Years ago

Frankston Axes Youth League Teams

Disappointing news for all the juniors that there is no pathway past U/20'S. They tell parents and players that they are all about the "elite athlete", yet make ridiculous decisions like this. Maybe they just couldn't afford the Big V fine??

Topic #37756 | Report this topic

Years ago

According to who?

Reply #544813 | Report this post

Years ago

According to an email sent to coaches!

Reply #544817 | Report this post

Years ago

Youth league in some instants isn't a great pathway and the standard isn't always great so why have it when no seniors graduate from it

Reply #544823 | Report this post

Years ago

What i like about this thread is that it will be limited entirely to a discussion about the merits of this club being in/not in Youth league and there is absolutely no way it will spill over into some sort of harangue about the FDBA.

Reply #544829 | Report this post

Years ago

Some detailed information from someone who knows some facts, please?

Reply #544833 | Report this post

Years ago

Information is correct both Youth Teams have been dumped.Be interesting to see the clubs justification for it.

Reply #544835 | Report this post

Years ago

I know nothing about this at all, save for what is written above, however I can't believe that an Association would kill its Youth League program if it had no other choice to do so.

There must be more to this than meets the eye, Youth League IMHO is the most important level of development and a crucial pathway for any Vic based Association...

I only hope this is a very short term solution to whatever problem it is proposed to solve!

Reply #544841 | Report this post

Years ago

No talent so clean out and start again?

Reply #544845 | Report this post

Years ago

Interesting anon^, if that is the case will they be allowed to re-enter at championship level or will they have to work their way up from D2?

Reply #544849 | Report this post

Years ago

Have heard a rumour they want to do what Geelong has and have senior teams in the BIG in a Division or State Champ. In one sense this can be a smart move for the seabl clubs if they are allowed. You don`t have to lose players at 23 years old and can still have them floating around a program. As senior players they may be better suit for pulling into senior sides when needed.

However unless someone can post the email that was "supposely" sent out can we really take this as gospel.

Reply #544859 | Report this post

Years ago

Will they be the only SEABL club without Youth league teams?

The U/20 comp isn't great, so where will there kids go that have a desire to play higher???

Strange decision IMO

Reply #544870 | Report this post

Years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong but its about 50,000 to 60,000 to run youth league teams. Seems like a waste of money if its not producing SEABL players. The question should be is youth league a viable pathway or is it delaying the inevitable, that they are not good enough. This idea that we have to have a place for these under 23's to play is ridiculous. If you haven't made it on a SEABL roster by 20 as a female and 21 as a male you probably wont. Maybe if other clubs follow suit then the U20 comp will actually flourish and talent will then spread throughout SEABL and Big V.

Reply #544877 | Report this post

Years ago

ICYMI. I am correcting you.

Reply #544878 | Report this post

Years ago

The current YL players seem to be forgotten in this process. Email sent to U18 parents.

Reply #544879 | Report this post

Years ago

Entry for VYC is $4200 for girls and $4900 not sure where your 50000 and 60000 is coming from lol. They be wanting to have imports in there sides for that cost.

Reply #544881 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone have a copy of this email or communication sent out? If not this is just all hearsay

Reply #544888 | Report this post

Years ago

WOW!! What a disappointing result.

ICYMI, I could not disagree with you any more on every point you have made. $50-60k is a ridiculous statement. The figures Anon 881 suggests are pretty close to the mark and no YL player is getting paid, add coaches salary (3-4k) and uniforms and your closer to 10k. Also your comment about not making a SEABL roster by 20-21 isn't relevant, many 20-21 year olds sit on SEABL benches and if it weren't for YL wouldn't get the opportunity to develop with much needed game time. YL is also used to develop Big V Div 1 & Champ teams and for the same reasons clubs need this link to ensure young players get a chance to play the game rather than ride a senior bench. If done right clubs should be developing older players that don't make Senior teams into coaches,administrators, etc.

Rant over

Reply #544889 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe Bacchus Marsh can fill this spot ?

Reply #544893 | Report this post

Years ago

Parents of current YL players already been to stadium this morning asking for clearances, however the HBO is away and not back until Monday.

Reply #544898 | Report this post

Years ago

ICYMI - no clue.

Reply #544900 | Report this post

Years ago

The cost in NSW to run a Youth League team is approx. $10k.
Players pay a levey of approx. $450.00 the same as our juniors and the Association bears the rest.
Nomination fee is around $2500 and then there is court hire,referees payments and next year stats will be compulsory so you have score bench and stats to pay as well.
Our Association loses approx. $5k on a youth league program and three times that amount for a Waratah Championship team.
Youth League is a definite pathway to seniors because some of the players are only 18 years old and they or their parents do not want them playing against MEN at lot older which is fair enough in some circumstances.
But overall the cost of running programs without sponsorship and the cost BNSW keep adding in sometimes makes you wonder is it worth it because in the end either the players have to pay a lot more or the Association just keep losing money that their members are contributing and then next minute the association is in financial problems.

