Years ago

Boomers 12-man roster named for Euro/Oceania games

This team will tour Europe from July 21 to August 5 (Slovenia and Lithuania) and then play NZ on their return.

David Andersen
Cameron Bairstow
Andrew Bogut
Ryan Broekhoff
Matthew Dellavedova
Dante Exum
Adam Gibson
Chris Goulding
Nate Jawai
Damian Martin
Brock Motum
Brad Newley
Notable omissions are Mills (continuing rehab), Baynes (recent surgery), Ingles (resting off-season). Mills was available for the NZ games, but the coaches have elected to pick and stick with a team from the prep games through to NZ.
2015 Australian Boomers international schedule:

July 29 v Lithuania - Klaipeda

July 31 v Lithuania - Siauliai

August 3 v Slovenia - Ljubljana

August 4 v Slovenia - Ljubljana

August 15 v New Zealand - Melbourne

August 18 v New Zealand - Wellington
It's great that they've managed to schedule some quality opponents while in Europe. Hopefully they're not playing B-grade squads.

Topic #37459 | Report this topic

Years ago

Only 2 legitimate wings in Newley and Broekhoff. Not sure why they felt the need to choose so many undersized guards when they will all be playing behind Delly and Dante anyway when they could've picked one more wing e.g. Blanchfield

Reply #536911 | Report this post

Years ago

Very weak at sf spot - I'd have picked blanchfield or stiendl as extra insurance

Reply #536912 | Report this post

Years ago

What's with the boomer coaches?

Not including Mills in the NZ series is maddest.

Reply #536914 | Report this post

Years ago

Mills was left out because there is still concerns with his shoulder. I understand it was a mutual agreement not AUS refusing to pick him.

Mills has played every year for the AUS team. I think he deserves the rest before Olympics

Reply #536916 | Report this post

Years ago

I think its as good a team as possible. Definitely concerns over the wings. Having both Martin and Gibbo in there behind Delly and Dante is interesting. I guess the thought is that New Zealand will probably play small with an attack from the three point line so getting in small quick defenders in there is preferable. I think I still would have gone with Blanchfield over one of them though.

Reply #536920 | Report this post

Years ago

Just a couple of changes from the 2014 World Cup team.

Reply #536924 | Report this post

Years ago

Defensively we should be strong, per usual, but without Mills, Baynes AND Ingles I'm worried about our ability to score...

I'm sure that Lemanis is expecting very balanced scoring from the team, but guys like Goulding, Motum, Broekhoff, Newley and/or Dellavedova may have to step up and take a few more shots than their accustomed to (internationally).

Reply #536925 | Report this post

Years ago

Was there just a legitimate call for Steindl to play for the Boomers? 912??

Reply #536927 | Report this post

Years ago

Bogut, Bairstow, Jawai and Anderson, this will be interesting to see...

Reply #536930 | Report this post

Years ago

"Bogut, Bairstow, Jawai and Anderson, this will be interesting to see..."

I think it will work ok. I'd assume Bogut and Jawai will play at C with Bairstow and Motum at the 4, with Andersen going between the two spots.

Reply #536932 | Report this post

Years ago

The Euro teams will be warming up for the Euro Cup, which is their Olympic qualifier, so they should field strong teams.

Reply #536933 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd expect a rotation of something along the lines of:

C Bogut (35)/Jawai (5)
PF Andersen (15)/ Motum (15)/Bairstow (10)
SF Broekhoff (20)/Newley (20)
SG Exum (20)/Goulding (10)/Gibson (5)/Broekhoff (5)
PG Dellavedova (30)/Martin (5)/Exum (5)

I don't mind the selections, I think Blanchfield for Gibson/Martin would be a bit so, so. Probably wouldn't make much difference.

Reply #536936 | Report this post

Years ago

I think your rotations are solid, though I'd probably cut them a bit. I'd probably be starting Motum or Bairstow with those two largley splitting time and Andersen getting the bulk of the backup minutes at C.

