Years ago

More on Television coverage and re branding NBL

If the NBL is serious about really growing the League in this country, then the $5 million per season to produce high quality production of EVERY game of the season to be on Television must be invested.

Jack Bendat and James Spenceley should inject some of the funds

Topic #37592 | Report this topic

Years ago

"It's a very big commitment on anyone's part to broadcast all of the games and that doesn't matter whether it's streamed or on television. With live streaming you can probably produce something for $20,000 a game but in my opinion that would produce something that was below par. We haven't made a decision on this yet and we have a board in place now so it's not just going to be myself making those calls and I don't know the right answer. My preference is to, if need be, produce less games but have a high standard for the ones we produce, rather than potentially broadcast every game in a lower quality. We need to start behaving as a non-compromising sport and produce only top quality products."

Read more:

As a fan this puts me in a hard place. I want to watch all games - and don't care about production (to an extant e.g Wollongong are terrible with their cutting to baseline cameras during live play) - However I understand the need for the league to put out a polished product.

What will happen?

Reply #539537 | Report this post

Years ago

so league has no TV. only two months to go. and which pro leagues wait two months before tipoff with no deal in place. amateur hour again

Reply #539538 | Report this post

Blame Spenceley and whichever floor wiper used to be in charge of the Crocs for this mess.

Reply #539541 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #539543 | Report this post

Years ago

They're working on the branding, presumably. The league as a whole put themselves in a tough position approving the LK plan so late.

I assume he had hoped for more progress by now. Isn't even hinting about being close now.

Reply #539549 | Report this post

Worrying signs with Larry scrapping NBL.TV/no guarantee all games will be online as a minimum. The coverage is regressing. :(

Reply #539552 | Report this post

Years ago

Kestleman cannot be blamed for this. He has taken on a very big mess which will take longer than a single off season to clean.

I like the fact that he uncompromising about quality. NBL.TV was a stain on the league, and producing on that level was never going to get the job done.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were pretty sure about a Foxtel deal, but are holding out for FTA. We may have to accept the fact that FTA may not happen this season.

I am glad they are rebranding the league. That logo simply must go.

Reply #539566 | Report this post

Years ago

Foxtel swooping in channel ten makes things interesting too

Reply #539569 | Report this post

Years ago

I actually agree with what he says. He says he wants to show a high quality product and if he cannot make all of it high quality, then he wants to concentrate on the product that is high quality.

Reply #539573 | Report this post

Years ago

Marvin was supposed to have all this under control long before LKG was ever involved. People seem to conveniently forget this.
I would have thought a straight handover of all Marvin's business dealings should have taken place and on going talks concluded with a positive result for all.
Obviously not.

Reply #539574 | Report this post

How can Marvin have it under control when two teams pulled the rug out from underneath everyone? People seem to conveniently forget this.

Reply #539580 | Report this post

Years ago

I actually have minimal problems if they only televise 2-3 games a week. As long as it is live and they mix it up a bit I'm more than happy with that. I know all games would be great, but I would settle for a couple.

Reply #539584 | Report this post

Years ago

Jan 16. Nick Marvin said "ideally the NBL would have one or two games live on free-to-air television with the rest live on some form of subscription TV."

Long before the LKG were ever involved.

Then on July 1 Marvin said in The West. "Marvin said he was no longer working with the NBL's broadcast rights team, but predicted the new ownership would soon find the right deal.
"I would be very surprised if we don’t have a national broadcast rights deal, if not on free-to-air, then definitely on pay TV, and I would expect every game on TV," he said.
“That’s my understanding from my conversations when I was involved with the NBL, so I would hope that would be the outcome.”

Pretty clear to me.

Reply #539589 | Report this post

Years ago

Id love some Live games during the week. Generally I get home from work at 6, so id miss any game starting before 8pm EST.

I have a feeling that we wont see a lot of Cairns/Townsville games on tv. Maybe limited Hawks ones too.

Wildcats games will be seen a lot simply for the fact they will be schedules around 6:30 in Perth and then that makes it perfect viewing time at 8:30 EST.

Reply #539590 | Report this post

Years ago

"I would be very surprised if we don't have a national broadcast rights deal, if not on free-to-air, then definitely on pay TV, and I would expect every game on TV," he said.

THat does seem pretty clear but to me it sounds a bit wish fufillment. He obviously thought whoever was involved in the negotiation after him would be able to close up the deal. Its possible the people on the other side backed off when they heard Kestleman was involved.

We really dont know. To me it seems like the NBL has been on the edge of a deal for years.

Reply #539591 | Report this post

Hahahaha those quotes don't even come close to telling your side of the story, anon.

Reply #539593 | Report this post

Years ago

The LK era is off to a very shaky start.
The mood seems to have gone from optimistic to pessimistic in quite a hurry. Did this guy really do any homework before plunging into this or was it just a "She'll be right mate. I'm a successful business man you know!" leap of faith?

