Years ago

Dellys stocks are booming!

Who would have thought, the number 1 story of the playoffs this year is Delly. Every nba news site is headlining delly and I'm including the American sites. The crowds are chanting delly and the media has him on the podium first. What a player. Where does this land him next season?

Topic #37142 | Report this topic

Years ago

Shooting 3s and sniping knees

Reply #529762 | Report this post

dr seuss  
Years ago

rock solid

Reply #529763 | Report this post

Years ago

Since when is Delly the number 1 story?
Curry is the #2 story and LeBron carrying a bunch of scrubs to the NBA finals is far and away the #1 story

Reply #529764 | Report this post

Years ago

The above stories you mentioned aren't really dividing opinion. There is some heated internet debate with many (myself included) saying Delly simply plays hard, the other side saying he is as dirty as they come and should be suspended.

Reply #529771 | Report this post

Years ago

The story of the 2014 finals: Patty Mills
The story of the 2015 finals: Delly

Haters have disappeared

Reply #529772 | Report this post

Years ago

I think Delly just plays hard. So hard that he is a bit of a liability to anyone else trying to take a ball off of him. But it all comes under the 'fair play' umbrella. You are allowed to throw yourself on the ground and play your guts out. I do hope he maybe tones some of it down, because once you get that rep, it can be hard to clean it up

Reply #529775 | Report this post

Years ago

So many people today would be outraged by the 90s NBA. Delly is far from dirty

Reply #529792 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't understand how he is dirty. Just because he is one of the only ones in the NBA who truly put there body on the line.

I understand why the stars dont hustle like crazy. But that is delly's game, thats why he has a contract. Take the hustle out of him and hes a slow player, with a reasonably average shot. His D would be non existent with out his hustle and work ethic.

Reply #529797 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah don't understand all the hate either. He dives on a loose ball, and he gets pulled down buy a bigger player and he is the bad guy?

Reply #529806 | Report this post

Years ago

Could make the argument he's an excellent 3 point shooter. Don't like the guy but he can knock it down when he needs to. Even if that's all he does well the cavs are paying him just over $1m next year which is solid value. His D could be terrible and he'd probably still be on a roster at that money

Reply #529811 | Report this post

Years ago

He is the man ...

Reply #529820 | Report this post

Years ago

Stocks are booming? So you think he will earn long term deal on bigger money? Probably not. It's great that he's doing well and having an impact but why do we inflate what the Aussies do? If this wasn't an Aussie in this position would we still talk the same way about a player? Probably not.

Delly is no way the number one thing in the NBA right now that's just crazy to suggest that. Curry and LeBron are clearly the biggest news in NBA playoffs. Hell if Delly is then couldn't you say as much about Thompson?

Yes he hit 15 points but at 30% on mostly uncontested shots made by double teams coming to LeBron.

He's doing well and is adding to the team but let's not blow it out of proportion.

And no I'm not a hater, love seeing the Aussies in the NBA, but just don't go overboard with it

Reply #529826 | Report this post

Years ago

The only article on ESPN about Delly was whether he was dirty not about the impact he's having

Same with CBS

Same with Bleacher Report

Reply #529831 | Report this post

Years ago

Great value as a rotation player that wasnt drafted.

Reply #529832 | Report this post

Years ago

Bloody hell.. the yanks hate it when they are put to shame except Lebron who express his respect for Delly's efforts every time him steps on the floor.

Lets get behind Delly showing we appreciate his relentless work ethic in the finals by #AussieDelly

Reply #529833 | Report this post

Oooh La La!  
Years ago

Seriously, the negative comments are coming from soft players such as Reggie Miller, Kenny Smith and the like. These players never dove on loose balls etc.

Kylie Korver was soft too and didnt dive on the loose ball. He should've dove on it and got up with a sore head and some respect.

Al Horford you pulled the guy down, I totally disagree with Dellys tech - that is the biggest injustice.

Rule number one kids in basketball you have to get the ball.

Reply #529836 | Report this post

Years ago

Is "three and knee" the new role player?

But seriously, when a player gets a reputation for hustle defence and diving on balls, other players begin to back off and play cautiously, which make his defence better.

Reply #529839 | Report this post

Years ago

I read all the articles this morning. Analysts are saying he is about as dirty as Chris Paul or Dwayne Wade... Oh, Ok? So why the outrage then?

Is it because he is not in that exclusive "star" club where they will overlook the 5 step lay ups and the questionable conduct?

What we have here, is a role player who is playing a level above what is expected. There are players on other teams who don't want to have to dive after balls and are coming up ginger when wrestling a ball off of Delly, so whats the best thing to do? Make him sound dirty.

Its them being the dirty players.

The Leg Lock was in retaliation. Kyle Korver incident was diving for a ball. Horford literally pulled the guy down and elbowed him? What the actual F--- are these people on about?

Reply #529841 | Report this post

Years ago

Delly is one of the greatest Australians to do it

Reply #529842 | Report this post

Years ago

It's just media hype guys, love it! Go Delly, let's get that GSW v Cavs final we are all dreaming about!

Reply #529844 | Report this post

Years ago

You know you've made it when...