I'd also be tempted to start Goulding at SG to make sure we get some scoring out there.

Reply #536938 | Report this post

Years ago

Would have swapped Martin or Gibson for Blanchfield.

Reply #536939 | Report this post

Years ago

Whoever bought those tickets must be pissed. Mills was one of our biggest drawcards. And yes, what is withh all of these small guards? I font think lemanis has a clue. Blanchfirld deserves a spot

Reply #536942 | Report this post

Years ago

Really shocks me that Gibson made the cut again, thought Blanchfield would of been a better option for this team

Reply #536943 | Report this post

Years ago

Whoever bought those tickets must be pissed. Mills was one of our biggest drawcards. And yes, what is withh all of these small guards? I font think lemanis has a clue. Blanchfirld deserves a spot

Reply #536944 | Report this post

Years ago

This should still be a good team, and favourites to beat New Zealand, but they are going to take their lumps against some of the Euro teams.

I am looking at this roster wondering where points will come from. It is very lucky new Zealand don't have too many athletic wings, it will be defence by committee on Abercrombie.

Some guys are going to have to step up and takethe scoring load. We are going to see whether Dante can maintain his summer league aggression which could make him a genuine threat.

I am still reeling over the loss of mills. I would rather be without bogut than Mills. This is two years in a row where he has had phantom shoulder problems. I am wondering whether San Antonio is just preventing him in general .

This series has lost a bit of its shine for me. It's gone from being a star studded Australian dream team- to being the basic boomers featuring Andrew bogut. Without mills, I don't think it justifies the hype.

On lemanis selection of 4 points and 2 sf, is this really the guy we want entrusted to lead our team at the Olympics?

Reply #536947 | Report this post

Years ago

You're a fool if you honestly thought all of our NBA players would be here. Called that from the start

Reply #536951 | Report this post

Years ago

Can we not move on from Andersen....

Its like someone in a bad relationship that just won't move on.

He has performed at below replacement level in the green and gold for over 10 years now.

Reply #536955 | Report this post

Years ago

"I am still reeling over the loss of mills. I would rather be without bogut than Mills. This is two years in a row where he has had phantom shoulder problems. I am wondering whether San Antonio is just preventing him in general ."

He had shoulder surgery last off season that kept him out for the first few months of the NBA season. Hardly "phantom shoulder problems". He's now trying to rehab it to get it back to 100%. Its a big loss him not being there, but don't doubt for a second he would be if he thought he could.

"Can we not move on from Andersen....

Its like someone in a bad relationship that just won't move on.

He has performed at below replacement level in the green and gold for over 10 years now."

For some reason Andersen has been the whipping boy of a lot of Boomers fans for 10 years. He's the one genuinely talented big that has made himself available every year. While he's never starred, thats never been his game. He'll hit some shots, work hard and do whatever the coach asks. Yes he'll drop a couple of passes and not get as many rebounds as you would like, but thats what ya get. He's possibly Australia's most consistent player in the time he's been around. He's certainly been good enough to be in every team he's made.

Reply #536958 | Report this post

Years ago

36ers fan and can't see how Gibson is even considered for national selections.

Reply #536959 | Report this post

Years ago

Gibson is quite good as a deep rotation role player with the boomers, where he comes in and plays high level defense and keeps the offense going without making mistakes.

In the NBL where he is "the man" he gives minimal effort on defense, looks disinterested a lot of the time and is very frustrating to watch.

Reply #536960 | Report this post

Years ago

Gibson is the equivalent of how the USA squads always took a college player who had absolutely no business being there

Reply #536961 | Report this post

Years ago

I think Gibbo plays well when he wears the Green and Gold.

Always felt Gibbo's biggest hurdle is mental. He has a huge amount of talent, but doesnt seem ever be sure of his role. Example of this is when Wilson was out last season he decided to play aggressive and looked like a world beater. Once Wilson was back though, he went back to being passive and looking for other people to move the action. He doesn't seem to be able to switch between roles well when playing big minutes.