Reply #539594 | Report this post

Years ago

LOL to those having a crack at LK, if he didnt invest all that money where would the league be right now? His investment has bought a bit of excited back into the league. Have faith LK will deliver.

Reply #539596 | Report this post

Years ago

If we are having the same topics next year, then LK would have delivered.

If we arnt and are instead talking about the dodgy commentators we are listening to, then LK has delivered.

Reply #539599 | Report this post

Years ago

LK era:

- went from looking at 6 teams during the off-season, to 8
- many teams have recruited aggressively
- started an overdue rebrand

TV is where it was.

I'd also be happy with 2-3 games live/week. Whatever they can get.

I wouldn't say he's overdelivered, nor would I call it faltering. The solid recruiting by clubs is really positive after such a dismal off-season.

Reply #539603 | Report this post

Years ago

In the time since he came into power, it's bloody hard to have a TV deal done... it's a matter of trying to make the best from the situation.

No point having a go at him. This is a tough sell - as we have seen.

Reply #539604 | Report this post

Years ago

TV last season was 2 games per week on FTA (1 live) plus all games live on NBL.TV, which I would never say was top notch quality but it was a way for fans to see their team live every game.
Let's see how this season's offering compares.

They just made a big song and dance over the new fixture that has games 5 nights per week. That's very nice for fans if the games are on tv. It's much worse for fans if they aren't on tv.

Reply #539607 | Report this post

Good point. You can't make the schedule more TV (or streaming) friendly with midweek games, then not have either of those systems in place.

Reply #539609 | Report this post

Years ago

Im in full Isaac, LK has been on a steady road towards a positive future. The increase in talent not just from the normal big gun teams is a very good sign! Give him some time and at least wait till he falters on something to jump on him, patience is the key.

Reply #539610 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm not jumping on him (#607 above) I just hope his judgement is good.
He has taken the approach with the fixturing of if we build it they (tv) will come. I just hope he is right.
I'm not hating but the league is in his hands so I am nervous right now because of the unknown factor and the season not all that far away.

Reply #539611 | Report this post

Years ago

Something I will add, is it doesn't make sense to have games during the week this season if you are not sure that every game will be broadcast.

This means there will be games each week that virtually no one sees in person, and no one sees on TV. So for those games, there is no way around it, you will be running at a loss to even put the players on the court.

He might want to reconsider this until he has the right deal.

Reply #539612 | Report this post

So don't judge LK too soon (fair call) but give him full credit for teams signing/re-signing players that have already been playing in the league in the last two years? Ok.

Reply #539614 | Report this post

Years ago

Well I'm sure he has installed the stability clubs have feared wasnt there.... with comfort levels going up so does spending.

Reply #539615 | Report this post

I've said enough of the Hawks situation but I believe they had the confidence and ability to spend big last season too. they just chose not to, for a few reasons.

Reply #539618 | Report this post

Years ago

As others have said , with the new fixture surely at a minimum fox coverage is sewn up.

Reply #539626 | Report this post

Years ago

Hawks had no ability what so ever to spend big. That's the reason they spent under the cap for a few seasons previously.

Reply #539637 | Report this post

Years ago

'The LK era is off to a very shaky start.
The mood seems to have gone from optimistic to pessimistic in quite a hurry. Did this guy really do any homework before plunging into this or was it just a "She'll be right mate. I'm a successful business man you know!" leap of faith?'

Unfortunately this great sport has dickheads like this who do a lot of saying but do no doing!

Go LK - at least your not sitting back back whining & doing nothing!!! Be part of the solution & not part of the problem...

Reply #539651 | Report this post

Sorry #637 I forgot Spencely only became a multimillionaire only three weeks ago.

Reply #539655 | Report this post

Years ago

In past seasons the Hawks rightfully were doing their best to live within their means.
Now that they've been able to start fresh and leave all their past creditors f***ed over and unpaid they can spend up big with no conscience.

I'm actually really happy that they are finally able to compete with the other teams when it comes to putting the roster together, but the whole administration aspect really leaves a bad taste in my mouth as I'm sure it does with a lot of local businesses and as we know for a fact it does with Gordie.
I hope they're a financial success this time around, and use some of those profits to do the right thing.

Reply #539656 | Report this post

Years ago

@ Matthew your forgetting mate that W.A. Doesn't have day light savings so a 6:30pm tip off is still 9:30pm AEST

I think regardless of who is showing games that Australians should be able to get coverage of NZ games even if it is just the state of the team they are playing but I think Sky NZ is a commodity that needs to be utilised and shown to us all.

