Baller for Life
Years ago

Premier League homecourt finals doesn't work

Round 2 of finals, what a joke!

Seriously BSA/Hubbard... grow some! No more home finals.

Finals should be held at spectator friendly NEUTRAL stadiums.

I'm sorry I know this will be unpopular but Marion, Hillcrest and St Clair (even Mars) are inappropriate to SHOWCASE our supposedly elite players and Premier League teams.

Time for some accountability.

Hubbard/BSA - what funds have been spent, grants sourced, improvements made to any stadium in recent years? NONE!

Lets face it our kids and senior teams are playing in unacceptable tin sheds with inadequate facilities, no fault of the clubs involved, we make do with what we have yet cop the criticism and complaints from those more affluent.

What would the result be of an employee appraisal of Hubbard (and c'mon be honest the buck stops there)from the basketball community.

For all their surveys and feedback this season I wonder if they will truly listen. Somehow I doubt it.

Topic #37726 | Report this topic

Years ago

So your team lost did it?

What incentive does a team have if they earn the right to have home court advantage only for it to be played at a neutral venue?

Reply #543764 | Report this post

Years ago

I think they are saying that BSA should improve the venues.

Reply #543770 | Report this post

Baller for Life  
Years ago

So your team won did it? with home court advantage?

and you are saying a home court advantage is the only incentive for a team to reach finals?

and that there is in fact a home court advantage?
so why then play the Grand Final at the Dome/Arena/Titanium good grief knows what it is called now.
Why not play at the 'home court advantage" of the team that makes it to the final first?

How about we put the game and the sport first and make it enjoyable for all.

This sport is in dire straits in this state and needs a leadership willing to promote and encourage growth rather than the stagnate sadness we are currently experiencing.

Reply #543773 | Report this post

Years ago

St Clair is owned by the council. Get onto them. Unfortunately no one has because it looks the same as it did when I played primary school basketball 20 years ago there bar the new roof

Reply #543774 | Report this post

Years ago

builders begging councils in media for work. Government wants to curb unemployment = why not build some sort of new stadiums - bit of a no brainer to me.

Reply #543778 | Report this post

Years ago

Because what will councils get out of it? If teams don't want to build their own then "beggars can't be choosy" springs to mind

Reply #543781 | Report this post

Baller for Life  
Years ago

and exactly my point, club hands are tied because of council restrictions/restraints, heritage listed buildings, etc etc etc

What is BSA/ Hubbard doing to assist those clubs with lesser facilities, other than increasing court hire costs?

Share profits between hosting and competing clubs but make it venues satisfactory for spectators.

Showcase the league/players and the sport, centralise venues,

no disrespect intended but what are the options this weekend, Hillcrest or St Clair

Hillcrest seating for spectators is poor and limited (no fault of North it is what they have to work with), St Clair Woodville well they only ever worry about Woodville with seating on home team side.

Surely neutral venues with profits distributed to all clubs involved is better for the sport than supposed home court advantage?

Reply #543783 | Report this post

Years ago

BSA is greedy where is all the money going anyway.

Reply #543789 | Report this post

Years ago

I just realised how shit the SA league is, they record points per game and that's it. Every other state league manages to record full game statistics, but Premier League... nope. How pathetic is that.

Reply #543790 | Report this post

Years ago

dahazy i can see full stats not sure where you are looking

Reply #543797 | Report this post

Years ago

St Clair has seating for home and away

Reply #543798 | Report this post

Years ago

North should go to stratco/bunnings then have a working bee over a weekend to extend the shed a bit.
Maybe even splash out and get some of that insulated stuff you see on tv so they can play games there on real hot days.