Reply #529845 | Report this post

Years ago

I think people are noticing Delly more because of the Irving injury (lets be honest he wouldnt be playing a lot of game time if Irving was 100 percent) and the fact that the game today has lost a lot of the Hustle. There used to be a fair bit in the 90's and slowly but surely the Hustlers retired and just were not replaced.

Dellevadova may not have the skill as some of the players he plays with or top flight NBA but he has a major skill a lot of those same players dont have : the ability to Hustle.

Reply #529846 | Report this post

Years ago

Delly is the type of player that doesn't have a skill that jumps out to GM's, hence undrafted. Yet once he is in the locker room the coaches and players see him as a team guy and don't want him to leave.

I see Cavs resigning him, but nothing too crazy. Maybe 2 year deal with team option on 3. Probably $2m per year .... Which he should take given he will be with LeBron and backing up Kyrie.

The only dirty play he has had was the Taj leg lock. Diving on a loose ball is commitment just unfortunate for Korver. Boxing out a guy 6 inches taller than you and having him pull you to the ground and elbow you in the head is not dirty at all. Al Horford should be suspended.

Reply #529851 | Report this post

Years ago

Al Horford is just using this as a tact to take attention off of himself

Reply #529864 | Report this post

Years ago

delly is a true aussie legend _team first as basketball is !

Reply #529956 | Report this post

Years ago

Totally agree GWB.

Horford admitted he pulled Delly down and over reacted.
What a great comparison from James to say in game 2 Antics hard foul, when he was in the air was easily worse than Dellys

Are Warrior fans getting upset that the Rockets player went a little up in the air with Curry on his back? Pffft!

Question Hawks fans, there's a 50/50 ball...who is going to get it first?
Korver or Delly?
It's an obvious answer....Korver did you not realise playoff basketball is another level?

Korver and Horford have totally embarrassed the Hawks.
Your program is now seen as soft, you have left your city down.
You won't be back to the conference finals again as you simply don't have the ticker.

Horfords and the U.S medias views on a player, who plays exactly how you would want your son to play, is wrong and totally insipid.

And Mike Foss your a pansy.

Reply #529996 | Report this post

Years ago

Did anyone see Ariza deliberately drop his head and shoulder on a shot fake into Curry hips sending him flying and landing on his head. Was this a dirty play or smart. Im clearly kidding about this but tell me the difference between this and Delly diving on a lose ball against Horver.

Read many articles today. There are some good articles and there are some outlandish articles. The one that tops the cake was Foss article suggesting that he is dirty and that these 3 incidents are only ones caught on camera -

I was surprised by one thing in what I read, JR Smith siding with the "The play was dirty".

I wonder what the 90s Detroit Pistons think of this commentary and imagine if it was around in their day

Reply #529997 | Report this post

Years ago

Snap knackers bag. Must have been writing this at the same time

Reply #529998 | Report this post

Years ago

Delly is awesome.

And no one cares about Lebron destroying a Hawks team that is basically rubbish. This is a coronation march for the Warriors and it might be worth watching Lebron battle them, but Delly is easily the best part of the East finals.

Reply #530002 | Report this post

Years ago

Have to agree. Hawks are crap. They were crap with Korver and they are even crappier without. There is no fight to be seen coming from the Hawks. They will go down tomorrow without much hassle I am very certain.

But hey, they will feel justified in blaming their losses on the "dirtiness" of Dellavedova. Hustling for the ball and diving for the ball - things coaches applaud - are now dirty tactics. Before trying to get an errand ball, you must now wait for a written invitation from the coach of the opposing team apparently.

Reply #530013 | Report this post

Years ago

Hes basically the Damian martin of the NBA, many guys call him a dirty player?

Reply #530060 | Report this post

Years ago

People called Rodman dirty in the 80s and 90s.. He would be thrown out of the league if he received the type of media scrutiny today's NBA receives. So would the entire Pistons back-to-back champion team of 89 and 90.

He won 5 championships because he brought hussle at all costs.

Some of these media personalities are absolute morons. If hussle is not allowed in the NBA any more because of their precious little "brotherhood" I will boycott the NBA altogether.

Freakin nancy boys.

Reply #530061 | Report this post

Years ago

@vert4life I will agree that Delly is kind of like the Damo Martin of the NBA, but not the dirty bit, more the hustle and inspiration he brings, just like Martin does IMHO...

Reply #530088 | Report this post

Years ago

You'd think the cavs will keep him around at least with another 2 years - I don't see many teams chasing him
Prob should get at least 2 -3mil after the recent performances
Similar to what patty mills got after last years finals


Reply #530182 | Report this post

Years ago

Contracted next year for $1.1m already. Needs to play this well again next season and not just in the playoffs to earn some big dollars. Season averages of what, 5 points 2 assists isn't gonna earn you millions

Reply #530183 | Report this post

Years ago

Can't argue with 20,000 delly chanting cavs fans!

Reply #530198 | Report this post

Years ago

Love the comment above stating no one cares about lebron destroying a rubbish Hawks team yet people are raving on about Dellys 7/3/2 against the same rubbish Hawks team?

Reply #530211 | Report this post

Ranger Nation  
Years ago

I am a converted Delly believer!

Reply #531214 | Report this post

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