For the Boomers though, his role is well defined. Come on, hussle hard, find the open man and hit the open shot. I think he does it well.

Reply #536966 | Report this post

Years ago

SO glad I didn't pay for tickets. Hefty prices made me pause and thank god, because as stated above, Bogut's the only real difference between that group and what we've seen in recent years. And the 2013 group did have Ingles and Mills.

Not getting everyone was predictable, but Baynes, Ingles, Mills, and the previously-known Simmons takes a big chunk out of the star appeal here.

Reply #536968 | Report this post

Years ago

Star appeal here is a B- and you know they stayed mum on a few of these omissions because they wanted ticket sales. It makes sense, but people won't be happy with the prices!! Don't be surprised if people want their tickets refunded

Reply #536972 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree Gibbo does well for Aus when he comes off the bench , but we really only need one of Gibbo or Martin in the team for depth hustle. Remember we have delly and exum playing who were both rated as very good to excellent defenders against quality opposition, so it's not like we would be short of good defenders in the back court if we only took one of Martin or Gibbo .

Reply #536973 | Report this post

Years ago

Also , what is going on with Anatoly Bose? I know he is playing overseas somewhere with a different last name ... I expected him to come on as a legitimate player for the boomers after a cpl of seasons. Seems to have disappeared?

Reply #536974 | Report this post

Years ago

gibbo geez hopefully he has lost some weight ..this is the worst selection in recent memory for a boomers team

Reply #536985 | Report this post

Years ago

Why put Damian Martin in there who will never make an Australian team when it counts. Surely this spot could have been used on a kid who has the potential to play for Australia down the track.

Reply #536987 | Report this post

Years ago

^ Agree with this but who would you take? Greenwood has had his chances and I know has fans here but I'm not one of them. Would like to see him actually get better before he keeps being handed the 'development' spot. Could you throw McVeigh in given the lack of wing depth and absence of other clear standouts at his position? Or Krebs?

Reply #536988 | Report this post

Vic Wildcat  
Years ago

Glad i didn't buy a ticket now with all the outs, and also see its being shown live on channel 9 as well, makes it a even better decision.

Reply #536989 | Report this post

Years ago

Mitch McCarron would be worth a look.

Reply #536990 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think lemanis is the right guy to coach this team. I fthis series doesn't go well, I will be calling for his head. I don't think I will be the only one. The selections here are puzzling

Reply #536998 | Report this post

Years ago

"I don't think lemanis is the right guy to coach this team. I fthis series doesn't go well, I will be calling for his head. I don't think I will be the only one. The selections here are puzzling"

Which ones? I think most people think Blanchfield for either Marto or Gibbo would have been nice, but that's about it.

Who else should be in there?

I'd say this team has AT LEAST 11 of the best players available

Reply #537000 | Report this post

Years ago

We have four point guards and two small forwards on the team. We have no scoring punch. We should ha ave picked up blanchfield to start with, and we should have let mills come in late. I don't ser how bringing in a scoring option a bit late would ruin team cohesion. This game has been demoted from a spectacle to a passing interest.

Reply #537002 | Report this post

Years ago

"We have four point guards and two small forwards on the team. We have no scoring punch. We should ha ave picked up blanchfield to start with, and we should have let mills come in late. I don't ser how bringing in a scoring option a bit late would ruin team cohesion. This game has been demoted from a spectacle to a passing interest."

So the coach of our Olympic men's team is responsible for spectacle?

You stated that Lejmanis' "selections are puzzling" because "We have four point guards" yet you've suggested just 2 changes to the 12 man team, one of which is to bring in another PG (albeit a shoot first one).

Clearly the selections arent THAT bad

Reply #537003 | Report this post

Years ago

Mills should have been in the final team. The event is as much about qualifying for the Olympics as it is about promoting the game.