Reply #544907 | Report this post

Years ago

Alright so let's figure it out. So you say 4900 a team. So x 2 = 9,800
Now we need a figure for court hire for a season training/games anyone have that?
Then we need game day totals... Refs, bench, live stats, etc..
No sarcasm I honestly would like to know.

Reply #544910 | Report this post

Years ago


ICYMI did say to correct them if they were wrong, does not mean they have no clue.

Good questions ICYMI.

Along with the fees above:

- no refs payments in Vic, its included in the league fee
- scoretable/stats staff maybe $125 per home game, offset normally/partially by door takings
- training hire, in some clubs this would be a real cost at others would be absorbed into their overall venue deal
- supper cost, unless the parents do it
- generally players would either pay a fee or get a sponsor

Outcome, you might OUTLAY 20k to run a Youth league program (both mens and womens) but you would offset some of that against door takings, small sponsorships and player contributions. My guess, you are out of pocket maybe 10k a year.

This will fluctuate, largely depending on what the coach is paid and if you have a real cost for training venue hire.

Thanks to the Anon for posting the team entry fees.

Reply #544917 | Report this post

Years ago

Refs, Score bench are covered by that entry fee. I know that is correct as I have the fee struture for all divisions sitting in front of me right now. Stats clubs pay for themselves,

Reply #544918 | Report this post

Years ago

So doing some homework 40,000 all up. I apologize for the absorbative amount of 50-60K originally stated... That was sarcasm. And I welcome any examples of players on youth league teams above the age of 20 for women non WNBL club and 22 for men who are developing and will be big impact players on the SEABL level that are not going to college or are already in SEABL..

Reply #544919 | Report this post

Years ago

40k includes court hire it will be significantly less if you have your own facility which most do.

Reply #544920 | Report this post

Years ago

Let's take the costs out of it, what about the kids who won't have a team next year?

Reply #544922 | Report this post

Years ago

Chelsea, WP will be jumping on this stuff quickly. I`d say those girls will be playing somewhere for sure. Mornington probably not as much a place for them, don`t they have some rule about having to play juniors first or domestic for a season.

Reply #544925 | Report this post

Years ago

At what age do they stop being Kids? we are talking about 21 year olds not 14's or 16's.

Reply #544926 | Report this post

Years ago

How does pulling teams help in attracting funding for a stadium expansion? would have thought that would be linked to participation increasing. This seems like a good way to drive away talented Juniors.

Also they have a history of sending players up the road to play Div1 prior to SEABL if there is a void from D-League to SEABL (Latest Example Jake McCaulay)

Reply #544927 | Report this post

Years ago

Personally know kids at 16 or 17 coming out of under 18's that are far too good to play 20's and are well suited to the Youth League competition where they play for one or two season before heading over to US College.

You don't crash a well run and important comp. such as Youth league to bolster a stagnant 20's competition that is there to serve its own purpose!

Youth League is the best Victorian Basketball pathway, no question, and I can testify to that any way you like...

Reply #544931 | Report this post

Years ago

Youth league is another example of a participation medal. It's basketball purgatory. You talk about pathways, pathways to what? Half of you on here don't rate SEABL or Big V the way you troll it on here. So why not let them start their real life of uni and a job instead of holding on to a dream that won't pay the gas bill. The players that will get there are already there by that age. Play till under 20's then move on to another club if your not good enough to play at the highest level at your club. Then all clubs in Melbourne can benefit from good talent being wasted at other clubs. I can't tell you how many times players waste away in a youth league programs. Being promised things that never eventuate. There are always exceptions to the rule but I have yet to hear a positive word on this site about any team or coach in youth league

Reply #544933 | Report this post

Years ago

Positive Word!


Reply #544946 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree with your comments Bear

Talented kids coming out of U/18s are looking to play against their peers in Championship Youth League, not a Mickey Mouse U/20's comp.

Reply #544949 | Report this post

Years ago

Can you argue that 20's is Mickey Mouse because of youth league

Reply #544953 | Report this post

Years ago

You don't need to argue that^, it is irrelevant because they serve their own purpose, there is nothing to compare here...

Reply #544955 | Report this post

Years ago

Poster #544933 may be a bit negative, but he/she has a point. I have seen a number of the div 2 and Div 1 YL games and even the SCYL teams who have players that will never go on and play a genuine level of either SCM, SEABL or even D1 Men's.

Surely a SCM division and a Div 1 level of YL is more than enough.

Reply #544957 | Report this post

Years ago

Okay, that's a different conversation though...

Reply #544958 | Report this post

Years ago

Frankston continuing to kick goals it seems!

