Years ago
WDBC 2015-16 Coach Registration of Interest
Woodville District Basketball Club call for coaching registrations of interest for 2015-16.
Please visit the following link:
Download, complete and return the registration of interest form to [email protected]
We accept registrations of interests at anytime, but would prefer for 2015-16 season registration of interests to be returned by 31st July 2015.
Be part of Woodville Warriors' coaching development network and have access to all the tools you need to progress your skills as a coach.
We will be providing discounted access to Level 0 and Level 1 coaching courses throughout the year.
Receive a coaching discount on Subscription fees for players and/or parents of players that wish to coach a team.
If you have any questions, please contact Benn McDonald on 08 82689450 or via email [email protected]