Years ago
Things the Wildcats (+ other clubs) could improve
Below are a few things I would like to see the Wildcats implement or improve on this coming season. Perhaps most fans (or casual basketball observers) wouldn't notice or care about these, but they are things that frustrate me and could easily be changed. What do others think? Are there small things you would like to see your team fix or alter?
- Uniforms: it looks like major sponsor 'Alcohol Think Again’ is back on board this season (must have extended their expiring 3 year deal) - given their logo sits on a big black box/bumper sticker it has never looked that great on the red Wildcats’ uniforms. I would like to see the Wildcats integrate this in a more appropriate way, ideally it would be a small size that sits to the right or left chest (i.e. where the NBL or ECU logo is currently) and the Wildcats name/logo be the focus of the singlet, but this is unlikely. Why don’t the Wildcats use a graphic device similar to the old Seattle Supersonics jersey and have the black box extend and curve down to form black strips that run down the side of the uniform? Or seek permission to alter the Alcohol Think Again logo and have white lettering sit on the red of the singlet (rather than the black box background). If uniform design and sponsor integration were improved across the NBL uniforms would look more professional (more NBA like) and perhaps merchandise sales would increase?
- Names and numbers on uniforms - make these easier to read and more identifiable on TV and from a distance. Even if the Wildcats’ numbers and names were white with black outlines (rather than the opposite) this would improve readability. Whilst I know who the players are without names or numbers perhaps this would help casual fans get to know players a bit better?
- Court design – this is something the NBA does brilliantly, just look at Cleveland or Charlotte’s courts for example. Given the Wildcats (or other clubs) don’t own their venue or courts this may be tricky, but wouldn’t the Perth Arena court look a lot better if red decals ran around the edge of the court, different sections of the court (e.g. Inside the 3 point circle) are stained/varnished in a different shade (not sure what the technical name is for this), or a Perth City skyline graphic featured on the edge of the court (e.g. Cleveland)? Or even if the court simply featured a Wildcats logos in the centre circle or inside the three point line so it is actually identifiable as the Wildcats' court?
-Alternate uniforms – this has slowly started to creep into the NBL when white away uniforms were gotten rid of, but I would like to see the Wildcats have a black alternate uniform for away games (and the occasional home game) or even bring back the grey away uniform from the mid 90’s. Is it just me or were uniforms better/more creative in the 90’s than they are now? ISC was an improvement on AND1 and I assume they will be the provider again this season.
-Last one, given Ten/One no longer has the rights, bring back Lachy Reid as court side announcer!!
Maybe it is just me that notices these things, but perhaps there are other NBL fans out there that notice these branding/design elements? Let me know your thoughts!