Mills would have been a big draw card for the event, tv and media.

Reply #537007 | Report this post

Years ago

What concerns me is that Lemanis may have an inkling that Dante won't play (he has a rolled ankle at the moment) hence the selection of both Gibson and Martin?

Reply #537010 | Report this post

Years ago

Anatoly Bose (Kalesnikov) plays for the Kazakhstan national team.

Reply #537012 | Report this post

Dunkin' Dan  
Years ago

Not sure if it's been mentioned yet but I just saw a John Casey tweet that the games are being broadcast live on Channel 9

Reply #537013 | Report this post

Dunkin' Dan  
Years ago

(I'm referring just to the Melbourne Opals & Boomers games btw!)

Reply #537014 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah stoked they're going to be broadcasting the matches. Hopefully they get a decent audience.

Reply #537015 | Report this post

Years ago

Yep - Bose switched allegiances.

This team is not bad.

Reply #537016 | Report this post

Years ago

Lol Anatoly. Why would you do that. Sure you get to play every game for them as they surely are not strong , but you won't ever be in a competition worth being in.

Reply #537017 | Report this post

Years ago

Cram, I obviously mean replace one of the point guards with Mills and drop the other for a small forward, namely Blanchfield.

"What concerns me is that Lemanis may have an inkling that Dante won't play (he has a rolled ankle at the moment) hence the selection of both Gibson and Martin?"

Well, apparently Dante is fine and he was only rested the next game as a precaution. I tend to think Dante will be fine for the series. If he isn't, then that would really turn this thing into a bit of a bore.

"Mills should have been in the final team. The event is as much about qualifying for the Olympics as it is about promoting the game.

Mills would have been a big draw card for the event, tv and media."

Absolutely he should have been. I am not sure if Cram realises or not, but the olympics are over a year away, and we are certainly a better chance of beating New Zealand with Mills rather than without. Even if Mills were playing limited minutes in the series, 20 minutes from Mills beats 20 from Gibson any day of the week from every perspective.

This was about promoting the game. We could have done without Ingles, and Baynes (albeit begrudgingly) but Mills, Bogut, Delly and Dante were the four guys we really needed to make this a 'thing', and as per usual, we fell short.

This absolutely IS the coaching staffs fault. I see no way in hell that we are less likely to win with Mills in. It is entirely unlikely, whether or not he is there for the lead up. This is just one of a mounting list of fuck ups from Lemanis. 10th at the World Uni Games, 12th at the World Cup, a ho hum Oceania series before the cup. He did get a silver with a stacked Uni games team, but in the paraphrased words of Eddie Murphy "what have you done for me lately?"

I don't think the guy is up to coaching this team to where it needs to go. Someone call Beveridge or Goorj please.

Reply #537018 | Report this post

Years ago

Yep I like this team , and it is pretty strong. I only have questions about selecting both Martin and Gibbo to come off the bench when we already have a strong defensive backcourt and Martin and Gibbo both offer us the same thing.

Reply #537019 | Report this post

Years ago

The Mills omission is a problem for me. arguably our most exciting player, and on friday was on triple J saying that he would be open to playing the game in melbourne. I doubt that he only found out on the weekend that he wasnt getting a gig. I think when one of your best scorer is available, you gotta pick him.

Reply #537020 | Report this post

Years ago

I have no issue with the non selection of mills. He only made himself available for the nz games , what are they gonna do? Take 11 guys into the previous games so they can take a guy in the last game or two?

Selecting a team that is available for the whole tournament makes sense as much as I like,e watching patty.

Reply #537021 | Report this post

Years ago

Basketball Australia apparently has an aim of having every Boomer play in the NBA. I'm not sure exactly how conducive that is to having them play in all international competitions ...

The NBA is a marathon. A physically taxing, albeit well-paying marathon.

Reply #537022 | Report this post

Years ago

I would love to see Mills there too. But he's not available for the lead up tour which is very important in establishing good teamwork and chemistry. You cant just drop a player in who's out of match practice and hasnt been with the team and expect them to perform.

