Not Happy.
Years ago

BigV crowd behavior.

It's disappointing I find myself posting this but its getting ridiculous.

I decided to take my daughter to a BigV game on the weekend (foolishly) instead of SEABL and found myself disgusted with the comments and behavior yet again of some elements of the crowd. At one point I had to distract her and try to down play the stupid comments being made.

There were 2 female officials on a Men's game (big deal), a few people from the crowd during the first 1/4 yelled out "they should not allow women to ref men"..
My daughter looked at me and asked innocently "why shouldn't women ref men"? to which I replied they could and the silly men didn't know what they were talking about.

Seriously, its 2015 not 1915, the last time I checked gender played no part in the ability to blow a whistle or asses the rules of our game.

Then there was the berating of those officials with insults during the game and at time outs, one delightful "gentleman" was no more than 5 meters from them.

For the record they did a pretty good job I thought in what was a pretty ugly scrappy contest but even if they didn't that doesn't give people the right to abuse others with sexist and derogatory remarks and I certainly don't want my kids exposed to this either in the crowd or in their jobs when they get older.

There was also some sledging from the crowd towards the players.

I've read a lot over recent years about the difficulties faced with attracting and keeping officials to ref our games, especially with the declining numbers while the leagues are expanding, too fast in my opinion, to cope, its no wonder given the abuse they often cop.

Clearly in my mind the message to clean up the crowd behavior isn't getting across and its time the leagues started to monitor and clean up trouble makers in the crowd.

I don't think its fair that players, officials or others in the crowd, especially children get exposed to this disgusting behavior.

Its time Basketball Vic stepped in and started to demand the leagues, (mainly VJBL and BigV) and venues clean up their acts for everyone's benefit.

Topic #37410 | Report this topic

Years ago

ok, so i rarely come back with this response, in fact, not sure I ever have...but.... you seem reasonable....

have you given this feedback to the league?

Reply #535977 | Report this post

Not Happy.  
Years ago

Not yet but i guess i should. I've spoken with BV about it on a number of occasions though.

Reply #535978 | Report this post

Not Happy.  
Years ago

What also gets me is how, in general people are uneducated about the rules of the game and go off their tree when the right call is actually made but they simply don't have a very good grasp of the rules.

I think the clubs and associations could do more to educate everyone about the rules too.

Reply #535981 | Report this post

Years ago

@Not Happy, it is truly unfortunate that this type of behaviour goes on and we have all seen it on occasions, sometimes worse than other times but you are correct there is no excuse for such behaviour.

We all need to take responsibility, so what can be done?

1. At the time, report poor behaviour to the desk or supervisor present for immediate action.

2. Email all the details to that local Association, expect a reply and follow it up.

3. CC that email to the Managing and State governing body, be it the Big V and B.V. on this occasion and also follow it up with an expected reply.

If we all did this, I guarantee something will be done to improve this behaviour, the issue is that we complain about this stuff but don't actually make a formal complaint and inform the organisation concerned.

Lastly, don't give up on the game, I hope your kid gets to enjoy many more games and play basketball for the love of the game for many years to come...

Reply #535983 | Report this post

Years ago

It's a Bush League Not Happy. Stay with SEABL.

Reply #535984 | Report this post

Years ago


Same comment, different day? #dull

Reply #535988 | Report this post

Years ago

Different Day, Same Management, Same Result #fact

Reply #535995 | Report this post

Years ago

It's certainly not fair to berate an official just because they're a woman. From long experience I would say that male refs are just as rubbish as female ones :)

Reply #535999 | Report this post

Years ago


Its just boring. You don't like the BigV. And now your are blaming the management for the way someone in a crowd addressed a referee?

At least come up with something you an genuinely blame the league management for, its pretty easy.

Reply #536002 | Report this post

Years ago

As a Big V coach, one of the clear differences I see with Females is they don't carry that all too common ego that a good number of male refs do. I find it easier to communicate with most female refs and often the male refs do not allow you to communicate with them, rather choosing to get their back up.

It seems to me there is a lack of directive to referees resulting in extreme polar opposites in the approach refs take. On the weekend we have 11 fouls called in the first 3 quarters and then 17 fouls called in the 4th. We've had games where everything is called and others where nothing is called. It's hard to instruct players on how to defend when the level of aggression is not known week to week.

I had several really bad games ref wise and requested an evaluation form, then request feedback on that form with absolutely nothing done. In my opinion the evaluation form is likely not looked at in any capacity. All of these "bad games" involved at least 1 male ref.

Sorry if I'm a little off topic.

Reply #536003 | Report this post

Fat Womble  
Years ago

Totally agree with crowd behaviour, or individuals. In Premier League we had a 50yo+ parent give the bird to a group of 6-7yo kids cheering for their team.
Work that idiot out.

Reply #536013 | Report this post

Not Happy.  
Years ago

My gripe is with the way these officials get treated and the bad behavior being displayed at BigV games, even the players and coaches tend to be bad from time to time but these spectators take the cake.

From what i could tell they were parents of players too so they should know better.

