Years ago
NBA father-son game: Currys vs Rivers
Interesting article, who would you take. Or would the Jordans take it out?
Who would win the Aussie title?
And should they add it to the all star week
Steph Curry has taken "my dad could beat your dad" to an entirely new level.
In an interview on “Jim Rome on SHOWTIME,” Curry said that he and his dad - former NBA sharpshooter Dell Curry – could beat Clippers coach Doc Rivers and his son Austin in a game of 2-on-2.
“We would get the ball first, 'cause usually when you play one-on-one you shoot for ball, so I think we’re better shooters,” Curry says. “And then we wouldn’t miss.”
Curry’s wise to bet on his father, especially in what would surely be a shooting match between his father and Rivers. Doc Rivers was a career 32.8% three-point shooter. Dell Curry, meanwhile, shot 40% from three for his career. But even if we were to consider the father match-up a wash, given their age, this still wouldn’t be a contest. Steph Curry has been one of the best players in the league this year, and is likely the MVP. He’s hit shots that border on – no, go well beyond the impossible. Austin Rivers, meanwhile...well.
The Rivers family would likely be an easy win for the Currys. There are a few other father-son duos who could give them a bit more of a challenge: Andrew and Mitchell Wiggins; Jabari and Sunny Parker; the Tim Hardaways, maybe even the Mike Dunleavys. OK, probably not the Mike Dunleavys.