Reply #544962 | Report this post

Years ago

Bear makes a lot of sense.

They don't have an U20 team this year in girls, where are the players coming from for 2 x girls and 2 x boys U20 teams?

Why wouldn't they just have an U20 Team, A YL Team that plays for points!) and a SEABL team?
It can't be costs bcs they are about to build a bloody new stadium - so surely they don't want to cull rep teams.

Reply #544965 | Report this post

Years ago

Will ask again, can anyone post the email that was suposedly sent out? Over 40 comments now and nothing to back up any of the conversation.

Reply #544979 | Report this post

Years ago

I also agree with Bear. My son is coming out of U18 VC. He will go into our Youth League Team. I do not know if it is or is not a pathway to anywhere but he is playing the game he loves . The players and families from Frankston deserve a full explanation, although I doubt this will happen. Good Luck to all as they sit and ponder where too now !.

Reply #544982 | Report this post

Years ago

"Poster #544933 may be a bit negative, but he/she has a point. I have seen a number of the div 2 and Div 1 YL games and even the SCYL teams who have players that will never go on and play a genuine level of either SCM, SEABL or even D1 Men's."

Sorry, silly comment.

This is a truism of all levels of competition in any sport.

In another thread today someone is heralding the U18 VJBL comp A bunch of those players are never going to play a genuine level of those comps either.

One of the simple reasons is pure mathematics - in that open level competitions have a number of players who play for a decade or more, there are always a limited number of spots for the graduating junior or YL player.

These competitions as Bear says are part (emphasis part) of the pathway. He makes an interesting comment on the College thing as well. Lots of players go from YL to College.

Reply #544983 | Report this post

Years ago

"Selected athletes in U/20s program will be directly involved in SEABL programs
- Our SEABL program will be made up of 12 athletes (8 contracted & 4 players from current Junior Blues program)"

Taken from my son's letter - no mention of YL, all U20 and SEABL.

Reply #544993 | Report this post

Years ago

They're tanking!!!

Reply #544996 | Report this post

Years ago

So just because there is no mention of Youth League people have jumped the gun and said that the Youth is being Axed ?? If that is the case this is funny as hell.

Reply #545005 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree, it would be funny if the OP has misread the intent of the email, like that ever happens?

Reply #545019 | Report this post

Years ago

545005 - No one is jumping the gun - it's done.

Club have just asked for all YL players to arrange a 10 minute individual interview for Monday night where they will be filled in on the situation - clearly cant handle the fall out by discussing this in a group setting.
Hard to defend them on this one. Regardless of the reasons the current YL players should have been given the courtesy of being informed before an email went to the U18's.

Reply #545020 | Report this post

Years ago

They have gotten rid of YL

Reply #545025 | Report this post

Years ago

All because they refused to pay a fine for breaking league rules, rules which existed when they chose to enter the competition.
Seems such an odd decision and you can see why existing YL kids will all look elsewhere now. There seems to be a lot of Frankston posts lately. Certainly keeping themselves in the news.

Reply #545032 | Report this post

Years ago

Disappointing to read all this. I have for many years complained about lack of playing opportunities in basketball past the U18/U20 level. Where do these kids go? Having kids who have come though playing VC level in the VJBL and Aussie Rules I know the difference between the sports as far as the expected commitment is concerned.

Basketball, by a LOOOOOOOONG way, requires & demands the biggest commitment, even when compared to TAC CUP. Then once these kids get to U20's it's effectively all over. For most it's like going cold turkey. They're relegated to Monday night men's comps, with sub standard reffing, crap uniforms, no spectators, sometimes forfeits, maybe 4 a side, etc.

As a comparison how many Aussie Rules clubs are there? In my area, there are 5 senior football clubs and only one basketball association. The basketball association has a Senior Mens & Womens Teams and YL teams. So that's 90 spots (15 on each team) for both Men & Women.

The five football clubs would have say 25 players per team, each club would have between 2 to 4 teams. Worst case 250 spots (2x25x5), best case 500 spots (4x25x5). And that is just for men!

Until Basketball fixes this inequity, then they will continue to have problems.

The bigger picture, and I think Bear alludes to it in this and some of his other posts, is what is the benefit to the community by having active people playing sport, the health & mental benefits, a sense of worth, etc.

They're not all going to play senior Mens or Womens, we know that, but what is the benefit to the individual and the community by allowing them to play. For most of these kids, take away their basketball and then it's easier for them to get into the partying/drinking/drug taking culture. If they do that after 22/23, so be it, but give them a positive pursuit until they're through their risk taking years.

Reply #545071 | Report this post

Years ago

Its a pity to see how basketball is going ie frankston, knox hopefully they pull their socks up and we can get basketball where it should be instead of a basket case.

