of support for coaches from people of basketball knowledge, placing "good communicators" there for the coaches doesn't cut it. The committee have done a fantastic job fixing the finances but now they believe that this is done it seems they believe they can fix the basketball side without knowledge or understanding how it works. You know yourself Dave when you start talking to someone whether or not they have an idea about the game, unfortunately this is how those experienced coaches felt and this is why they walked; change this and you will be on the right track. Get a basketball person into a DOC or BOM position to oversee the juniors and have the committee stay out of it and things will improve.....for all.

Reply #548027 | Report this post

Years ago

Will do my best MP.

Reply #548040 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't understand the issue of having rep players having to play domestic with your Association. Plenty of clubs have that policy and there should be more of it IMO.

Reply #548043 | Report this post

Happy Days  
Years ago

SG Hanky, haven't seen you since Auskick at Sth Morn.Fair to say I have a bit on my plate at the moment if you read the local papers....

Reply #548047 | Report this post

Years ago

043 I have no issue with rep players once they have been selected, if coming from another association that they play domestically at their new club. I'm not to sure if your understanding how it works now at Mornington but let me try and explain as MP hasn't possibly put it so you understand.
If you are coming from another association to tryout at Mornington you WILL NOT be considered unless you have already played 6mths (12mths next tryouts) of domestic basketball at Mornington. So let me explain if your cut or don't make a team or are unhappy at your club you need to know 12mths in advance that your unhappy so that you can start playing domestically at Mornington if that is your club of choice for the following season.
I asked a committee member after I was told this, what if in U16's you have 5 players walk from the club and 5 players wanting to come over; I was told they couldn't unless they had played domestically for 6mths here. I then asked what of the other 5 players if they don't have enough for a team, the response they would be cut......not to sure where you come from but small associations need these kids not just for Rep but domestic.......absolute insanity

Reply #548063 | Report this post

Years ago

#8043. There is no problem with playing domestic. Unfortunately the new rule at Mornington states a player must be playing domestic in July 2015 to be eligible for tryouts for rep. Doesn't allow for any new TALENT. That is the problem.

Reply #548065 | Report this post

Years ago

What about where someone transfers interstate and chooses to move to the Mornington area, then goes to the closest club, being Mornington. Hi just moved into the area and my son/daughter wants to try out. Sorry come back in 12 months when you have played domestic here. OK see you after one year of playing at Western Port (or where ever). Yea that'll happen that they come back.

I think Knox (if they still have the same rule) have it right. You come to play Knox rep ball you play in our domestic program. You stop playing domestic, you get cut from the rep team.

What this does is blame kids for a perhaps naive decision make by parents. If it is as reported, it is a very poor decision made by people who don't understand the game and don't understand how to grow an association.

Reply #548087 | Report this post

Years ago

Dandenong requires its juniors to play domestic also

Reply #548090 | Report this post

Years ago

If you move to the area that's different, I asked what is defined as moving to the area for e.g. Langwarrin to Mt Eliza? Or Dandenong to Mornington? Or Sunbury to Mt Martha? They said each case would be treated individually, that says to me if your a required player we will take you but players moving areas doesn't happen no where near as much as players changing associations.
#087 it is correct unfortunately, we lost a minimum of quality 3 coaches due to this decision, there was a VC player from another association who was told not to bother coming to tryouts. You nailed it when saying it is a rule made by those who don't understand growing and association or basketball.

Reply #548100 | Report this post

Years ago

At the end of the day if you arent happy then leave or rally together and change it.

Reply #548174 | Report this post

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