Reply #543809 | Report this post

Years ago

Have to agree at how poor it is that at Hilllcrest Elimination final, maybe 10 of the away teams supporters were able to get a seat and some had to stand on the benches behind and I was pretty concerned it would not take everyones weight. Others couldn't see so asked for money back. Even more disappointed was the amount of people who were not making room and had bags on seats and kids playing iPads etc not even watching the game. Would have been appropriate to hire some extra seating stands to sit behind the visitors supporters bench. It does make a mockery of the Premier League and trying to draw in crowds. This is not a good introduction. Also look at BSA website and Premier League is not front and centre during finals time, juniors will get their time in a few weeks. But to have to search through drop boxes if you are looking to bring in interested people especially heading in to trial times and new players and families entering the basketball community. Luckily at Port where ordinarily seats are also short in supply, port had a game so there was room for supporters of the opposition. This week at St Clair will be more issues for seating. Yes a bank of aluminium seating which I might add is a huge risk issue due to many incidents, none yet life threatening due to the width of the seating and gaps to fall through and constant falls from them and the slippery nature of the material, will not tempt more spectators. These are the games that should be at the Arena, or smaller venue, not the Wed games which were not a success as far as supporters go. It would be also relevant to have Pasadena and Wayville and even Morphett vale and Starplex Pencilled in for finals to give multiple options for neutral ground and close to home advantage. Some profits could go to home club too if that is an issue. Seating can be pre booked but location finalised when known. Get creative or get busy sourcing funding to rebuild.

Reply #543810 | Report this post

Years ago

The only real solution is to have all finals games at the only independent stadium, that being the dome. Home court advantage is gone but in the scheme of things seedings is the most important thing to take from the regular season with having a double chance the main goal.
And having the prelims Saturday night then eliminations sunday can spread the games out.

Reply #543813 | Report this post

Years ago

BSA is currently doing a great job at one thing. Destroying basketball across the board.

They are doing such a good job at it it's almost like they are doing it intentionally.

Reply #543817 | Report this post

Years ago

Clubs vote to have home and away finals, they want home court advantage, ability to have canteen or sausage sizzles. you have to have the clubs give up home court advantage to play at a neutral venue.

Reply #543827 | Report this post

Years ago

Bar/Canteen sales are important for the home club. In an Ideal world, BSA would have someone consult with each of the host clubs on how to maximise seating etc for finals.

I attended West/woodville womens as a WEST fan at St Clair, and it was bad, but servicable, atleast i could see the game, and a seat was there if i wanted it. Needs to be better.

BSA not putting effort in, will result in same old, same old

Reply #543835 | Report this post

Years ago

Likewise for the game at Marion. they had to bring in a bench for the additional spectators to sit at the away bench end as a number of people were sitting on the floor.

Reply #543841 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe if it was consistently like that it could be highlighted more that new stadiums are needed.

Reply #543846 | Report this post

court sizes  
Years ago

The other annoying thing! how many of these courts are the correct size to play on, why do they have PL games at places like the port where they have to shrink the 3 point line down to fit it on the court???
Play games only at stadiums that have correct court sizing and an area for player run off so the players dont get injured by benches and seating right on the court!!!! Wheres BSA's OH&S policy?

Reply #543848 | Report this post

Years ago

But Mark Hubbard manages to retain his job while receiving a truck load of money.

Be interesting to know what his Job description says and if his performance is ever reviewed against the JD

Reply #543852 | Report this post

Years ago

BSA often is at the whim of the Clubs with a lot of these things suggest to Sturt who have a bar and canteen and adequate seating as does southern and eagles that their finals are now played at dome where they lose their 'add on' ways of making money and atmosphere and home court advantage and I am sure they will reneg. Woodville and west who play half their games at home and are used to the courts won't want to meet their opposition on an equal playing field. surely for a spectator it is better say at the dome or Wayville but you have to get all the clubs to vote for it and time and time again they will put their own best interests first.

Reply #543856 | Report this post

Years ago they should. It is not completely West or Woodville's fault that BSA are incapable of getting any infrastructure right.

Reply #543859 | Report this post

Years ago

when you walk in the door and see what norwood will have maybe others will realize what can be achieved by the right people

Reply #543864 | Report this post

Years ago

you mean what Norwood, Dance, Futsal, Badminton, Netball, Bowls, Skating, Volleyball, Zumba and swimming have achieved.

The arrogance of Norwood to think they are responsible is incredible. And enjoy getting limited access and kicked out for other sports events.

Reply #543866 | Report this post

Years ago

Its a complete misconception that clubs like Sturt make money from the canteen as it belongs to the school and there is an agreement to man the canteen when in use by basketball but the takings are not the clubs entirely so get your facts straight people. The bar makes very little as a small club open at limited times and at club prices so the profits are small. You would be surprised if you compared the profits of Marion and Hillcrest etc who take the full profits and have opportunity to make profits as well from school basketball. So lets stop this argument right now. It is about the court quality and ability to spectate the sport even if you are not at home at a Premier, I said PREMIER league final and regular games for that matter. It is about all players who are at risk of injury longterm playing on a sprung court so they can have good health outside of basketball. This should be a collective group pressuring BSA not a unsubstantiated tear at each other. No one is attacking clubs for their un fortunate circumstances in their facilities just asking for a professional infrastructure for our juniors, seniors and all basketball and PREMIER league our advertised elite. Simple.