Reply #545076 | Report this post

Years ago

alright so in the past 5 months this has been the posts about Frankston..

They have no money
Their Facilities are not up to par
They have not spent any money on the men's SEABL
They cant pay their youth league fines
they are letting go of staff
They couldn't get funding to upgrade facilities
It's going down hill

Seems to me restructuring and cutting the budget seems like a practical thing to do in this situation so you don't end up in debt, insolvent or having no senior team at all see..knox.

what if the youth league thing is temporary to save money in the short term. Is that not a smart thing to do.. or should they do away with SEABL?

as unpopular as it may be it's practical under the conclusions you draw about the club from these forums

Reply #545088 | Report this post

Years ago

Sad if true, I mean in the long run I really don't see the benifit for the club here at all???

Reply #545089 | Report this post

Years ago

why the if? It is done

Reply #545093 | Report this post

Years ago

The problem with frankston is they are living in the past when they where a progressive club. They are that arrogant now it is a joke.

Reply #545103 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't agree with this at all. But another angle to look at. Go back 10 years there was not youth sides and senior basketball didn't seem to have an issue. Have we watered down the talent levels in order to get more people involved?
As I said I don't agree with the axing of teams.

I've now seen the email from Blackley to the parents of u18 players. It's well written and covers them in many ways. Weather or not people buy into it is another story.

Reply #545110 | Report this post

Years ago

Casey is looking pretty good right now, poor coaching at Steelers, Mornington are about to shoot themselves in the foot unless they deviate from how the president wants the club run, Chelsea have struggled with the split fro Frankston all those years ago.........process of elimination leaves Csaey? Plans accepted and funding for new courts all approved, they are a possible sleeping giant?

Reply #545126 | Report this post

Years ago

Casey may have the plans for a court. That doesn't make them anything. Until they start showing things on the court they aren't anything but another small Big v club looking big in a small pond.

Coaching at Casey isn't much chop at the pointy end either. Lots of money spent for an early fishing trip.

You can dress that place up all you like, it still doesn't change what it really is. Put a terd in the oven that doesn't make it the biscuit.

Reply #545141 | Report this post

Years ago

Note: Turd in oven may turn into biscuit got it, is that at 160 or 180deg and how long? Frankston seems to be a rudderless ship at the moment. Lack of direction or organisation, seem to be lost a little at the moment

Reply #545145 | Report this post

Years ago

It's a good decision. Anybody good after 18 years of age and can D league. No point having under 20's team full of young adults who won't make it to SEABL or the D League team.

Reply #545161 | Report this post

Years ago

Todd do you get the post. You've said it's a good decision then made a point against it. How can they play D League of they get rid of it? Which you say is a good decision.

Reply #545163 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry I missed the point. Getting rid of the D league is madness.

Reply #545164 | Report this post

Years ago

Has to be about $$$$$$$$$$. Now i know why when i asked one of assistant coaches last week about their intentions for next season they were coy. We'll see what happens was their reply! Hmmmmmm.

Reply #545194 | Report this post

Years ago

A number of youth players from Frankston already commited to other Peninsula clubs I heard on the weekend.

Several U18`s asking to move elsewhere as well. Wonder if the VJBL will provide assistance to these players? With the fact you can`t have more then 2 outsiders go into ine side at a new club. surely under circumstances like this out of the players control they should be provided dispensation.

Reply #545478 | Report this post

Years ago

Why should the under 18's be given dispensation to move? Frankston are still entering VJBL aren't they?

Reply #545484 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe they are leaving because there is no Youth League pathway available at Frankston any more???

Reply #545485 | Report this post

Years ago

Womens coach has now resigned. Says that the club is heading in a different direction to where he was.

Reply #545486 | Report this post

Years ago

SF6, same question - the loss of a YL pathway would be no reason for the VJBL to dispense with its rules for those players choosing to leave.

Reply #545527 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe the top age U18's who finish this year leaving looking for YL opportunities? The U18 girls are 4th in VC Reserve so must have some talent which could go onto YL?

Reply #545528 | Report this post

Years ago

Sure, not arguing the pathway being removed is good, just trying to work out why #545478 thinks the VJBL should be leaned on to upend their rules as a result?

Reply #545540 | Report this post

Years ago

Only 18's who could be affected would be those who want to play 18's and youth league in one season, otherwise those turning of age won't be affected.

Even if there are a couple who would fit this category, I couldn't foresee any issue where the VJBL ruling will be a hurdle for those who want to move on.

Sad news just keeps coming in from Frankston, hope it is sorted out and the heartache is worth it??

Reply #545542 | Report this post

Years ago

Maddi Rocci does both. Plays VJBL U18 for Werribee and then Geelong allow her to play in SEABL. No difference, let them play Frankston U18 and then play for another club for YL . Too easy

Reply #545552 | Report this post

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