Years ago
Game 2: Boomers vs Lithuania
The Boomers European tour continues tonight with Game 2 against Lithuania, starts 2:30am EST (2am in SA).
Years ago
The Boomers European tour continues tonight with Game 2 against Lithuania, starts 2:30am EST (2am in SA).
Years ago
via: basketball aus twitter
Years ago
No Delly or Bairstow again. This is a bit of a worry. I bet they are both injured and BA are keeping it quiet
Years ago
We do. But I am wondering why no bairstow or delly. If they are just being rested, they are missing half of the warm up - in which case, why does it matter that Patty isnt playing the lead up? Weird
Years ago
Offence was a bit better, annoyed that Lith clawed in though. Bogut has been decent today.
Lemoniss needs to make this stop for Jawai's sake just take him off
Years ago
Looks like Andrej is just trying to get minutes into the guys who haven't played in a while - fair enough. I certainly hope that there will be no Jawai on the court against New Zealand.
Years ago
Defence looks piss poor, and the offence is moving away from what was working in first Q
Getting away from us now.
I've always admired Lithuania's basketball team aside from the stars (who aren't playing) it's like a production line of good quality ballers. Guys you've never heard of they plug them into their system and bang they look like all-stars.
We've got 4 or 5 NBA players playing they've got none and yet both these games so far it's looked like men playing against boys.
Years ago
Its fair to say that these wont be the rotations against New Zealand. We are basically playing with our bench for 60 percent of the game. I don't think we can read too much out of the result in this one.
I don't think we will see Damien Martin or Jawai on the floor in the qualifiers. You will see less of Goulding, and much more of Delly, Exum and Bairstow.
It will be a rotation of
Or this?
Against nz...
Years ago
Australia struggling to hit open shots. More reason to bring patty mills back
Lithuania go at least 40 deep.
Playing a couple of sophomores from college atm...
and they are playing very well.
Years ago
After watching tonights game I can see why people just quit on Australian basketball. Yes, these are trial games; yes they are playing different rotations, but the guys on the court look hapless, points are like pulling teeth, and guys who we parade as stars play like they have lost the will to live.
Unless Lemanis instructions have been "turn the ball over, allow shots from everywhere on the court, miss open jump shots", I can't blame this on a changed game plan.
This team desperately needs Patty Mills and that is an understatement. If we play like this against New Zealand, we will lose.
Lithuania are ten times the side NZ are though.
That's what I'm saying Lithuania are a basketball powerhouse. Half our team has NBA experience no one on their roster does and they're making us look like chumps execution wise.
NZ are always just scrappy honest triers nothing more. If they played in the NBL they wouldn't even be a playoff team, they have guys on their national team who NBL teams aren't even interested in.
It's pretty easy to see that lemanis aint a great international coach.
Look at him on the sideline today and in the World Cup.
Then look what Brett brown was doing at the Olympics.
We need an upbeat coach. And we have none...(Goorjan was upbeat) who else?
We need mills tenacity.
Something that simmons will give also me thinks. Maybe timid to start though.
Motum, delly, broekhoff, Martin, bairstow and even Anderson were putting in the effort.
The rest were not....
Nz are a well gelled side who will give it all. It won't be easy if we play like this.
Years ago
I really don't know what to make of the first 2 games. I understand that teams play differently in the real tournament, but I didn't see anything positive really happen out there.
Actually, if I take away one positive, it would be that we somehow managed to find ourselves in the game towards the end. Considering how well they seemed to be playing, and how ridiculously terrible we were playing, I suppose that is a small comfort.
Rotations are different, plays are different, I get it, but for fuck sake guys - hit the open shot. Maybe take a moment to look where you're passing? They play like a bunch of scatterbrained teenagers.
Where are the points going to come from this team? If Motum is not on, who is going to score the points?
Do we only have 2 more warm up games? I feel we need atleast 5 more.
Slovenia 2 games and another.
Should bring goorjan in right now while his free...
Years ago
Lemanis is shit. I think he had success with Breakers because they kept roughly the same team together for a long time. He is being shown up for what he is, at the worlds, at the uni cup, and in this series.