Really how is sexism (both ways) really any better than racism? The AFL have taken a stand against this, it's time Basketball did too.

With regards to Refs consistency it will only come with a deeper pool of officials and more training and evaluation.

Until the League and participating clubs are prepared to make that investment (yes it costs money) in the officials you will continue to get that issue. Teams just have to play through it.

Maybe BigV need to increase the fees and divert more funds into training and development as well as an advertising campaign about sportsmanship..

Reply #536020 | Report this post

Years ago

I have to agree with Not Happy. Until there is sizable investment into referee development and education it will never get any better. If refereeing got 25% of what the game spends on player development there would be an immediate improvement. But its not sexy to spend $$$ on referee development. The eaiest solution to the small pool to choose from for a league which has a huge demand for referees is reduce the size of the league. Its simple supply and demand. Reduce the 1100 + games down to 800 or less. This will stop referees doubling up, it will allow accountability and rostering based on performance rather than just to cover a spot....

Reply #536023 | Report this post

Years ago

Firstly, how has this become a thread about inconsistent officiating?

Secondly, while the AFL has made a stand in relation to racial vilification, I don't think anything much else has changed when it comes to the crowd abusing AFL umpires...

Basketball isn't anywhere near that bad, not should it be IMHO!

Reply #536025 | Report this post

Not Happy.  
Years ago

Yeah agree, i don't really want to loose sight on the issue which is behavior.

Reply #536026 | Report this post

Years ago

NOt Happy, Name the club/Stadium/game and put some weight behind what you are saying.

To tarnish the whole league (149 teams0 with the same brush is just as genral and stupid as saying female refs suck.

I have coached in the league and played for in excess of 15 years and have found as above that the females are generally better communicators.

If I was coaching womens ball I would want two males refs, if I am coaching mens i want two females refs. My reason is i feel there is less of an ego and power struggle betwen the same sexes then.

SEABL has just as much of the same scum and grubby supporters around the traps as BIG V.

Above you mentioned that you had made no complaint to the BIG V but made the complaint to basketball Victoria. So you have by passed the very people who run the league that you have an issue with.

Great job in raising what is a problem at many local sports everywhere, but the way in which you are doing it is pointless and only serves a purpose to make you look and sound exactly like those you are complaining about.

Reply #536029 | Report this post

Years ago

I was at a Big V game at Pakenham and there was a guy in his late 40's Who screamed out "smash the c..t"

It was reported to an official who responded with "it probably happens at your stadium as well" and nothing was done about it.

However most clubs are fantastic and the supporters are decent. I must admit it is the only time I have seen such behaviour at a Big V game.

Reply #536032 | Report this post

Years ago

Name and shame. The only way you'll have any impact by posting stuff on here

Reply #536033 | Report this post

Years ago

Fat Womble, just so you know, according to criteria previously established by #535984, the premier league is now a bush league.

As is every other league that has ever had a person in the crowd behaving poorly or being sexist to referees.

But this never happens in the SEABL. Just so you know.

Reply #536065 | Report this post

Years ago

Big V is a Bush League not Premier League.

Reply #536081 | Report this post

Years ago

What I don't get which has happened a lot this season is you turn up to play and the youth game before us has 2 male refs who seem to not do a bad job and then we get stuck with a female who is pathetic. Let the female refs ref youth league

Reply #536083 | Report this post

Years ago

No player from Div 1-2 or State Champs would ever write that ^^^

Reply #536087 | Report this post

Years ago

Not Happy, I agree whole-heartedly based on years of playing and coaching.

Sadly, it seems like players these days can't accept losing, and the fans aren't much better. Whatever happened to the idea of doing your best and accepting that sometimes you just won't be good enough?

The NBL isn't much better - teams that come bottom don't last long, so fans become a lot more feral and demanding. They also want 'entertainment' more than pure basketball, because that's the way the world is, these days (sigh).

You would think with the large number who play that most fans would know the rules, unless it's cos they know only NBA or 2K15 interpretations of the rules.

Interesting comment that it's better for guys to ref girls and vice-versa. I'll look out for that in the next few weeks.

Reply #536096 | Report this post

Years ago

As a SEABL coach of many years I can assure you the Women do an excellent job of officiating and i've found them not only professional and easy to work with but the equal of the men.

It's sad to read these comments because id like to think most decent level coaches work very hard to build reciprocal rapport with the officials as we see them regularly and have to work together.

Reply #536101 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm going to take a stab and say it was the Waverley v Hume game Sunday, I heard similar comments.

Reply #536143 | Report this post

Years ago

Was it at Waverly or Hume? I'm guessing SCM???

Reply #536548 | Report this post

Years ago

Worst behaved parents in Big V is some of the Blackburn youth league div 1 dads. For a team that wins most of their games the way they carry on and abuse every decision on court is a disgrace. Players dropping the F and C words on the court and the way some of their players carry on is also very poor sportsmanship. imagine what they would be like if they were losing games.

Reply #536581 | Report this post

Years ago

There is definitely some behavioral issues amongst a few at Blackburn. You only need to go there on a Wednesday night for the 035's comp to see the problem.

Reply #536627 | Report this post

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