Years ago

BA investigated by government over foreign players

Basketball Australia is being formally investigated over claims it illegally provided immigration assistance to sign up foreign players.

And one American player, who was set to take the court for the Bulleen Templestowe Basketball Club last year, was left thousands of dollars out of pocket and fighting to stay in Australia after the poor handling of his visa applications meant he was twice living illegally in the country, a tribunal has found.

The Migration Review Tribunal found employees at Basketball Australia forced foreign players and basketball clubs to process visa applications through the national basketball authority.
Full story

Topic #37647 | Report this topic

Happy Days  
Years ago

I think the whole import process needs to be reviewed by all stakeholders including BA and the Immigration Dept.

Reply #541280 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

Can see how incompetence at BA would be startling news.

"The Migration Review Tribunal found employees at Basketball Australia forced foreign players and basketball clubs to process visa applications through the national basketball authority.

However, according to tribunal member Filip Gelev, none of the employees providing immigration assistance to the potential Bulleen player had proper qualifications.

The maximum penalty for a person found to be providing unauthorised immigration assistance is two years' jail."

BA admin demanding that associations use BA staff to do tasks that the BA staff had no training to do !!!??? How unusual

"A Basketball Australia spokeswoman, who declined to be named, said the organisation would "continue to work through the policy". "

LOL or Cry - hard to do both at the same time.

Reply #541320 | Report this post

Years ago

You can LOL so hard that you start to cry, just sayin'

Reply #541322 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow.... Just.. WOW.

Reply #541324 | Report this post

Years ago

I wonder why BA insist on processing the visas. Is there some sort of monetary return to BA or are the staff just trying to be control freaks? Does their input delay the process? What sort of credentials are required by person/s processing visa applications? So many questions - un-named BA staff member didn't really provide any answers.

Reply #541360 | Report this post

I've been reading a bit about work visas lately (for my own benefit) and a common occurrence is the company you wish to work for will process their sections of the visa for you. The inference is they do this because they have their own legal/HR team (or they outsource it) who understand the process and would rather it done properly than have to hold someone's hand through the process time after time. That makes sense.

It seems BA have decided to implement the same system without bothering to have a qualified/competent person in charge of the process. That doesn't make sense.

Reply #541363 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #541365 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

This is just more of the same old crap.

some time ago ( 10+ years) , BA staff quietly attempted to gain both control and veto over the acceptance of any US college scholarship by an Australian player by virtue ( and extension ) of their control and processing of international clearances. They were concerned about the "loss" of players to the US system.

Was strongly opposed by some coaches once they became aware ( a bare week before the meeting !!) of the proposal going to the then board .

Yet one more action initiated by a single person still sucking down a hugely undeserved (IMHO) salary at a high level in basketball in this country.

Reply #541410 | Report this post

Years ago

Very Old,

That sounds like a rumour to me, rather than something with basis. Players going to College don't need a clearance and if they did it would happen through FIBA, not through BA.

bizarre story I reckon!

Reply #541412 | Report this post

Years ago

All FIBA clearances need to go through the Nationals Body, ie BA.

BA were very close to making every effort to stop players going to college as they were planning on having a National U23 competition below the NBL teams.

All fell in a hole.

Reply #541415 | Report this post

Years ago

You are correct Rhea. Where a clearance is required the national body plays a part, but FIBA approve it. But, you don't need a clearance to go to College. So BA have no part to play and could not use clearances to stop a player going to College.

Reply #541416 | Report this post

Years ago

BA stuff are hardly overpaid, paying peanuts is why they keep getting monkeys

Reply #541427 | Report this post

Years ago

no worries we have free trade agreement with china come 1 come all.

Reply #541429 | Report this post

Years ago

Unfortunately the BA people aren't greatly paid and like so many other organisations understaffed.
The clearance thing last time I heard was something that had been handed over to less experienced people.
Not sure of the time line here but it would be disappointing to hear that those that knew all the rules inside out would have done anything wrong.

If there was other agendas going on and if true, look out.

Reply #541433 | Report this post

Very Old  
Years ago

as Rhea said "BA were very close to making every effort to stop players going to college"

the current "educational Player tracking system" of BA , is the extremely watered down version of what was PROPOSED to be implemented .

The fact that then ( as now) no FIBA clearance was required to go from Aus to USA college ball was not only seen by those who proposed it - as simply a problem to be overcome, it was a situation that also emphasised their perceived NEED for BA to gain control over the unrestricted flow of junior players.

I had players going to college who were going to be caught up in this - if it got up - which it didn't. all water under the bridge now.

Reply #541435 | Report this post

Years ago

I simply don't believe anyone at BA would have been even that stupid to believe they could introduce a regime to prevent players going to College or even control it in any way, using clearances or whatever. Look how hard they had to fight to get the eligibility rules relaxed.

They make no secret of what they prefer for certain athletes, and so they should. They are pretty open about College not being a good option for elite female basketballers.

As for a U23 league, that could have only "stopped" players going to College if it afforded similar opportunities here to what it does there.

This sounds like a conspiracy theory to me very old!

Reply #541437 | Report this post

Years ago

Not a conspiracy, it's legit.

There has always been talk about controlling the flow - who knows where some kids end up? This was an official way for them the monitor the process.

Reply #541438 | Report this post

Years ago

Why would anyone even bother to care? Controlling the flow to what end. Keeping your inept job? Makes no sense.

Reply #541439 | Report this post

Years ago

Any tax paying citizen should care. AIS (CEO bullshit) athletes are on public money.That is the whole support structure and staff. There has to be some commitment to service on their part. Many use AIS as leverage to go to colleges that they could not otherwise...and struggle for court time but thats another discussion.
Hope understood.

Reply #541467 | Report this post

Years ago

Not a reassuring situation, all in all.

Reply #541602 | Report this post

Years ago

if you read the article it clearly states that the Bulleen CLub manager took full responsibility for the late delivery of the visa, so why is that BA fault ?

Im led to believe that for a Sports Visa the National Sport Federation has to endorse the visa. Therefore the National Federation need to see the documents to endorse. So if Bulleen dont send the paperwork intim why is that BA fault ??

Reply #541733 | Report this post

Years ago

There is something wrong with this story. Bulleen has had imports before Lester and since Lester. The paper work being late doesn't add up. He was in the country already. So it must be a change of visa or extension. What was missing in the paperwork. how is it the second time it happened to the same player. What isn't being said.

Reply #541892 | Report this post

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