Years ago
in what order would you replace Adelaide stadiums?
with Norwood's new Campbelltown stadium about to be the rolls royce of Adelaide stadiums (4-5 ? courts, air cond etc) (and good on them for working hard to get it).
I wish to raise the hypothetical of what stadiums that are left would you replace and in what order and why ?
1) Marion - South is the largest club and needs a 4 court stadium - some of their teams must rarely get a "home" game.
2) Hillcrest - same era as Marion stadium falls into number 2 because North is a slightly smaller club number wise and hence less stake holder involvement / useage.
3) Port - A converted ? factory (I stand corrected there if anyone knows)- at least a 3 court venue - about the right size for West- could be a lot better ergonomically for basketball.
4) St Clair - great spot - just needs a big refit and can the real st clair stand up - is it a 2 or 3 court stadium for district ? if 3 it needs to expand. Right size for Woodville don't know if they get usage clashes with Western magic though.
starplex, morphett vale, pasadena, wayville all fine - maybe a 4th court for wayville would be good.
What will become of MARS ? will we still see games there ? it is quite an ok stadium.
Court 2 Adelaide Hills is a bit small and a lot of lines IMO - but the main court is fine.
Should the school association be persued more for better courts ? i.e. like Eltham - there are some mighty fine school courts with air cond out there.... i can think of 5 schools with awesome gyms out there.