Reply #543880 | Report this post

Years ago

no use emphasising the word Premier...the league isn't anywhere near the level it used to be.
I'm sorry but I don't want my Club earning the right for a home final and then playing Sturt at happens at junior level and is grossly unfair
BSA have merely banked every dollar made and let facilities rot for 11 years..under current leadership it will never change.
Unless agreements with State or local government can be made NO new facilities will be built
Lobby the groups that can bring change..harping to BSA is just wasting your breath

Reply #543887 | Report this post

Years ago

I have to say I quite enjoyed the atmosphere of the home crowd at Marion on Saturday night. However the lack of control by the referees could have resulted in ugly scenes as one particular "gentleman" almost went onto the court at the canteen end to remonstrate with a player more than once.

Reply #543908 | Report this post

Years ago

I've never heard of anyone against home court advantage. Guess there is a first for everything

Reply #543998 | Report this post

Years ago

Cat - in that case you would not play at Pas. Say souths vs sturt might be played at Wayville or Norwood Tigers at Pasadena.

Reply #544000 | Report this post

Years ago

Bottom line and it's been a topic on this forum ad nauseum but venues need to be upgraded. Any moves to a "neutral" venue such as Pasadena or wayville will bring out all the naysayers saying the rich get richer. And if there was a Woodville west final at Starplex what crowd would you expect then.
It's not Norths or south fault their stadiums are shitholes, the powers that be's first order of business is to fix them or find better options instead of some of the wanky positions and programs they have and run.

Reply #544016 | Report this post

Years ago

Rockets and Wests have had no home court advantage the last few weeks !!! Still lost.

Reply #544019 | Report this post

Years ago

But both North and West got the door and bar money so as a club they won.

Reply #544033 | Report this post

Years ago

And as said before, the takings from some clubs are not what you think due to agreements with facilities such as schools and recreation facilities. It's a myth loads of money is made. If run at a different facility then an agreement could be made for the visiting clubs. On another note, would you rather have your takings for a night or would you be willing to commit for a short period to try and improve the attendance and drawcard of the game to build for the future or take a bit of money for 1 night and lose as well. Makes no sense. Also what will these cubs do when their older membership are no longer here and the youth who never seem to be in the canteens are needed to step up. Maybe this focus on the canteen takings is one of the problems for these clubs with no foresight. Anyway, I'm sure they are making an enormous amount of money from their mass of juniors and parents coaching all those excessive numbers of lower divisions so not sure if people really have a grip on the true financial status of their clubs.

Reply #544036 | Report this post

Years ago

Baller for Life. you are on the money that clubs need to think of the bigger picture for the sake of our sport in SA

Reply #544042 | Report this post

Years ago

Today I Learned people think teams don't deserve home court advantage if the facility their court is in isn't world class

Reply #544049 | Report this post

Years ago

No one is saying clubs do not deserve home court advantage. Just that the opposition they play deserve to be able to have their supporters come see the game. Seriously get over the poor me and read the posts without malice and see that maybe they are asking for all stadiums to be equal and all teams to be equal. You make no friends having all the seats taken and not set aside for opposition supporters. Credit to Norwood as strange as it seemed, they did make an effort to keep seats for the opposition. Did not happen at other stadiums, so those that did get seats had to come an hour and half early.. That is not always possible for everyone due to work and kids etc. Even at NBL level there are allocated opposition supporter seats. So just stop with the rich kids hate us. It is so far from that you have no idea but jealousy is a curse and can blind the best of people to the truth.

Reply #544060 | Report this post

Years ago

On the flip side... So those that earnt home court advantage and blocked out supporters of the opposition managed to get the wins did they. your argument is flawed.. Hows it working for you Rockets and Wests Men ??? people are just wanting BSA to sort out the facilities for everyone.