Whatever happens in Oceania, win or lose, I think the public who care about this team need to petition to move him on. It's time to go, Andrej.
We are about to have one of our most talented squads ever, and he is about to ruin their shot.
Years ago
Yep, bring in goorjian. He was getting us results better than we are getting now with teams half as talented.
I tried to give Lemanis the benefit of the doubt, thinking he is hiding his cards, but usually when you're trying to get momentum, you try to play well? No offensive or defensive focus and poor execution is what I am seeing.
I think if we can't get goorj,
Ideally swing Joyce (a defensive minded coach and an upbeat one over to boomers and then poach brondello and let her lead the opals.
Every other coach ain't up to it...
fearne probably next in line but seriously... Everyone else sucks...
Some of our junior state and national coaches would do a better job.
Years ago
I believe the people can change things. I say we shall see how the Oceania series goes, and if we don't win, or if we win but dont play well, I think we just inundate Basketball Australia with petitions. This is OUR team and we have a right to a say.
Seebohm is a very good strategy coach. I expect him to do wonders with our u17 sapphires team.
who lets face it... Have sucked since the world's started.
lomergan and Lucas did an awful job. Odd roster picks also.
Let's be honest
Years ago
Just because a coach is successful in the NBL does not make them a great coach internationally, just look at Phil Smyth as an example, at the time highly successful in the NBL but sucked ass as the Boomers coach.
We need to chose a proven international coach for the boomers, look what NZ did with their program under the previous coach (Serbian who's name escapes me)
Years ago
by the sounds of most of the latter responses and the language used i would say most of not all are the Same person ??? we get your point no need to make it 30 times
Years ago
"We've got 4 or 5 NBA players playing they've got none and yet both these games so far it's looked like men playing against boys."
That's not really relevant unless they're playing and NBA game. A far more useful comparison is the international experience of both teams.
"Lithuania are ten times the side NZ are though."
Lithuania 76 New Zealand 71. That was last year's Round of 16 at the World Cup.
Years ago
For the past 15 years the boomers have been a frustration to watch, and looks like the trend will continue with this iteration.
I am guilty of building expectations up , but I font think we should do that anymore. This team certainly can lose to new Zealand.
New Zealand will execute well and hit an open shot. We have not shown the ability to do that. They play with guts, we haven't yet.
It's time to throw away medal talk. Nothing I have seen in the past year justifies it. Lemanis I is a poor international coach and our team is incapable of doing the simple things that the European teams do naturally.
I don't think another 3 games is enough to iron this out. Ids could have 2 ugly, poor games against nz, and with a big crowd and tv audience, that will send the sport backwards. But if course, we don't need patty mills, right?
When you dont play Your better players for most of the series who cares if he missed the warm ups? Couldn't he have just come a long with the team and just jogged a long and took instructions without actually playing? Let's be real, you could send jawwai and Martin back with no I'll effect.
I am worried for this team. I do think we need to petition for a new coach. Lemanis and lux are too laid back about things,we need someone that iignites a fire in these guys.
Years ago
GWB - "Lemanis is shit. I think he had success with Breakers because they kept roughly the same team together for a long time."
NZ fans correct me if I am wrong but didn't he take them from an extremely poor record to winning the championships?
Let's be honest - "Phil Smyth as an example, at the time highly successful in the NBL but sucked ass as the Boomers coach."
That isn't really fair because didn't he inherit the team when majority of our core players retired from international level. If I remember correctly it was Longley, Gaze, Heal, Bradtke, Grace. You can't lose them and expect to do well
Paul not to forget NZ had the lead in the last few minutes too
So GWB whats your hot take on the Boomers and Lemanis? You don't like them very much?
Gwb your a positive type arent you. I just came to skim over the thread see what happened.... and its just you recapping how piss poor everyone and everything about basketball is!
Years ago
It's too early to bag Lemanis. Had they used their full squad and beat Angola last year they have had Australia's best ever record in group play at a WC, then a match up with the Dominican Republic to make the top eight for the first time since 1994 if memory serves me correctly.
Of course, history will show that he made a bad gamble in that game, but he has been pretty solid in the role apart from that.