Again, it is NOT the coach's job to create a spectacle. His job is to go out and win with the best players AVAILABLE. Mills is not available for all of the team duties so isn't available period.

Reply #537023 | Report this post

Years ago

"I am not sure if Cram realises or not, but the olympics are over a year away"

Yep, that's what it says on my tickets.

Reply #537024 | Report this post

Dunkin' Dan  
Years ago

Is it such a stretch to take a different 12 over to Europe, and then replace one of the guards with Patty once they're back here? Personally I would have thought that qualifying against NZ is the most important thing here, and that it's not a massive stretch to say that replacing Martin/Gibbo with Patty improves our chances in that series.

Reply #537025 | Report this post

Years ago

^ Agree. This should be simple. And Mills has been with the Boomers long enough that it shouldn't cause chemistry issues.

Reply #537029 | Report this post

Years ago

"is it such a stretch to take a different 12 over to Europe, and then replace one of the guards with Patty once they're back here? Personally I would have thought that qualifying against NZ is the most important thing here, and that it's not a massive stretch to say that replacing Martin/Gibbo with Patty improves our chances in that series."

I don't think its as easy as that when dropping a player in who hasnt played in a few months and hasnt played with the Boomers in a couple years.

As I said, I'd love to see him there, and if the coaches decided to go that direction I'd be ok with it too. I just don't think calling for the coach's head because they're requiring players to be available for lead up events is WAY over the top.

Reply #537031 | Report this post

Years ago

"Is it such a stretch to take a different 12 over to Europe, and then replace one of the guards with Patty once they're back here? Personally I would have thought that qualifying against NZ is the most important thing here, and that it's not a massive stretch to say that replacing Martin/Gibbo with Patty improves our chances in that series."

No, it is not a stretch at all. They are going to struggle to score without Mills, and I doubt Goulding will be able to fill that void - as basically one of few Aussies who can create their own shot.

Having one of our best players come in for a series is NEVER a detriment. Suggesting it is, is frankly stupid. Give him a couple of weeks in training and throw him out there. He will be fine. And as I said, 20 minutes of Mills (even rusty) is better than 20 minutes of Gibson every single day.

Who knows what might happen though? They might go to Europe with their tails up and find that they have a glaring deficit that only Mills can fill. Then maybe - just maybe - Lemanis might wise up and go "hey, teams need their best scorers?!?" what a brainwave that would be.

Boomers with Mills will always be better than Boomers without. The core of this team has experience together, it shouldn't upturn any apple carts. As for the poor bugger who loses a spot for Mills, "tough luck sunshine. this is professional basketball".

The way I would have liked it handled, would be for one of Gibson/Martins spots to got to Blanchfield, the other spot to a Greenwood or somebody who isn't ready just yet but can be easily replaced by Mills when the real games begin. That would be the right way to handle it. Give that euro tour spot to a kid that relishes every chance to wear a jersey and let him have a few games.

Reply #537032 | Report this post

Dunkin' Dan  
Years ago

I'm not calling for the coach's head btw, Cram, or making a big deal out of this.
To me, Martin + Gibson in the same team seems a bit redundant. I would have thought that evaluating them both on the tour and then keeping just one once they're back here for the NZ series would actually be an ideal situation for Lemanis & co.

Normally I'm all for chemistry and cohesiveness too. It's important for sure. But it's a case by case basis, and in this case I think that the gain you get from adding Patty, far outweighs the potential loss of chemistry from such a move.
Finally, from the players' POV, would Damo or Gibbo feel robbed if they were replaced by Mills? I very much doubt it.

Reply #537036 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah I wasnt referring to you wanting the coach's head DD. Other people.

Fact is none of us know exactly when Patty was likely to be available. There's just over a week from when the Boomers get home until the first game against NZ. Is that enough time? And thats assuming he'd be available for that whole period.