Reply #544062 | Report this post

Years ago

"Seriously get over the poor me"

The same could be said about yourself. Either get there early to guarantee a seat, stand, or don't go. You know in advance what the seating situation is going to be, plan ahead for it. How full of your own self-importance are you?
Do you think the West men care that they are not "making friends" with you?

Reply #544073 | Report this post

Years ago

Still don't get it then. Need to stand united to get infrastructure in place and put pressure on and lobby the right groups. Obviously the I don't care about you factor is exactly why other clubs just push on and get on and are successful, why wait for others. You should care or sit in the past for ever. This is the reason we are where we are at as a State. Happy despite being not well off I chose to go where I have if this is the attitude. Keep getting anger back and not caring.. Se how it works for you long term.. Pity though. THe community deserves to see good basketball and children move in to a sport as great as basketball and have some success as well.

Reply #544084 | Report this post

Years ago

The seating at Norwood was bad! Signs saying away team and home team. The away team were in the worst position I had never been to an aba game there before and I was shocked how it was. The canteen facility was shocking. No cooking half way through the womens game. So no hot food all night. Did no one tell them to cater for a bigger crowd or does this happen at normal aba games? But hey thats ok because its Norwood !
Everyone goes on about Wayville but why is half the female toilets locked? There is many of the open ones with no toilet paper and they are dirty. The hand dryer has never worked in the 4 + years I have been going there. No paper towels to wipe hands. But they have yummy spring rolls.

The seating at west would have been the same as Norwwod I would guess. But hey least they haven't run out food for an aba game as far as I know.
I heard the roof leaks at Morhette Vale and I have sat scoring while the rain was coming in behind me at Passedena.

Some one commented about the metal seats at St Clair but then doesn't Wayville have them behind the bench?
I also asked why not have them at the dome but everyone has grizzled about not seeing the side court properly. Also lets not forget how much food and drinks cost.

Get to the game early, take food if you know they don't have any. Every club is trying to do the best with what they have got and be a supporter and support them. Maybe all season and not just for finals. Stop bickering about things out of our control and enjoy our teams.

Reply #544141 | Report this post

Years ago

Or the clubs could all band together and start creating a unified push on BSA and SA sports commission.. Or just continue to be defensive and think we are all bullies.. instead of trying to progress the game.

Reply #544330 | Report this post

Baller for Life  
Years ago

As my original post stated, the clubs are not at fault, I am not pointing the finger at any club, we all make do with the facilities we have available to us. The point I am trying to make is that currently these facilities are inadequate to support basketball and finals, in particular, both for Seniors and Juniors. Aren't majority of Junior finals held at Wayville and Pasadena?
I am sure there were home team spectators unable to find seating or a good vantage point at recent finals games.
At this point in time a neutral venue makes more sense both for the players (no-one has home court advantage) and spectators.
Remember our Juniors are playing in these facilities and read comments on this forum from so many of you that these buildings haven't changed for many many years.
Instead of attacking each other it is time that we held our governing body, BSA, accountable.
As also previously stated what improvements or plans are in place (for improvements) for any of these stadiums? Is it up to BSA to source better facilities or the clubs themselves? (eg Norwood?)
I know its a pipe dream but in 20 years time I would hate for my children to commenting that these stadiums haven't changed since they were playing!

Reply #544346 | Report this post

Years ago

Clubs banding together= BA Basketball Adelaide ( Club Presidents)

They already are a 'unified push' totally ignored by BSA

SA Sports Commission aren't flushed with cash

where are you getting your millions for new facilities?

not any basis of reality in this rhetoric

Reply #544347 | Report this post

Baller for Life  
Years ago

ok all good then, we'll just put up with cr..
I believe its called apathy.

Reply #544357 | Report this post

Years ago

I assume you've been down to local councils and complained? If not you're doing jack shit apart from having a cry online. Actually go do something before having a whinge that no one else is doing anything

Reply #544365 | Report this post

Years ago

yes Baller for Life it's called apathy

you typing away on here and asking everyone else to get to work

grow a pair and take 365's advice

Reply #544425 | Report this post

Years ago

"sooking" on a forum is not "progressing the game".
What actualy work are you doing to progress this cause? My bet is nothing.

Reply #544430 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes actually am working on lobbying groups so you assume wrong and what are you doing apart from being defensive. And not everyone at AB are on the same page which is the issue as well.

Reply #544543 | Report this post

Years ago

Sure you are...

Reply #544600 | Report this post

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