Years ago
One frustrating aspect about the boomers offense is their inability to get the shooters good looks. Both Goulding and Broekhoff are good shooters but are not given the opportunity to take good shots.
Well coached teams like Lithuania run multiple screens off the ball to get their shooters open for good looks and it works, whereas Australia's offense to get their shooters open is mostly one on ball screens, which usually doesn't work against a descent defense.
Andersen 20pts, 2reb, 6/10 fg, 3/4 3pts
Motum 15pts, 1reb, 5/7 fg, 2/3 3pts
Bogut 12pts, 9reb, 3ast, 4to, 5/9 fg
Newley 11pts, 4reb, 2ast, 2stl, 4/10 fg, 1/2 3pts
Years ago
Dont complain too much about lemanis! Our coach is Paulie henare FFS!!
Years ago
Spoke to a certain nbl coach who says it is not a happy camper between players and coaching staff from what he hears
Years ago
Delly with 5 turnovers, 4 fouls, 3 points. If you had to pick Australia's NBA players from the last two games, it would be Brockus Motumus.
Years ago
I am not going to say who, except that they haveconnectionns to players on the team, and that they have had a strong rivalry with lemanis in the past. You might guess who, but I won't be the one to say it. word is a player said things are about to implode with the boomers
Years ago
That's all I will say. I will let you guys know as more details become available to me.
One positive was that Andersen played well and was used correctly for the first time I can remember under Lemanis. He was actually put in situations where he could space the floor.
As for the negatives: two big issues are that none of the PGs in this squad (Delly, Gibson, Martin) can get their own shot (Exum still developing), and we don't have a lot of length or athleticism in our bigs (Bogut, Andersen, Jawai, Bairstow).
The jury may still be out on Lemanis, but he can't really be blamed for these deficiencies. Also these issues may not matter as much against NZ. Here's hoping ...
i would have thought given the quick lead up to the series that you would play the best possible lineup for each game - run the key guys and rotations as much as possible ?
The current approach of draw a name out of a hat and you get a go doesn't make sense to me - it takes a while to get a feel for players and to gel - we are a real danger of playing casual ball and not winning both games against NZ -
Shows a lack experience of the coaches perhaps as there doesn't seem to be any fire under these guys
Cant take it seriously until names are said... basketball players are some of the bitchiest so nothing in it probs.
Motum doing great things, wish he couldve been fit for the 36ers breakers series who knows...
Years ago
Australia needs to play run and gun basketball. We will always be outmatched against Euro teams in the half court - it is what they do. Even the USA have issue with europe in half court. We need to play a slightly more Americanised style of defensively sparked, opportunistic basketball.
Years ago
Box Score for the game is at http://www.basketball.net.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/LIE-AUS.pdf
Years ago
Some positive stats there for Bogut, Andersen and Motum. I too would like to see a boxscore for both Lithuania games.
How has Exum been going? He looked great against Marcus Smart in the first game of Summer League before he rolled his ankle, so I was hoping he would show something for the Boomers.
GWB, I'm curious as to the specific things Lemanis is doing to hinder rather than help the Boomers chances?
Years ago
Judging by that boxscore, the only real problem for the Boomers was turnovers. We shot the ball extremely well.
Defence has been terrible -don't seem to guard the pick and roll very well and our general spacing is a problem leaving shooters open- our guards play up and in and get wiped by the high number of screens in euro ball - so there's the communication factor and the wing players need to cover better
On offence we lack drive and kick options - that's why exum should have the Ball and be involved more with this teams offence also our offensive sets need to move the ball about twice as fast to be be effective - that's why our shooters are always contested
Goulding looks to be a shell of the player we saw a year or two ago - Newley hasn't provided much so far either - both of those guys need to step up
Need to run a bit more up tempo style of play as someone suggested in an earlier post
Years ago
Just watched the first quarter and we were very uptempo. Athletically, I thought we were dominating them, with even Broekhoff and Bogut able to bring the ball up the floor and attack their defence before it was set!
Up until Lemanis brought Jawai, Andersen and Dellavedova in, we were owning them. Bogut was dominant in the paint and Motum was very effective in finding ways to score. We needed to do a better job of getting Goulding some good looks, but Broekhoff got some good shots off penetration and ball movement.