From the sounds of it he agreed his absence from the team until late would be an issue.

I agree that taking both Marto and Gibbo is a little odd, but I don't think its at all out of line.

Reply #537038 | Report this post

Years ago

There have been far more glaring selection issues by every Boomers coach going back forever. I think in the scheme of things, this is very minor.

Reply #537039 | Report this post

Years ago

I think its good to give Martin almost a "lifetime achievement" award with a Boomers jersey on a high profile series on home soil for all he has done in the NBL over the years.

He has always missed out to Gibbo and I think its a good thing to put him in.

Exum, Delly, Broekhoff, Bubbles and Newley should be able to cover 95%+ of the muntes across the 1/2/3 spots anyway.

Reply #537040 | Report this post

Years ago

We should beat New Zealand with this team but the selection of Andersen should give them a chance. His turnovers/bricking open shots/fumbling rebounds and general sucking should keep them in the game.

Reply #537042 | Report this post

Years ago

Why would you leave blanchfield out when his on a rampage when his doing so well in nz?
One of gibs or Martin need not be there.

Reply #537050 | Report this post

Years ago

Where is Andersen playing at the moment?

Reply #537054 | Report this post

Years ago

Should Patty be allowed to play the Oceania series? Vote here -

Reply #537073 | Report this post

Years ago

anderson, martin, gibson and newley should not have been picked.
Simmons, Adel, Maker should have been picked

Reply #537074 | Report this post

Years ago

What about drmic? Is he still injured?

Reply #537075 | Report this post

Years ago

Fucking hell - shakes head. What is it with these people who want to pick teams on hype alone?

To start with, Ben Simmons made himself unavailable months ago. People need to actually read about the shit they talk about. Anyone who had been paying any attention would know that and would stop saying it.

Deng Adel? He's a blood minor? He hasn't done anything against adults? Nor has Thon Maker. Being 7ft isn't such an advantage against grown men the same size. We are still yet to see if either of these are more than hype.

Everyone wants to jump in super quick with the next generation, its almost as though they think if they don't, they are all going to disappear and not want to play in Olympics etc. Thon Maker is 50/50 for Australia, 50/50 for being good enough as well. The rest will have their time when it is actually their time!

You wont win games if all you ever do is pick for tomorrow. When they are ready, they will be ready, simple as that. This is what junior teams are for.

Reply #537077 | Report this post

Years ago

Agree with gwb.
Maker, adel, humphries etc are a 3-4 years away. Only entering college this year and the year after.
Drmic and greenwood will come into spotlight in the next few years along with a few others just out or coming out of college. Mathiang, McCarron, trist, hill etc.

Simmons is the only one who could compete now.
His worked hard on his body and should be more than capable of playing against men.
6'10 245lbs atm?

Rio squad looks locked in if all are available and injury free.
Last spot looks to be for a shooter.
Goulding, drmic, McCarron, gliddon, Gibson. Possibly blanchfield if Broekhoff moves over to the 2. Maybe even greenwood or Martin. A few others also..


Reply #537078 | Report this post

Years ago

Be interesting to see a few other bigs from college developing...
6'11 Landale at st Mary's
7'0 Malone at lsu
7'0 Joseph acuil at Baylor

Reply #537080 | Report this post

Years ago

I dunno, Maker might be "young" but that arthritis could start setting in at any time

Reply #537084 | Report this post

Years ago

You blokes crying "im glad i didnt buy a ticket" cause blah blah isnt playing.

Spare me.

Prob the same people who have a sook at attendances and the state of australian basketball??

Support your national team....

No wonder we cant get any decent teams out to austrAlia,
Let alone an NBA GAME!!!

I for one will happily buy a ticket and support the boomers, whoever suits up......

Reply #537086 | Report this post

Years ago

I am talking about justifying ticket prices. I would go see the Sino series Boomers play, but not for 100 bucks a pop.