I don't Shit on, it's allowed me to watch every game of the past 2 seasons and even watching Wildcats home games after I attended them so I would be devastated to see it go but I hope could be available in areas that have the set standard and once other venues get to that standard then all games can be shown and if that happened say start of 2016 then I wouldn't mind too much but we have so much talent so let us watch them

I still think 7mate is the way to go

Reply #539683 | Report this post

Years ago

Interesting to read that Larry's $6mill investment is now $7mill.

Reply #539686 | Report this post

Years ago

Marvin has a lot to answer for. He is to blame for the backward slide of this league.

Reply #539692 | Report this post

Years ago

NBL.Tv had its faults, it wasn't perfect but it did allow us to watch every game live/on demand. It would be massive loss if we can't get it this year with all the talent in the league. IMO didn't have an issue with the amount of games covered on TV last year because we had

1 Game Wednesday Night
1 Game Friday Night
1 Game Sunday Arvo
Plus all games on NBL.TV. We shouldn't be complaining considering a few years ago we could only watch 1/2 games a week on delayed coverage.

FTA would be better then Foxtel as not everyone has foxtel and it can reach to a greater audience

Reply #539693 | Report this post

Nice troll #692.

Reply #539694 | Report this post

#692 just read the first two words of the thread title and decided that this was the thread for him.

Reply #539698 | Report this post

Years ago

Something I will add, is it doesn't make sense to have games during the week this season if you are not sure that every game will be broadcast.
That's a bit like saying there's no point in getting dressed up and going out if you don't have a date already planned.

If you think TV wants a particular product, you don't only create it when they want it, you create it regardless and keep working towards that. They have a lot of bridges to rebuild. I think people underestimate how much a lot of the upper tiers in TV sneer at the NBL.

Reply #539699 | Report this post

Years ago

Proud: Damn! Forgot all about daylight savings. Well thats a pain. Will have to set the recorder up to record the games.

Reply #539703 | Report this post

Years ago

Lol @ those commenting that lk era is shaky just because he is finding tv negotiations tough.

This is normal ,the nbl has been a poor commercial product for as long as people can remember ,lk is not going to turn around that perception in a couple of months just because he's tipped in a few mill . Tv will want proof and it will take longer to build that evidence of professionalism .

I will be happy with a fox deal initially with better deals to come if the league can show improvement

Reply #539707 | Report this post

Years ago

So where is #692 wrong? Marvin oversaw the former situation and was instrumental in blocking the planned expansion.

Reply #539708 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd hate to see Perth vs Melbourne games every week, when NBL TV is gone.

Reply #539709 | Report this post

Years ago

I like how we are now referring to this as the "LK era". As a WWE fan it's just kinda cool.

NBL.TV was horrible - but it had a low subscriber base of diehards. The product was crap, but at very least we saw every game.

I don't know how I will go from watching all my teams away games to maybe none at all.

Reply #539711 | Report this post

"Marvin oversaw the former situation and was instrumental in blocking the planned expansion."

Marvin was Chairman. That doesn't mean he runs the show. There were four other Board members.

In any case, how he is he or the rest of the Board responsible for two clubs running themselves in to the ground when he was actively assisting them to improve, including "loaning" them money?

Instrumental in blocking the expansion? According to whom?

Reply #539712 | Report this post

Dunkin' Dan  
Years ago

"LK Era" reminds me too much of that dark period of the Wildcats when Luke Kendall played for us.
Too soon. I was just starting to put that behind me. It's still too raw for me. :p

Reply #539713 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac is spot on. While Perth and New Zealand have been great in engaging fans and the media in their respective markets, with all due respect they are the far-flung reaches of the league.

The sad truth is that the NBL has been on the nose for years where it really counts - the media capitals of Sydney and Melbourne. LK is coming from a long way back in building this league up to even a certain level of respectability with the major media markets which is why I don't believe FTA is even a remote chance this season.

The mantra will be get the production right, get the right commentators to call games and make sure you are providing a stream (at the very least) that is solid, reliable and doesn't have the potential to drop out every five seconds. Get the initial stuff right, build up gradually and then you might have a product that FTA and major sponsors will get interested in.

Reply #539715 | Report this post

Years ago

If you think TV wants a particular product, you don't only create it when they want it, you create it regardless and keep working towards that.
Why? As long as you make sure it's known that you're wanting to move to weeknight games when there is TV, what difference does it make whether or not you actually do it beforehand?

Reply #539717 | Report this post

Years ago

Wednesday and Thursday night games, yet no tv coverage.


Reply #539718 | Report this post

Years ago

Part of a Boards job is to oversee the running and financial viability of all clubs. In this case they sat back and for several years oversaw 3 clubs near extinction.
Marvin and those inept board members are all culpable. There is every chance that at least one of those clubs was trading whilst insolvent as well.
How is that not responsible?
Go back and research the knock backed expansion plans involving smaller venues being an option.

Reply #539720 | Report this post

"Part of a Boards job is to oversee the running and financial viability of all clubs. In this case they sat back and for several years oversaw 3 clubs near extinction."