I thought the defence from the starting five was good. Even Goulding was working hard to fight over screens and Martin was very good hounding their point guard. Broekhoff does a great job of holding his own against larger opponents on the block too.
Billy Hoyle
Years ago
What is interesting is Lithuania has several young players on their team including young Sabonis who is a college level player NOT a pro and had 8pts and 7rebs. Why does Boomers continue to take washed up players who DO NOT help us win games.
Also interesting is that Boomers have a coaching staff made up of coaches who DO NOT coach....Luc Longley has never called a time out in his life and Adrian Hurley coached 10 years ago.
Frustrating watching our national teams continue to rack up losses and NO clear direction.....Are we trying to Win? Are we developing young guys for the Olympics? If it is the 1st where are the wins? If it is the 2nd where are the young guys?
Years ago
I'm with you Billy. The amount of $ committed to Boomers is huge. Very important but need to see some results or development. Australian BBall bit of boys club.
Years ago
"GWB, I'm curious as to the specific things Lemanis is doing to hinder rather than help the Boomers chances? "
They have been playing without purpose. You have a very talented team who don't seem to know what the hell their individual roles are, or what to do with themselves while out there - that is the coaches issue.
They seem to be playing motion offence for the sake of it, and they seem to have no clue who they focus should be or where they will get buckets from on offence. On defence, they are playing a more contained style than they should. This Boomers team should regularly be playing full court defence and pressure. The Boomers will never be a half court team, and will never beat the Europeans at that game (and we will likely even be troubled by New Zealand with it).
So what is Lemanis doing to prevent it?
* Keeping our main scoring threat off of the team
* His team is obviously confused about its identity - his responsibility
* Team is confused about its 'go to' guys - his responsibility
* Playing half court offence and defence when Australia has ALWAYS excelled in the run and gun game - his fault (can't he organise a full court defence?)
* Being all too positive and happy after 2 terrible games when the team actually deserves a bollocking
* being so relaxed and borderline disinterested from the courtside and not getting into his players and telling them what they should be doing while they are doing it.
* Having only 4 warm up games but messing with the rotations to the point where the team doesn't actually find the rhythm that he was worried that Patty Mills would upset by coming in
I could go on and on.
Years ago
And these are the same problems we had in the World Cup (where we played ONE good game).
Btw, what happened on the good game we played? We played full court pressure defence and opportunistic offence.
We are actually the only international team suited to the Team USA style run and gun game.
"That's not really relevant unless they're playing and NBA game. A far more useful comparison is the international experience of both teams."
It's relevant that we have 5 guys playing with NBA experience the best league in the world they have none. It shows you how much better their coaching, system and team set up is.
"Lithuania 76 New Zealand 71. That was last year's Round of 16 at the World Cup."
Wow one game on that logic we must be only 7 points worse than Lithuania as we lost to them 82-75 at the same tournament.
Lithuania are ranked 4th in the world, NZ are ranked 19th. They're worlds apart.
Years ago
Thanks for the response GWB. I can tell you are passionate about the Boomers and frustrated at their seeming lack of progress. I am too, but I guess I'm not so negative about Lemanis at this stage. So addressing some of your points:
- Assuming Mills wanted to just play against NZ, I agree that an exception should probably have been made to allow him to skip the European tour. He has proven his commitment to the team over a long period and his shooting is absolutely crucial for us.
- I just watched the game today and I saw us playing plenty of full-court defence up-tempo offence.
- Apart from too many poor turnovers, I thought our offence was very effective. We shot 52% overall and 47% from three, while racking up 85 points. For many years, they were numbers we could only dream of for the Boomers.
- I actually saw plenty of good plays on offence. Early on, the team was clearly trying to get the ball inside to Bogut and Motum and did a good job of finding Motum on some nice cuts. Bogut was very effective and knows his role on both ends. As the game wore on, I saw lots of good open looks created for Broekhoff and Goulding, including running some nice plays off screens.