Sure, die hard fans might be fine with this. But this was suppose to help boost the game to a new height here. We wont do that with a bare basic squad. I really think we need Patty Mills. No other player on the squad would inspire casual fans to give a shit.

We are probably going to win the series either way, but wouldnt it be great to make a bit of a splash while we do it?

Patty is technically available for the series, so he should be on the court.

Reply #537090 | Report this post

A. Bitoni Fan  
Years ago

I assume Mills will be named as a "surprise" inclusion when the NZ games roll around.

Reply #537104 | Report this post

Years ago

Doubtful ^^^ the complete commitment is less than 30 days. Cant commit to a euro tour? Should not be in the team. Either you are in or out.

I also think Exum, Bogut, and Delly have the same, if not more weight to the casual fan than Patty. I seem
To rememeber no Bogut a few years back and games were not in big, close to
Sold out arenas......

Patty is a draward but doesnt sell out arenas by himself.....

Reply #537109 | Report this post

Years ago

Gaze, Bradke, Longley, and Heal all played for the boomers at an early age. For me, leave the 12th spot for a junior ie Maker.

Reply #537113 | Report this post

Years ago

I think we are all overreacting to the input Mills has had the last few years. He has been forced to be that scorer because we have not had anyone else to do it.

Adding Bogut, a more experienced Exum and Bairstow to me is an upgrade then just patty. Lets not forget Bogut is NBA defensive team big which is someone we have not had in the middle ever. I remember it wasn't long ago when Alex Pledger was killing the boomers inside.

More scorers, more spacing and better defense is surely a better situation then what we had the last couple years.

Reply #537117 | Report this post

Years ago

Where is Blanchfield? Gibson and Martin can't play at that level. We already know that, and also they don't have any upside.

Too many small players who can't shoot is gonna keep that floor clogged like always.

Gotta love it how they still don't understand that NBL and international are two completely different ballgames.

Lemanis is a bit outmatched at this level in terms of both selection and Xs and Os.

Reply #537136 | Report this post

Years ago

Why not take a 14 man squad over to Europe like NZ are? Maybe take an extra SF (like Blanchfield) and another big. That way you have a bit of flexibility to figure out if you have the right squad balance, plus some insurance if (touch wood) someone is injured during the tour.

Reply #537146 | Report this post

Years ago

How is Lemanis outmatched at this level in both selection and X's and O's?

He is up against Paul Henare who has limited to no international head coaching experience and has a selection pool primarily based on players from the NBL and NZNBL.

This is not our Olympic squad. This is the squad that has to beat NZ in a 2 game series to secure their automatic qualification for Rio. Who cares if the Boomers lose every game on their European tour? Those games are irrelevant in the big picture.

The big picture is beating NZ in August. Pretty sure Lemanis likes his chances of outcoaching Henare in that series with the players available to both teams

Reply #537151 | Report this post

Years ago

I think it is 99.999 percent likely that we will beat New Zealand in both games by double figures. However, I don't think it will be a spectacle. With the way Basketball Australia has been pasting his face everywhere, you would expect Patty Mills on the team. People bought their tickets with that in mind. While some things are unavoidable, Patty IS available for the series, we should win either way, I am sure 15 thousand people at Rod Laver would prefer him there... so lets give it to them?

Reply #537160 | Report this post

Years ago

Patty definitely wants to play the series. I have seen some facebook statuses from some of his family which suggest they are a bit miffed at the whole thing.

Reply #537161 | Report this post

Years ago

Join the boomers in their preparation camps like every other player on the team (including NBA guys) and he can play.

Not fair to just show up for NZ series when team has been working the last month cause you are "Patty Mills".

Its quite simple to see why decision was made

If Patty doesnt want to train and just show up fpr games, what do you tell Delly, Exum,Bogut if they ask to do the same thing??

Reply #537219 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone know if the Lithuania and Slovenia games will be televised? Or even the times they will be on?

Reply #539582 | Report this post

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