Years ago
Rangers lose jayco
Very bad for women's basketball!!! Hearing a lot of dislike for CEO was the reason
Years ago
Very bad for women's basketball!!! Hearing a lot of dislike for CEO was the reason
Years ago
Years ago
I've heard the same. Surely heads roll losing a 15 year major sponsor
slightly awkward that their facebook url is jaycorangers
Well they will find it hard retaining Lizzie or penny without the Jayco $ that's for sure
This will have a flow through effect to the seabl men too as they get the big budget for seabl as their is no NBL for dandenong , that comes from the club but if the club now has to prop up the wnbl then less will be available for the seabl men.
Don't think you can blame CEO for this though yes he sacked Wright who was the draw card for Jayco but he was dammed if he did and dammed if he didn't. And loosing major TV exposure on the ABC (a channel most grey nomads who buy caravans regularly watch )certainly didn't help.
Anderson has a big job ahead with a very low budget team
Years ago
Just because ABC does not run stupid soap TV , AFL and reality shows does not mean it's not a major channel, it's one of the four free to air channels and has been around longer than any other , so yes Major.
Years ago
Finally Dandenong will come back to the pack in terms of available $$ to buy players. That's what Melbourne have to do every year and still manage to be competitive. Let's see how good a coach Larissa is when she doesn't have a high priced roster.
Years ago
Maybe she doesn't want the job anymore!
Only coaches good teams.
Years ago
She manages just fine in SEABL with NO imports or high ranked p,ayers, because players actually WANT to play for her, so maybe she will be just fine
Well the pro's is a little different as players want to be developed as well as win games. Pressure comes quick and fast if teams lose. Good luck to her and the Rangers
CEO is trying to get rid of president with secret meetings over this
Dandy Ranger
Years ago
I think Anderson will do very well. Fantastic coach who gets the players behind her vision. I'm excited to see the rangers play for the love of the game and team and actually seeing a full rooster play instead of only the starting 5. Bring on the 15/16 championship.
She hasn't used her bench or young girls in seabl in the past why start in wnbl?
I wish people would leave Larissa out of this. Some of what's being said is disgusting. AND I bet most of these opinions are formed by people who don't go to games, or sit right up the back thinking they're Phil mothertrucking Jackson!
I think Larissa will do just fine. She's a wonderful lady in ability, knowledge and character. One of the nicest people I have ever met through basketball. That translates to her players. They all respect her as a coach and want to play for her. Sure, she can get fired up but she at least puts plays down not like someone else we know who just yelled and gave nothing.
Money or no money, there'll be a lot of former Dandy players watching and waiting and also a lot of young girls wanting some help with their game. Now the Rangers aren't a Miami Heat type team they'll go there.
The Melbourne Boomers are still the best team in Melbourne and maybe even the whole league when it comes to developing players but I'm sure there's plenty of other gems out there waiting for Larissa's help.
So instead of being an ass towards her why don't you go up and ask her some questions. I bet she'll give you all the time you want if you aren't an ass.
Maybe look at others in management positions for letting the dollars slip away.. Pretty sure that's their job and not the coaches!
Years ago
Agreed that we need to keep Larissa out of this discussion. Good coach.
Ironic that Jayco overlooked the existing CEO and two others to appoint DG and have now run away BECAUSE of DG.
I'm laughing so hard I might just hurt myself.
A caravan salesman employs a shabby used-car salesman, and then wonders why everything has turned to crap...
On the flip side, the pending departure of DG will only be a good thing for that program, with DP and LC able to get on with their jobs.
Jayco have nothing to do with who gets hired at dnong. They liked old CEO just can't stand DG.
Years ago
Befriending players doesn't make u a good coach in the pro's will only get u so far
Years ago
Just maybe Jayco knew about the Boxing Bookings and thought it entirely incompatible to have their signage around a stadium next to potential signage associated with Boxing and whatever else will be drawn to play at this facility as a result.
Jayco target audience through basketball is families. Boxing has a lower % target audience for families than basketball the biggest junior participation sport in Victoria.
To the Dandenong facility managers - As Julia Roberts said in Pretty Woman
'Mistake.... Big Mistake !'
You risk families not being comfortable at the facility if it becomes a regular sight as was on the night. I would be removing my family to another club if my club decided to allow boxing and alike be a fixture they may be exposed to.
Rangers lost pat of the sponsorship due to Mark's sacking but he thought it was coming so he had no issue with that. Jayco withdrew fully as they told Mark's daughter in law Kath Macloud they didn't want her anymore.
Young family she now needs to go interstate to play was the full reason. Not a way to treat a superstar of the league and no proper meeting told flat out she wasn't wanted.
That's harsh if true, but then Larrissa would want her choice of guards and that will be her seabl girls no doubt.