See, if you're going to call it "sat back" when that isn't the case, then you're not making a genuine point.

Do you not think the clubs have to take any responsibility for their own short-comings?

No, I won't go and research it. You're telling the story, you provide the evidence. And if its just a link to Boti's blog, don't bother.

Reply #539722 | Report this post

Years ago

The most important next step will be playing in Asia where the real money is. Do you wonder why MU are in China at the moment?

LK will be far more interested in the billions watching from China than any of this. domestic stuff.

Reply #539723 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm with those that are getting worried that if there are mid-week games but no tv deal in place to air them, that will be a significant knock, as that's the main purpose in doing them as teams will be taking a big hit in attendance...

Reply #539724 | Report this post

"There is every chance that at least one of those clubs was trading whilst insolvent as well."

Which club? Name them. Lets discuss what they did wrong and who is responsible.

Every time a club goes bust, all the fingers get pointed at whoever is running the league at the time, while no one wants to hold the guys running the team responsible. Look at Gold Coast. Spent money like it was going out of fashion, on completely unnecessary things, could not attract crowds, spending became unsustainable, blamed the league. Pathetic.

Reply #539725 | Report this post

Years ago

The most likely scenario is Fox Sports for atleast the first season. I certainly hope Fox will screen every game, or there will be many games in the NBL next season which simply lose money.

LK Can't be blamed for whats happening. He is trying to turn a piece of steaming shit into roast chicken and people are surprised that he can't do it instantly.

Reply #539735 | Report this post

Years ago

Hawks would be a candidate for trading whilst possibly being insolvent.

Reply #539736 | Report this post

Years ago

"Look at Gold Coast. Spent money like it was going out of fashion, on completely unnecessary things, could not attract crowds, spending became unsustainable, blamed the league. Pathetic."

I think there's some selective memory going on there. All the talk about their demise was about the Tomlinsons.

Of course, anyone looking big picture knows the NBL has never provided the platform required for a large number of clubs to be successful as other top pro leagues in this country, and others, do.

If the AFL had provided the same platform over the past decade as the NBL it would look very different today.

Reply #539739 | Report this post

Not from the Tomlinson camp, or the Blaze fans.

Reply #539740 | Report this post

Years ago

Well of course the Tomlinson camp said that, hardly surprising.

Reply #539743 | Report this post

Years ago

The Blaze fell over because Tomlinson senior ran out of available $ and his son (who provided pretty much all the money anyway) couldn't see a return on investment anywhere in the future so he decided to stop tipping cash in.

The league at the time made a few assurances too the club about how they wanted to help out but when the crunch came they wouldn't/couldn't and the club folded.

Reply #539747 | Report this post

Years ago

Why? As long as you make sure it's known that you're wanting to move to weeknight games when there is TV, what difference does it make whether or not you actually do it beforehand?
Because I imagine the NBL has said a lot of things over time and followed through poorly. Time to set an example and get it right independently of the TV it needs.

Reply #539750 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey Supernintendo Chalmers, you seem to know everything, so can you answer this question for me:

Is The Customer always right?

Reply #539751 | Report this post

I get why they want to commit to doing live streaming right before relaunching but aside from the technical issues, it wouldn't take a lot to improve on some of the schlock served up in the past couple of years.

Reply #539757 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought NBL TV was ok. There were a few quality issues but I certainly be happy to pay for it again. I would rather watch all games on NBL TV with average quality then nothing.

Reply #539763 | Report this post

Years ago

Got to stop thinking what the diehards want and start thinking what the overall market wants. IF midweek games are what its takes to get people who wouldnt usually watch, watch, then its a success. NBL can compete with all the boring music and food vote em off shows not to mention the spelling bee shite... and why? Because Aussies LOVE their sport, we always choose sport over anything. The whole idea of the diehard base is it will watch whenever it is on, so as much as midweek may suck, it could be for the best.

Reply #539776 | Report this post

Years ago

"The most important next step will be playing in Asia where the real money is. Do you wonder why MU are in China at the moment?"

The Tigers toured China for years and this started a long time ago. What is your point?

"LK will be far more interested in the billions watching from China than any of this. domestic stuff".

Almost all of the Chinese pro teams except Bayi which is an army team (ie backed by the Government) are supported by wealthy corporations as far as I know. Games (the ones I have been to anyway)are poorly attended and while the TV audience is probably quite large compared to Australia in total numbers due to the population base it is not that popular relative to the other crap on TV there.

I really doubt that many of the teams make money.

In fact I have never seen a local watching basketball on TV unless they give me the remote and I channel surf to find it.

I think we need to find a way for our league to stand on it's own and the only way to get a little foot hold in Asia would be some kind of Asian Champions cup but to do so would be difficult due to variations in seasons.

Reply #539779 | Report this post

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