- I thought most players who hit the floor knew their roles and tried to play to their strengths. Newley sought to attack the basket, Martin played tough D and distributed the ball, Broekhoff played good D, rebounded and gave us good floor-spacing on offence, Bogut protected the basket well and was being utilised as a passer and screener near the 3 pt line, etc
For me, the reasons we lost that game were turnovers and a very poor period from the end of the 1st quarter into the 2nd, when our starters had come out and Jawai, Dellavedova and Andersen played very poorly.
I don't think it's time for panic stations yet. Dellavedova will run the team a lot better once he gets into a groove and if Exum plays the way he did against Boston in Summer League, he can make a big difference to this team.
Goulding didn't have a great shooting game today, but he is getting plenty of good looks and I think he will start knocking them down soon.
I'll agree our defence needs to improve, because 92 points is too much against that Lithuanian team. But I would expect Bogut to play more like 30 mins against NZ, so that will be 10 mins less of Jawai/ Andersen getting killed on the pick and roll.
Years ago
Beantown, I will watch the game again in light of your observations. I didn't see what you saw, but rather than discount your opinion I will watch again.
As for Jawai, everyone can agree he has been beyond woeful in both games. I think Jawai's days as a Boomer are over. Well, I certainly hope so. I am sure Ogilvy, Maker (despite age), even bloody schensher would bring more than Jawai is.
Years ago
"It's relevant that we have 5 guys playing with NBA experience the best league in the world they have none. It shows you how much better their coaching, system and team set up is."
Not really, NBA experience doesn't have as high a relevance to international basketball as international basketball experience does, funnily enough.
And it's not just one game from NZ, they are consistently competitive with high-class European teams, so there is no way Lithuania is ten times the team they are, as you claimed.
Years ago
New Zealand is always outmatched in talent, but as Paul mentioned, they are regularly in the game with the best Euro teams. It would be unfair to call Lithuania 10 X better than New Zealand, inaccurate too.
New Zealand have a team filled with bench NBL guys, a few college kids, and some guys on NZNBL teams who the NBL wouldn't even look at, but you can guarantee they are going to give us something to think about in both upcoming games. Sleep on them at your own peril.
The Boomers can't gallop into this series like a bunch of prissy show ponies and expect to leisurely stroll away with the trophy. They are going to have to fight tooth and nail. This is why I find these warm up games to be a worry; New Zealand will punish us for bad execution just like any half decent international team.
Years ago
"New Zealand have a team filled with bench NBL guys"
They actually have three starters from the NBL's most dominant team along with starters in the Greek and Spanish leagues last season. They have six or seven proven international players in this year's squad, which is about the same number Australia has.
I agree though, they give their bottom rung guys roles that fit their skills and get the best out of them.
Years ago
Yo stfu we are starting d marts at pg, you reckon we are trying to win? Sabonias is in the the lottery next year.. Gonzaga is lucky to have him!
Years ago
At the end of the day it is defence that win championships and we have major issues. Not confident. Too many scorers on the team and not enough defence to inject. Won't make Finals this year. Prediction set.
I think people are underestimating nz.
look at their results so far...
It wasn't fun to watch two losses but they're clearly just experimenting with lineups at the moment. Some of those lineups were just plain bad (only one decent 3-point shooter on the floor - no wonder we were turning it over, no space to operate!). But Bogut makes a massive difference to our interior D and the line-up at the end of game 2, which got it close at the end showed what we can do with 5 guys who shoot on the court at once. Delly was really bad but so was Bogut in game 1 - they're rusty
I haven't been impressed with Gibson - Ok passer and defender but can't score at this level. Martin is a better defender and rebounder but I reckon Goulding might get the last guard place (for olympics) because I think we'll need shooting more than extra defenders.
My guessed olympic team
Guards: Mills, Delly, Exum, Newley, Goulding
Forwards: Ingles, Anderson, Broekhoff, Motum, Simmons
Centres: Bogut, Baynes
I don't have room for Bairstow - to my mind he has to beat out Anderson or Motum and I don't think he can do it. Certainly a bit thin up front but I figure Simmons and Ingles can play some power forward and given the way NBA's going, I'd bet on passing and shooting over size right now.
Right now I'd probably favour Mills, Delly, Ingles, Motum and Bogut as starters - hopefully by next year, Exum and Simmons are good enough to beat out Delly and Motum.
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