Years ago
SBL Salary Cap questions
Does the league have one? I assume they do.
On average how much can imports expect to get?
Years ago
Does the league have one? I assume they do.
On average how much can imports expect to get?
Yep. I believe it's $60,0000. Imports can be paid anything up to that limit. But most clubs don't spend it all I don't think. $15-$20k is about average.
Years ago
Thanks I assume you mean $60,000.
I always find it interesting to think which players are on pay role and have much $$ that actually is.
I think imports have guaranteed money, and others get paid per game.
Years ago
It's 60k for sure BUT most players are paid as "development officers" or other roles. That means they aren't included in the Salary Cap.
Any Import here on a WH visa can't be paid to play sport, they would need a Sports Visa for that. So all those Imports are paid as DO's.
Plus BWA/SBL will never investigate this, just like they never look into drug issues when/if they are rumoured or spoken about freely amongst people.
Makes it easy to have a 100% "clean" record.
Thats how some Teams can pay 4-8 players and not breach the Cap
Years ago
Interesting. I wonder how many clubs can actually afford the Cap.
I wonder if the "Development Officer" loop hole is what is used to not hinder young players chances of playing college ball. In the past there's been lots of instances of players not being eligible for college because of playing in the league (and not necessarily being paid!). What ever reason this is must have changed as more and more SBL experienced players are heading to the US.
Hard to enforce and most teams aren't spending $60k per year. Imports are on pro rata wages for length of time in country so often annual figures quoted for imports are incorrect. $60k is a massive budget even over in SEABL so not sure any SBL team would need to spend that much
Years ago
The DO loophole is mainly for WH Visa Imports.
Imports in the SBL get between 20 and 30k to play for a season
Aussies being "paid" can see between 100 and 800 a game.
Sometimes a Club gets burnt with a season amount for an injured player.
It all adds up pretty quickly. 2 Imports = 40-60k on their own
26 Game season @100 = 2.6k
Do the math on any particular roster and you can easily see who's paying what
Years ago
And the question and answer were related to SBL which does.
Imports anywhere have to get a package of a certain amount as per the Immigration rules. What that current figure is I am unsure. That of course is pre rated over the length of the season. Accommodation etc comes into that I believe?
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