Kath would not be happy playing behind them I would imagine.
That makes no sense to me at all.
Firstly Kath is a great player. She would start for just about any team in the league.
Let's be real here. She is part of the Wright family. She is married to one after all! So of course she and her husband are going to leave the club in solidarity once they fire her father in law. It's as simple as that.
Jayco leaving is going to shake the club up from its very foundations but in the end I think it is better to have a club that is run in a fair and impartial way rather than being run by cronies and at the total mercy of the people with the money and their own personal agendas.
Years ago
Jayco leaving the Canterbury Bulldogs NRL team as well.
Years ago
Yep another sport that has a tremendous sub culture for kids. Great job Jayco.
Years ago
No surprises here! Hardly call her a superstar of the league... Good player yes. That's professional sport, no ones going to get a job just cause they have a baby and live in the state, honestly smarten up!
This wreaks of nepotism at its finest, nothing ceases to amaze me when the Wrights are involved. The world revolves around them right? The club moved in a different direction after a bucket load of money was spent and a bucket load of players came in and out the doors... So what does Mark do? Try and take the whole club down on his way out. Never grateful and always spiteful. He is a disgrace and Kathleen selfish. Remember he walked out on them years ago... Yet he got another chance. Short memories.
Thought Kathleen made it clear she didn't want to play if Mark wasn't the coach, but hey let's not let the truth get in the way of a good story! As if the relationship is tenable now that she was marks biggest supporter and they are annoyed he is not the coach. The new coach would be insane to keep her no matter who it is.
I'm sure Larissa has her flaws, but no one is in a position to judge til she has at least coach a game at WNBL level surely. It's not like the exiting coach was any good! I assume the haters on here (probably very close to the Wrights) should now find something better to do than bash a club that gave them whatever they wanted for 5 years!
A coach needs to select a team independent of any sponsor relationships.
Look I am not a Wright nor do I support the Rangers. I am
A Melbourne Boomers supporter so to speak. But this is on good authority that Kath would Have
Returned the club she we don't want you. As a result the strength and conditioning coach who I know won't be assisting them this season. This man has done it for all teams Tigers, Magic, Dragons, Rangers etc
I think it's a bit harsh to have a crack at Jayco for ceasing sponsorship of WNBL and NRL teams, sponsorship is money straight out of the back pocket of the company and is not forever. I have provided sponsorship in the past over various sports (certainly no where near the level of Jayco), and ceased for various reasons, one of which was the economy at the time.
It's their money, and if they choose to go a different direction, then that's their choice, just as a player can leave a club or the club can choose not to reappoint a coach.
I think the money Jayco has put in to sport should be applauded over the time they have done so rather than slag them off because they choose for whatever reason to cease. Having pulled out myself (on a significantly smaller scale) and being slagged off for it does not leave a nice taste in your mouth.
Years ago
Mark Wright enjoyed the support of Jayco, and had the largest budget in the league. For the $$$ at his disposal, he did not deliver.
Looking at Larissa's record, she has a 3 peat at SEABL. How many coaches can claim a 3 peat at professional or semi professional level?
To poster 526171 above re the use of bench players. At the top level, it is results driven, not like in juniors where court time is also important. In all leagues, 8,9,10 players only see court time in "junk time." To get a 3 peat there must have been many things managed correctly, including game time for bench players.
Players that dictate they will only play if "X" is the coach, clearly do not put the club and other players ahead of themselves. It is a selfish attitude.
Mark picked his teams , and failed. It is now Larissa's responsibility to pick a team that fits her game plan and will bring the club the same success at WNBL that she achieved at SEABL.
Well that should shut all the neigh Sayers up lol
hahaha what are you haters going to pick on now lol
I love the photo in the media release, does DG realise that handshake will be his final one with Mr Jayco.
Savour the moment you oxygen thief and thank your lucky starts the great caravan man looked past your incompetence and arrogance.
Years ago
I agree 100% that sponsors have the right to withdraw sponsorship at any time, and for any reason. It is after all their money.
I do not however believe sponsors should have an influence on who is coaching the club. That is a job for "the wise men" of the club. Coaches should be appointed based on their coaching record, and judged by what they achieve on the court. (they should be given time to implement their ideas before they are judged)
I posted 6382. Whilst I agree with 498 above, if I am sponsoring something and don't like the direction they are headed, then I would be very uncomfortable about giving my own money straight out of the bottom line to something I don't believe it. And I wouldn't.
I know Jayco have signed up again, but from a broader perspective, this applies to all sponsors. It's their money, if they don't like the way you are doing things, then they have the right to pull out, as I said in the previous post, just like players, coaches and administrators also have the same right.
You are correct that it is the role of 'the wise men' as you put it to make decisions, but people who don't agree with it can vote with their feet.
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